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Friday, June 24, 2011

SETI: The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in All the Wrong Places: Part One

What is the real purpose of SETI?

Has SETI found any signs of intelligent life somewhere out there in outer space? Or is this outfit misguided? Is it on a wild goose chase? Is it barking up the wrong tree? If so, is it being used covertly by some other faction, and for a different agenda?

SETI, which is an outdated, low-tech program whose mission is to Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, seems to be clueless, or in denial of where these ETs actually are.

SETI has been vainly endeavoring to listen for and find radio transmissions from outer space indicating intelligent life countless light years away, but it seems likely that no intelligent beings are sending us such transmissions, at least not that we could detect with our barbaric technology. If extraterrestrials are sending us messages, it's more likely via some sophisticated technology that's way over our heads. It seems that SETI's problem is that it's looking in the wrong place - or places. The SETI scientists and supporters deny the strong possibility that aliens are closer to the Earth then they want to admit. Either the SETI team is ignorant of the presence of extraterrestrials near or on the Earth, or it's a front that is hiding that facts from us. It's even possible that SETI has been taken out of the loop of actual top-secret intelligence regarding UFOs and an alien presence near the Earth. I'm talking about the military and US government's loop.

An authority on the matter, Stanton Friedman says, "I am convinced that there is indeed overwhelming evidence that aliens have been visiting Earth, or being tracked by military radar systems, are abducting earthlings, and are being observed by pilots and others all across the Earth." (Flying Saucers and Science by Stanton T. Friedman)

Could it be that the SETI people are pawns, set up so the public is duped to think the government is indeed listening to signals from ETs out in deep space? When in fact it really isn't? Stanton Friedman asks, why listen to signals from deep space when aliens are right here, although concealed from the public in general?

"Remember that the SETI community is not actually seeking ET intelligence: They are seeking signals - not intelligence and not beings." Furthermore, Friedman says, "The respectable part of the UFO community deals with the overwhelming evidence that ETI has visited Earth; I can find no reason to believe any aliens are merely sending signals to us."

So while the naïve SETI listeners waste time awaiting ET signals from countless light-years away, in hopes to discover signs of intelligent life out there, the real ETs are busy flying around the Earth, landing on it from time to time, abducting humans, conducting cattle mutilations, and who knows what else.

Countless reports support such evidence, and numerous eyewitnesses continue to reveal their experiences. Hence, extraterrestrials are making a definite presence here on Earth, leaving SETI in the dark. But the government has been endeavoring to cleverly covering it all up. Not too successfully, actually. Too many people know the truth.

For those of you who have seen the movie Arrival, doesn't it indicate that SETI was looking in the wrong direction? Experts were listening "out there," while the real aliens were "down here" all along.

Although many consider SETI a fringe program, it's closer to the mainstream than other ET-seeking programs, with its diligent alien signal-listening agenda, since it comes off as more easily believable than the idea that actual aliens could be right here in our midst. It's too bad that the UFO debunkers are squashing out people who have had actual UFO sightings, alien abductions, alien implants, etc. Apparently the SETI team is amidst these stubborn debunkers who have prevented journalists and eyewitnesses from getting the real facts across to the public. Unfortunately, the lame stories of UFOs and ETs that are found in the tabloids, or science-fiction books and movies, suggest that the whole phenomenon seems too ridiculous to be believed. And that's exactly how the US government prefers it as part of their clever cover-up scheme. Isn't it pretty obvious that SETI is an intrinsic part of these government UFO cover-up conspiracies? Most likely this is the real reason SETI was created, or allowed to exist; not to actually ever listen to alien transmissions, but to hide the real facts that an alien presences is already here.

Friedman says it nicely: "SETI is an exercise in futility foisted off by the charismatic scientists on the press and some of the scientific community. I am sure the intelligence agency personnel in the know about alien visitations think SETI is a great system for misdirecting the attention of everyday people and the media interested in space and visitors from it."

So is SETI being used as a front for the government's secret agenda and cover-ups?

Is it all smoke signals or a smoke screen?

Copyright 2006 -2011 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual.

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown can be found at: