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Saturday, September 13, 2014

UFO Sighting in Yellow Springs, Ohio on September 6th 2014 - glowing red-orange oval sphere flew above treetop sightline

Late Saturday night, 9/6/14, approx. 11:45 pm, I went to a neighbor's house to potty their dogs before bedtime. I led the dogs to their long back yard, grass in middle (where we were), and a crop of 75 foot tall trees in back of the yard. Clear skies. I looked above treeline to admire the almost full moon and saw a glowing red oval sphere coming from behind the trees to the left (east) and crossing the sky just above the treeline. Hard to estimate how far away it was with no sense of its size, but my impression was about 1/2 mile away. It seemed to be a solid, dense object, not just a light or orb - but the whole object glowed with an intense orange-y red light. Very bright, like a large rounded car tail-light in the sky. There seemed to be a subtle darker line down the middle of the object, horizontally. And at the last second before I lost it, it seemed like I could also see a kind of swirling, churning at the middle of the object - some sort of rotation or flow of the color/light. Almost "molten" looking or liquid. It moved across the sky about the same pace as a commercial jet at cruising speed (600/700 mph). It took about 10 seconds to cross the opening in the trees. As I was watching it, I kept thinking I would see or hear something soon that would explain what it really was. But that never happened. The light never blinked or strobed (like an airplane's night lights would) and I knew I should be seeing white or green blinking lights too if it was conventional aircraft (and it would be a green light facing me going left to right anyway, not red). And it was pretty close or really large (if you held a pea at arm's length, you would get a sense of the size as I saw it). But I couldn't hear any motor or engine. Just the crickets in the woods. It eventually got to a denser cluster of trees to my right and it disappeared from my sight (it should've come out a little further along at another opening, but didn't, so maybe it turned sharply south and away from me. Or descended. I don't know). I went back to the same house the next afternoon, and took a picture of the same section of woods in the daylight - then used the computer to make a re-creation of what I saw. (see attached picture). Good thing that large tree in the middle is dead, or I wouldn't have seen it much at all!

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