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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reverse Racism in the UFO Community

If you believe in Alien Inhabitation theory, then you believe that Earth has been visited by some 50 or more alien races through the course of its history. A few of these races are still here on Earth, to include the semi-robotic 'Grays'. However, one of these races are the proverbial 'bad guys' and live among us (if able), or live in secret underground facilities. These are the Reptilians.

Reptilians are said to hail from Alpha Draconis, or somewhere in the Draco constellation. As a point of circumstantial evidence, this is probably the most telling that the myth isn't real. The originators of the Myth obviously put their home in the same constellation named after a Dragon. These reptile like creatures, obviously, inspired this name via their presence.

However, Draco, as a constellation name, only came about in the modern era; previously, the constellation was known for various other things, from an Egyptian goddess of fertility, to the mythological home of the Chinese Emperors. For example, the goddess of fertility, for whatever reason, was closely related to the hippopotamus. If the Egyptian basis for astronomy had been used for the modern-day, it would likely be that another constellation was related to dragons or to reptiles, and our reptilian overlords would hail from there.

Before I go any further, one must understand the full meaning of the Reptilian mythos. These creatures, now living among us, seek out nothing but power, and are motivated by it in entirety. Supposedly, they control vast amounts of our wealth and productive capability.

However, among these Reptilians, there are a sect known as the 'Albino Reptilians'. These albinos live underground, are incredibly evil, and stop at nothing to increase their own power. However, very important, is the fact that these albino reptilians have no means for reproducing. They must abduct, rape, and impregnate Earth women in order to carry on their line (which begs the question how did such a genetic flaw survive to the age of spaceflight, but I digress).

The idea and concept of Albino Reptilians seems to find the most support among African American and African Nationalist communities. Simply put, the Albino is a representation of the evil of the White Man, and his continued form of sedentary evil in this day and age. However, with how closely related that the mythology can be to the true nature of another form of racism, one starts to see parallels. If the mythology is based on fairly obvious lies, why not the racism?

Kevin is a prolific author, and writes as an associate for a blog about alien encounters. However, he is a huge fan of Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.