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Thursday, September 20, 2012

UFO Sighting in Zebulon, Georgia on September 7th 2012 - Multi colored light blinking and hovering.

At around 5AM, I walked out my back door onto the porch to check for deer in the field. I looked up at the stars as I usually do and observed a sphere of light, resembling a star in relative size, but which constantly and rapidly changed colors from red to blue to white, in no discernible pattern. I watched the object for approximately 30 minutes. At that point I came back inside with the "star" still in its place, more or less. It seemed to move but not go anywhere, if that makes sense. At that point I returned to the house, as I had seen these lights before, sometimes in greater numbers. I am still unsure as to what these lights are. I tried to take video of it, but as I only have a digital camera it just came out as a flickering pinpoint of light and does not do justice to what I saw. I came here hoping someone could give me a possible explanation to this phenomenon, whether it be mundane or not.

View the original article here