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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Cat Moe and the Aliens

One day out of the blue a cat walked into my life. I never found out where he came from and he left much the same way he came. I lived in a house located in Owl's Head, Maine. It was while living at this house that I saw my first and only UFO. I have an article posted about the event on e-zine, but I will provide a short description here.

While living at this location I was out on my deck one night when I saw something strange in the sky. Keep in mind that I grew up next to an airport so I know what a plane in the night sky looks like. That is to say that I am familiar with the normal and therefor if anything looks abnormal I was sure to pick up on it. I know this could be construed as false logic, but when you hear what I actually saw than you will get what mean. The object I saw that night was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I do not believe it had little green men on board. What I believe I saw was merely a satellite or probe. Much the same way that we send satellites to explore the planets in our solar system, so to was this one sent to study earth. The object was diamond or pyramid shaped, meaning I am unclear as to whether it had three or four sides. What was clear were the single red lights at each point of the object. As it moved across the sky it moved in a regular flipping pattern. It would rotate, flip, turn, rotate, and flip again. All of this as it moved from east to west across the sky. To this day it remains the most bizarre and unexplainable event I have witnessed in my life. It aslo remains the only time I have ever seen a UFO, as far as i know. So, what then does this event have to do with my cat Moe? Maybe nothing, maybe something; I will never know for sure.

What I do know is that something happened to my cat that is equally unexplainable to me. Moe was a big gray cat, very muscular, with a big head and big round yellow eyes. He was the coolest cat I ever owned...if I could say I owned him. The truth is he came and went as he pleased. Sometimes I would not see him for days at a time. On the day he showed up to my home it was out of the blue. He walked up to my door, sat outside and meowed. I petted him, decided he was friendly and so I left the door open and in he came. From the first day he acted like I had him since he was a kitten. Would lay on my lap or shoulder while I watched television or read a book. Even if he wasn't on me he was always near by. Then, when he decided he needed some out door time he would go to the door or window, meow and I would let him out. He would be gone for a few hours, sometimes, days or even a week and then he would show up again. This went on for two or three years. And then he was gone, one of those times I let him out, he just never came back. He left my life exactly the same way he entered it.

During this time he spent living with me a very strange thing happened. One I am sure there is a logical explanation for, but one I have not been able to explain well enough to myself. On one of those occasions that I let him out, his return brought something strange with him. I remember that evening well enough. I opened the door to let him in. In he came, ate some food and then took his place in my lap. I noticed the injury right away. A perfect scoop of flesh, about the size of a small gum ball was missing above his right eye. There was no blood coming from this wound. I was dumbfounded. I looked the wound over and immediately my brain began seeking a rational explanation. No matter how hard I tried I could not come up with one. What had happened to Moe during this particular trip away from my home? This is no joke or exaggeration either. The wound above his eye was so perfectly round. It literally looked like some one took a small ice cream scooper and scooped out the flesh above his eye on the right side of his head. If that fact was not strange enough, try wrapping your mind around the fact that there was no blood. The fur around the wound was not matted with dried blood, there was nothing. One could assume the wound was a day or so old, and perhaps the bleeding had stopped. It may have rained and washed away any dried blood in his fur. Those things could explain the lack of blood, but what of the shape of the wound? I could not think of a single thing that could happen on accident to account for such an injury. Believe me, I tried. The wound eventually scabbed over until there was nothing left but a scar which eventually became hidden by the fur that began to grow back there. The mysterious wound was gone, and I still had no clue as to how it happened.

It was inevitable that I would entertain the notion that perhaps something other worldly had happened. Especially when one considers the number of events that have occurred across the globe involving animals. There are people out there that believe in alien experimentations that are taking place on earth. For whatever reason, aliens are experimenting on animals as well as humans. I wouldn't have given any of this a second thought if it were not for the similarity to some of the wounds described by people that were found on their animals. I am referring of course to cattle mutilations and horse mutilations and the such. They talk of perfectly round wounds, surgical incisions, and the such being found on their animals. People have tried to explain these wounds in a logical frame work. In many instances the animal has died due to natural causes. Insects then come along cause the odd injuries to the carcass. Never mind the fact that many of the people involved have dealt with animals their whole lives. They have seen dead animals before, and yet are amazed at what they have found. Their experience, allowing them to distinguish between a normal looking injury and something out of place. This fact still does not exclude logical circumstances that they may not recognize. So, it remains a possibility that some of these people are mistaken, but not in every case. There is a limit, at which point the question has to be asked; "What is going on here"?

I can sympathize with some of those people. Granted some may be mistaken, I know that there are some who are not. In those cases something unexplainable did happen. Whether aliens were involved or not I do not know. All I know is that I can not explain what happened to Moe. I can not explain how he came to have such a perfectly shaped wound on his head. A wound that did not seem to bother him, he didn't seem to pay any more attention to that area than any other. This lead me to believe that he was not in any kind of pain. It was the strangest thing. Until I receive a more logical explanation I am going to have to assume that somebody scooped out that flesh from his head. Why they would want to is beyond me. Especially if it is an earth based being. Why would any human want to inflict such an injury on a cat? How did they do it? How did they keep it from bleeding? was an open wound. Finally, how did they dull the pain? Sadly, this scenario does not seem as logical as another that I have considered. A scenario that involves Moe wondering through the woods and catching the attention of visitors from another world. A scientifically curious race of beings that found Moe in the right place at the right time. They studied him for a bit, extracted a sample from his head and then let him go. We do this from time to time as humans when we study lower life forms. We take blood and tissue samples.

I know this is a way out there hypothesis, but it is all I have to go on. Until a more plausible explanation is given I have to assume it as a possibility. That beings from another planet may have took blood and tissue samples from Moe. They could have done this for all sorts of plants and animals on that day. Moe just happened to be a part of it, a subject of opportunity. I have been trying to wrap my mind around that event for a long time, and I have not come up with anything better. I could assume there is a logical explanation that is not as exotic, but it still does not bring me any closer to the truth. I guess I will never know. In the mean time I am going to stick with the aliens hypothesis. I leave your version of the truth up to you.

Dennis James Huff