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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick UFO, Alien Theories

UFO's (unidentified flying objects) are seen in the skies all over the world and millions have witnessed this phenomenon. Lights that seem stationary in the sky, and then out of nowhere move with incredible speed or zipping lights that move to and fro and form formations. What could these objects be? Shooting stars? The usual response the government gives out is that these lights are satellites that orbit earth or just plain aeroplanes. Many people believe that these UFO's are flying saucers from another world and transport alien races to and from different worlds and galaxies. After all there are more planets in our galaxy then grains of sand on the beaches the world over. Even the pope acknowledged that there was a big possibility of other life in space. Supposedly since the Roswell crash of 1950, aliens have been visiting earth and are in constant communication with our governments. Offering new free energy technology to help clean up our planet. But the government wont share these wonders with the public because economies will crash if oil and gas stop being traded, and a lot of powerful people will lose a lot of cash. Just a theory?

Another theory to the UFO phenomenon, which is a bit more down to earth, is the nazi theory. During World War 2 the nazi scientists were working on free energy flying ships/saucers. The US found out about this and when the war came to an end they brought the nazi scientists back home. In America they were given resources and funding to keep researching this free energy wonder. Those flying saucers and triangles that you might see flying about are the result of the scientist's years of research. The US refuses to share this technology with the public because they don't want it falling into enemy hands and also they don't want a hole in their pocket. The roswell crash was actually one of there test saucers in action, they thought the game was up when it got out that a UFO crashed in the desert, but the public but 2 and 2 together and got aliens form a different plant. Needless to say the US government was more then happy to fuel this lie and so they fanned the flames by giving dumb excuses and acting guilty as hell when it came to UFO's.

So we have reached the final theory. Humans coming back from the future in time machines. Sounds a bit far fetched but it is very possible that these little grey men are actually us in another thousand years or so. We learned to survive without the human wants like food and sex. That's right no sex because we are neither male nor female and we can't reproduce. The only reproduction we will be doing is in a test tube. We have prolonged our life span and death is curable. Since we have no human wants our body has withered to a frail shadow of what it once was, but our brains and intelligence have developed beyond belief. I guess you might be asking, why would we bother visiting different times in our past? Well I have two reasons for you, either we are collecting history on our selves or just experiencing history first hand OR we have come back looking for that important ingredient that makes us human. Every test tube baby that is born gains more intelligence but loses a percentage of what makes us human. Feelings, free thinking...


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