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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

UFO Sighting in Woodstock, Illinois on August 11th 2012 - Two bright flashes witnessed from Woodstock, IL.

My girlfriend and I were star gazing tonight and besides seeing more than 20 shooting stars, we also witnessed two bright flashes of light about 15-20 minutes apart in the NNW sky. Above the Big Dipper there is a set of 3 stars that look like an arrow that points to the middle star in the Big Dippers handle. In the middle of this triangle, we witnessed 1 bright flash at first that was much larger than the stars around it. From our view, it was about the size of the flashbulbs you can see when watching the crowd in a sporting event on TV. (Don't know how else to explain it.) It was perfectly round and there were no rays coming from it. It lit up and went away like the flash of a camera. About 15 to 20 minutes later we witnessed a second light exactly like the first in the same location in the triangle. Immediately after the second flash we noticed another object moving further away and disappearing in the same triangle. This object looked similar to a satalite and may be unrelated.

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