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Saturday, December 21, 2013

UFO Sighting in Florida on December 13th 2013 - Glowing redish orange orbs floating across the sky travelling from North to South then West

Sitting outside on the back porch looking west, noticed three redish orange orbs flame-like travelling from the north to the south then to the west. Then there were 2 or 3 more travelling in the same direction followed by 3 more travelling in the same direction followed by 3 more traveled in the same direction with no sounds, no other lights except for red orange lights. Spherical shape, hovered in a path and abruptly changed courses. At first I thought it was an alien being a believer of aliens. I was shocked and got my wife, son, and roommate to come see the UFOs (12). We later kept losing sight of the UFOs because they traveled further away from us into space.

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