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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

UFO Sighting in Louisville, Kentucky on December 31st 2013 - Single bright light-orange orb flying silently over 40207 ZIP Code @ 9:15 PM on 12/31/13.

I walked outside to my back patio about 9:15 PM on 12/31/13 (New Year???s Eve) and looked up at the sky. I immediately spotted a single light-orange orb in the southwest part of the sky moving northeast at a moderate rate of speed. It didn???t appear to be at a high altitude ??? maybe a couple of hundred feet above the ground (although I???m certainly not the best judge of distances). If I were to have held up my thumb, it would have been just a bit smaller than the size of my thumbnail. It passed to the west of me and I followed its path as it headed northeast until it disappeared. It was extremely bright. I saw no blinking lights around it, as you see on planes. It had no form, like a plane, simply a brilliant ball of light. And, what struck me as the strangest thing of all, was that it was completely silent. My husband and I spend many nights outside on the patio star-gazing. Since we are very close to the flight path of Louisville International Airport, Bowman Field, and a TV station that has a helicopter landing pad, my husband and I are very familiar with all types of aircraft at all levels of altitude. Even though we live relatively close to the city and the light pollution can sometimes be a problem, we can also spot satellites as they pass overhead. Despite our familiarity with the aircraft/spacecraft that fly over our home (we???ve lived here for 8 years), I couldn???t identify this as anything I???d ever seen in the past. I remember asking myself, ???What IS that???? When it had disappeared (after being visible to me for about 45 seconds), I walked back inside and mentioned to my husband that I???d just seen something that I???d never seen before in my life. I wondered silently to myself if I???d seen a UFO. A few days later, while checking the Internet, I found reports of people in California on New Year???s Eve spotting light orange orbs of light that were completely silent. I was stunned. I believe I saw exactly the same thing in Louisville, KY. (END)

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014


A new video published to YouTube on February 24, 2014, reveals how a stationary sports camera with an ultra wide-angle lens captured a daylight UFO incident during a motocross event in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Producer Mariva Brito states in the video description how the object appears to maneuver in a way inconsistent with known flight parameters for conventional aircraft.

Bauru has historically served as a nexus of notable sports and space-related initiatives as both the initial training grounds for soccer legend Pelé and as the home town of Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) astronaut (and first Brazilian in space) Marcos César Pontes.

Images from the GoPro HD Hero2 camera used in the making of the UFO video reveal spectators and participants seemingly oblivious to events taking place directly overhead. Highlighting this evident gap between proximity and cognition, an indigenous shaman whose people once inhabited the Bauru region has reportedly invoked a profound sense of separation characterizing the outlooks of people born to European descent.

Critical Analysis

There are a number of good reasons to consider why drone operator and sports enthusiast Mariva Brito may be correct in claiming UFO status for his video.

The scale of the object due to its apparent distance from the ultra wide-angle lens renders it with a minimal number of pixels. If this video was fabricated using computer-generated graphics, would it make sense to create an almost-inconspicuous object of such limited resolution and at such relative distance?

In other words, why not render a big close-up with portrait-quality images of extraterrestrial pilots showing snapshots of their kids? The time and effort involved in perpetrating then promoting such a hoax offers seemingly limited returns as evidence making it very unlikely that this video is a fake.

At 44 seconds on the video timeline, the UFO disappears behind the visible horizon. Such behavior eliminates the possibility of a foreground object (such as a flying insect) near the lens as the source of the signal detected by the camera’s sensor.

During the period of observation, an intermittent trail of bright emissions can be seen in the wake of the UFO’s passage. This effect is evident at a number of instances including at 31 seconds as well as at 2 minutes and three seconds on the video timeline.

The trail of luminous emissions that appears in the wake of this UFO’s passage differentiates it from airborne plastic garbage, birds, balloons and electric-powered quad/hexa/octocopter drones (none of which are recognized sources for the aerial dispersal of luminous materials).

Blowing Smoke

One possible source for these emissions could be a malfunctioning smoke generator attached to a scale-model remote-controlled aircraft whose operator is standing off-camera. This video of a model YAK 50 test flight displays a large volume of persistent smoke dispersed from the vehicle during flight.

By way of contrast, the Bauru UFO video shows only intermittent bursts of very bright almost point-source emissions whose brief durations offer no lingering persistent cloud trails like those from the YAK 50 scale-model remote-controlled airplane.

In the absence of any emerging new cross-disciplinary sporting events combining the excitement of motocross racing with the thrills of operating delicate and accident-prone smoke-emitting model aircraft overhead, this reporter is compelled to consider the likelihood of such a hypothesis to be a very remote one indeed.

Watch the Video

Click here to watch “OVNI EM BAURU” on YouTube: “During filming in motocross racing in February 2014 in the city of Bauru SP, with a GoPro HERO 2 camera placed on the ground, we were surprised by an unidentified object in very strange situation of flight "without any parameters known for conventional aircraft" in the sky in the same way that instant entered [the scene] he left, very strange ...” (via Google Translate).

Profound Separation

Perhaps one of the most notable attributes of the Bauru motocross UFO video is the depiction of participants and spectators apparently unaware of events taking place overhead. In spite of the presence of numerous potential witnesses, there doesn’t seem to be anyone looking up, pointing to the object and alerting their neighbors.

In a reported paraphrased statement by a shaman of the indigenous Kaingang people concerning the psychological profile of people of European descent (attributed to the collections of Brazilian Indigenous Institute for Intellectual Property (INBRAPI) Executive Director Lucia Fernanda Jofej Kaingang) it is noted how "Their world is square, they live in houses that look like boxes, work inside other boxes, and to go from one box to another, enter in boxes that walk. They see everything as separate, because they are the people of boxes." (via Bing).

GoPro HD Hero2

The GoPro HD Hero2 used in documenting the Bauru motocross UFO is a 170 degree wide-angle lens CMOS-based solid-state sports camera capable of recording H.264-compressed video at resolutions up to 1920x1080 pixels.

GoPro’s latest iteration, the HERO3+ Black Edition, provides “high-resolution, high-frame rate 1440p48, 1080p60, 960p100 and 720p120 video modes” resulting in “professional quality footage and liquid-smooth slow motion playback” along with “ultra high-resolution, cinema quality capture.”

This camera’s new SuperView™ function also renders what the manufacturer promises to be “the world’s most immersive wide angle perspective.” For daylight UFO captures the HERO3+ offers the possibility of high-definition all-sky imaging in a very small, lightweight and portable package.

New UFO video evidence from Brazil courtesy of Mariva Brito emphasizes the value of GoPro cameras for UFO skywatching and their greater role in closing the gap separating reality from cognition in contemporary cultures.

Snowden Secret Messages

Click here to listen to expert clinician, researcher and former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly discuss his controversial findings of secret messages encrypted backwards in Edward Snowden’s NDR interview describing “psychic human ETs” on Alchemical Connections talk radio.

Click here to read this story and more in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

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Monday, March 24, 2014

UFO Sighting in Missouri on August 28th 1993 - Disc that decended from the east and wove in and out of trees to follow us on I-35 in MO.

On August 28 1993 at on or around 0:300-0:330 a UFO decended from the East on Interstate 35 heading North in Missouri.My daughter was riding shotgun to keep me awake.We had just purchased this brand new 1994 Dodge Conversion Van in Chattanooga TN.We were heading home to MN without stopping.My wife and son were asleep in the back on the bed.My daughter was scared,terrified.She asked me if we should wake mom and her brother.I said no.No sense in frightening them.This craft was persistant, it wove in and out of the trees.Side to side and up and down.Things began to get blurry,but I kept driving.The last time I looked at the clock in the van was around 0:330 in the morning. We were awoken by the sound of cows mooing in a pasture that we were facing. It was past 07:30.I know I didn't stop on my own accord.I would never let anyone climb over the maplewood console with a TV as I am very protective of my new vechicles.My wife was riding shotgun and my 16 year old daughter was in back.We lost around 4 hours in which we can't account for.Could someone tell me what happened? Confused P.S.We had nothing but problems with the computer board in that vehicle.Other electricle problems too.I got rid of it.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014


If you missed Part I in this series click here:

There are quite a few ghost tales which, had they been publicised in different cultural environments, would serve just as well as sightings of non-human entities. Peter Ackroyd, in his compendium of English Ghosts retells the experience of Mr Andrews and friend in Swinbrook, Oxfordhire in the early seventies.

Something `jet black` stood ahead of them on the country road they were walking along. It rose into a `column` and became the shape and size of a man – except it was composed of what looked like smoke in zigzag patterns (Ackroyd p110-11.) We would say now that they had beheld a shape-shifting shadowman!

A good source of modern unclassifiable reports of this kind is the `It Happened to Me` section of the Fortean Times online forum, although these are difficult to follow up or verify.

What I do find credible is a recent thread about a `spiky thing` seen in houses by a number of Australian posters. One of them describes as being like a `three dimensional asterix`. Another tells of a gelatinous looking spider like being clinging to the ceiling of her bedroom. This was seen by more than one person. We are back in Nameless Thing territory! (see www.Fortean

Down to brass tacks.

Non-human entity claims are not that difficult to debunk. We are more apt to misjudge the nature of something that we are not so familiar with –like a passing animal – than something we are used to.

In accordance with this, sceptics have written off many of these sightings as simple misidentifications of known animals. Nor are they without a point. A walking reptilian entity was seen by some policemen in Loveland, Ohio, USA and was dubbed the Loveland frog. It has since transpired that what they saw might well have been a rare, but classified Nile Monitor Lizard (Bord, p-246-247.)

In that same tradition Joe Mitchell has proposed that the Flatwoods monster was nothing but an owl (see After all, many are now satisfied that the Kelly-Hopkinsville case, where eight adults were besieged by floating demons, may have been triggered by a hysterical misperception of owls following a UFO sighting. The famous `Mothman `with its glowing red eyes has been given a similar reductionist explanation. (See and www.csicoporg, for example)

Likewise a British UFO investigator called Chris Wolfe has re-opened the Saltwood case. He has declared the headless bat type creature to have been a crow illuminated by a passing train....

Some of these zoological debunkings end up in places less prosaic than what was started with.  Some saw fit to account for the Nameless Thing of 50 Berkeley Square as having been a mutated freshwater cephalopod – octopus to you and me. This had somehow ended up in the sewers from the Thames and so into the plumbing of that building. The thing had graduated from eating rats to people. (Now that is my kind of debunking exercise!)

Then there are the tricks of the mind brought about by aberrant psychology. A must read for all paranormal enthusiasts is Oliver Sacks’ book Hallucinations (2011). This is chockfull of instances of detailed images that our ever creative brains can throw up in the right circumstances (and, yes, little people are a feature of this.) Indeed, one sceptic has reviewed the Pascagoula abduction in the light of hypnopompic hallucinations (see

As for me.

I find the owl interpretation of the Hopkins goblin case quite convincing. This is because what they described does tally well with both the behaviour and appearance of some owls. When, however, people extrapolate from this and apply the same thinking to the Flatwoods monster I am far less sure. What they saw was much larger, less owl like and was seen by separate witnesses.

Nor does it seem probable to me that four boys in Saltwood would mistake a common bird for the high strangeness entity which they spoke of.

That there was a mutant killer octopus creeping through the sewers of London is a lovely Gothic notion. The whole legend, however, has more than a whiff of London town blarney about it. There have been no further incidents associated with it, and the matter seems to be lost in time.

As for hallucinations: no doubt some of the more idiosyncratic solo experiences can be dropped from our enquiries by the hallucination theory. What comes across from Sacks’ study of these, however, is that they are more often than not the result of an illness or prolonged sensory deprivation (rather than excitement.) The visions may be exotic but they are almost always of things known to the observer. Furthermore, the observer almost always knows that they are hallucinating. (A typical example given is that of an elderly woman who, on losing her sight, began to hallucinate detailed pictures of people clad in elaborate Eastern clothing going about their daily tasks.) Nor is it clear that hallucinations can be shared: Sacks himself does not provide any examples of this.

The case for exotic arial phenomena does seem much better to me than for any entity of any description, no matter how common are the claims made for it. I think it possible – as suggested by Allen Danelek in UFOs: the Great Debate –that some non-terrestrial intelligence is manipulating our consciousness. This intelligence could be doing so to monitor our reactions to varied stimuli. This could be being done as a preliminary precaution before first contact is made for real.

If this hypothesis is correct then we have no idea what ET looks like until we finally meet up with it for real!

Edward Crabtree


Ackroyd, Peter  The English Ghost: Spectres through Time (London: Vintage Books, 2011)

Bord, Janet and Colin Modern Mysteries of the World: Strange Events of the Twentieth Century (London: guild Publishing, 1989)

Bowen, Charles (Ed.) Encounter Cases from the Flying Saucer Review (USA: signet, 1977)

Danelek, J. Allen UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government cover Ups and the Prospect of First Contact (Minessota: Llellewyn  Publications, 2010.)

Dennet, Preston Extraterrestrial Visitations: True Accounts of Contact (Minessota: Llellewyn worldwide, 2001)

Sacks, Oliver Hallucinations (United Kingdom: Picador, 2011)

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

UFO Sighting in Levittown, New York on March 1st 2014 - Saw what I thought was a chopper, but it went into reverse., two times and no sound, noise.

I was waiting for a bus. I noticed green and red lights shaped like a chopper but no sound-noise. Then I saw another go in same direction,nw to se same as first. But I believe it was the same and only object. I saw it do a reverse of direction two times.Then I got on bus and asked the driver if he sees what I see I don`t know if he did or not. I had no feelings about this except that it had been a long time since my last sighting approx. 20yrs. prior. This helicopter looking object reversed direction without stopping, making sound or circling.Thank you. Ron

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Friday, March 21, 2014


A new video published to YouTube on March 1, 2014, documents a stunning UFO incident recorded by one local astronomer’s triple-camera array from the deck of a Yaletown apartment in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Former skeptic now leading local UFO videographer Charles Lamoureux custom-engineered what he calls his “Skywatchers Mobile Unit” (SMU) imaging platform while anticipating nights with clear skies filled with mysterious objects.

According to the witness, the UFO shown pulsating in the video during its initially slow-moving descent over West Vancouver’s Cypress Mountain was not anticipated by online satellite tracking applications, including Heavens-Above. The incident reportedly occurred at 8:44 p.m. PST on the night of Friday, February 28, 2014.

Initially spotted at 50 degrees above the horizon, Charles Lamoureux offered a comparison between this object’s luminous performance with that of a Fourth of July fireworks display in an email sent to this reporter that evening. Such a brilliant display as the one shown in the video raises the possibility of other potential witnesses in the region who may have resolved this event either with the naked eye or by using their own camera systems.

Readers of this column who witnessed this event are invited to contact Charles Lamoureux directly via comments on his YouTube channel, linked below.

Watch the Video

Click here to watch “Bright UFO Feb 28 WOW!” on YouTube, produced by Charles Lamoureux: Please watch in HD and my commentary is from filming with Panasonic, other two cameras in sync. Finally able to capture UFO with all three cameras. This bright UFO was not a satellite or anything else as per heavens above and other satellite applications, not iridium flare, etc. Sighting occurred at 8:44 p.m. over Vancouver north descending behind the local mountain range in the Cypress park region. I must have seen over a dozen in a hour descend exact same area, some flashing, faster, but this one was so bright for sure there were more witnesses. Anyways if it’s a satellite it's a spy unknown or space junk but it was really moving way too slow at the onset. Two days prior in Whistler BC, I captured 6 plus objects just above peak of Blackcomb mountain sky hill after I heard couple dogs barking like crazy, of course I brought my Luna with me but had difficulty picking up the objects as I did not bring proper connections, recording was not viewable, nevertheless these objects were there and real, 1 hour and half north of this sighting...I believe UFO s are traveling from south to our local mountain range by the dozens every night for whatever reason!! I will find out soon enough!”

Skywatchers Mobile Unit

The SMU imaging platform combines off-the-shelf technologies in a redundant array that allows near-infrared and visible spectrum observation and recording operable by a single user. Monochrome and color digital night vision devices are optically calibrated alongside a high-magnification HD camcorder on a single tripod base with signals routed to an external monitor that allows switching between images from each of the devices for real-time study of local UFO phenomena known to populate skies over the Vancouver region.

Click here to view a brief walk-through of Charles Lamoureux’s custom UFO imaging array, the “Skywatchers Mobile Unit” on YouTube: “My new Skywatchers Mobile Unit set up not finished yet, still some tweaking and additions to come. Luna optics digital night vision! Yukon night vision and Panasonic v510 camcorder with 80x optical zoom.”

Components and Specifications

In designing the SMU, Charles Lamoureux has carefully selected from a wide variety of options available to consumers in the videography and sports optics marketplace. Here’s a closer look at some of those components and what makes them especially suited to the task of resolving UFOs in the night sky.

Panasonic HC-V510

The Panasonic HC-V510 Full-HD camcorder is a consumer-series high-definition palmcorder emphasizing affordable high-magnification HD imaging via Panasonic’s Intelligent Zoom function.

According to the manufacturer, Intelligent Zoom features 80x magnification power to draw distant subjects up close to the observer. While this camera’s tiny single 1/5.8" BSI MOS Sensor and small-diameter 28mm-equivalent objective lens may offer some diminishing returns in terms of image over-sharpening and limited low-light sensitivity, the telephoto reach for something so small and portable (far lighter and more space-efficient than a telescope) remains very impressive.

Click here to watch a brief step-through of Panasonic’s Intelligent Zoom function used to image the moon at full 1080 HD resolution.

Yukon Digital NV Ranger 5x42

The Yukon Digital NV Ranger 5x42 is a reliable and inexpensive night vision optic that uses a digital sensor to resolve near-infrared images beyond the range of visible light. With a fixed 5x telephoto objective lens this monocular’s night vision sensitivity makes it a great spotter scope to aid in acquiring images with less-sensitive but higher resolution systems like the HC-V510 described above. Built-in NTSC video output capability allows for recording direct from the Ranger’s SD sensor to external portable DVRs and other devices.

Luna Optics LN-DM50-HRSD

The Luna Optics LN-DM50-HRSD is a relatively new product first introduced in 2013 that has captured the attention of UFO skywatchers (including members of the UFONV forum) offering a built-in 720p HD recording capability as well as switchable black and white and low-lux color night vision images in HD resolution.

Both affordable and innovative, the LN-DM50-HRSD’s low-lux color recording feature positions this device as a potential solid-state replacement for the legendary tape-based 0 lux professional series Panasonic AG-DVC30 “Ghost Hunters” camera. In simple terms of cost of operations, continued reliance upon purchasing MiniDV tape as a necessary consumable for operating the DVC30 is superseded by the convenience of the DM50’s ability to record digital files directly to inexpensive SD memory cards.

In an email response to this reporter’s inquiry, Luna Optics, Inc. President Vladimir Savchik states further how his company will begin to release “a full-line of high quality digital products with even better resolution and image sensors and in a variety of shapes (monoculars and binoculars) with never-before utilized features and options” sometime in the near future.

With new video from Charles Lamoureux already sparking the imaginations of UFO videographers on YouTube, the future for affordable do-it-yourself skywatching appears to be a very bright and promising one indeed.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014


People are not [ready] yet, but we will keep trying to spread the message,” said Am Vichet, the head of the Cambodian chapter of the Raelian Movement, which believes a group of scientists created life 25,000 years ago in a laboratory.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

The 41-year-old, who works at reproductive health NGO Marie Stopes, said he became a Raelian in 2007 after attending a lecture where the cult’s philosophy was explained.

I want to learn new things. Then, at that time, I joined a lecture and they showed me a video and I thought it was interesting. But it was not enough just to go one time; I wanted to learn more,” Am Vichet said.

His next step was to read a book penned by the group’s leader, Frenchman Claude Vorilhon, now known by his acolytes only as Rael” and who founded the cult in 1974. He claims to be a reincarnation of Buddha.

Vorilhon, then a journalist for a car magazine and test driver for his own car-racing magazine, says that, on Dec 13, 1973, he took a detour on his way to work and wandered around an inactive volcano near Auvergne in France.

There, he met an extraterrestrial called Yahweh Elohim, who explained the message”. It was simple: life on Earth is the scientifically engineered creation of an advanced alien civilisation, and Vorilhon’s mission on this planet is to prepare humankind for their eventual return.

One of the main goals of Raelism is to build a US$20 million (651 million baht) embassy for the Elohim, preferably in Israel. Perhaps due to Raelism’s symbol — a swastika enveloped in a Star of David — the movement is banned there.

So Raelians are looking eastward and, last January, applied to the Council of Ministers in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The project, which the letter states will generate several billion euros of revenue, as well as additional spin-off ventures”, will make Cambodians the first [people] to benefit from the Elohim’s highly advanced technologies”.

But more than a year after the application was submitted, Rael has yet to receive a response from Phnom Penh.

Ek Tha, a spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said that although he was not aware of the application, he would welcome an extraterrestrial movement in Cambodia.

I myself have researched UFOs and extraterrestrial life for the past two years,” he said.

To me, it would be great if we can start an alien movement or institution in Cambodia. We are not alone, my friend. When I tell my friends at work, nobody believes me.”

But any attempt to build the embassy may come up against practical obstacles, according to Dan Thibault, a French-Canadian who travels across Asia spreading Rael’s teachings and was in Phnom Penh this month to hold a public lecture.

ldquo;The problem is political … the problem is the extra-territoriality, the airspace. We need a protected airspace, like a no-fly zone over the embassy,” Mr Thibault said. The country that will organise the embassy will be the spiritual and cultural centre of the union to come. It’s a really big thing.”

Am Vichet explained how he began to accept the Raelians’ ideas after he read Vorilhon’s first book, The Book Which Tells the Truth, which Am Vichet recently translated into Khmer.

I started thinking what our natural state was, and one day you can see these things in the sky, and then I thought, ‘Oh, it’s true.’ And then that night I saw the lights again and after that I started to become a Raelian,” Am Vichet said. My life changed.”

The movement claims to be expanding in Asia, boosted by growing followings in China and Japan. Three Cambodians turned up to a recent meeting, at which Mr Thibault delved further into Raelian philosophy.

Life has been created 25,000 years ago. The Elohim came here, they were a group of scientists who had mastered DNA, and they created all forms of life on this planet,” he said.

They sent all the gods — Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses — all the prophets sent throughout history. We live in the scientific era and at this time we can create life significantly in laboratories, which means we are equal to gods.”

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Publisher's Note: I received an email this morning from the National UFO Center and one of its top posts was entitled, "We Almost Doubled Just Today the Number of Planets Known to Humanity". According to the article 715 new planets that could sustain life have been discovered outside of our galaxy. Excellent read. Enjoy Dirk

WASHINGTON (AP) — Our galaxy is looking far more crowded and hospitable. NASA on Wednesday confirmed a bonanza of 715 newly discovered planets outside our solar system.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

Scientists using the planet-hunting Kepler telescope pushed the number of planets discovered in the galaxy to about 1,700. Twenty years ago, astronomers had not found any planets circling stars other than the ones revolving around our sun.

“We almost doubled just today the number of planets known to humanity,” NASA planetary scientist Jack Lissauer said in a Wednesday teleconference, calling it “the big mother lode.”

Astronomers used a new confirmation technique to come up with the largest single announcement of a batch of exoplanets – what planets outside our solar system are called.

While Wednesday’s announcements were about big numbers, they also were about implications for life behind those big numbers.

All the new planets are in systems like ours where multiple planets circle a star. The 715 planets came from looking at just 305 stars. They were nearly all in size closer to Earth than gigantic Jupiter.

‘We Almost Doubled Just Today the Number of Planets Known to Humanity’

And four of those new exoplanets orbit their stars in “habitable zones” where it is not too hot or not too cold for liquid water which is crucial for life to exist.

Douglas Hudgins, NASA’s exoplanet exploration program scientist, called Wednesday’s announcement a major step toward Kepler’s ultimate goal: “finding Earth 2.0.”

It’s a big step in not just finding other Earths, but “the possibility of life elsewhere,” said Lisa Kaltenegger, a Harvard and Max Planck Institute astronomer who wasn’t part of the discovery team.

The four new habitable zone planets are all at least twice as big as Earth so that makes them more likely to be gas planets instead of rocky ones like Earth – and less likely to harbor life.

So far Kepler has found nine exoplanets in the habitable zone, NASA said. Astronomers expect to find more when they look at all four years of data collected by the now-crippled Kepler; so far they have looked at two years.

Planets in the habitable zone are likely to be farther out from their stars because it is hot close in. And planets farther out take more time orbiting, so Kepler has to wait longer to see it again.

Another of Kepler’s latest discoveries indicates that “small planets are extremely common in our galaxy,” said MIT astronomer Sara Seagar, who wasn’t part of the discovery team. “Nature wants to make small planets.”

And, in general, smaller planets are more likely to be able to harbor life than big ones, Kaltenegger said.


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Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I was eleven-years-old in 1947 when the modern era of UFOs began.  Each night that summer, I scanned the open skies above our Iowa farm and wished upon many stars, hoping that one of them might soar away at enormous speed and reveal itself to be a flying saucer.  I finally had my wish granted in 1966 with a sighting that easily surpassed the most brilliant technological efforts of Hollywood to depict the aeronautical superiority of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization.  

I have never written about it until now.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

                UFO Research in the 1960s

In the mid-1960s,  the physical "nuts and bolts" theorists had a firm hold on the general public's imagination, and respectability in the UFO community demanded strict adherence to the extraterrestrial hypothesis.  And even though I had come to investigate UFO reports from the field of psychical research, my excitement over the possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations were making contact with our own easily made me susceptible to the prevailing consensus that flying saucers from Outer Space had landed.

In the early summer of 1966, my first UFO book, Strangers from the Skies (Award Books), made the paperback bestseller list two weeks after publication.  Just a few weeks before Strangers from the Skies was published, my study of poltergeist phenomena, Strange Guests (Ace Books) was released, and later that same summer, my biography of the great screen lover Valentino  (Macfadden-Bartell) was published with a nationwide publicity campaign.  It is truthful to say that flying saucers jump-started my career.  

My day job at this time was teaching English and creative writing and serving as faculty advisor for student publications in a Midwestern college.  Prior to that, from 1957 to 1963, I had served in the same capacity at the high school in Clinton, Iowa, one of the “quad cities” on the Mississippi River.  

When I was teaching in Clinton, I had become friends with Warren B. Smith, a successful photographer and trade journal writer.  Yes, the same Warren B. Smith who would later collaborate with me on a number of titles, and would write numerous books of his own in the paranormal and UFO fields, as well as a number of novels and other nonfiction books.   

So it was that one warm night in the summer of 1966, that I and my family were enjoying a cookout with the Smith family in their backyard in Clinton when Warren’s wife, Joan, spotted a peculiar, zig-zagging light in the night sky. 

The principal topic of  conversation that evening had been UFOs and the success of Strangers from the Skies. Now it appeared as though a UFO had been eavesdropping and had appeared right on cue. 

"That's no meteor or satellite," my wife Marilyn pronounced with earnest conviction as she pointed out the object that was moving rapidly in its erratic course.

"And it is certainly no conventional aircraft," Warren confirmed.     "Look at the way it moves...those right angle turns."

Within another few moments, the UFO performing those aerial acrobatics was joined by another lively light in the sky, then another.   

I remember being so excited that I could barely do more than utter, “This is unbelievable,” over and over.

Our combined family of eight kids, ranging from toddlers to pre-teenagers, were shouting and pointing at the sky as if Santa and his sleigh had appeared. 

Warren laughed and teased me that I was finally seeing UFOs after having written a book about them.

This is where I should stress that none of us adults had nothing alcoholic to drink that night.  At that time in my life, I drank nothing stronger than Dr. Pepper.  At the end of a work day, Warren would, on occasion, have a shot of bourbon with a glass of Coca-cola.  Neither of our wives drank alcohol.

                     An Astonishing  Sighting of a UFO Armada

After about fifteen minutes of watching the impossible aeronautics above us, Warren suggested that we might get an even better view of the performance if we were to drive down by the river.

I suggested a spot a few miles from the lights of the city, a clearing where I had gone target-shooting when I lived in Clinton.  It was close to the river and surrounded by a thick growth of trees and brush. 

It was as if a carefully planned aerial pageant celebrating the agile maneuvers of UFOs awaited us.  After a routine of seemingly impossible flight patterns, four brightly glowing UFOs hovered opposite each other and appeared to shoot lightning bolt-like beams of light at each other.  

Were they exchanging energy or trying to shoot each other down? 

The objects did not appear intent on destroying one another, for the crackling-lightning exchange continued for quite some time at a range so close that they could not have missed their target.

After several minutes of  this strange procedure, three of the glowing UFOs descended in what came to be known among researchers as “the falling-leaf motion” downriver.  We watched them closely until the objects dropped below tree level.

Good lord!  The flying saucers apparently had a base here.  Somehow it seemed appropriate that the thick woods near Mississippi would make a good hideaway.

Then, from another area even farther down river, two UFOs began to ascend in that same peculiar falling-leaf movement, only this time they were rising.  Once they had attained a certain altitude, however, the vehicles zoomed off at an astonishing rate of speed.

That appeared to signal the conclusion of their performance.  The four UFOs that remained within the field of vision suddenly moved quickly off to various positions in the night sky and froze, looking now like ordinary stars.

Article continues tomorrow Thursday, February 27, 2014!

View the original article here

Monday, March 17, 2014

UFO Sighting in Aurora, Texas on April 10th 2013 - Image is on Google Earth.

This is a Google Earth image; attached below. Hundreds of objects look like identical flying birds with lights shining toward the ground. All of the birds are flying in precisely the same direction. Expand the image in google to see many more birds. In case you didn't get it, I found the image from approximately 1400 ft. at 33 04'29.15" N 97 32'21.02" W The date on the image was 4/10/13. Hope I'm not wasting your time. I appreciate what you'll are doing. jk

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

UFO Sighting in Virginia Beach, Virginia on July 10th 2012 - Saw barrel-shapped object hoverning near military base

I've never reported this or really spoke much about it. It was probably nothing. But while watching the show last night, a few times a clip was shown with an object that looked a lot like what I saw. My family and I were camping at First Landing State Park, VA, in July 2012. The camping ground faces the Chesapeake beach side of Virgina Beach and is right next to the Joint Expeditionary Base, Fort Story. Around 10 a.m., I was walking up to the camp bath and washrooms and noticed what looked like a 50 gal. barrel hovering above the beach area closest to the base at a slight eastward angle. I ignored it figuring it was a kite or something, but then it stuck me as being unusual. I looked back up and stared at it for a few minutes. "What is that?" I said several times, each time trying to rationalize it as a balloon or kite. But it looked very solid and didn't move at all. If it were windy enough for a barrel-shapped kite to take flight, I would expect it to move or sway a bit. But it didn't. As I was staring at it, a guy walked by me, also heading to the bathroom. As he passed, I called out to him..."Hey, what is that?" The guy looked up, stared a few moments,then simply said "I don't know" and kept walking. I continued to stare then saw two or three blackhawk helicopters take off and head toward the northwest. I said to myself they're going after whatever that is. As I continued toward the bathroom, I kept watching the object as it hovered motionlessly. The helicopters did a large westward loop. And I continued into the bathroom. I was in there maybe 5 mins. When I came back out it was gone. I don't recall if the helicopters were in the air or area when I came out. I returned to the campsite and jokingly told my wife I saw a UFO. I never saw it again while we were there and never quite saw anything like it again.

View the original article here

Friday, March 14, 2014

UFO Sighting in Middleburg, Florida on August 10th 2004 - {kt}3 crafts flying silently in formation during lunar eclipse

My sighting happened during a Lunar eclipse several years ago, at approximately 10pm. I was outside on my porch, viewing the eclipse. The three crafts were shaped like a housefly and were white and translucent. They were quite large in comparison to a regular airplane or jet. They were very easy to see. The night was clear, no rain, clouds, or fog. The crafts were flying in formation, very close together, side by side. All of a sudden, the craft in the middle did a zig-zag sort of move and then it returned to formation. There was absolutely no sound. They came over from the north, flew straight by the moon, and disappeared over the trees heading south. I was alone, so no one else saw the crafts but me. I could hardly believe it! Very cool. I stated above that my viewing happened in August, but it might have been October. The year probably isn't correct either, but I know for sure there was a full lunar eclipse that night. I had written it down at the time of the sighting, but I can no longer find the information.

View the original article here

Thursday, March 13, 2014

UFO Sighting in Sacramento, California on February 28th 2014 - I was Freaking Out..I've NEVER seen AIRCRAFTS like this in my etire life.

I live on 106 Avenue in Sacramento California I was getting out of my car and I heard a strange noise and when I looked up I saw a very weird looking aircraft. I grabbed my cell phone to take a picture but I was shaking so hard at a sheer I couldn't get a shot of the first one,then all of a sudden another one came directly after it. I was able to get a picture of it. Its small but I got it.this event happened at approximately 9 15 on February 28 was a very weird sound kinda like a rumbling, but it was silent I can't really explain it. I know one thing it freaked me out.both aircraft flew completely over my apartment building.I am attaching a picture in the picture the arrow is my carport fort,the circle is the UFO, and the square is a regular star in the sky.I posted my picture on facebook, & a Facebook friend referred me to this site and asked me to post my information which I am doing. Thank you

View the original article here

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

UFO Sighting in Darlington, South Carolina on March 1st 2014 - Observed object reflecting sunlight hovered than disappeared

Was driving on hwy 34 towards darlington, observed object reflecting sunlight. I pulled over on the side of the road, looked at object through binoculars . Observed metallic object hovering, for about 2 minutes. While observing object another motorist with passenger stopped and asked what I was looking at. I told them and looked again through binoculars and was unable to locate again. I than got back into my vehicle and drove about two more miles in the direction where object was observed and noticed clearly a commercial jet moving in a northern direction not reflecting light . This air plane was was not observed anywhere near the disc or anywhere in the vicinity. I am %100 percent positive was I initially observed was NOT the commercial jet.

View the original article here

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


In a stunning development published on February 24, 2014, the Intercept has released three UFO images as part of a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation from what it describes as the Edward Snowden archives of secret files allegedly stolen from the NSA. Publication of "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations" now offers independent third-party evidence linking the self-styled surveillance program whistleblower to UFOs in support of claims that first appeared in an internationally syndicated news article released over seven months earlier.

Slides 35 to 37 of the “Art of Deception” document display photographs and video still frames of flying saucer-like objects under a section titled “Influence and Information Operations.” While there is no descriptive text accompanying these images (other than time/date stamps and copyright marks), the Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald offers context for their appearance, stating that the release of these documents reveals how “agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.”

In such remarks, could the former Guardian columnist be inferring the existence of intelligence operations targeting public UFO research and activist contactee videographers?

First Reported in June 2013

In the first of a series of highly-controversial reports dated June 10, 2013, the Vancouver UFO Examiner presented audio evidence linking Edward Snowden’s Hong Kong interview for the British Guardian newspaper describing how a secret message encrypted backwards in his speech represented an involuntary disclosure of his concerns about UFO and ET contact-related issues.

The report, titled “PRISM mining UFO data, targets false flag ET invasion as pretext to space wars”, cited analysis of Edward Snowden’s June 9, 2013, interview with the Guardian newspaper revealing “unconscious concerns about PRISM being used to mine online UFO and ET contact-related data as part of an ongoing attempt by the U.S. government to implement tyrannical space wars initiatives.”

A partial transcript of his statements to the Guardian revealed the location within Edward Snowden’s conscious statements where the involuntary disclosure occurred:

Edward Snowden: “The only thing that restricts the activities of the surveillance state are policy. Even our agreements with other sovereign governments; we consider that to be a stipulation of policy rather than a stipulation of law. And because of that, a new leader will be elected, they’ll flip the switch, say that “Because of the crisis, because of the dangers that we face in the world”, you know, some new and unpredicted threat [emphasis added], “We need more authority, we need more power.” And there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turn-key tyranny.”

Secret Message: “Those UFOs.”

Click here to watch “Edward Snowden’s Secret NSA Surveillance UFO Message” published on June 10, 2013, to YouTube’s SecretMessageTV: “The secret that Edward Snowden dared not tell in his confessional video interview to the UK Guardian relates how the formerly top secret PRISM surveillance program is being used to mine online UFO and ET contact-related data in an attempt to build a false flag ET invasion case as a pretext to space wars and their understandably disastrous consequences.“

Click here to listen to former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly’s controversial interpretation and analysis of Edward Snowden’s secret messages on Alchemical Connections talk radio.

Guardian Censorship

Active censorship by the British Guardian newspaper was evident prior to a July 17, 2013, live online question and answer session with Edward Snowden when this reporter posted a question pertaining to Google-syndicated news of Edward Snowden’s unconscious UFO disclosure. That question was not simply ignored but was subsequently removed from the Guardian website in an act of prior restraint.

Further acts of censorship occurred on social network Facebook following the publication of a second article in this series of exposés, titled “Edward Snowden's psychic human ETs revealed” on January 28, 2014.

The report cited “an involuntary process of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR).” The video accompanying the article demonstrated how “secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials.“

Click here to watch “Edward Snowden’s Psychic Human ETs” on YouTube: “An expose revealing involuntary processes of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR). The video demonstrates how secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials.”

Facebook Censors

As if following the “Art of Deception” playbook for online operatives, numerous Facebook group administrators and group members (including those from World UFO Group, In the Field - Observers Actively in the Field and ET Disclosure, Canada International) attacked the person reporting and/or removed the posting of the second article in this series from their groups while rabidly and dogmatically citing defamatory terms such as “disinformation” and “cointelpro.”

This reporter was subsequently banished from both World UFO Group and ET Disclosure, Canada International for challenging the censoring administrators to substantiate their claims.

With @14,000 members, Facebook’s World UFO Group advertises itself to the public as a haven from spying, blocking, deleting and censorship.

A request for comment via Facebook to World UFO Group lead organizer Allen Benz dated February 1, 2014, cited “acts of censorship and banishment in the name of a group that advertises values such as open mindedness and a love for truth.”

Over three weeks later, that request has been ignored while the publication of "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations" via the Intercept has offered what can only be described as further substantiation of those initial claims describing Edward Snowden’s links to UFO information, faithfully reported over seven months earlier in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

Read Edward Snowden's Secret Messages: The Series

PRISM mining UFO data, targets false flag ET invasion as pretext to space wars (Vancouver UFO Examiner, June 10, 2013)

Edward Snowden's psychic human ETs revealed (Vancouver UFO Examiner, January 28, 2014)

Read this story and more in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

View the original article here

Monday, March 10, 2014


Zetatalk had been stating for almost two years that our president would announce the presence of Planet X, the likelihood of Poleshift, and the existence of Extraterrestrials. I know from speaking of it, that most people say they would eat their hats if any such announcement in whole or part were to be made ever. Logically though, I felt inclined to believe the announcement would have to occur because if all of a sudden PX appears in the skies and no government had mentioned it, then all credibility would be lost. Many believe that no government has credibility now, so they think the announcement will never happen.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

Realistically, if the government announces any one of the three parts: PX, PS or ETs, it will take only the blink of an eye for people to Google that and find with the complete story. Zetatalk is at least 40,000 pages, freely accessible, of questions asked by the public since 1995 to Nancy Lieder, who then asks the 100% human Zetas and sets down their answers. The Zetas have many times described the attempts by our president to make such an announcement, only to be blocked by wealthy and powerful political forces who wish to keep the secret as, to them, most people are expendable anyway. It used to be that the number one question was 'what is the date of poleshift' but the best the Zetas would do was give an event calendar, not a date calendar. Then the question became when would the announcement of poleshift occur.

Various theories have evolved, which include the government never disclosing ETs because they contacted selfish ETs and engaged in reprehensible activities which can never be disclosed until all the men involved had long passed away. 

Another theory is that Planet X would not be disclosed because it was top secret, so to disclose ETs and PX would require a statement such as ' after much effort we overcame the secrecy going back to Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower over the existence of ETs here and now, continuously for tens of thousands of years. As to the secrecy of PX, it would involve overcoming the secrecy since the IRAS satellite spotted PX incoming in December 1983, during the Reagan administration, from the direction of Orion. PX was announced then and retracted the next day for the obvious reason that the very next question would be 'what does that mean for earth' and the government did not then wish to announce poleshift.

Briefly, poleshift involves the granite continents, floating on magma, being grabbed by the magnetic field of PX and slid until the eastern tip of Brazil is over the existing north magnetic pole of the core of the earth.

So then the theories of the announcement[s] evolved into how could the government announce such, and still expect people not to read Zetatalk, where, in a short space of time the entire story would be known worldwide. One suggestion is that PX would merely be announced as a 'rogue planet' and 'there is nothing to worry about, so stay in your jobs, and keep living where you are, because if we learn anything important in our monitoring we will let you know, so trust us.'

Another theory is that the government would announce ETs by finding some archeological site and announcing that, here, for all to see, is evidence they 'were' here. Thus there is no reason to think that unselfish ETs have given Nancy to share with the world about what is happening now and in the near future. As for poleshift, it might be possible that the government would announce a few ocean sloshings, some minor quakes, and possible communications interruptions; you know, nothing to worry about, no reason to take your family and head for the hills today!

Now Courtney Brown is a CIA connected remote viewer who is a tenured professor at Emory University, but who has a team of remote viewers who engage in secret CIA projects. Occasionally his team focuses on pet 'public' projects which are very interesting but not verifiable. He has a remote viewing website for those interested, and now, two facebook pages.

All of a sudden on January 29th of this year, Courtney announced that 'an announcement will be made in February which will change the world forever.' 

Certainly Courtney is an interesting radio guest, and an interesting writer, entertaining even; but in no case can I find anything he ever said which was accurate. But for some reason because it was going viral on the web, Nancy did accept the question and the Zetas did address it and the issue was discussed in Zetatalk Newsletter 385. Nancy stated that she was told by the Zetas in December that the announcement would be made in 'midwinter' which she implied would be made jointly by the leaders of the US, Russia, and China. She also was told by the Zetas that the announcement would be made in February. 

I thought that the announcement would not be made during the Olympics which ended February 23rd, and as Nancy had said, would be more likely to be made on a Friday after all the markets closed in North America and Europe, so as not to simultaneously collapse the economy. So if the announcement were to be made in February, then Friday February 28th would appear to logically be the most likely. But Nancy never gave a date in February....

So as the month went along, we wondered and wondered what is the announcement, who will make it, and how will people react. 

Then Courtney Brown muddied the waters by announcing that 'because critical supplies have been delayed in being placed in an unstable location, the announcement would be delayed until mid March. Then Courtney started making confusing 'implication' statements where he refused to discuss the announcement content but hoped people would start discussing 'it'. 

Well if you are not going to tell us what 'it' is, Courtney, how can we discuss 'it'? What are 'critical supplies' and what is, and where is, 'an unstable area'? 

Courtney proceeded to make implication statements which state what the announcement is not. As for what it is, he has only offered that it is 'information' which by definition is an announcement anyway.

So this matter, simple as it was, has developed into a mess with Courtney making a fool of himself, and Nancy wishing she had not commented on Courtney in the first place. 

The most important things to remember here are that the governments have to make the announcement, in my estimation, if for no reason other than to explain the earth wobble causing extreme weather.  Governments are not likely to announce anything until they have to do so. Many are convinced that any announcement will also point to Zetatalk which has been accurately describing all these subjects for 19 years, for free, without any confusion.

So, in summary, we still do not know exactly when an announcement will be made, or what it will contain; but we do know that if it contains PX, or PS or ETs, then people will find the other two parts as set forth in ZT. 

As a personal analogy, imagine your mother tells you that your father wants to speak to you and what he will say will change your world forever. That would be unsettling and so we, the world, are left with an unsettling feeling, as we should be.

In the meantime, read Zetatalk, and go to their safe areas list and plan to move to a safe area with your loved ones. THAT is all you can do as everyone I meet has a feeling something is about to happen and no two people agree on what it is.

So here is the actual material published by Courtney Brown and Nancy Lieder, and review it yourself. 

You should know that predictions are very difficult because of freewill of humans and extraterrestrials and thus things can and do change although the events themselves, as big as they are, will not change. But dates do change. With thousands of accurate predictions, no one can approach the veracity of Zetatalk even if the announcement is still vague. But Courtney has no record of even one correct prediction as far as I know, and therefore, I believe we can safely disregard his statements. If the CIA told him what to say or not say, this would not be the first time the CIA has tried to ridicule Nancy Lieder. The Zetas have said there will be an announcement of PX, PS, and ETs and this I believe in my heart. When is another matter...

So as you read the material below, notice how complete, detailed and thorough Nancy Lieder's information is; and how ridiculous and confusing the Courtney Brown material is by comparison. 

My best to you all, Gordon

Also read: Obama To Announce Planet X and ET Presence?

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

UFO Sighting in Mexicali, Baja California on May 18th 2012 - Checked not a witness, I was not aware of sighting, until a photo album was looked at 03.01.14

The pictures were within eye sight of Cabo San Lucas harbor Friday, May 18, 2012, 18:49 pm, (believed MST - times were not changed from PDT on arrival in Baja). There were approximately 25 people in our businss group, I am not aware of anyone that viewed the sighting directly. I was the only one taking photos at this time of our outing, and took roughly 125 pictures during the entire trip. While returning to port, I took a number of shots at sunset as we passed "Lands End". Those with date in lower corner are from a HTC cell phone, the last was taken with a Canon SLR. The photos show glowing, disc/cigar shaped object/s to the left of our vessel. There are grey spots in cell phone shots; those are birds going to roost in the rocks. Picture 5 from SLR shows 2 glowig objects, and one looks to be right in front of the rock formation. This makes it hard to determine how far away the object is in the "dated" photos. Had I been looking up, instead of the rocks and the ocean views, I most definately would have made sure to get more details and pictures. I welcome reviews, and psibly be advised what I captured.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014


In a colossal science fantasy story by Herbert Wells, First Contact is made with an alien species. Our first sight of them is not a happy one: they look nothing like us!

A lock unscrews on the cylindrical projectile which has been shot from the planet Mars only to alight in Surrey, England. What clambers out has a sideways beak and is octopus like. The narrator’s reaction is one of horrified disgust – and this is before they have declared their hostile intent!

The War of the Worlds was first serialised in the last three years of the nineteenth century. Fast forward past another century and there are now those who say they have glimpsed real life creatures from beyond our earth.

Within the abduction/contactee end of the study of UFOs there are is a whole carnival of space aliens. The vast majority of these are not as Wells had feared. They are humanoid in design. At worse, they may have three fingered hands, but not tentacles.

Those who take a mythopoeic approach to this phenomenon can point out that all these beings partake of what the poet Philip Larkin once called `the common myth kitty`. That is to say, they are archetypes.

So we have Angels. These are the ones who look most like us, but are more beautiful. They have come to save us from ourselves. Then we have the Little Folk, who are like diminutive humans who act in mischievous or just incomprehensible ways. Then the Demons: these are also small, but they stick things into our private parts as demons have always done. There can even be found some mention of Man-beasts who double up as UFO occupants (see my piece `Solid Sasquatch and the Goblin universe` on this site).

As folklore adjusts to the times, we can now supplement the roll call with spacemen (in their close fitting `diving suits` with logos on, etc), robots and insectoid humans.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

Much television science fantasy also trades in human-like space aliens. People need to be able to relate to the participants in any drama, even if they happen to be extraterrestrial; besides it is a whole lot easier to slap a bit of make up on an actor than it is to construct a convincing original looking alien.

For the scientific community, however, the question remains open. How disconcerting to us would the appearance of an alien be?

According to a popular thesis called Convergent Evolution, ecologies which are earth-like would be liable to bring forth creatures which have adapted to look more or less like us. Our stereoscopic sight, for example, gives us an evolutionary advantage, and would for them too. So our seas house both barracudas, which are fish, and dolphins which belong to the mammal family. They look alike, however. (See Professor Simon Conway Morris in the Telegraph online, Jan 25th 2010.)

This position does have some critics though. One of them is the Senior Astronomer of the SETI Institute, Seth Shostak. He reasons that any aliens that we meet would have to be way in advance of us in technological terms (otherwise, how would we ever get to know them?) Such a species would most likely have advanced beyond their own biology and become cyborgs or even overtaken by their own artificial intelligences. They would look nothing like us, then (see

Notwithstanding this, contemporary abduction and contact claims, popular science fantasy and many astrobiologists all concur that E.T would not upset the human eye too much.

What, then, are we to make of those rare cases of encounters with creatures which are quite unlike us?

Bug Eyed Monsters.

Next to the enigma of Betty and Barney Hill, the most celebrated early abduction case must be the one that centres on Pascagoula city in Jackson County, Mississippi, U.S.A. Unlike the Hill case, which seemed to set the template for later alleged abductions, this case is almost unique. It features wholly non-humanlike beings.

The details of the case are well documented. What interests here is the nature of what took Charles Higson and his younger friend Calvin Parker in 1973. These `ufonauts` - if they were that –had legs with round feet – which they did not use, bullet shaped heads, carrot shaped protrusions on the sides of their heads where one might expect ears and – for the accounts changed – either a slit or a hole for the mouth. Their hands were akin to the claws of a lobster (see, for example,

These kinds of exotic liaisons are not without precedent either.

A decade earlier in the wooded shipway district in Saltwood, Kent on the south east coast of Britain four boys – among them John Flexton (17) and Martin Hutchinson (18) ran to the police with an unbelievable tale.

That evening, on November16th 1963, they observed an ovoid object descend without sound into the woods. They insisted that what then came out of the woods was bat-like but with no head. About the size of a human, it had webbed feet. (Bowen, p-22.)

Again if we trawl back another eleven years to 1952 we discover that there arose a similar case in Flatwoods, in Braxton County, West Virginia USA.  After seeing a `meteorite` land in a nearby forest Kathleen May and four boys went to see what they could find. What came down through the forest to meet them was much bigger than any human. It had a spade shaped head which was bright red, and glowing green eyes. It appeared to be dressed in some sort of garment and had no legs. Later a woman and her mother said they had seen the same apparition, as did another couple found by the investigator John Keel  (Bord, p-99-101, also

There are some just as outlandish figures belonging to more recent abduction accounts. The `praying mantis` type aliens have now become common enough to have been welcomed into the alien zoo, in North America at least.

Preston Dennet relates the case of Paul Nelson who was a party to visitations from 1967 onwards. It might be significant that he had been exposed to UFO literature and that when he undertook regressive hypnosis his expectation was that the aliens would be the classic Greys. Instead, what he recalled were more in the nature of Praying Mantis types (Dennet, p-94-95.)

The forgoing exhibits all occurred in connection with the presence of anomalous ariel phenomena (although is notable that in two of the scenarios the entities were not seen getting out of the craft – if craft they were.) What about non-human entities which appear without the need for transport?

Nameless things.

One delicious offering from the casebook comes from the improbable surrounds of Westminster in the West End of London. Here you can find an antique book shop on 50 Berkeley Square. This property has its own antique legend. Some call it the `Nameless thing`. The story is singular in that it incorporates the death of one of the witnesses!

They say that the second – or is it the fourth? –floor of this building is the haunt of something gruesome and not at all human.

One person who decided to investigate was sir Robert Warboys. In the 1840’s he spent the night there – and paid for it with his life!

Much later, in 1943, two sailors squatted in the property for a night. The Nameless thing attacked one of them too. There are few clear descriptions of what this `thing` looked like, except it was a slithering creature with Lovecraftian overtones.

Seeing the case as demonic in nature, the haunted house habitué Harry Price made his own scrutiny of the property. His report linked the `haunting` to historical events which had occurred there much earlier. This did nothing to account for the monstrous aspect of the spirit. (See, for example,

Part II in this series concludes tomorrow: Saturday, March 1, 2014!

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Friday, March 7, 2014

UFO Sighting in Lanton , Missouri on February 7th 2010 - I saw and herd objects in the sky will hunting one night

I was in the woods raccoon hunting, I herd a hum that turned into a roar. Then I saw a light flying Erratically out of the Out of the south it would ascend and then descend Zigzagging across the sky. Then to two more lights coming out of the north met up with the first light They hovered around 500 feet in the sky for around 20 to 25 minutes making a roaring humming sound then in a step pattern began shoot off to the north/northwest while gaining great Altitude. Afterwords the battery on my headlamp was drained and my cell phone will not work. After the sighting I felt confused I've seen helicopters flight paths at night and there's no way a Helicopter could fly like that. When I left the woods that night I put the experience in the back of my mine and tried to forget it, I've tried to convince my self that what I saw had some Plausible explanation behind it but I realize after four years that keeping myself in Denial was Na???ve of me.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014


If you missed Part I of this series click here!

What Had We Just Witnessed?

It seems so naïve to me now, but somehow it didn’t seem at all peculiar that we should receive such a dramatic exhibition of extraterrestrial aeronautics.  After all, thousands of individuals all over the United States, the world, were having sightings of strange lights and craft in the skies.  Hadn’t I just written a book about flying saucers?  Why shouldn’t I have a dramatic sighting?  Why should I not view absolute proof that such objects were soaring across our skies? I had been hoping to see a flying saucer since I was eleven.  

At the time, it didn’t seem to occur to either one of us what the odds would be that we would be discussing UFOs minutes before they appeared in the night sky and put on a dramatic aerial performance for us.  Neither of us argued that the synchronicity of our discussing the subject of flying saucers and then witnessing an incredible display of numerous “spaceships” performing intricate maneuvers for our personal edification would be akin to the odds of a neophyte zoologist discovering a new species of walrus on his first expedition to the arctic.  We did assume that everyone in Clinton and the Quad Cities had surely witnessed the same incredible show that we had, and we expected that the media would be profuse with people reporting the remarkable sightings.  

There were no reports of UFO sightings in any of the media the next day, but I really didn’t notice for I returned to my research completely convinced that extraterrestrial craft were making themselves at home in our terrestrial environs.   The fact that we believed that we had observed such an incredible exhibition was largely due to an acceptance of the new reality that we were being visited by extraterrestrials and that such aerial displays were being witnessed by men and women all over the globe.

      Real Encounters, Different Dimensions, and Paraphysical Beings  

I can still vividly recall that remarkable evening in the summer of 1966 ,and in my own mental Imax theater, I can “see” the UFOs moving across the sky with great clarity.  I know what I saw, and my memory of that experience cannot be shaken.  

However, what I had once believed to be a profound demonstration of the power of Visitors from elsewhere in the universe, I now regard as a manifestation of “Cosmic Cinema in the Sky” projected by beings with their own agenda.  I now consider that UFOs are but a part of a greater, more complex reality, one that brings to mind Edgar Allan Poe’s fancy that “all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”    

After a number of years in the field interviewing hundreds of  UFO experiencers, contactees, and abductees throughout the United States and Canada and corresponding with their counterparts in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and several other European nations, I began to see very familiar patterns emerging:

*Throughout humankind’s recorded history, people have reported seeing bright lights soaring across the skies, as well as flying shields, chariots, and sailing vessels.  Readers of the Bible and the holy books of other religions who are advised to watch for “signs in the skies” have not been disappointed.

*Since the beginning of our species’ search for meaning, gods, angels, and assorted divinities have dutifully appeared to tutor us and to gift us with individual mystical experiences.

*For centuries, we have encountered what appears to be a companion species who is obsessive in its fascination of our sexuality and who is apparently interested in creating a hybrid species.  These Hidden Folk, the Fae, the Fairies, also seem to have a program of substituting their children (changelings) for ours.  The abductee phenomena seems so obviously this ages-old Magic Theater with a new cast and new costumes.

*After years of interviewing contactees, those who claim direct communication from the Space Brothers and Sisters, I became disenchanted with their wisdom when it seemed over and over to repeat the centuries’ old admonitions to be kind to one another and all of life and to cherish and care for the welfare of the planet.  I had heard these bromides years before when I sat listening to spirit mediums relay commentary from their ethereal guides.

*Time after time when someone who had reported sighting a low over flight of a UFO to me, he or she later called me to report that their home had been beset by an invisible or shadowy entity that smashed their furniture and pounded on their walls.  Those encounters sounded more to me like the classic poltergeist, the noisy, racketing, throwing ghost of psychical research rather than an outer space invader who had traveled light years only to molest an earthling’s home.

By the time that I wrote Revelation: The Divine Fire (Prentice-Hall, 1973) and Mysteries of Time and Space  (Prentice-Hall, 1974), I had come to doubt that it was extraterrestrial beings who were involved in what we deem the UFO mystery.  Rather than extraterrestrial miracle workers in our skies, I had come to believe that the entities associated with UFOs were as likely to be our fairy godmothers and godfathers as they were our saviors from outer space.

            UFOs--Harbingers of The World’s Greatest Mystery

Today,  Sherry and I refer to UFOs as but one aspect of an ageless enigma, a great mystery.   Today, we offer alternative theories for the UFOnauts multidimensional origin and purpose.  I was wrong in calling them “strangers” in our skies. They quite likely have been here even before we stood upright as a species

In our latest  book, Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldy Beings, we present the thesis that the aliens, angels, spirit guides, demons, fairies, elves, and gods or goddesses encountered by receptive percipients may actually be the product of a multidimensional intelligence that masks itself in physical forms that are more acceptable to humans than its true image--if image it has. We choose to define and to name this multidimensional intelligence and its multitude of manifestations as the Other. 

The many guises of  the Other exist only a frequency away in the background of the unconscious, waiting for some triggering mechanism to bring it into focus.  The so-called “collective unconscious” of modern psychology is nothing less than a subliminal doorway to that immaterial domain which the physicists are so busily mapping on a different level. Once that “doorway” has been opened, an as yet unknown psychic mechanism activates the unconscious mind, the “higher self,” and summons the Other. Once activated, the Other is able to absorb, reflect, and imitate human intelligence, thereby creating a host of entities that are fashioned by the dramatic by-products of our collective unconscious.  Once the Other draws upon a human’s belief construct, it may produce an independent image that can sustain itself on the vagaries of centuries of legend and myth.

The messages relayed by the images that have been created by the Other are always relevant to the time context of human observers, but the symbolism that it employs is always timeless, archetypal, and instantly recognizable by one level of the percipient's consciousness.  Angels, genies, wee people, devils, and gods, it would seem have been popular in all cultures throughout history.

Many of the messages conveyed by the Other seem upon first examination to contain creative symbolic myths rather than literal truths. We maintain that in addition to mystical and spiritual insights, numerous literal truths have been prompted by the Other and that through the ages, the gods, angels, and alien messengers have provoked humankind into ever higher spirals of intellectual and technological maturity, steadily pulling our species into the future.  Throughout human history, the Other has demonstrated the possibility of air flight, radio communication, television, computers, and a host of technological extensions of our five senses.   

 What answers does the Other offer for humankind in what appear to be very turbulent times ahead?  Will it finally reveal its true identity?  Will it disclose our species true origins? And will it ever tell us why it even bothers with us?  

Seeking the answers to those questions is more than enough to keep us highly motivated to continue working in a constantly evolving field of research that seeks to more  accurately define our past and more carefully shape our future.


Photo credit: UFO Digest stock photo 

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

UFO Sighting in Essex, Maryland on February 7th 2014 - Saw large bright sphere w/ tail that turned slightly and formed 3 blue-green smaller lights.

I was driving on Route 702 with my adult daughter. It was dark and we were headed opposite of 695. It appeared 3 times larger than a moon in the sky and I thought it was a meteor as it looked like it had a tail of light. It was traveling very fast and it looked like it was going to crash into the wooded area. It slowed down at the top of the trees and made a slight turn and the bright sphere turned into 3 smaller blue-green spheres that were in a diagonal straight line. After it turned into the 3 smaller spheres it appeared to "cloak" into the sky. I was unsure if I was really seeing what I thought I was, when my daughter looked over and said "Mom, did you see that?". I said yes and I was glad she had seen it also.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014


EARLY UFO ACCOUNTS INCLUDE FLYING SAILS AND MORE! @import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url("");@import url(""); Skip to main content iPhone app,    iPad app,    Android phone app,    Android tablet app,     More Forgot password Create account Log in March 02, 2014 UFODIGEST (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); United States Canada Australia United Kingdom Search form Search   HomeUFO VideosMoreAdvertising on UFO DigestContact UFO DigestContributorsLink Your Site To UFO DIgestUFO Digest Privacy PolicyUFO Digest - Writer's GuidelineWriters Needed!The UFO Store2012Aliens and UFOsAlien AbductionAlien EncountersAncient AstronautsArea 51Cattle MutilationsCrop CirclesExopoliticsMen In BlackPlanet X - NibiruRoswellUFO PhotosUFO SightingsUFO Videos w/YouTubeConspiraciesAssassinationConspiracies in ReligionsDa Vinci CodeHoly GrailIlluminatiNew World OrderParanormalAstral PlaneAstrologyCryptozoologyGhostsFairy FolkHalloweenHollow Earth TheoryLost CivilizationsMagickOccult, TheReincarnationTime TravelVampiresWerewolvesBermuda TriangleReligionAngels and DemonsMiraclesProphets and PropheciesSpaceNASAMarsDisastersMoonScienceClimate ChangeEvolutionHuman Consciousness Focus: Secondary menuBLOGSBOOKSCONTRIBUTORSMOVIESTRAVELFORUM STUNNING VANCOUVER UFO PHOTOGRAPHED BY TRIPLE-CAMERA IMAGING PLATFORM Charles Lamoureux offered a comparison between this object’s luminous performance with that of a Fourth of July fireworks display. BIG MOTHERLODE OF PLANETS DISCOVERED! Our galaxy is looking far more crowded and hospitable. NASA on Wednesday confirmed a bonanza of 715 newly discovered planets outside our solar system. NOTHING LIKE US: EXAMINING REPORTS OF NIGHTMARE ENTITIES - PART II There are quite a few ghost tales which, had they been publicised in different cultural environments, would serve just as well as sightings of non-... EARLY UFO ACCOUNTS INCLUDE FLYING SAILS AND MORE! Over the years, there have been many UFO accounts across Cape Cod. Perhaps our proximity to water and flat surfaces make us susceptible to these... OBJECTS OVER MICHIGAN FARM SEEM CONTROLLED! A Twin Lake, MI, witness reported watching multiple unknown objects moving in a "controlled manner" over a pasture that varied in "speed, direction,... NOTHING LIKE US: EXAMINING REPORTS OF NIGHTMARE ENTITIES In a colossal science fantasy story by Herbert Wells, First Contact is made with an alien species. Our first sight of them is not a happy one: they... THE WORLD WILL CHANGE FOREVER: COURTNEY BROWN Zetatalk had been stating for almost two years that our president would announce the presence of Planet X, the likelihood of Poleshift, and the... EDWARD SNOWDEN LINKED TO UFOS - LEAKED DOCUMENT SHOWS Publication of "The Art of Deception" now offers independent third-party evidence linking the whistleblower to UFOs in support of claims that first... UFO DIGEST NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 27, 2014 This week we are happy to publish an exclusive article written by Brad Steiger describing his first encounters with UFOs! Then, Stephen Wagner writes... LEVITATION AND THE ANCIENT SECRETS BEHIND IT - PART II In his book The Bridge to Infinity, Bruce Cathie recounts an amazing story that he says originated in a German magazine. It tells the story of... REMEMBRANCE OF UFOs PAST - PART II It seems so naïve to me now, but somehow it didn’t seem at all peculiar that we should receive such a dramatic exhibition of extraterrestrial... LEVITATION AND THE ANCIENT SECRETS BEHIND IT DID ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS possess knowledge that has since been lost to science? Were amazing technologies available to the ancient Egyptians that... REMEMBRANCE OF UFOs PAST I was eleven-years-old in 1947 when the modern era of UFOs began. Each night that summer, I scanned the open skies above our Iowa farm and wished... UFO HOVERS OVER FRESNO, CA A California witness at Fresno reported watching and photographing a disc-shaped UFO hovering about 1,000 feet overhead at First and Nees streets... ALIENS, SIGHTINGS, FLYING SAUCERS AND MORE! UFOs and alien visitations make up one of the most popular belief systems in the world today. It is one of the most important questions about the... You are hereHome » EARLY UFO ACCOUNTS INCLUDE FLYING SAILS AND MORE! EARLY UFO ACCOUNTS INCLUDE FLYING SAILS AND MORE! Primary tabsView(active tab)What links here Robin Smith-Johnson's picture By Robin Smith-Johnson - 1 day 21 hours ago Over the years, there have been many UFO accounts across Cape Cod. Perhaps our proximity to water and flat surfaces make us susceptible to these eyewitness reports. In March 1964, a Wareham family (father, mother and daughter) were driving home and saw a large reddish-orange triangular-shaped object flashing above them at a height of 200 to 300 feet. The object, with the appearance of a sail, zig-zagged like a boat and then disappeared over Silver Lake. After reporting their sighting to Otis Air Force Base, the family could offer no explanations, but were very firm on the fact that they saw a UFO. In other early accounts of UFOs, people said they saw “flying saucers” in South Wellfleet (1957), ‘flashing’ ufos in Hyannis (1964) a “ball of fire” in Barnstable (1953) and a “flying ball” seen by fishermen in Truro (1953). Another account from Chatham (1952) described the unidentified flying object as a “black blob.” In that small article, the UFO was said to be “about the size of a baseball, and the blazing tail about 100 feet long.” Some scientists offered the explanation of meteor showers in the area. Another series of unexplained phenomena was reported in Centerville in 1950 and was seen by two local residents. “The object was described as traversing the heavens from the west while ascending until it no longer could be seen in the eastern skies.” The object was shaped like a rocket and made no sound. The earliest account in the archives was a sighting in Woods Hole in 1947. A couple saw a light yellow object traveling in the sky over Woods Hole. Their impression was the thing was saucer-shaped. The pair watched it for close to an hour before it disappeared. Reprinted with permission. Originally entitled: Flying Sails and more: Early UFO accounts

Perhaps most unsettling were a series of articles from 1975 detailing a mysterious couple leading their band of UFO-seekers toward New England. According to the UPI story, “a man and a woman known as “The Two” by their followers, reportedly have promised a caravan to another world, a journey by UFO and spiritual means to another dimension.” If this sounds familiar, the two people — Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Truesdale Nettles — were the leaders of the Heaven’s Gate cult. In March 1997, 39 members of the group committed suicide in California in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft following the comet Haley-Bopp.

 For many years, the UFO articles came every year or so. One 1964 article reported the “latest fad … (is) night-riding little green men intent of scaring the daylight out of home-bound Cape Codders.” A quick glance at the past fifteen years on our on-line archives reveals very little in the way of UFO activity. Please feel free to send your eyewitness accounts to me at - See more at:  Categories: Aliens and UFOs(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, "script", "facebook-jssdk")); Author articles EARLY UFO ACCOUNTS INCLUDE FLYING SAILS AND MORE! Newsletters UFO Digest Weekly Newsletter E-mail *

The UK’s best-known and most compelling UFO case is undoubtedly the Rendlesham Forest incident. In second place, however, comes the Cosford inciden... Continues here! 

Nick's next column will be posted Saturday, March 1, 2014.

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Monday, March 3, 2014


(Are wormholes the gateway of aliens?)

In the vast space of the universe, many mysteries can happen. There are black holes, dark matter, and theories such as Big Bang, Big Crunch, etc. In 1935, the theory of general relativity proposed a bridge through space-time known as wormholes.

In layman's terms, wormholes are theorized that if we enter one end of the hole or tunnel in our part of the world, we could exit in another time or dimension. In other words, it is a shortcut, faster than taking the latest rocket available now.

Here's a wormhole defined in Wikipedia: "A wormhole, also known as an Einstein–Rosenbridge, is a hypothetical topological feature of space-time that would be fundamentally a 'shortcut' through space-time. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with two ends each in separate points in space-time.”

In this article, more information will be given about wormholes, what they look like when one enters them, what's inside, how the person entering them would feel, and how creatures or ”people” residing at the opposite end would experience these unexpected arrivals.

First, a brief background. We are creatures living in a three-dimensional world, where we we can move sideways, backward or forward, and up or down. Time is another element, and when it is included in the definition it completes the fourth dimension. We are not creatures of the fourth dimension, because if we were, then we should also be able to go around in time, forward and backward. The earth and the whole known universe is likewise in the third dimension.

According to ancient knowledge, besides there being a third and a fourth, fifth, sixth dimension, etc. (recall John 14:2 :”In my Father's house are many mansion”), there are also what ancient wise men call “opposite worlds”. Another term for these are “twin worlds” or “world of anti-matter” or “opposite universe'. Opposite does not mean that if our world is civilized and occupied by decent people, that those opposite worlds would be uncivilized and occupied by savages. It simply means that their vibration is opposite from ours.

We should not confuse the opposite or twin world as the fourth or fifth dimension. If we assume that our dimension is like a staircase with one, two, three, four steps, etc. going up, our twin world could be seen as another staircase, parallel with ours. Before we get confused with all these ideas, let us limit our discussions to own world. According to this theory, the earth therefore would have its own twin, though not necessarily with the same exact topography and landmarks. There would also be inhabitants in that world, people, animals, and plants which are different from us. The more familiar term for the opposite world is “parallel universe”. (Logically, the parallel universe has its own first, second, third, fourth dimension, etc.)

The earth is “floating” in space, our twin, which we shall call TWE (short for twin earth) would also be floating in its own area or space. Both worlds are invisible to each other and they may even overlap. There are points where the earth and TWE meet, which we call “wormholes”.

What happens is somewhat similar if you imagine two balloons attracted to each other, say Balloon X and Balloon Y floating together in space. If Balloon X bumps into Balloon Y, at the “point of contact”, say Wormhole XWH, that part of Balloon X would go right through Balloon Y. Likewise, for creatures and people living in Balloon Y, they would experience this point of contact as Wormhole YWH.

The most well-known point of contact which can be found on earth is in the Bermuda Triangle. Other areas where the earth and its opposite “bump” into each other are at the Devil's Sea in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan, in Hamakulia, Hawaii, etc. Ivan Sanderson, a professional biologist, mapped ten vile vortices around the world, which strangely form a belt pattern across the globe.

A vortex can be seen as flowing energy in a spiral motion limited to a certain area. This definition is too general because the magnetic energy of the earth which can form into vortices is not necessarily a wormhole or tunnel leading to the opposite earth.

Documented stories of missing ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle abound. There were even communications between the aircrafts and their base before they disappeared. From the numerous disappearances we take only a few examples where there were descriptions from the stricken crew of what was happening to them.

In December 1945, the flight leader of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger torpedo bombers was able to radio their base in Fort Lauderdale, Florida before they became missing. He said, “Cannot see land. We seem to be off course”.

After several minutes, he radioed “We can't find west. Everything is wrong...Everything looks strange, even the ocean.” His last message was, “It looks like we are entering white water...We're complete lost”.

A Mariner flying boat was immediately dispatched to search for the five missing planes, but, this too went missing. Navy ships, aircraft, and the Coast Guard were alerted and joined the search for the missing bombers and the Mariner but nothing was found. And, all of this happened on a sunny day.

Another story is that of David Lang, a farmer in Tennessee, who disappeared in thin air while walking in a field near his home. Witnesses who saw him vanish included his wife, children, and two men. They and the neighbors searched for him but he could not be found.

There are a lot of other reports of mysterious disappearances on land, sea and air. Witnesses and others who escaped being “sucked” into the maelstrom report that there is at first a heavy and big cloud, which when approached, makes instruments go haywire and then turns into a vortex or tunnel. At this point, if a person is near the opening of the tunnel, spatial recognition is lost and he becomes disoriented and confused. If he enters it, he is certain to vanish from our earth and physical world.

What happens to these people who were unfortunate enough to get lost in wormholes? What do the inhabitants or members of the population living in the opposite world see? How are they affected?

When these earth men get lost or sucked into a wormhole, everything becomes different. The sky may be located below, the sea appears to come up to their side, and the colors around them are all different. They can't see very well and make out heads or tails, worse, they start to go in shock. If they put their hand in front of them they would see it only fleetingly and then as a shadow or in a different color. If they move their hand to their mouth, they might feel a different sensation like the hand is cold, or they might even feel that it is going right through them. When they speak, they hear their own voices fading away, and might even see the sound waves vibrating. They know they are standing (if they were in this position when they entered the wormhole) or sitting inside the cockpit of an airplane, yet they cannot see their feet or lap. They may feel something solid beneath their feet but not for long.

The person feels uncomfortable, with alternating cold and hot body flushes in different parts of his torso. What is weird though is that the body part he thinks about is what feels wrong, and he can't stop thinking of his appendages and torso, etc, because they don't appear solid and be physically felt as they do on earth. Despite all these experiences, he does not feel any physical pain. Being sucked into a wormhole is one eerie experience for the victim.

What do the residents of TWE experience? For earth person who had vanished here and appeared on TWE, he won't be able to clearly identify the TWE residents around him, but he will appear solid to them. They will see him as deathly pale (from fright and confusion), incoherent, and, in some ways, like an amenable zombie. He can easily be made to sit down or stand up or led around and walk if he is supported. If the earth person “landed” in an inhabited area of TWE where the residents are kind and compassionate, they may even take care of him, thinking that he is one of them. He would be taken- cared of as somebody who has experienced shell-shocked or something else, but, of course, there is no way that the earth man can tell them what happened or where he came from. If he tries to speak, what the TWE residents would hear is a faint gurgling sound or even a long drawn out silent scream.

Let us take this scenario where the TWE residents decide to take care of him. They give him a TWE apple. The earth man would not be able to focus or see very well what it is. So the residents take his hand and hand him the fruit. The earth man feels that there is something on his hand but doesn't know what it is. After seeing his inability to eat unaided, the TWE persons peel the fruit and place a slice in his mouth. Again the earth man would feel something on his lips but would not eat it because it tastes strange. No matter how well-intentioned the TWE people are, the earth man cannot understand because everything is strange and shocking to him. Eventually, he will die due to suffocation because the atmosphere is different from ours, or he may die of shock, heart failure etc.

Another kind of experience that may befall on the TWE residents is that if the earth man was inside a plane or a ship, it could explode like a big and violent fireball. This could happen after it had completely entered TWE's atmosphere. Such explosion would be a puzzle and a mystery to them like some unexplained explosions that had occurred on earth are to us.

Even aliens who have extremely advanced knowledge and technology cannot send and successfully retrieve any scientific and research equipment they send through these wormholes. Why? Because the composition of matter there is different. We of this universe cannot build a machine that would be sustainable in that universe of anti-matter. Advanced alien technology can harness the power of anti-matter for many wonderful things such as propelling UFOs and lifting heavy objects, but building a machine or equipment that is 100 percent compatible with anti-matter and our universe cannot just be done.

Wormholes are therefore not gateways which aliens use to come to earth.

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