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Thursday, August 18, 2011

UFO, Alien Invasion and Channeling

UFO is simply defined by it's name: unidentified flying object. Hence if a strange bird flies across your house, it can fall into the category of U.F.O. If at the same time a clairvoyant sees an astral or even an ethereal object that he or she cannot identify, it can also be called U.F.O. And some of these sightings may be photographed whether they are physical or ethereal depending on the spiritual radiations of the observer, and if at the same time the observer is also the photographer. For the imprint on the photographic plate depends on what the photographer can see - the person whose aura surrounds the camera and whose radiations and thoughts therefore envelopes the photographer. That is why some people who can see the little elemental beings - gnomes, flower elves, nixies - are also able to photograph them as long as they can see them, while others who cannot see them may not be able to, even if they focused on the object unless they have some inherent sighting abilities they are not aware of.

So if Edward Billy Meier, the one armed Swiss prophet and UFO contactee sees, talks to and photographs ''aliens'' it should not be taken as physical contact. In fact, one of his contactee explained that we earthlings think they come from the constellation Pleiedes, but they came from Plajera in a different time continuum. This is to say: we are not physical, we are from the beyond.

This absolutely excludes the physical tests and maneuvers of new military gadgets by the Pentagon that, because of the novelty of such machines, are classified as UFO by those who sight them. Or even some children flying their paper kites!

True UFOs, therefore, are never sighted physically. But they could be from other planets that inhabits our universe. The earth is not the only place with life within our universe or creation cycle. There are others whose inhabitants are either spiritually more mature (and therefore scientifically more advanced) and others that are below the earth in that respect. Most of those who visit and show anxiety over our penchant or pretended knowledge and tendency to self-destruct are coming to help to induce us, through some clairvoyants who are pure enough to listen to them, to warn us about the danger of the path we are threading. But they have no power to physically intervene in our affairs.

The earth, as the last planet whose inhabitants can be saved (at least a few of them) from the natural cycle of dissolution and a new birth, becomes then the last anchor of light radiations from the point of creating, where the fiat was given: Let there be light. (scientists correctly interpret this dictum as the Big Bang).

So there are no fears of alien invasion, but the changes will be wrought by the insurmountable WILL OF GOD the Father which brings about the purification in the tribulation. The changes will also affect the planes where the ascended masters are, who constantly are in contact with those who belong to their "congregation", and hence are subject to their whims, caprices and part knowledge. For these masters are masters not even in the ethereal realm, in fact in the lowest ethereal for the most of them if at all; otherwise they are masters only in the astral realm. None has actually ascended further than this and their numerous gradations. Hence they all had to be close enough to the people they are communicating with - the channels - to reach them. Some may be high spirits trapped in these lower regions, they are able to transmit their perceptions and impressions, which are part truths and part distortions to their adherents.

Their lives and the possibility of further ascent depends entirely upon the attachments of their beliefs to their teachings. They themselves cannot ascend further until they are able to make amends in the errors they themselves have spread. Their teachings stem from their total belief in themselves ( at least for many of them) as God-men. This brought out the conceited impression that "the master is always right". Hence the greatest hindrance to their own ascent is their own ego and vanity.

Another group that effect people on earth are great scientists and artists who are in the beyond and has so much scientific discoveries and artistic work that they are looking for earthly outlets. Musicians already have masterpieces composed waiting for those on earth who are open to receive them so that these people will be "inspired" to "compose" those works of genius. At the same time there are also those in the nether regions who also want their inspired works aired on earth. These people always have their target audience that they influence.

But time is coming, after the time of purification, where anything base cannot be allowed to penetrate the earth because the earth must have been enabled enough. This is the time of the promised Millenieum that "In the Light of Truth, the Grail Message" emphasizes so much.