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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Animal Mutilations: Whodunit?

For the better part of going on towards five decades worth, there's been a ongoing and gruesome phenomena seemingly clustered around the American mid-western regions (though Charles Fort collected similar cases from England in the 19th and early 20th Centuries) that involves what has been described as the mutilation of large herbivore wildlife such as bison, but more usually domesticated livestock like cattle, sheep and horses. Mutilation is not usually a word associated with natural processes like predation, rather deliberate acts for purposes other than taking down an animal as a natural food source. We'll return to that unnatural bit later on down the track.

These unfortunate victims usually have selected and nearly consistent bits and pieces of their body removed with near surgical precision. Most of the carcass is left behind, though the body is usually devoid of blood.

Firstly, from the outset, there's no denying the reality of the phenomena - ghosts and UFOs come and go like will-o'-the-wisps, but animal mutilations, like crop circles, stick around and are available for ongoing scrutiny and analysis, and both have some other common threads like clustering in geographical areas (crop circles tend to be associated with and clustered in SW England. Both are ongoing and both now number in the hundreds to thousands of individual cases. Further, there have been several (two) independent Federal inquiries into the phenomena, one by the FBI (1979), the other by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (AFT). Both studies produced conclusions that anomalies existed in some mutilation cases and that further studies were warranted. There have also been various State-level investigations as well as Senate hearings.

The most obvious answer to the mutilation mystery is that all can be attributed to natural predators doing their thing. In fact professional veterinarians usually associated with university schools of veterinary medicine or science proclaim from their ivory towers that these are indeed the results of natural predation by known carnivores, all by studying the photographic evidence - god forbid they'd actually do any on-site fieldwork. However, they do admit that not all of the hundreds to thousands of mutilation cases fall into such neat little piles. All agree by now that all cases cannot be easily explained by wild cats like mountain lions and bobcats or those from the canine side of things like wolves and coyotes, and similar predators such as foxes and wild dogs.

An obvious problem with the natural predation theory is the appearance of the phenomena in the mid-1960s (apart from still relatively recent England noted above). Prey and predators existed way before that as well as humans to report the cases.

In contrast, the man-on-the-land, the farmers, rangers, hunters, wildlife field biologists and vets who work for government departments and other outdoors types who are quite familiar with viewing and inspecting your run of the mill animal predation tend to take a more opposite view - there's nothing natural about these sorts of animal predations and the state the remains of the carcass are found in. This might appear to be a typical academic skeptic vs. eyewitness (I know what I saw) disagreements were it not for a few other unusual features.

Firstly, you'd expect to see signs of a predator-prey struggle - the ground should have been scuffed up a bit; the vegetation slightly disturbed. That's not what you find. You'd expect in many cases to observe the tracks of the predatory animal(s). You don't tend to find tracks. Often there are not even tracks of the victim in the immediate vicinity as if the animal were dumped from above at the spot. Thirdly, if natural, you wouldn't expect the ground/soil and surrounding vegetation in the immediate area of the kill to show any long-term lasting effects. Often the kill site can be identified way down the track by unusual changes in the condition of the soil and vegetation, usually for the worse.

Further, natural predators tend to avoid or shy away from the mutilated carcass even though it's an apparently easy meal. Ditto other livestock avoid the area as well. It's like a no-go zone. Some post-mortem biochemical studies suggest that the victim in question was tranquilized prior to the mutilation. One of the anomalies often reported via laboratory studies of the carcass are unusual alterations in the amounts of vitamins, minerals and other associated biochemical compounds. The findings of tranquilizers and/or anomalies in the standard biochemistry of the victim, points more to a human or an otherworldly culprit. What about the human animal?

Because the nature of the wounds often having the nature or hallmarks suggestive of surgery; well there's another predator that needs to be considered, the human predator. Well that doesn't really appear to wash either - again, no human footprints in the area prior to discovery; no tire tracks (and most of the kill sites are off the beaten track - a long walk to get to them). Further, to the best of my knowledge, no human(s) have ever been observed in the act, far less caught, tried and convicted. Further, no human(s) or cults (Satanic or otherwise) have claimed responsibility. In gun-toting America, especially rural America where rifles and shotguns probably outnumber their human owners, any other humans with animal mutilation on their depraved minds are really risking their hides - farmers seeing their livestock (and livelihoods) butchered are liable to shoot first and ask questions later!

Further still, the nature of the incisions hasn't been duplicated in the laboratory by lasers (an obvious human tool if humans were responsible) since there's no signs of heat or cooking on the carcass incisions. Laboratory tests show that the time and effort to do the high precision cutting job using sharp steel implements is quite considerable. Hides are tough, unlike human skin. Further, no evidence beyond reasonable doubt (say by the FBI or the AFT) of any human or cultist activity was ever uncovered by any official investigation

Of course there have been claims that the American government is actually responsible via clandestine or covert research into possible cattle-human transmitted diseases like 'mad cow disease' and scrapie, research via the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) with covering support from the armed forces via 'black helicopters'. However, on balance, you'd think such work in the public interest wouldn't have to be done undercover! Surely the American powers-that-be can buy livestock at random for testing; ditto hunt other wildlife for routine and ongoing testing in the open. Some conspiracy scenarios make sense - this one doesn't.

You can't really pin this on some sort of unknown, undiscovered predator like the Chupacabra - an animal that would be in the providence of cryptozoologists since there have been no sightings of such potential critters in the area with the necessary 'tools' (teeth and jaws), and anyway no tracks, known animal or unknown animal.

Since the phenomena exists and requires explanation and resolution, perhaps that leaves the otherworldly. Are aliens in UFOs responsible? While there have, on occasion been reports of unusual aerial objects in the relevant vicinity prior to mutilations, it would seem on the surface to be relatively absurd. Why would aliens want bits and pieces and the blood of large herbivores?

Alien beings will, by definition, have alien minds, an alien psychology and alien motives - alien relative to us of course.

There is however an obvious parallel with alien UFO abductions. Humans who claim to have been abducted by the 'Greys' also claim to have had tissue samples taken from them - biopsies - and often have the unexplained scares to 'prove' it, though to the skeptics that hardly constitutes real evidence, far less proof. Still, it's another dot point suggesting that aliens, for whatever reason, just take tissue samples to monitor - what? Well, who knows? At least the humans aren't sacrificed on the alien's altar.

Needless to say humans (biologists, vets, nurses, medical doctors & researchers) do tissue sample work all the time and sometimes it's necessary to kill the subject under the knife first.

Ultimately, to date, the only reasonable conclusion that can be reached is that there is no 'smoking gun' proof yet to identify beyond question whodunit, if indeed there is just a single whodunit.

Science librarian; retired.

The Emergence of a New Reality

We are on a mission on Earth.

That is what the Pleiadians and some other aliens of gods of ancient times have told us over years.  We humans, as multi dimensional beings, decided to come to earth to learn and develop and to bring about change that injects a new way of living in our consumerist culture  and is somehow  related to 2012. New patterns of thought are being created, every thought and action counts to creating the global community. New ways of consciousness, recognizing a bigger inner self that is multidimensional,able to expand over many dimensions and universes.

Is this really happening? Is the global consciousness changing to a new beginning without frontiers? Are we becoming a global community without boundaries? The financial  collapses, the bankruptcy of  the big automanufacturers, the loss of homes and jobs; it is all "designed" to bring us together through the commonalities of suffering so that we can feel like the "other ones". We were not able to feel the sensation of being one with all there from within so it is brought to our reality form the outside. Earth is taking matters into her hands.

We see people going from riches to rags in weeks, people taking their lives because they cannot cope with the implications, desperate people without a job hit the streets and live in homeless communities. Together, sharing what they have. Something is changing and changing big.

Our home is changing and we are at risk of losing it and be thrown into extinction. Earth is protesting like a boy that has been bullied for too long and cannot take it any longer. She shrugs and we have to listen. Global warming, glaciers melting, species leaving. It is change from every place, cornering us face to face to each other forcing us to find solutions together.

One of the things that is to "commune" with each other and will continue to do so is the alien presence. We have already seen how people have united to ask and request alien disclosure from their governments. Several governments have started to produce declassified documents about UFOs.  People from all ranks and social stature have come forward in the last 10 or more  years with their stories of alien contact, abductions and sightings. Even presidential candidates and ex-presidents have said they have seen a UFO. Some high ranking members of foreign countries and our own astronauts have acknowledged  the alien presence. 

What is this movement? We are expanding our contract of reality to be inclusive of  other forms of life that we would not have accepted in the past. There is a new culture emerging and those that do not  see the new reality will be let in the periphery, will not be part of the new world.

Talking to abductees and lost time encounter people you find similar threads that seem to run along the stories.We know that abductions and lost time events tend to occur in family lines. You will often find that several members of one family have experienced unknown events, from children to elders.  Generations of us have been subjected to alien contact who sometimes are experienced as strange phenomena and weird dreams depicting "beings"  from outer space.  A family I know has had experiences with the paranormal or many years. They trace the paranormal events to their grandfather and his immediate family and who knows how far that goes. Prior family history may have been lost by ceasing to tell the stories because many would not believe them.

What are they looking for? This family trend probably indicates a physical connection that could  be traced in an interest in our DNA and how it has been developing. We could ask ourselves if they have been inoculating new factors and/or eliminating some into our DNA for some reason.  We can see how much this mimics what we do with animals to study health problems  and genetic diseases.

Let us see what these reasons could be.

- Intercepting band genes

- replacing those genes with better ones

- eliminating some diseases

- introducing new diseases

- introducing genetic changes to make us either resilient to conditions or more sensible to them. As our climate changes, we need new body qualities.

- purifying the family DNA, in that way,they take the best from each generation and  transfer that to their people

- investigate the causes of some unknown disease in the future (assuming they are here to avoid our extinction)

- provoke that extinction (we are too many)  so they can inherit earth. A case of induced mass destruction without conventional weapons

- create new humans or hybrids to populate other planet(s) if we become extinct.

These are a few questions of a new reality that has been surfacing for the last sixty years. If we are here to learn, what is the major them of this learning?  As the aliens  become more visible, they expand our ideas  about us, the universe, or fellow humans.  Concepts like "god" , "family", "friends", "home" , "beauty" are all changing at this very moment  to expand our vocabulary  commensurate with our sense of identity in an expanded world.


Do Extraterrestrials Really Fly Our Skies

Please note that this article is not a blog entry or a blogpost or journal entry that does not contain informative content beyond a personal story or experience and it is not correspondence to a blog comment or email that I have received.

I think that when we see headlines saying "Abducted by Aliens" and regular stories telling of all sorts of reputable people having seen UFO's in the sky, we really begin to wonder about the sanity of some of them. However, not to be completely put off by what many may consider to be the ramblings of attention seekers, I certainly have my own opinions on the subject but there was this one guy I spent some time with recently, and I was quick to find out that even with his PhD and a couple of other degrees, he was anything but a geek or for that matter a cynic. Over one or two pints of cool Rickard's Red, he told me that he had been studying the so called phenomenon of UFO's for many years. With me being neither a believer nor disbeliever, he went on to tell me that his research was now providing him with factual evidence that these aptly named UFO's do in fact exist, but they were not extraterrestrial in nature! Well, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and I certainly have my own here.

Initially, once he realized he had caught my interest, he started telling me some of the many stories of people claiming how Aliens had abducted them and why, in his opinion they had actually been abducted and taken into a strange craft. He emphasized that in his opinion it was most certainly not by Aliens. He went on to tell me of one particular abduction case he had follow up in detail with the claimant, and even to his surprise, his findings were not only astonishing but almost conclusive in their results. To be truthful, I was beginning to wonder slightly. He did seem genuine and authentic to me, but I have heard so many stories on the subject of UFO's that I had already formed an opinion that it was all comic book material. However, from this story he continued with yet another. This one was about a young Woman who also claimed to have been abducted for almost a full week. Again, he had studied the case at close hand and had interviewed the woman over five visits, with carefully planned and detailed questions. He confirmed to me that the answers he recorded only served to convince him more of what was really happening with regard to many UFO sightings and why he was now so close to publishing factual proof of their non-extraterrestrial existence. I thought that his factual proof might not necessarily be representative of fact to myself.

Obviously by the end of my second pint, and this continual and highly detailed one-sided conversation pounding me endlessly, I was beginning to wonder if perhaps I was the one about to be abducted by a potential madman. I decided to buy one last round for us and hear the rest of his story and now you my dear reader, will know that my writing of this article is the proof that I stayed there much longer than initially planned, and that I did hear the rest of his amazing story and more. By now I had reached an opinion that this guy was really serious about what he was telling me and he obviously had strong beliefs in the evidence he had researched too. I watched him with his eyebrows slightly raised and a penetrating look back across the table at me, the guy continued to tell me how he could now prove in at least two alleged abduction cases, the people abducted had actually been taken into a strange craft, and then flown at seemingly very high speed into the darkness of space and back again. However, the story became even more interesting when I was informed that the craft they were taken in, actually originated here on Earth and was being flown by humans and not Aliens.

This is where things became complicated for me. He then tells me that these strange craft do come from Earth, but not from Earth, as we know it. More confusing explanation was thrown in amidst my interjected questions and then the surprise came. He now started speaking slowly and distinctly as he explained that his evidence pointed towards the year 2140 and to the North American continent in particular. The results gained from all his interviews had shown him that people living in the year 2140, in particular people from what he called the Federated Government, had managed to create a form of what we would call time travel, but only time travel to the past he was quick to add. He explained that similar to our present day University system, the Federated Government in the year 2140 were taking what we would call Students back in time to our present day, I suppose on a field trip of sorts. They were coming back in time to study human life in different time periods, and this is why the strange 'UFO's' have been seen in skies all over our World throughout history and even back in biblical times. Details were given of how they could simply abduct people, take them away for days on end and then return them to what seemed like maybe one hour after they had been abducted. He also explained how the UFO's appeared to move so strangely in the sky, shifting their positions dramatically and appearing to travel across the whole sky in a matter of seconds. Rest assured, now I was really listening intently.

Amidst much of the proof he was detailing to me, he told me how these two particular people interviewed in depth by him had provided very specific details of where they had been taken in the craft. Also how his studies had provided him with proof that these geographic locations were real and did actually exist, here on Earth today. The buildings described were totally different but the topography and landscapes described gave sufficient detail to make them locatable today. He had visited both of the described locations personally, taking measurements and photographs to provide comparison to what his interviewees had described. Now wondering if the Rickard's Red had taken over my head, I questioned him about how people had described their supposed Alien abductors as having long thin arms and large black almond shaped eyes. To which I was quickly interrupted and told that these "Visitors" as he preferred to call them, all dress in a type of uniform highly reflective all in one suit, complete with facial and head cover with black visor eye shapes. This is why they look like Aliens to people who have been slightly disorientated by the application of a nasal sprayed drug. He even explained that these visitors appeared to have long arms because in the years up towards 2140, natural evolution had in fact made people shorter in height with slightly longer arms and as there was no obesity in the future, everyone would naturally look thin. Boy, this guy was sure convincing and certainly highly intelligent too. He went on to give more examples of the mysterious UFO's and the sightings that had been catalogued in previous years.

His descriptions and explanations were both vivid and intriguing, making me wonder just how much of his personal time this guy was spending on these studies. The explained why the visitors could only travel back in time and the relevance of matter and anti matter. How their technology depended on the bending of light and how it used Earth's natural gravity and the magnetic field as an endless resource in part of the propulsion system. Captain James T Kirk had nothing on these guys, who regularly seemed to appear in our skies without any advanced warning from our Earth bound radar scanners. In summary of our lengthy and detailed discussion on the aspects of UFO sightings, I can say that convincing he was. Convinced I was not. In reality, if what this guy was telling me turned out to be true, then it would certainly give a wholesome one off explanation to cover and satisfy almost ever sighting and encounter ever recorded on file.

The proof? Well, I suppose it's out there somewhere or maybe it's already here. Perhaps known only to certain government officials. It could even be that the infamous Area 51 really does have something to do with it all as it is a popular location for UFO sightings. The conversation that evening certainly inspired me in some ways and as such, I am now writing a book, which I have based on the subject. I am calling it 'The Clouds Of Time'. As for us Earth bound people of the present day, my opinion is that the real truth is certainly out there somewhere, and for us to discover it with conclusive proof, it looks like it will be just a matter of time! From the lengthy and detailed conversation that evening, I have to admit that my personal opinions of the subject of extraterrestrials tended to vary somewhat from their original status. I have since researched numerous sightings and even abductions on the internet and after endless note taking, making comparisons and drawing conclusions, I really am no further forward. Suffice to say, if my anonymous friend turns out to be correct is his assumptions, then it is likely to be years before anyone can provide conclusive proof. One thing's for sure; People still continue to report seeing strange things flying in our sky's at night and sometimes, even during the day. Are they flown by extraterrestrials? Who really knows for sure, expect perhaps the ones flying them? Until conclusive proof is established, we shall all have to continue to wait and wonder, or be lucky enough to be on of the future abductions and find out first hand.

Bob Littlejohn MBA BSc

In Case of Contact

It is accepted almost as a corollary that several persons of the same family experience visitations; it is rarely just one person in the house. In the case of my nephew's encounter, suppose the target were both him and his smaller brother. All data point to the fact that they start visiting people while we they are very young, the problem been, most of them do not recall these visits and abductions.

Of the many things contactees can do, the least has been reacting in a more orderly manner to these sightings. Specially if they are floating, are small and fluoresce! There should be a protocol to make first contact. Please someone, write it! I propose that such protocol be written by people with experience like real UFO and alien abduction investigators and a pool of abductees with interest in a non controversial contact. A smoother process should be in place. A method of communication that we want to use and which is not alarming to them and preserves human safety -- in case of danger and as much as we can control it from our side-- should be devised.

On the personal level, I propose people start first imagining been in close proximity of the animal or thing that could be the most threatening to them and reacting without fear. If in Florida, that could be an alligator; If in California, that would be a mountain lion or a bear. We all know that advisories have been issued for these probable events by authorities and animal experts in order to preserve human safety. We should be prepared for an alien encounter as well. Apply that imagined experience to an alien contact, imagine it. Who knows when we will need it?

If I were an alien, given their experience with us, I would expect humans to scream, run, attack and finally flee the area. That is their safety comfort zone, the expectancy that we will fear them. If we are not armed, they know by now that we fear them. Fear is our enemy and in my opinion we should stay put. Abrupt movements should be minimized. They apparently communicate by telepathy. Why not try sending messages "telepathically"?

Of course, we don't communicate at that level; but on the other hand, since they communicate telepathically with abductees, they must be able to receive our broadcasts with clarity although we don't hear our own. Not knowing our language does not poses a problem to them since they have communicated with people of all countries in the world. Contactees hear a voice in their minds, or receive images that convey a message. Not long ago I read about an abduction case where the person was sent several images of world destruction. That IS their language, forget asking vocally. They communicate with images and telepathic waves.

With this personal family experience shows us is that we are not save in our homes, so we better attempt to learn to navigate through such situation in a more rational manner, or at least with a plan. The worst we can do is have no plan. The second happens when the plan does not work., but I haven't thought about that yet. I am working on it.

They can activate our telepathic abilities at will since many abductees report a "conversation" with them. So, it is possible that we can send and receive images and thoughts when in their presence. That is a good start. Our brain is capable of transmitting thoughts that can be heard by them; isn't this a great discovery? Why is it that we are not trying to develop this capability consciously in laboratories, home based trainings, etc... if we know it works? The consistent rejection of the fact that we do communicate with aliens in this way is throwing us back in technology hat could be in use right now.

I envision a time when this type of communication can be achieved through technology instead of developing our brain if that feels like to slow or impossible at this time, given the general reluctance to look into what is considered paranormal as "unknown normals". It is in our best interest that we learn this, money should be put in this kind of research. It remains for us to try to develop telepathic power -either naturally or though electromagnetic devices. I don't know this can be done and when but this is imperative. We know we do, we just don't know how to activate it and control it. I wish I could say telepathically to my boyfriend; "Hey, take your feet out of the table! In the case of aliens, I would say: "Please leave the premises; I command you."

I don't think we should be afraid. All my research indicates that they fear something from or about us. We are definitely physically more sturdily built than them, so the fear most be physical,because they are obviously mentally more powerful. Note that they paralyze people for abductions or drug them unconscious to do their physical probing thing. They avoid daylight, they run away from our crafts and some of theirs have crashed-leaving some alien victims. They must fear our prominent physique among other things and our guns -and the effects of gravity can definitely hurt them. We are not faster than them with our planes, but when in close contact I think we have the advantage.

This is a proposal in process, an attempt to step into the future for the moment we don't want to accept now when we will be in front of alien, completely at his mercy, unable to move and communicate.


The Vision of First Contact Vs The Fear of Alien Invasion

Have extraterrestrials contacted us yet? Have only certain people been contacted, and are these secret contacts?

Obviously they have not contacted the general public yet, or else we'd be hearing all about it on TV and radio, or seeing huge saucers hovering all over our skies.

Is it possible they have contacted certain governments in various nations across the world, that is, a secret contact? Or are these just crazy rumors that we read about in the tabloids, or hear from conspiracy theorists with over-active imaginations? We have heard and read that there have been numerous alien abductions, countless UFO sightings, even extraterrestrial telepathic communications with individuals, or even aliens visiting certain individuals physically, and other such rumors. But these are separate contacts that cannot be proven as to their authenticity.

What has been deemed as "First Contact," as suggested in science-fiction novels, movies, and TV shows, is indeed a glorious and grand idea. But will it ever take place upon our world the way we may imagine it? Or instead, will the tragedy of alien invasion actually take place? Ever since H. G. Wells' devastating science-fiction novel, The War of the Worlds, our world-view has changed in regards to alien life, because we must ask whether or not it may be benign or malignant. In 1938, Orson Welles reproduced this devastating story in a horrifying radio broadcast that wreaked havoc to millions of listeners. For a short while radio listeners actually believed the Earth was being invaded by aliens from Mars. It demonstrates just how gullible people can be. This is one of the reasons our government is trying to keep the lid on the UFO phenomenon; they think we're not ready, that we'll go nuts if aliens revealed themselves. But after several decades of exposure via various and sundry ways, I think we've become desensitized and prepared enough. After many years of the public hearing about sightings and abductions, including all the books and magazines and movies and talk shows and so forth regarding ETs, it has become a normal topic in today's society.

Perhaps the notion of alien invasion is more fascinating and captivating in science fiction than a peaceful, benevolent manner of first contact. But in the real world, I know we would prefer the latter. I wonder if the first movie version of The War of the Worlds in 1953 continued our extraterrestrial paranoia, and any other alien invasion movies, especially the two remakes that came out just a few short years ago, and let's not forget Independence Day. That's all we need -- more fear and paranoia. Perhaps the real ETs are simply observing us, yes, we the insane savage humans that live here, too dangerous to confront, who seem to be on an inevitable path of self- annihilation, whether it be through thermonuclear warfare, poisoning our atmosphere and oceans with countless toxins, biochemical methods, the creation and spread of new viruses, and so forth. I doubt these intelligent aliens really want to greet us with open arms. I doubt if they feel we're anywhere close to being ready to join the Galactic Community of Extraterrestrial Worlds (if it exists). I'm sure they're just watching us from afar, because if they get too close, we could infect them with some horrible virus, or we might capture one of them, or start a war with them.

They may even abandon their Galactic Watch program with Earth soon, and perhaps return in several centuries, to see if we've grown up yet.

Or are the ETs here to help us? Can they save us form ourselves? But if they have a Prime Directive (as suggested in the Star Trek TV shows) then they can't tamper with our backwards culture; they can only observe us, whether we advance further and develop global unity and peace, or completely destroy ourselves first.

On the other hand, perhaps they have orders from the Mother ship to blow this hopeless planet to smithereens before we stumble upon warp-drive capability so we can spread our insanity to other worlds.

But give us a few centuries, see if we can get our collective act together first.

Now, if we applied our imagination, what would actual first contact be like? Will they land on the White House lawn, ask some random passerby to "Take us to your leader," and then shake hands with the President? Perhaps they'll ignore the arrogant, greedy politicians and meet the scientists first, the astrophysicists, the astronomers, the biologists, some metaphysicians, etc. Or they might feel drawn to botanists, gardeners, environmentalists, zoologists, oceanographers, or people who are in touch with the Earth. Perhaps they will offer to cure all diseases, create peace between all humans, and deliver us out of a Dark Age we didn't realize we were in. Or, they may perceive dolphins as the superior intelligent life on Earth and contact them instead of us! Who knows!

We don't really know, but we can dream, or write silly science fiction stories about it. But if they open their arms to the welcoming public in friendship, will we return the favor, or will paranoid war-mongers spoil it and attack them for intruding our airspace? Will the paranoid savage humans cause a war with our could-have-been new friends?

For this reason, which they can easily foresee, they may remain hidden.

No, I don't think we're ready yet. I think we have some serious growing up to do.

Copyright 2006 -2009 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:


The Strange Stories of R. R. Stark:


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alien Invasions From Secret Space

I lived a somewhat isolated life through the many years of research on the ancient astronaut of the sixth century, pretty much wholly unaware of what was going on in the outside world with respect to UFOs, alien abductions, and the like. I had deceived myself into thinking that my ancient astronaut theory was unique and well-substantiated, and that it would quickly find some recognition from among the world's intellectuals.

Recently, a couple of Secret Space DVDs enlightened me on the reality of aliens in our contemporary world. The two DVDs came to us via regular mail from a British film director, as payment for granted permissions to make free use of the material on this website for a future project or projects. From those DVDs, I learned that aliens are nothing special, that human history is saturated with alien invasions, hundreds of them, and that such invasions have occurred on every continent and in every epoch of world history. The alien invasions continue to this day. It seems that NASA and the US intelligence agencies are supplying this film director, possibly on a daily basis, with film of alien spaceships invading our planet, and the director quickly turns to display that footage to us.

Beyond the UFO films, it looks like the US government also provided this film director with wide-ranging top-secret reports, detailed reports from the US military on how they used laser beam weapons to shoot down several alien spacecraft, reports from US scientists on how they back-engineered the technology found in the remnants of the downed alien spacecraft, reports from US astronauts in space about spotting alien UFOs all over the place, and a report, evidently dating from the early 1970s, from US astronauts on the Moon about having seen a row of alien spaceships parked along the edge of a crater. It was unclear if the US government also provided the director with the faked pictures of the lunar landing in 1969 or if he got them from another source. In any case, I see nothing wrong with NASA trying to commercialize the historic event by selling fake pictures to cover aspects of the event not filmed directly.

The Secret Space DVDs revealed to me one underlying and undeniable truth: no branch of the US government, its military or intelligence agencies, has ever had any contact with aliens whatsoever, and no branch of the US government is covering up anything. When the US government initiated the alien disinformation campaign decades ago, it was widely believed that contact with aliens was forthcoming and that this could prove harmful. Contact with aliens is no longer believed to be imminent; nonetheless, the US government rigorously continues the disinformation campaign just as a precaution. Of course, contact with civilized aliens could still prove harmful. For example, it could harm the US government's plans to continue the slaughter in Iraq, and it could harm the US government's plans to put nuclear weapons into orbit. Indeed, with the need to come to grips with extraterrestrial life, people are likely to become far less tolerate of human beings killing each other, and we might also witness a surge in war protests from around the world.

I congratulate the US government on their brilliant alien disinformation campaign. Likely, they hired some of the world's top-ranked psychologists to help them on that one. Fifty years of fabricated UFO sightings, false alien abductions, faked cover-ups, and so forth, have discredited the aliens in the public mind, to the point that a real alien, when and if one should ever appear, may be wholly ignored. In fact, this brainwashing of the masses campaign was so successful that if a real alien spacecraft were to come to Earth and then hover directly on top of the White House, they could probably succeed in explaining it away as just a secret experiment for presidential security.

In past times, people were burned at the stake for merely believing in the existence of extraterrestrial life. There seems to be less burning at the stake these days, but other than that, nothing has changed. Then, as now, extraterrestrial intelligence remains the most terrifying obstacle for war-minded humans. Naturally, the US government has taken measures to protect its military activities from all harm.

With alien spaceships now fully discredited, the only real danger for the US government is that an astronomer somewhere or another will pick up a clear, unmistakable signal from aliens in deep space. As a precaution against this devastating possibility, the US government, a long time ago, pressured the world community into agreements whereby, in the event any astronomer picks up an alien signal, that signal would have to undergo prolonged scrutiny by the US intelligence agencies before it could be announced to the world by the United Nations. SETI astronomers be forewarned. The US government does not take kindly to anyone or anything that could upset their war plans, and there can be no guarantee that the United Nations will ever announce your discovery.

By Morten St. George. More information on this theme can be found at the ancient astronaut website: In Search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Life on Other Worlds Vs Only Life on Earth

Does life abundantly exist on other worlds, or does this precious commodity called life only reside on Earth?

The whole universe is so enormous no human being can actually wrap his tiny mind around the concept. If you can conceive of any measurement of uncountable gazillions of light-years across the expanse of this whole universe, or even infinity for that matter, then you must be a god, or at least a pretty smart person.

So, if life - that vibrant sentient slimy thing that oozes about - only thrives on this insignificant third stone from the bright gaseous ball we see in the sky every day, then all of existence is a very sad place. But there are actually people that believe this. Not just atheists, who claim life is a fluke of evolution, but there are certain fundamentalist Christians who think the existence of aliens would put a hole in the plan of salvation by Jesus Christ. This is a greater controversial subject than most people think. Because some people just don't think at all, but those that do think, or think things through, will either decide to be in one camp or the other. There's the No Life Out There At All Camp, then there's the Life Everywhere Camp. It's kind of like Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Should we let the aliens throughout the universe live, or should we abort them all?

If we let them all live, then they can continue to secretly visit us, to spy on us, or eavesdrop on our business so they can report back to the mother ship, explaining that we brainless humans are on a nonsensical path of self-annihilation. To which they'll shrug their shoulders and move on. But if we abort the lot of them, then we'll be all alone in the whole universe.

John Michael Greer is a distinguished authority on UFO activities and research. In his book The UFO Phenomenon, he makes a clear case for life on other worlds. Let's see what he has to say about the matter at hand: "The idea that intelligent beings might inhabit other worlds, in fact, has been in circulation in the Western world for more than two-thousand years. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus of Abdera (c.460-370 BCE) and Epicurus (341-270 BCE) argued that inhabited worlds existed all through an infinite cosmos." He says a little later, "and Etienne Templer, Bishop of Paris, ruled in 1277 that it counted as an article of Christian faith that God could make as many inhabited worlds as he wanted to."

So the possibility of alien life beyond Earth is not a new idea at all. Sadly, just because we believe something is so, doesn't make it so, contrary to the popular belief of certain churches that have millions of followers that might believe certain things, such as life only existing on Earth. They all believe it because their whole church believes it; therefore, it must be true. Even though certain members of the scientific community adhere to their own belief that aliens do exit on other worlds. Will we ever know who is right?

John Michael Greer goes on to say, "It became something close to an article of faith among educated people that so immense a universe could not have been created for the benefit of human beings alone. Though some writers, notably William Whewell (1794-1866), argued against the existence of extraterrestrial life on religious grounds, the consensus of the times stood against them."

Unfortunately, just because this group or that group or certain individuals proclaim a certain stand, doesn't make it true. It's merely an opinion. So we have to look to those who have actually sighted UFOs, or experienced abduction by aliens, or witnessed aliens in one way or the other. Sadly, the government gives such cases no credibility, and even Air Force pilots who have witnesses UFOs are silenced. But these instances give more credence then mere opinions. Although many UFO cases haven't been thoroughly reliable or credible, it's still obvious something extraordinary has been occurring on and around the Earth - or to be specific, something extraterrestrial.

It's true, we have had countless eyewitnesses, but likewise there have been mistaken and misidentified cases, fabricated cases, planted misinformation, hoaxes, tall tales, and essentially numerous undetermined cases. And the government is still endeavoring to keep us in the dark about the truth. The percentage of unreliable and uncertain cases is larger, this is true. The smaller percentage of reliable cases is still there, but the government still declares them as unreliable. But this percentage is still enough to suggest the UFO phenomenon is real.

Stanton Friedman, author of Flying Saucers and Science, puts it this way: "The evidence that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft is overwhelming. In other words, some UFOs are ET spacecraft. Most are not -- I don't care about them."

The UFO debunkers depend on the higher percentages against UFOs, and they presume that the smaller percentage means that there's nothing going on. When we're looking for one single needle in a whole haystack, it only took that one needle to get us looking, not a million of them. Fortunately, there have been several thousands of needles in the haystack, even though millions of them have been false alarms. Not to mention the debunkers are looking in all the wrong places, because they don't want to know the truth. They would rather fabricate evidence and create disinformation for the public, only to confuse everyone and plant doubt in their minds.

We haven't solidly proven that UFOs or ETs exist - not to the whole public, at any rate. The numerous eyewitnesses scattered about the world know the truth, but they're given no credibility by the authorities. They're accused of being frauds in most cases. What we do have is millions of miscellaneous puzzle pieces, and many of them are missing, because they're being suppressed. So the puzzle can't be complete without all the pieces. But they're slowly coming together, and I believe that someday the truth will be obvious and will be shoved in our collective faces. I believe the truth is that life does thrive on countless other worlds besides Earth. The universe would be a very lonely place if this weren't so.

Copyright 2006 -2010 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:


R. R. Stark at the Outer Edge of Reality:

UFO Fakery and Frisbee Hoaxes

Any Joe Blow can take an ordinary Frisbee, spray paint it sliver, hurl it into the air, snap a picture of it, and you got yourself a bona fide UFO! Nowadays you can Photoshop your way into UFO success too. Except most people will frown at your fancy-dancy handiwork. And why, you ask?

Because you can't fake UFO pics in this techno-geek day-and-age without everybody (and their skeptical third cousin twice removed from your butt via surgery) pointing the finger of accusation at you. All you can do is sit on your porch drinking beer late at night and hope to Zeus you get lucky enough to have your very own UFO sighting, and then hope to Odin everybody believes you when you tell them the wonderful news - except they wont. They'll laugh spittingly in your space. Especially if you confess you downed a 12 pack of Corona. Buuurrrp! Which I did last night when I saw the silvery disc zinging by overhead. I failed to bring my digital camera. Drat!

There's the udder end of the spectrum. If your looking for your lost Frisbee at the park you usually toss it around at with your third cousin (who still suffers from the big scar on his head left from surgery where they recently removed him from your butt) and you inadvertently spot it zinging through the air overhead, you might wonder which fools stole it from you - then you realize you just witnessed a Frisbee hoax! It wasn't a real Frisbee at all, not even your missing Frisbee! It was just another idiotic UFO zinging across the sky several thousand feet up, the sunlight glinting off it the way it does off your Frisbee when it zings by. Drat! How diabolical can things get around here? Who cares about those creepy aliens zipping around in their uber-high-tech flying contraptions when your Frisbee is still missing?

Not since the blatant barrage of UFO hoaxes, forgeries, frauds, and fakery, the latest craze of Frisbee fiascos is dumbfoundingly disgruntling humanity as a whole, or sending it down a dark hole. Everyone claims to be witnessing their missing, misplaced, or stolen Frisbees, or other aerodynamically-correct flying toys, only to realize silly UFOs are the real culprits. I'm not saying the alien spacecrafts are responsible for causing the flinging disc toys to disappear, although it is one likely explanation, but when people accidentally see these aeronautical alien craft, or vague unidentifiable flinging objects, flinging about overhead, instead of their missing disc toys, they know they've been irreparably bamboozled, hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and royally duped! They want to know who is responsible!

Hey, folks, I got an idea. I think the aliens are switching gears with their abductions. Instead of kidnapping humans, they're hijacking zipping along Frisbees and doing scientific experiments on them. They're probably reverse-engineering these sophisticated innovative aerodynamic toys because they're giving the aliens ideas on how to improve their own outdated crafts. So we actually got one up on them, eh?

Still, the UFO eyewitnesses may be only seeing flying toy discs, while the Frisbee sighters may be angrily gawking at alien spacecraft, but where the real deception is taking place may be a matter of perspective.

So, where are the real hoaxes? In the UFOs... or the Frisbees?

YOU decide!

Copyright 2006 -2010 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual.

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown can be found at:

Other writings of R. R. Stark can be found at:

Aliens Ate My Motorcycle: : Things to Do in New Mexico When You're UFOing

You could say I've been into the "UFO scene" since my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Madugle read to us kids on a daily basis from Truman Bethurum's "Aboard a Flying Saucer, " a cult classic in the "contactee" literature of the 1950s. It left one of those indelible impressions spinning in my head.

Now here I was, years later, riding my motorcycle from L.A. to Roswell, New Mexico, a vortex of interest for UFO buffs, the place where in early July 1947 a flying saucer allegedly crashed and its occupants recovered, as the story goes. Of mythic proportions, the enigma of Roswell is still a hotbed of controversy half a century later thanks to official obfuscation, as in "cover-up" and the Freedom of Information Act by which researchers have unearthed incriminating documentation.

You could say Roswell is the Plymouth Rock for UFO researchers although most of us Saucerheads are not UFO-nuts. We're your average motorcycle riding, freelance article writing, advanced degree holding traveler who'd rather spend timing delving into paranormal mysteries than the souvenir shops in Disneyland. We've got our own Tomorrowland to explore where the stakes are cosmic and oftimes comic. But that's the nature of the universe, a balance of the wild and wacky, the weak and the strong forces that glue all the quanta together.

As I zipped up my armor-enhanced riding jacket and donned my full-face helmet, I was actually more concerned that the forces holding together my 20-year old German motorcycle would prevail. First gear was popping out and puffs of gray smoke from the left cylinder exhaust meant ring job, but the trusty old BMW R100/7 had gone150, 000 miles so what was a couple thousand more in the face of light years of adventure lurking around the next hairpin curve.

To cut to the chase, let's just chalk up the intervening space between L.A. and my intermediate stop in Santa Fe as a missing time experience, a lot of boring freeway pavement during which one could meld the mindset for the project at hand. Since I had only a short timeframe for this adventure, I took the semi-direct route from L.A. first to Santa Fe, about 860 miles from L.A., then on to Roswell, about 200 miles south. If you want to skip Santa Fe altogether and do the straight 970 miles from L.A., you just get onto the 1-10 East and keep going for 674.90 miles, connect to the US-70E which becomes the US-285 S. A left on the NM-2, another left on NM-2 and you're there. Of course you might want to stop and smell the cactus now and then.

Without any mechanical mishaps or speeding tickets, I and my trusty Beemer arrived in Santa Fe a.k.a. the "City of the Holy Faith." Founded in 1607 and boasting 200 art galleries and five museums the town is a sandstone, pinion tree and cactus clad nexus co-constructed by three cultures: Native Americans who got there first, the Spanish who arrived later and lastly the Anglos who ended up owning the place. My first impression was that Santa Fe was designed by Barney Rubble thanks to the ground hugging houses with their rounded asymmetrical handmolded look. Everything is rendered in the hues of the surrounding desert... breccia browns, gecko grays, tumbleweed tans... a whole city muted to eco-friendly, zero-scape invisibility. What keeps it on the map are supernovae of intense color peaking through the adobe cloaking device. They can be seen in the historic plaza district, specifically the shopping stalls situated under the portico of the Palace of the Governors where the local Indians gather to sell their brilliantly polished silver jewelry and rainbow woven tapestries and clothing. In addition, huge strands of dried red chilies like mummified kelp forests hang everywhere. Santa Fe's shamanistic talismans, they weave a spicy spell since everything you order to eat seems to come with chili salsa.

I felt a grumbling and it wasn't coming from any secret underground U.S. Air Force/Alien installation although one is alleged to exist in the area. I was hungry and something brought me to the massive hand carved wooden doors of the Inn of the Anasazi (113 Washington Ave., 505-988-3030). The Inn's 59 rooms feature gaslit fireplaces, four-poster beds, Indian artwork, even organic toiletries created locally with native cedar extract. Artists, historians and archaeologists host fireside chats in the Inn's living room. Call it a microcosm of the best Sante Fe has to offer under one vigas and latillas constructed roof. The Inn was named after the Native American people who had built a flourishing culture on the nearby cliffs of Chaco Canyon then suddenly disappeared without a trace six hundred years ago. Yes, petroglyphs and cave drawings in the area do depict strange creatures with helmet-like headgear. Alien UFOnauts or bikers? Science had no answers, but the hotel's excellent restaurant did... their specialty lamb prepared by Chef Randall Warder and augmented by a stellar wine list.

To burn off some of the calories I signed up for a little excursion I learned about from the plethora of brochures found at the hotel. (Brochures and checking out the local phone book Yellow Pages is often my first reconnaissance maneuver when entering uncharted territory.) No tours to UFO landing sites but I did find something called "Aspook About Ghosts " Close enough since some investigators see a link between etheric and inter-dimensional warps and UFOs. What the heck, after a big dinner I needed a walk.

For a few bucks the tour organizers promised "a haunting experience into Sante Fe's misty past... life (and death) among the coyotes, witches, ghosts, and the not quite dead." Conducted by Santa Fe ghost guide Peter Sinclaire (505-988-2774), I and my fellow spook seekers met at the palatial Eldorado Hotel at the intersection of San Francisco and Sandoval for a two hour bipedal exploration of Santa Fe's haunted places. It's a great way to see Sante Fe, kind of Ghost Busters Meets the Travel Channel.

Santa Fe is also into digging up the bones of the past, and so am I. But I like to look in fossil and mineral stores for UFO related items. You never know when a piece of the Roswell crash will show up, right? No saucer debris, but there was a great deal on dinosaur egg shells at the Charlie "Have Rocks Will Travel" Snell shop located at 1110 Calle La Resolana.

Before I spent all my money on eggs I couldn't eat, I threw my pack back on my bike, and pointed its headlight toward Roswell about 175 miles south of Sante Fe. State Road 285 is a perfect place to get abducted. It's virtually devoid of traffic with nothing but scrub brush and wide-open nothingness for hundreds of miles in all directions. Better to ride it at night if you want a close encounter of the fourth kind, but better to do it in the daylight if you'd rather not run into the pronghorn antelope you see everywhere. Antelope and motorcycles don't blend well.

I nailed the throttle and blasted back down 285, and lo' and behold soon found myself entering the city limits of Roswell. It came in the form of a giant trampoline painted with the face of an Alien Gray... big head, bigger eyes... plastered on the front of a godawful big Wal-Mart department store. Inside my head, something whispered that UFO's had been commercialized. It was no big secret that Roswell was on the international map because of the 1947 incident and the town's subsequent total embrace of the whole idea. If there is such a place that deserves the title "UFOville" then it's Roswell. From Wal-Mart to the Arby's sandwich drive-through to the International UFO Museum and Research Institute, Roswell was 100% Flying Saucer Central. I loved the place at first sight.

I checked into the "cost-effective" Crane Motel, one of those bring-your-own-ice-bucket" places. You can't miss it. There's a strange assortment of old junk cars with flat tires growing roots in the ground, an old ploy to convince people the place has guests. Or maybe the guests never left. One Plymouth had a faded "Vote Nixon" bumper sticker on it. In any case, I spent most of the next two days living in Roswell's International UFO Museum. You could easily spend a month if you're into the subject. Exhibits cover the Roswell crash or crashes since other witnesses have come forward with another crash site about 58 miles from Roswell. You can watch the video made by the late Jim Ragsdale a few days before his death. He relates the details of his encounter with a crashed disc that careened over his pickup truck in which he and his girlfriend were "buck naked" at the time. You can buy a copy of the tape or the book. Judge for yourself, but pretty darn convincing.

Dozens of other UFO related books and videos are available, a few of the over 1000 items stocked by the museum's gift shop, a day's exploration in itself. I bought an Alien New Mexico driver's license that I think will get me into most bars in town. I also bought a commemorative Roswell rug and a membership in the museum. I spoke with the charming Ms. Phyllis Blackard, one of the museum volunteers (admission is free!) who as a young girl was present in Roswell when it all came down from the sky. "I was here when the military swarmed in, and I know Glenn Dennis the mortician who saw the little alien bodies. You can take his word to the bank."

Located at 114 N. Main, the museum has had over 1,000,000 visitors. The exhibits follow the time line of the July 1947 incident and its aftermath, display purported alien craft fragments, and also spotlights the crop circle mystery and other associated subjects. Documents and photos line the walls as do various artists renderings of UFO scenes. There's even a section with UFO humor, cartoons, and such as well as two video screening rooms where you can watch documentaries. You can also have your photo taken in front of an "alien autopsy" scene that boasts props from the "Roswell" film starring Martin Sheen. Bulletin boards post the latest in reports from the around the world, and if you want to take a Roswell UFO crashsite tour you can call (505) 622-0628.

Although I wished I could I remain in Roswell through the annual July 4th celebration extravaganza, UFO-themed of course, I had to get back to L.A. and work. But I occasionally glanced upward, always responding to the UFOlogist's mantra ..."Watch the Skies."

For starters Paul Garson rides motorcycles daily in L.A. He's also been the Editor of Hot Bike, VQ, Early-Riders and Eagles Eye magazines. Some 60 motorcycles and over 1000 magazine articles later he's developing a somewhat wobbly eye for bikes beyond bizzare and the never ending Norton Fastback project growing in his apartment closet.

The Tug-of-War of UFO Disclosure

Why does the US government continue to conceal the truth about UFOs and ETs? Is it truly ignorant of the UFO presence above and on the Earth? Or has it been keeping watch of the UFO phenomenon because it believes the public is not ready to know the truth? Why is it proliferating disinformation instead of real information? Why won't our own government disclose the truth? Does it not trust us? Obviously not.

"It appears that there or at least 16 different American intelligence agencies. Can we be expected to believe that none of them are involved in collecting and evaluating data about flying saucers? Wouldn't the FBI be hearing things? They certainly had files on UFO organizations, rock stars, and so on?" (Stanton Friedman, Flying Saucers and Science)

If anything, these intelligence agencies are involved in concealment of whatever information they have collected. But they can't conceal everything. They can't control the individuals who have experienced sightings or abductions or any kind of alien contact. They can try to silence them, which they have attempted over the years. But the truth always gets out. The reality always prevails, although not always in full. There will always be the deceitful circulation of disinformation and propaganda. So what we've got here is a failure of full disclose. What we've got is an ongoing tug-o-war between "we the people" and Uncle Sam.

Although the government still endeavors to instigate concealment, a large percentage of the truth has been disclosed already. But not by our government. The truth has been disclosed by UFO and alien sighters and abductees for the most part. Many individuals have had close encounters of the third and fourth kind. They have either seen evidence of extraterrestrials up close or have been abducted by them. Distant sightings of UFOs that may be flying hubcaps and so forth naturally are discounted.

Approximately 50% of the American population believes in UFOs and ETs. The other 50% either doesn't want to know or just doesn't believe. Many people know the truth is out, but it's just not in the mainstream yet. You don't hear about it in the News, not in the conventional newspapers, TV, or radio. But you will hear about it in the tabloids, underground magazines, web sites, late-night talk shows (like Coast to Coast AM), and so forth. Plus scads of books have been written on the subject, usually by researchers and investigators and eyewitnesses.

The government is ignoring all of us who knows the cat is out of the bag. They discredit all those who know the truth. There are too many eyewitnesses of UFO's and ETs, and countless researchers and investigators have been reporting these findings. The UFO community is large and growing, but the US government denies them any credibility and shames them for what they know. The government would rather foist them off as hoaxers and liars, or just delusional.

Perhaps a large percentage of UFO sightings are indeed hoaxes. Anybody can spray paint a Frisbee silver, throw it up into the sky and take a snapshot of it. And anybody can tell a grim tale that they were abducted by aliens. But many of the actual abductees have proof in or on their bodies, such as implants or various markings on their skin, and psychological scars, and so forth. But as usual, the debunkers are ready to debunk them all.

Stanton Friedman explains, "Still, there are noisy negativists who still insist there is no cover-up." In other words, people who blindly spout no real government cover-up exists, that we're imagining such conspiracies, have got their heads in the sand. They're flat-out in denial. All I can say is, let's open our eyes, so we can see what's out there. The truth is out there!

* * *

Copyright 2006 -2009 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:


The Strange Stories of R. R. Stark:


Friday, June 24, 2011

Was Jesus Christ An 'Ancient Astronaut'?

Erich von Daniken - of 'ancient astronaut' fame (though hardly the one and only in that field, he wasn't the first to think up the 'ancient astronaut' idea, but he really helped to popularize it) - has had many best selling book titles exploring that theme, when translated into English (von Daniken was Swiss) became known as "Chariots of the Gods"; "Gods from Outer Space" and several others of like ilk. Presumably the 'gods' refer to the general run of polytheistic gods. But the back jacket cover of my "Chariots of the Gods" tome he asks the question 'was God an astronaut?' presumably the monotheistic God. Of course the plural gods could incorporate the singular God. In any event, the index to either of these first two noted volumes doesn't mention Jesus Christ (hereafter J.C.). I suspect the main reason why, was that von Daniken focused more on archaeology and artefacts, and there just isn't much in the way of J.C. archaeology and artefacts. I personally think mythology offers an equally if not better field in which to play, and there's a lot of J.C. mythology. The question I now ask, was J.C. an 'ancient astronaut'?

If you're a rational being you probably tend to think all things supernatural (ghosts, telekinesis, astrology, deities, etc.) are a load of codswallop. On the other hand, you, as a rational being, probably acknowledge there's historical evidence that J.C. existed, though that's not accepted by all scholars. If so, if you think J.C. really existed, you have a problem since J.C. is considered by the multitudes to be a supernatural being. But, that paradox can be resolved, not just by denying J.C.'s very existence, but somehow attributing J.C.'s so-called supernatural abilities in a more, well not so much a down-to-earth way as in an up-to-space context. The very question explains all - was J.C. an 'ancient astronaut'? That is, was J.C., instead of a supernatural being, an extraterrestrial being?

Let's start at the beginning.

We have no idea what date J.C. was 'born', if a virgin birth can be interpreted as being somehow naturally born. The 25th of December is a pure invention on the part of the Christian Church - even the exact year is uncertain. The so-called 'Star of Bethlehem' is of little use. Despite speculation that the 'star' was a conjunction of two or more stellar and/or planetary objects, the 'star' would still resolve itself into two or more points of light, even though apparently in very close proximity. Further, that two or three individual points of light connection would also have been obvious to observers in the days and weeks before (as the points of light grew closer together) and after (as they drew apart again). A supernovae or a comet would have been visible for many days' even weeks. A 'shooting star' would visually last way too short an interval. No, the 'star' must have been a one-off short duration event. Let's call a spade a spade here - the 'star' was a classic UFO sighting!

Piling on the speculation, let's say our UFO was, say if not the Starship Heaven (the extraterrestrial and 'ancient astronaut' God's spacecraft), at least a shuttlecraft from same. If the infant J.C. were, in a manner of speaking 'beamed down', well that would be something akin to a 'virgin birth'. Modern UFO abduction lore would suggest that our modern aliens, the greys say, do have some sort of beaming technology.

Now it's my understanding that there is quite some considerable 'missing time' gap between J.C.'s early years, and the start of his 'ministry' at roughly age 30 or thereabouts. J.C. apparently went walkabout for quite a while and any official J.C. biography will have a large timeline gap in it. That a person of such importance as to attract a crowd at his 'virgin' birth, the messiah, the Son of God, could just vanish for years on end just staggers the imagination. The question is where did J.C. go for all those years? Perhaps he returned home for a bit of R&R, or reflection. My best guess is that J.C. returned home (somewhere out there) for instruction, training and overall preparedness for what was to come, that is, his 'ministry' or whatever. Again, it is strange that someone of his historical stature would have just vanished off the face of the planet for quite some considerable time.

Then we have the so-called 'miracles of Jesus' which tend to fall into four categories: exorcisms; control over nature; medical cures; and raising the dead;. Even if J.C. existed, there's no consensus that he performed anything supernatural as in miracles. In fact, just one general miracle is mentioned in all four of the Gospels - feeding the multitudes with loaves and fishes on apparently two occasions. That might be explainable - a simple cell phone call to God on the Starship Heaven - "Hey Daddy, can you beam me down some more supplies please?" Somehow along the line, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John overlooked one or more of J.C.'s other miraculous accomplishments. In fact, slightly less than half of J.C.'s miracles merit only a single mention from one of the four Gospels. Further, many of J.C.'s miracles seem pretty trivial like walking on water and cursing a fig tree. Anyway, I don't see anything here that's beyond the technical capabilities of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization.

Exorcisms - even ordinary Catholic priests can cast out a minor demon or two, but of course if there no such thing as demons then there's nothing to actually exorcise. Instead, just use the application of a bit of mumbo-jumbo; the power of suggestion; the application of a bit of pop psychology - that should do the trick. The placebo effect 'cures' the demonized.

Control over nature - well nothing a bit of slight-of-hand coupled with some sophisticated technology, including the 'beam me up Scotty' variety couldn't accomplish. Sure, some of J.C.'s miracles appear impressive, but if Matthew, Mark, Luke and/or John could witness some 20th and 21st Century technology, what tales I'm sure they would spin!

Cures - nothing modern medicine couldn't handle. To the simple peasants of 2000 years ago, from their point of view, our 21st Century MD's do a bang up job in cures for probably most of the ailments that would have inflicted them.

Raising the dead - or was it walking up the sleeping as J.C. himself admitted in one of only three such cases involving him? Actually, and again from the perspective of 2000 years down the track, our modern medical technology does a reasonable job in resurrections of the apparently (i.e. - those under general anaesthesia) and sometimes even clinically dead, via the use of electric heart thumpers, administering oxygen, etc. Then there's that other J.C. resurrection - J.C.'s own return to the 'living'. If J.C. appeared to people post execution, well it's amazing what holographic projections can do, especially if you have no concept of hologram technology. Of course maybe the extraterrestrial medical technology available on the Starship Heaven could resurrect the dead or the fact that J.C. was an extraterrestrial - he didn't have purely human physiology - might also explain it.

One other thought at this particular juncture comes to mind. One often repeated theme in mythology when it comes to the gods is the conflict between father and son. Sooner or later, the son grows up and ultimately poses a threat to daddy and daddy's power. Gods were known to plot against their own kids, sometimes swallowing their newborn in order to prevent any further on down-the-track rivalry for power with their legitimate heirs. Daddy gods could be and often were jealous of their own offspring. So what about the relationship between J.C. and God?

Well our monotheistic God is indeed a jealous God by His own admission via the Ten Commandments, so it stands to reason that He's going to be miffed that His son J.C. has stolen His limelight. That is, J.C. had achieved better P.R. overall and perhaps a greater following than God Himself commanded 2000 years ago. However, God laughs last and best because obviously J.C. didn't get to follow Dad home, alive at least, since he of course met his waterloo nearly 20 centuries ago. One would think that an all-powerful God could have easily saved His son from execution via The Cross, if He had wanted to. However, allowing the execution to go ahead was a really easy and guilt-free way of eliminating a future rival. Actually our extraterrestrial 'God' wasn't totally without compassion for His executed son (the straw that broke the camel's back?), so before departing He no doubt 'beamed' J.C.'s body aboard His Starship Heaven, and in so doing explains J.C.'s resurrection and his empty tomb!

What I'm speculating here is that God has left the building. The basis for suggesting this is that even if you take the evidence for God's existence as revealed in the Bible at face value - burning bushes, pillars of salt, universal floods, etc. there has been nothing one can hang one's hat on for the past several thousand years in the way of evidence for God. No interviews, no photographs, no new Commandments, no verified miracles that God and only a God could preform, total and apparent willful ignoring of the pope's prayers for all the sorts of things popes go on and on about (like praying for world peace - a futile gesture if ever there was one), etc. Now, if God were really not God, but 'God', an extraterrestrial, well Starship Heaven and crew might have left the building (Planet Earth) eons ago and sought greener pastures. I mean God's Old Testament temper tantrums got Him nowhere; we still take His name in vain and curse Him "God damn it"; His Ten Commandments are often ignored by the great unwashed; J.C. seems to get more press coverage and positive P.R. as noted above; God has lots of competition from other deities, as well as other goods and services that rival His. I mean God can no more compete with prime time reality television and rap music and cell phones and iPods and the Internet's MySpace and Facebook, than J.C. can now compete with consumerism and commercialism on the 25th of December! No, I think 'God' (the extraterrestrial since I don't believe the supernatural God exists) has voluntarily give humanity the 'big finger' and taken his bat and ball and gone home to sulk. Or perhaps 'God' has been involuntarily exiled. I mean if 'God' exists, then perhaps the 'gods' must also exist, and because there are many, many 'gods', (in this context God is outnumbered many thousands upon thousands to one) well I mean even the schoolyard bully can be sent packing with tail tucked between legs if enough of the bullied gang up and fight back. There's no love lost between God and the gods since God ascended the Top Dog throne and Commanded that the gods be considered persona non-grata.

However, that aside, J.C.'s 'mission' seems to have been somewhat akin to our terrestrial missionaries who spread out to the four 'corners' of the globe, including way too often knocking on your door; spreading the 'good word' (although often that's often different words for different missionaries). So, J.C. comes to Earth (probably via Dad's Starship Heaven) to spread the good news about intelligent life in space, our 'space brothers', which was totally misinterpreted and moulded into a supernatural context by our ancient ancestors. That's understandable - J.C.'s strutting his high tech stuff wouldn't be comprehensible to the masses 2000+ years ago.

I've deliberately used the phrase 'space brothers' above, because I want to make a connection between J.C. as an angelic-like extraterrestrial being, and the way more recent (1950's) contactees who claimed to have had personal contact with and messages from angelic-like extraterrestrial beings, often called by the contactees our 'space brothers' who have come to Earth in their 'flying saucers*'.

The contactees were often bucketed as total loonies back then (in the 50's) by the mainstream, even mainstream people interested in extraterrestrial life and UFOs, including myself. That's no less so today if someone is still foolish enough to mention them - like me here and now. But a question remains on the grounds of 'innocent until proven guilty', did the contactees (collectively) invent these angelic-like extraterrestrial beings with the intent of fraud; or to have some fun and hoax the public and pull the wool over their unsuspecting eyes; or perhaps they just, collectively, had some serious mental issues, say delusions of sorts. Or, perhaps the contactees were relating the truth as they thought they had experienced it, when perhaps the angelic-like extraterrestrial beings were being less than 100% honest with them for reasons best known to themselves, though one can speculate.

In the light of J.C. as a role model, passing himself off as a deity acceptable to the populace rather than as a technologically advanced extraterrestrial which might be beyond the comprehension of that same populace, so too in the 1950's our 'space brothers' only told as much of their story as would be comprehensible to the relatively simple people of that era. Now truthfully, the contactees (George Adamski say as an example of the general contactee stereotype) were relatively simple folk. They weren't university deans, or theoretical physicists, or four-star generals, or diplomatic statesmen and legal eagles and MD's, etc. That brings up an obvious question, why would our 'space brothers' bother with the great unwashed when they could just as easily land on the White House lawn and be addressing Congress within hours? Well, back to J.C. as template, the contactees, simple folk, were the sort of folk that - if you believe traditional Biblical J.C. mythology - J.C. would have associated with. However, the contactees were fed enough bovine fertilizer that their idealistic philosophical messages got buried along with their tall tales of trips to Venus and Saturn, etc., where the 'space brothers' lived. Although then again, you have that angelic-like ancient Near Eastern goddess Inanna or Inana (Ishtar) identified with the celestial planet Venus, so who knows where the 'gods' have actually set up camp!

Or did those 50's idealistic 'space brother' philosophical messages really get buried? Perhaps our 'space brothers' are a bit more clued than given credit for.

I can't help but wonder, maybe it's no coincidence that almost immediately following the heyday of the contactees came the era of the Hippies and counterculture with their idealistic philosophical concepts (influences which have filtered down to this very day and age) of "hell no, we won't go"; burn your draft card; bra-burning; flower-power; love; peace; brotherhood (and sisterhood); the dawning of the Age of Aquarius; free love, drop in, tune out, etc. You can't help but feel that the Biblical J.C. as generally described, wouldn't have fitted right into that picture. J.C. might have been more at home with people who smoked pot and attended Woodstock than lunching with politicians and generals smoking cigars, drinking scotch-on-the-rocks and sanctioning the dropping of napalm and Agent Orange on Vietnam.

So, was J.C. an 'ancient astronaut'? Only you can be the judge.

*Contactees didn't use the term UFOs or the phrase 'unidentified flying objects' because to them there was nothing unidentified about them.

Science librarian; retired.

Paranormal Awareness On The Rise

It feels that in the past five to ten years the public awareness of anything paranormal has been on the rise. Is this on purpose? Some would say so. It seems that alien abduction stories, alien craft, unknown cryptids, and stories of unexplainable phenomena are being talked about all the time.

The media is fueling the movement with TV specials from technology of the ancients to investigations into UFOs. Books come out all year long about different areas of the paranormal. Someone who may not believe in ghosts, may believe in the possibility of time travel or in aliens. Yet, the majority of modern science continues to deny anything is going on.

The paranormal has been in the public consciousness long enough that even their own sciences have sprung up like ufology. "Crytpozoology" took on new meaning with legends of Bigfoot and the Chupacabra, where once it may simply have referred to finding an unknown species of tiger or fish. Perhaps, also, some scientists may know their on a paranormal path of discovery until they get there. Investigations into ancient civilizations definitely stand to turn a few heads as they find more, and more than once in recent memory, has "history will need to be rewritten" been uttered when referring to their discoveries.

Something that may be "outside the box" even for dedicated paranormal investigators would be to share information with people of other specialties. Perhaps we have all the pieces already to the whole picture, but without the long studied knowledge of paranormal experts working with others in other subject areas we won't be able to step back and see what all of our sightings and experiences are trying to tell us. Maybe modern science should be catching up to them instead.

Robert Kreuk is an independant paranormal investigator and author of Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal, an ebook about finding paranormal connections, available at Visit our paranormal forum at

The Enigma of the Mysterious Men in Black, Part 3

I wonder, how do they know whether or not you've had a UFO sighting, an alien encounter, or if you've been abduction? And how do they find out so fast? Yes, sometimes these eyewitnesses blab to others, but there are many that keep quiet, who are too freaked-out to attract attention to themselves. Something or someone scared them senseless. The UFO investigators have a hard enough time finding these people, so it makes you wonder how quickly the MIBs locate these individuals, likewise they and know all about their specific cases and details of their personal lives in advance.

Are they psychic or telepathic? Or do they have some kind of advance spy technology that allows them to keep an eye on anyone and everyone that inadvertently experience these extracurricular events? Furthermore, if these are simply government agents, is it plausible that they wield such psychic abilities enabling them to zero in on witnesses of these sightings or victims of alien abductions? It just doesn't add up. Clearly, extraterrestrials would possess these advanced abilities, but does that mean that these MIBs are aliens -- or even alien/human hybrids? Let's not discount the equation that psychic abilities are innate in human beings, because I emphatically believe that all humans have psychic potential, but most of us just don't use it as we should. So how could we expect government agents to be this acutely psychic or telepathic? Or as I suggested, they could have advanced spy technology. All of these possibilities are just speculation, and there is no absolute proof one way or the other.

Precisely how are victims being harassed by these venomous visitors?

There have been reports that these ominous strangers have hypnotic abilities, can read people's minds, can subdue their victim into a tranquil state and convince them to discuss everything about their incident. And then afterwards, when the witnesses snapped out of it, like coming out of a trance, they couldn't figure out why they were so receptive to these dark strangers whom they would normally not even allow into their houses. Other reports have suggested that they can cause hallucinations or enter their victim's dreams. Some reports suggest they have tapped the phone lines of victims and intercepted their mail, and even physically assaulted them or used firearms against them, if not to kill them then to frighten them. Other claims declared that witnesses were captured and taken to mysterious locations where they were bodily threatened and forced to keep silent about their UFO encounter or such phenomena. Alright, folks, are these actual accounts or just wild stories? The lines of fact and fiction are often blurred in these cases.

Exactly who or what are these strange dark-suited strangers who stealthily scurrying around at large, harassing eyewitnesses of extraterrestrial phenomena? Where do they come from and what is their origin?

We can't be sure that they are completely human, nor do we know whether or not their origin is alien. They could literally be secret agents working for the government, or even for the extraterrestrials.

There is the possibility that the extraterrestrials have recruited (if not abducted) specific human beings, those with a certain aptitude and character their mission would require. Although it's possible some could be willing abductees, it would be more likely that they were convinced were brainwashed. Then they would be trained in psychic abilities and other areas of expertise (such as cruel harassment). They would need to have little or no conscience, be able to treat victims as objects and not living beings, and they would have no real feelings, except the feeling of pleasure in frightening and tormenting others. These traits would seem to be necessary, because if they had any misgivings or regrets in the manner in which they treat people, they would obviously make lousy agents and would be washed out very soon. But once they're training is completed, they would be sent back in our midst to do their masters' dirty work. Also they could have been trained in operating alien spy technology.

The other possibility is that these ominous Dark Intruders are alien/human hybrids -- which I disbelieve, because it makes me frown horribly into a nasty grimace, probably imitating some nasty alien's face. But let's speculate, and entertain this daring yet ludicrous notion. A typical Man in Black has the best of both world, Earth and Whateverworld (a good enough moniker since we don't know where they come from), so they can act and look and talk human but internally be totally alien. But how would these hybrids come to exist? There have been rumors that women were abducted and artificially inseminated with alien seed. Then she would give birth to a typical hybrid into the world. Perhaps this is how the sinister extraterrestrials create Men in Black, ominous protectors of their alien masters' very presence in this world and all of their secret agendas. Hmmm. Sounds like science fiction.

It's quite possible that there is a definite connection between MIBs and the mysterious Majestic 12, sanctioned by the US government of course. This was an ultra top-secret group of scientists and military personnel formed in 1947, by the order of President Harry S. Truman. Its initial task was to investigate the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico, or any other UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena for years to come. Although part of their job was to investigate and cover up UFO events, Majestic 12 itself was covered up, since the government denies its existence. Considering an important aspect of their job was to hide the truth about UFOs to the public, it makes a lot of sense that they could have been behind the formation of Men in Black, whose mission was to silence UFO eyewitnesses. So essentially, this would mean that Majestic 12 and the Men in Black are one and the same. But this is just another theory, but pretty plausible, if you ask me.

Victims have relayed their descriptions of these mysterious intimidators, many of which are very similar, although there are some inconsistencies. What these sinister strangers have in common are the black suits, black automobiles, arriving in threes, and their aggressiveness and coercive nature. Some of the inconsistencies are that some victims claimed they have racial appearances, such as East Indian or Oriental; some say they speak with foreign accents, and others say their English is plain yet awkward; others report that they appear to have brown or tanned skin, yet others say they have pasty white skin. So, what is really going on here, considering all these varying discrepancies? This could either mean the victims are saying what they want to see, or fabricating what they see, are entirely making their stories up. Or it could mean these Men in Black come from different backgrounds and appear differently to different people. Either way, I believe it's all part of the government cover-up.

Also some people have suggested that the MIBs could be "paraphysical" or "interdimensional" beings. Essentially this would simply mean that they come from a totally different dimension from that of our own, and that they travel through a space-time continuum and then step through a mysterious portal into our earthly dimension. But since they drive black Cadillacs and such, they would drive through such a vortex, and there are some quite vague reports that say these vehicles have appeared from nowhere and then just as mysteriously disappeared back into nowhere, or so some victims claimed. Yikes! I think someone's been watching the Sci-Fi Channel a little too much!

Alright, folks, here's the rundown; I'll give you several outrageous theories on who the MIBs might be:

1. Pretenders or practical jokers masquerading as the so-called MIBs, whether supported by the government or just independent parties

2. Covert government agents, or the military, and possibly connected to Majestic 12

3. Alien/human hybrids (yeah right!)

4. Humans recruited by aliens to do their dirty work

5. Aliens disguised as humans

6. Beings from another dimension

7. Beings from the future, whether alien or human

So, what's with the black suits and the black hats and the dark shades and the black sedans and the strange mannerisms? Are these half-human/half-alien beings? Or are they government agents masquerading as strange mysterious characters in order to fool us, and even purposely creating the whole MIB myth?


The Truth Behind Men in Black, by Jenny Randles

The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip J. Corso

UFO Evidence:

Men in Black in Wikipedia:

Copyright 2006 -2007 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:

R. R. Stark’s Strange and Curious Stories: []

The Enigma of the Mysterious Men in Black, Part 4

What is the bare naked truth behind the Men in Black? Will we ever find out for sure?

There is one idea that the whole MIB myth was created by the government, so that people would speak of these mysterious intimidators and their bizarre activities, their strange appearance and weird mannerisms, just so that the witnesses would appear pretty ridiculous, and in turn their UFO experiences would seem equally ridiculous. This is very possible, and as good a theory as any other.

Although these government masqueraders may be out to perpetrate this bizarre delusion, they are simultaneously succeeding at silencing most of the eyewitnesses of UFO phenomena. But when these people do speak out, they quite often appear as overly imaginative crackpots, which the government depends on.

Threats and Harassment

Mostly common ordinary people who have experienced UFO sightings or alien encounters have been pursued by the dark intruders. But even UFO investigators have been approached by MIBs and silenced, because the shadowy men have threatened these researchers in order to seize their studies and investigations of the UFO phenomena. Clearly, the MIBs are suppressing these UFO investigators just in case they might uncover something they're not supposed to know about -- but what?

Just what kind of threats have the MIBs imposed on people? And were they intentional or just empty threats? One report stated that the MIBs threatened a witness that he would be sent to prison for treason if he didn't comply. Sometimes they would act overly aggressive, but often they would just give ambiguous threats. But quite often, simply by the power and authority that they exuded, this seemed to be enough to scare the people to keep silent, and this may have been due to the MIBs hypnotic abilities. Sometimes they would bark some empty "or else!" threat and that would be enough to silence them. Although there were numerous such empty threats, more than likely it was the hypnotic spell they cast on their victims that subdued them into a state of fright which caused them to be silenced. Usually the frightened ones would never hear from these mysterious intruders again, but since it took several years for many of them to finally speak out, perhaps it took the mesmeric spell this long to finally fade off.

Government Secrets

Actually, it's not too hard to believe the US government would be involved with bizarre covert operations. In the mid-50s government experiments were conducted where minimal levels of radiation were released upon unsuspecting US citizens, supposedly for the benefit of medical knowledge, but clever cover-ups were initiated to hide the horrifying facts of these inhumane endeavors. Plus there have been the testing of nuclear weapons in supposedly remote locations where wandering people have been exposed. Not to mention that the government has assisted foreign factions that ended up becoming terrorists. So it's not really hard to believe the government could send mysterious agents to harass and silence eyewitnesses of various forms of UFO related phenomena.

But why all the silencing and the cover-ups? We may never have a complete answer, only vague ideas and cloudy speculations. But it makes you think that something pretty big is being concealed by various governments, such as the US, Great Britain, Australia in particular, if they have to go to extreme measures to silence witnesses. But then the meager information that is allowed to be released to the public, through controlled disclosures, is conducted very carefully. When you realize how ridiculous some of the information is we hear, it tends to makes a lot of people skeptical: little green men, invaders from Mars, photos of hubcaps or frisbees whizzing across the sky, pictures of a freaky looking alien shaking the hand of the President, women becoming pregnant after alien abductions, even ominous Men in Black coming to your door to scare you to death and shut you up, and other bizarre stories that we could toss in the category of UFO urban legends, which end up in the highly questionable tabloids. The government depends on these fabricated ridiculous ideas, which causes skepticism to flourish. I wonder, how many of these crazy ideas were deliberately concocted by the government? And how much of it is due to the wild imagination of the public? Obviously the government allows us to speculate and weave fantastic yarns ourselves that end up sounding more like science fiction then plausible fact. Although there is a substantial cult-following of UFO believers, the government has still succeeded at planting seeds of skepticism in the rest of the people.

To take a quote from Col. Philip J. Corso's book, The Day After Roswell, "The cover-up is the disclosure and the disclosure is the cover-up." In order to create an elaborate cover-up, you have to let some of the information leak out to the public and allow it to be exaggerated to the point of becoming ridiculous, because the public, with its wild imagination, is very good at that. Simply consider Hollywood and the wild science-fiction movies and television shows it has created over the years to feed our imagination even further. Then we say, "None of this is real, it's just fantasy." But, isn't there a grain of truth somewhere amidst all the fantasy? If we can just strip away the wild imagination and the flagrant speculations we have, will we ever see the bare naked truth? Will we finally see what's really going on?


The Truth Behind Men in Black, by Jenny Randles

The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip J. Corso

UFO Evidence:

Men in Black in Wikipedia:

Copyright 2006 -2007 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

R. R. Stark's Strange Stories: []