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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whats happening to me


1221 last night I relaxed to go to sleep.

Notes taken from journal:

Strobbing white lights - eyes closed, noticed this light very bright - not alarmed but tried to ignore it

I cant move.

Heard a croaky voice - nasty, saying something weird.

saw myself sleep walking saying in a voice that was sluggish 'please dont hurt me, please dont hurt me' over and over again

I saw my husband put his arm around me and helped me to sit down
relisation this is NOT my husband

forced to lay backwards
beings/people/creatures all around me while I am laying there. They are looking down at me. I'm afraid.
The are holding this rod, silver, long. It is inserted into my lower stomach - lower left quadrant. It hurts bad, i'm screaming, panicking
terrified and getting angry, I know i'm swearing at them.
Instantly awake, waking up my husband
Time 0107

Jesus whats happening to me.
After what occured with this dream, I was crying, a sobbing mess, my husband had to console me, i got up out of bed to have a cup of tea, my eldest son (18) was in his room at the time, said he heard me yelling out.
Jacob (5) woke up too, he also said he had a nightmare. He said he saw more ghosts, he was really scared, i cuddled him and he went back to bed. We talked, my husband, son and I for a while, I feel like i'm going out of my bloody mind!
We went back to bed, sleeped ok after.

Awoke this am - bleeding (period) very heavy.

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