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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Orbs Paranormal or not?

Orbs, those strange little balls that sometimes are caught on photos. They sure do garner a lot of debate.
The only thing I know about Orbs, is that to me, they are truly a paranormal phenomenon. I didn't find my first orb until a couple of years ago, and since then I have photographed several.
Each time I have photographed an orb it was at a site that could possibly be inhabited by a spirit.
I have TRIED many times to "Fake" orbs to find out for myself if they are dust, insects, pollen, etc. Never have I caught an orb on a photo that way.

Here is a picture taken a year after my mother and father passed away. My grandson and son are playing catch in the yard of my deceased parents home. Just before that, my grandson Ryan was crying, saying he missed his Omi. This was taken with NO Flash.

Click the image to open in full size.

This next one is in my home, the blue chair is the chair my father died in. He didn't die in MY home, but in that chair. Flash was used.

Click the image to open in full size.

To compare, here is a picture I took yesterday at a wild life preserve. Lots of wind, insects and pollen being able to be seen with the naked eye. But, you will notice, NO ORBS!!!

Click the image to open in full size.

I have many other orb pictures, either associated with my parents death or at an old Native American site.

So, now, my question is, why can't I capture "orbs" when I try, but get them when I don't expect them?

Just some thoughts and questions.

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