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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

UFO Sighting in The Woodlands, Texas on November 2nd 2013 - Two groups of UFO's with Chaser UFO's

On 11/02/13 at 13:40 hrs I was standing in a parking lot at 9200 Grogans Mill Rd. admiring the clear skies and watching the regular commercial aircraft and a few personal aircraft flying in the area as I waited to go to work, when I noticed 4 white objects flying at a very high altitude in a diamond formation to the North of my location and moving to the East Southeast. I continued to watch the group and it made several pattern changes and I thought it looked wierd maybe some pilots were practicing when another object came out of the North and also moving to the South Southeast and basically buzzed the original 4 that were moving at a regular pace. I continued watching the faster moving object until I lost sight of it due to the sun. When I looked back to find the original diamond formation it was gone. I went into work and at approximately 14:20 hrs I came back out and looked again and after a few minutes I saw a V formation of approximately 6 or 7 objects at a very high altitude moving from the West to the East until they faded out of sight. It appeared as the v formation was ascending as the formation disappeared long before the horizon. Approximately one minutes after I lost sight of the v formation and object a single at what appeared to tbe the same altitude followed the same path and disappeared into the the blue sky as if it was also ascending.

View the original article here