I was getting ready to go out and get some food, my daughter went out ahead of me and said what is that , I came outside and saw the lights floating and asked her to and get my video camera, living near the local airport and being in the flight path of Logan airport i am familiar with aircraft which i looked for blinking lights there where none , I have Video of the event it is interesting i will be glad to let you see it . I feel lucky to have seen this not sure what is eventually they went so high it was hard to tell between the lights and the stars,
Google Search
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Black Triangle Sighting in New York, New York on May 1st 2013 - Mass Sphere sighting and one Triangle
I'll keep this short, On April 30th around 9pm est I saw what 3 crafts that I wrote off as Helicopters. I did not investigate due to I didn't have anything to record it with. On May 1st, 2013 they was back. They appeared to be about 6 in a cluster and when one headed north towards Manhattan another would come in and take it's place. Later in evening a chopper was in the air viewing them at a distance. When they came close he backed up. I get the impressing they were about the same size as the chopper. In my video attached, you will witness a Tri fly by. My feelings has changed overnight about being excited when I saw one to being concerned. Never lost sight, they were in a 1 mile cluster for hours till I could watch anymore. My brother came up on the roof and is my witness. The video has been edited to remove phone chatter and inactivity on MY part.
UFO Sighting in Oakton, Virginia on May 1st 2013 - Looked like a star but to low and pulstated 10 diffrent colors.
I was sitting outside my friends apartment with him while he smoked a cigarette. After about 30 minutes of talking i looked up and for a couple of minutes i observed what was a stationary object that pulsated every color of the rainbow. After about 3 min i asked him if he saw it too. He said yes, We stood there for about 15 minutes watching it as it just pulsated, Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, white, and so on. It constantly was changing color, after about 5 minutes a helicopter circled it. At the same time there was a slight faint white dot about 50 meters from it that went in and out and than just dissipated. In the time we were watching it we watched several planes fly above us and a helicopters going back and forth. After about 15 min i had to leave so i left him just staring at it. We had no idea what it was and it was way to low to be a star. We both had no idea what we were looking at and just stared at it and talked about what it could be. We both have seen UFO's in the past and were comparing it to our past experiences. Which to say the least this was new for us.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
UFO Sighting in Springfield, Ohio on May 1st 2013 - Small pulsating lights
About 10:30 EDT was on our dark patio in Springfield, Ohio, having a smoke. Far out and very low in the southweat sky I saw what I thought was a bright star. Then noticed it was pulsating. Then thought it was an airplane. It wasn't moving anywhere. Then thought it might be a helicopter. I got my binoculars to get a better look. Object was pulsating redish/greenish/yellowish colors. Thinking my eyes were playing tricks, I asked my wife to come look. (She is skeptical of everything) However.....She did see what I saw and neiher of us could explain it. I came back out about 15 minutes later. It was still there and had not moved. Came back out around 11PM. It was gone.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
UFO Sighting in Seal Beach, California on June 17th 1977 - cylinder object hovering over "special weapons" area.
having got off work at 2;00pm, iwent back to base to "bunker 33", a cafe & bar. civilian guard was blocking entrance looking toward object & on a long extention cord (on phone). he told me to get out of my mazda pick-up & look at the direction he was pointing. then i saw object. the sgt. of the guard(u.s.m.c) drove up in his yellow vw bug to observe. i proceded on to club to tell others; object had "taken off" at high speed toward long beach area. for 3 days after strange lights were noted in the media. i was told when i wrote my statement on june 20 that " this information will not leave this base".(u.s. naval weapons station seal beach).& yes, i would pass any "lie detector" test.
UFO Sighting in New York, New York on May 1st 2013 - orb with a flame like color
i was in my yard window around 10 o'clock at night looking into the sky when i suddenly saw an orb come from the top of the building next door. it was a flame like color, yellow and red. it didn't pulse or change color. it slowly moved from one side of the sky to the other. i ran to the bedroom to tell my mom. i went back to the window and it slowly started to fly into the sky and disappeared. a few seconds later as i continued to look it came back and did the same thing. i know it wasn't a helicopter, plane, or jet because it made no noise and didn't pulse and it disappeared into the sky. i never seem anything like it and was to random and strange to explain.
Monday, May 20, 2013
UFO Sighting in Lajes, Praia da Vitória, Ilha de Terceira on June 15th 1989 - Observed as a possible silver diamond in shape approximately 10,000+ feet high
I was lolling on the beach and observed a pulse jet, diamond shape aircraft/UFO traveling rapidly overhead. Object went from horizon to horizon in approximately 2 or less minutes. Observed through binoculars. I have spent 42 years working for the US Dept of Defense and never witnessed anything travel so fast. I do not think it was the SR-71 as it is not a pulse jet and they do not fly as fast as this observation. I lost sight of the object when it went over to the western horizon.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
UFO Sighting in Sherman Oaks, California on July 4th 1979 - Large Mother Ship ejecting orbs over Sherman Oaks California
We lived on a dead end street directly next to a large community park that had fireworks diplays every fourth of July. My family and I were sitting on our roof watching the display. The direction of the fireworks was just to the south of the house about an eigth to a quarter mile away. Fireworks were slightly above eye level at that distance. I turned to the north to look around...you could see a couple other fireworks dislays way off in the distance. Then I noticed a semi transparent cigar or blimp shaped object moving very slowly from north to the south. I had to look for a few seconds to figure out that there was an object actually there. I thought it was a blimp because it was really big even at a distance. But, it was semi transparent and you had to really key in on it to get a good look. I judged it's alttitude to be somewhere between 1000 and 1500 feet. It moved closer to our location and I continued to watch it. As it moved close to us I alerted my family to look and they all turned and saw it. There were four of us on the roof at that moment with two more people in the back yard. As it approached it came directly overhead and then stopped. At that exact moment it lit up as a very bright solid white light that appeared to be rectangular shaped. I would roughly estimate it to be about the size of 1 or 2 football fields. After it became staionary small glowing bright red lights began to shoot out from all aroung the craft. They moved out in all directions in straight lines at a rapid rate of speed until each was out of sight. Maybe 20 or 30 total. I guess you could describe them as orbs, but they seemed to large to me. Maybe the size of VW's. Hard to say. After they stopped coming out the (mother ship) blinked out and appeared to be gone. The whole experience lasted about twenty-minutes. Never came public with this encounter until now, and don't know that anyone outside of my family actually saw it. A mystery to this day. I did hear of an encounter several years ago over France or England that sounded very similar in description of the craft, including the red orbs.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Alien Encounter in Ontario on March 15th 1992 - strange unknown noises in my bedroom,
hello, my name is matt, and i am just curious about details of others that may have had an encounter.. when i was very young/about7-8yrs old,i remember looking "through" a wall, it was like the wall beside my bed was a window to another place of exsisxtance,t i remember being in a completely chrome/silver room(also like a small factory). i also rember a very strange odor, kind of a sour/musty smell. i wasnt sure if i am the only person with these same foggy memories, (the sour smell, and a chrome/metal bed,) are some things i am now curious about., if i just sound crazy, just ignore my email, if some or any ohthers may have had similar experiences, please let me know,. thank you for your time
Friday, May 17, 2013
UFO Sighting in Rosedale, Maryland on May 2nd 2013 - Daylight UFO Metallic in color almost looked like it was made of mercury
I saw an AMAZING UFO at 5:10pm 5/2/2013 I was traveling down Philadelphia rd in Rosedale to get to L&M Crafts to buy my brother some tattoo supplies...at first I just saw a metallic orb shine in the sky for about a second, long enough to show my brother and mom before it disappeared before our eyes, I kept going down the road for about a half of mile then it reappears again between two airplanes that were admitting chemtrails it was the shape of chestnut and almost looked like liquid mercury it bobbed in and out of the chemtrails for awhile and was changing directions very frequently then it was gone again in an instant. It was at least three times the size of the air planes that were slightly in front of it. The object appeared to be studying the chemtrails.
Black Triangle Sighting in Cuernavaca, Morelos on December 1st 1993 - Ufo like a Belgium wave, without center light, in Brazil in the 90s
Me, my cousin and her son were in front of our home, when the first triangle UFO appeared, doing a parabolic trajectory. In this moment we were talking in front of house as usual. We all saw the object simultaneously. When I saw I could not figure out what it could be because the object did not resemble any earthly aircraft or a balloon, at the same time I don't understand as a UFO initially because I only knew the shape of a flying saucer. Not quite finished the first object to pass, a second identical appeared in the same location as the first had started following the same path until it disappeared behind the roof also. The illustration depicts this moment. From the moment that the first object appeared yet on who the last one came out, stopped talking astounded by what we saw, until he returned to speak, this time of the sighting was that everyone thought it is a UFO (we use the term "flying saucer", although the UFO was triangular shape identical to the uploaded image). We lost sight of the object when it ended the trajectory going on behind the roof as in the illustration. After that we were afraid and went into the house. At this time I should have more or less about 9 years, my cousin about 30 years and the son a 7. The date is unknown, but in 1990 - 1995.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
UFO Sighting in Bangor, Pennsylvania on May 1st 2013 - saw green glowing ball in the sky then it seemed to fall into cemetery across the street from my house
Seen a green orb like object glowing in sky then it fell on a angle and looked like it fell into the cemetery across the street from my house . It scared me more than anything has scared me before . I have no clue what it was but can't get it out of my head
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Black Triangle Sighting in Los Angeles, California on May 1st 2013 - Black triangle with yellow-orange bottom lights flying completely silent.
May 1st 2013 10:15 pm After having dinner I went outside to the balcony of my apartment to take a look at the sky. The sky was cloudy that night and the city lights reflected by the clouds gave them that dark orange color. As soon as I looked up I noticed an object with unusual yellow-orange lights on the bottom. As the object flew almost over my head I could see that it was solid and darker than the background sky what made possible to distinguish it's perfect triangle shape. The lights it had weren't very bright and I can't say exactly how many it had because of the short duration of the observation and also because of my excitement at the moment. But I can say it had one light at each one of the corners of the triangle and one more in between them, so three lights on each side and it definitely had a central light. They all had the same size and color. The object emitted no sound, if it was a conventional airplane it would had been easily heard and recognized. There was an airplane flying farther and I could see and hear it. Also the triangle spacecraft had no flashing lights what is commonly seen on regular airplanes and helicopters. It flew at constant speed that was about the same speed as when airplanes are approaching Los Angeles airport to land, the path was a straight line from SW to NE approximately. I lost sight of the the object as it flew away so I guess it had no lights on its sides.
UFO Sighting in Texas on May 2nd 2013 - Bigger and brighter than a normal star. Shined bright yellow, orange, red lights
Got out of my car and saw this object in the sky. I live within 1-2 miles of a fema installation. The object was bright red, yellow, orange. Ive seen a lot of UFOs in my time so I just went back in the house.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
UFO Sighting in Columbia Heights, Minnesota on April 30th 2013 - Massive quantities of UFO's flying in formation
This evening I was inside settling in for the night and something just told me to go and look outside. Every chance I get, I watch the sky, so I immediately looked up when I went out the door. I just wanted to let you know that my wife and I both saw something in the sky the night of April 30, 2013 that was incredible. We saw hundreds of white circular balls of light/orbs all traveling in formation, the same direction, towards the southwest. It was continuous flights for over 2 hours. Nothing could be picked up on my android phone camera since they were traveling up so high. They were all flying at a slow speed with no sound. I know this isn't hard evidence since I was unable to get a video, but I wanted to get the word out there that there are UFO's in massive quantities in Minnesota. I felt excited with what I saw and curious because I've always been a believer of existence of UFO's and other life. I never actually lost sight of the UFO's. After watching hundreds of them pass me overhead for over 2 hours, I finally just went inside and went to bed.
Monday, May 13, 2013
UFO Sighting in Rotherham, on October 10th 2007 - UFO broke through atmosphere and took off from cloaked oval shape afterwards 2007
It was the tenth of October 2007, I was sitting at the taxi control desk facing South on my own on late nights in the office. I was reading. Work had been busy earlier and then had quietened down. The control desk is in the North of the building and in the room to the South is a large window. The office is upstairs in the building. I heard a heavy large aircraft go from North to South. It sounded very heavy and so I went to look out of the South window. I could see nothing, there was some high clouds and no stars visible, but visibility was good and there was no wind. Also there was no moon and the Islamic fasting time of Ramadan was almost due to end with the New Moon a couple of days later, and this was a Wednesday morning. I could see no lights as there would be from a plane even with some high cloud. Then silently an area of sky lit up bright white and yellow directly ahead of where I was looking to the South. I can only make a rough estimate of the size but I think it was at least 500 meters long and 100 meters from top to bottom, it was the same apparent size from where I was looking as the housing estate which is also visible from the window. The initial flash was bright pale yellow/white which faded to orange then red and crimson and then to nothing. There was no reflection on the ground and no sound. It was as if the clouds were on fire, rolling away from the central point. My first thought was that it was an explosion and my second was that if it had then it was already too late to try and hide from it. There was no wind and as I stood and watched it, it faded very quickly to orange, red and then after about 2 seconds to a deep crimson well defined lenticular shape. It was laid horizontally above the industrial buildings and the scrap yard to the South. It was massive. The flash didn't spread across the sky but was contained in the one area and the clouds rolled away from the centre. It was larger when it first appeared and decreased slightly and proportionately in size, as the sky calmed extremely quickly, and the colour faded to red. It had had clearly defined edges and a definite oval shape with even colour and no cloud-boiling before it disappeared without actually moving away. It just disappeared into nothing as I looked at it. I was standing at the window. A car came up the road travelling away from town. Two street-lights were out. The car was small and the driver was wearing a yellow jacket like a worker going home. He looked straight up at me as I stood in the upstairs window and that's when I realised my mouth was open in surprise. I looked at the clock, it was 02:21. Then I saw someone I know walking along the street towards the town going home to his apartment and he waved to me. It was as if nothing had happened. I walked away from the window and I had a thought that it doesn't matter what I see and no-one would listen to me if I told them about it. It was a quiet night, the phones weren't ringing and the drivers were all scattered away from town on jobs. I asked a driver over the radio who was at the far side of where I had seen it and asked if he had seen anything like an explosion or bright light in the sky but he hadn't. I went back to the window after a few minutes and was beginning to doubt myself. Then I saw a flickering light to the east above the hill. It was white and small like a small helicopter. It travelled along the top of the hill behind the big house then came back into view. It turned in a curve and was travelling quite fast and went towards the place ahead where I had just seen the huge explosion of light. As it began to curve towards that place, there was a repeat of the massive flash I had already seen, with clouds rolling. Brilliant white/yellow/orange then fading to a dull red definite shape. In addition, this time I saw a large roughly rectangular object that shone silver and yellow with appendages like cylinders leaving a brilliant streak of pale white/yellow/orange shoot out upwards at about 60 degrees from the centre and to the West. This time the large crimson lenticular shape was slightly SE and a couple of degrees lower than the first. When I saw this second disturbance I bit right through my fingernail and snapped it. It was as if I'd heard a loud noise and my ears hurt but I had heard nothing. My head and ears hurt all the next day. I saw one small helicopter - flickering thing go to it then circled around and went out of sight as if it had either gone behind or inside. The second one of these did the same but then flew right into it. The first one had stopped beside it, circling, then flew back the way it had come but slower. I looked at the time, it was 02:38. I was transfixed but saw nothing else and I went back to my desk. I wrote down immediately what had happened. I also drew a diagram, rough sketch to show the size etc. of it. At 03:10 I saw a helicopter appear in the sky directly South of the control desk and closer. It didn't seem to travel to this point and just appeared there suddenly. I thought it was the one that had gone inside that was coming out again. It was fairly close. About a week later I arrived at work to begin my night shift and one of the two staff there told me that a gas man was in the building. He was a tall and well built elderly man with light grey hair and glasses. He wasn't wearing a uniform, he had on a chequed brown and red shirt and plain light brown trousers.He said he was looking for gas. The hand held device he had had a needle that swung. He went upstairs to the office room that was locked and he came back down again. Then he looked in all the cupboards and tried a few other locked doors. Normally this would have set off the alarms but it didn't. I began to follow him around. I was certain he wasn't who he said he was. He said the next door neighbours had reported gas and pointed towards the West side of the building. Even though this has the appearance of belonging to someone else it all belonged to our company. I found myself standing next to him at the South window. He told me that from time to time a large gas cloud appears over the town and nobody knows what causes it. The other two staff had seen and heard all this and they both picked up on the fact that we have no neighbours who could have reported it, they were quite shaken. I was told by someone at a utilities company I worked for a few years afterwards that a gas cloud would only ignite from the ground and they hadn't heard of any over the town. I am recording this because I heard of another sighting the day afterwards in Europe somewhere.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Phenomenon of UFO Channelers - From Ancient Astronauts to Ashtar
The notion of receiving “channeled” messages from friendly extraterrestrials may be said to have begun in the mid-20th century, but the “New Age-y” phenomenon is really nothing new. The story of benevolent voices from beyond the vastness of time and space goes back well into ancient times, perhaps even as far back as the Bible itself.
In an interview conducted with publisher and writer Timothy Green Beckley, he made the effort to define just what a channel is.
“We think of channeling today,” Beckley said, “in terms of speaking with higher entities, higher forms of intelligence, like Space People and beings from Atlantis. But it’s hard to define really what a channeler is. Even Moses, maybe he channeled God, right?”
Beckley offered the Oracle of Delphi as perhaps the first channeler who used the same modus operandi as more modern practitioners of the art. The Oracle was a woman, or a succession of women, who claimed to be in contact with Zeus and some of the other members of the Greek pantheon.
“A lot of people today,” Beckley said, “believe that there is a connection between the Greek and Roman gods and the Ancient Astronauts. They could have been one and the same.”
Beckley visited the site in Greece where the Oracle of Delphi gave her readings and wrote an account of the visit for “FATE Magazine” in 2006.
“The oracle did not predict the future herself,” he writes, “but passed on the information she received while in a trance to one of the high priests who presided over the gathering, which attracted the high and mighty of Greek society as well as lower class members. To most, the oracle seemed to be speaking in indecipherable riddles. She usually began her discourse with utterings such as: ‘I know the number of the sand. I know the measure of the sea.’
“And then she would improvise from there,” Beckley’s article continues, “often speaking in unknown tongues only her priestly handlers could comprehend. Crowds would gather to ask questions, and they were most likely to receive a Yes or No answer. Frequently associated with the oracle’s ability to foresee events was a mysterious vapor, which critics say rose from the cracks in the floor of the cubicle where the visionary would be seated on a tripod-like brass stool. The Christians propagated the idea that the prophetess was intoxicated by the fumes in order to step across the border into the void of the next world. They saw the oracle as a tool of the devil, much as fundamentalists today believe spirits are all Satan’s conjurations used to fool people into believing there is life beyond the pale.”
Even Alexander the Great is said to have consulted the Oracle of Delphi, seeking information about his future military conquests. For the common person not embroiled in the machinations of war and politics, the oracle was available to answer personal questions. A query like “How do I cure my son of lovesickness?” would receive a therapeutic, albeit vague, response like “Treat him gently.”
To paraphrase Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, “The oracle neither conceals nor reveals the truth . . . only hints at it.” Kind of like the contactees of today, when they warn of impending doom or a supposed forthcoming UFO sighting/landing and end up with egg on their face when the channeled messages don’t produce.
Another important link in the historical chain of channeling is John Dee, a Welsh mathematician who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. He was also an astronomer and an occultist, whose reputation as a scholar was such that he sometimes served as a consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee was a devoted student of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy. He devoted much of his last thirty years to attempting to commune with angels in order to learn the universal language of creation and unify mankind prior to the coming apocalypse.
“He claimed to have spoken with angels,” Beckley said, “and devised an entire mathematical occult code so that others could do so as well. This was at a time when witches and occultists were still being persecuted. Dee’s work was supposed to be superior to anyone else’s. Apparently, he made some predictions and some of them were very successful. So he was channeling angelic beings.”
It should be noted that even though Dee is identified with the word “occultist,” he was an extremely pious Christian who prayed and fasted as part of his preparations to attempt angelic contact. He did not draw a distinction between his mathematical research and his delving into angel summoning and divination. He considered the various efforts to be part of the same quest to find a transcendent understanding of the divine forms which underlie the visible world.
Moving ahead a few centuries, Beckley also considers the widely influential occultist Aleister Crowley to be a significant channel. Crowley was an avowed bisexual, a recreational drug experimenter and a social critic who claimed to be in a revolt against the moral and religious values of his time, the early 20th century. His cardinal rule was “Do What Thou Wilt,” all of which led to a great deal of negative notoriety.
But Crowley has gotten a bad rap, according to Beckley.
“We think of Aleister Crowley,” Beckley said, “in terms of how he promoted himself as ‘the wickedest man in the world’ whose number is 666. He was known as ‘the Beast.’ But there were two sides to his personality. He seemed to have been very much adept at trying to promote himself and to create an aura around his personality. He hyped the fact that he was supposed to have done all these terrible things, but one cannot really attest to them. I think the only thing he ever got caught doing was having a couple of orgies, which perhaps might have been out of place in that particular time period that he lived.
“Now, this is quite an interesting thing,” Beckley continued. “Crowley believed there were other dimensions, other realities, and that there were beings that populated these other dimensions. A lot of people think of him as calling up demons, but that’s not necessarily the case. Almost anything, if you’re a skeptic – just like some Christians think that every UFO being is a dem
It was up to the individual who was performing the magic ritual whether or not they were doing the work with good intentions. Like a gun, it depends on the use to which it’s put, whether for constructive or destructive purposes.
“It’s pretty much the same thing with ritualistic magic,” Beckley explained. “Anyway, Crowley found out, or at least it was his theory, that you could contact your guardian angel and other angels mentioned in the Bible and get them to contact other demons. Because the angels, it was thought, were of a higher power and closer to God and therefore they would also have a better connection with other entities that existed. He actually even called up and materialized an entity that looks remarkably similar to the Grays that a lot of people claim to have been abducted by. So perhaps Crowley, in his channeling and spiritual work, was the first individual to contact an extraterrestrial that we would know as the Grays today.”
Drawings in "A Dweller On Two Planets" look remarkably similar
to objects photographed by famous UFO contactee George Adamski.
One often overlooked channeled work is a book called “A Dweller On Two Planets.” The book was written by Frederick S. Oliver, who was born in 1866. He completed the manuscript in 1886, but it was not published until 1905, by Oliver’s mother Mary, six year’s after the author’s death.
In his preface to “A Dweller On Two Planets,” Oliver claims the book was channeled through him by automatic writing, visions and mental “dictations” by a spirit calling himself “Phylos the Tibetan,” who revealed the story to Oliver over a period of three years, starting in 1883. The first section is a complex first person account by Phylos of the culture of Atlantis, which had reached a high level of technological and scientific advancement. It includes a detailed history of the social, economic, political and religious forces shaping Atlantis, and relates how daily life in Atlantis featured inventions like antigravity air and submarine craft, television, wireless telephones, air conditioners and high speed rail. Obviously, some of these devices have become reality. Throughout the book, there are images of what are clearly cigar-shaped vehicles drawn while the channeler was in a trance. These illustrations look almost identical to the tubular space ships George Adamski purports to have observed through his telescope. Did Adamski “borrow the idea” for this book, or are his photos perhaps more authentic than one is willing at first to believe?
The book also deals with esoteric subjects like karma and reincarnation. In the book’s second section, Phylos is reincarnated in 19th century America and must let his karma from Atlantis play itself out, both in terms of rewards and punishments.
“This book has probably influenced more people or led more people,” Beckley commented, “to an understanding of the realm of channeling. I understand Shirley MacLaine was in a bookstore in Paris one day when the book literally fell into her hands. She was so impressed by it that she began her study of metaphysics and ended up, of course, writing the popular bestseller ‘Out On A Limb.’”
Beckley said his publishing company is working on a project that involves taking the original manuscript for “A Dweller On Two Planets” and editing it and modernizing it to make the sometimes archaic language easier for present day readers.
“We’re going to have an edition,” Beckley said, “that will be totally new and easier to read and perhaps will resonate with a whole new generation. So that was one of the channeled books of the last 150 years or so that has had a great appeal. In fact, I remember I was selling copies of it when I started out as a bookseller in my middle teens. There are several editions that have been printed, but I think ours will be the most comprehensible and the easiest for people to understand.”
Another spiritual classic Beckley has reprinted is called “OAHSPE: A New Bible.” The book was first published in 1882 and was purportedly channeled from angelic sources who spoke in the name of Jehovah. The human contact was an American dentist named John Ballou Newbrough, who reported receiving the manuscript through automatic writing.
“Newbrough would arise every morning,” Beckley said, “just before dawn, and would sit by candlelight at his typewriter, one of the first typewriters, and type at over 100 words a minute these spiritual messages from other realms. The book covers the history of the planet Earth and its inhabitants for the past 24,000 years, starting out on the continent of Pan that was supposed to be in the Pacific. This is a tremendous volume, and people have studied it for years. There are still groups around the country who gather to study and discuss ‘OAHSPE.’ Believers in the revelations offered in the book are called ‘Faithists.’”
Beckley’s edition of the book is in two volumes that total over a thousands pages. He calls it “The Raymond Palmer Tribute Edition,” owing to the fact that paranormal journalism pioneer Raymond Palmer promoted and sold the book in the mid-20th century. Well-known UFO researcher Wendell Stevens proclaimed “OAHSPE” to be the most important book of its type.
“OAHSPE” is a book of history, ethics and religion that emphasizes service to others as a basic component of how people’s souls will one day be judged. It also describes a complex afterlife into which people pass on the way to becoming angels and occupants of heaven. Selfish behavior, base thoughts, or a non-vegetarian diet will land one in the lowest levels of heaven, while those who are simply evil must go to a kind of hell. But the ascension of everyone to a delightful mode of existence happens eventually in a place ruled by God. In the theology of “OAHSPE,” God is an advanced angel ordained into office for a season, making it an honorary title held for a limited period of time.
While Beckley acknowledges that there were many books written on channeling in the decades after “OAHSPE” was first published, channeling actually came to its peak in a modern day sense in the early 1950s and 1960s, when many contactees began to claim that they communicated with extraterrestrials.
“Some of them had physical contact,” Beckley said, “but a lot of them claimed to be channeling, that their bodies were actually ‘taken over,’ or their spirits were ‘taken over’ by these alien entities.”
The best known of these alien entities is called “Ashtar,” the head of the Ashtar Command, said to be circling the Earth in a giant mother-ship above the equator. Many individuals all over the planet, not just here in the United States but also in Italy and England and other places, believe they have channeled Ashtar.
“His voice has been picked up on ham radio sets,” Beckley said, “and a TV station in England was reportedly taken over and a transmission was made, supposedly by Ashtar. This was in the news in the 1970s. It was a well known case, and a recording of it is out there on the Internet where you can actually hear the transmission.”
The first channeler of Ashtar, Beckley believes, was George Van Tassel.
“We think of George Van Tassel,” Beckley explained, “as the fellow who ran the very successful UFO conferences and conventions in Joshua Tree, California, out there at Giant Rock, right in the middle of the desert. Every October for at least ten years, thousands of people would gather on his property. He rented it from the federal government. He had an airstrip where people would fly in and a little restaurant. People from all over the world would come every October to hear the words of the contactees.
“George had a big platform that was erected next to Giant Rock,” Beckley continued, “and people would ascend the stairs and tell their stories. Some of the individuals would have been Daniel Fry, Orfeo Angelucci, George Adamski, and Howard Menger. It was quite an attraction. Even ‘Look Magazine’ did a big pictorial on it at one point.”
Giant Rock itself was at one time the largest standing boulder in North America, until it was split apart by an earthquake a few years ago. A room had been dug out directly under the rock where George Van Tassel and his family would gather on a regular basis. Van Tassel would go into a trancelike state and receive messages from Ashtar and other entities.
George Hunt Williamson, who had been a witness to George Adamski’s sightings in the California desert that included a face-to-face meeting with a blonde-haired Venusian, also channeled in that same period in the early 1950s.
“People were very impressed by this,” Beckley said. “Sometimes the entities being channeled would make predictions, like where they would appear in the sky on such and such a date. People would gather and have sightings of these craft. In fact, an admiral from the US Navy set up a channeling session one time and the same thing happened. He had a woman that he knew was channeling entities from space and they had a sighting based upon her prediction. This is even in the Project Blue Book report, and we did a whole chapter on it in our book ‘Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.’
“So there’s really nothing new about channeling, but it is still very popular. Shirley MacLaine and various other metaphysical writers have made it even more popular in recent years.”
According to Beckley, the main representative on Earth of the Ashtar Command was an elderly woman named Thelma Turrell, who later changed her name to Tuella.
“She was born here on this planet,” Beckley said, “but spiritual entities took over her body. She was one of these individuals we’ve identified as ‘Walk-Ins.’ She channeled Ashtar on a regular basis.”
Before her passing, channeler Tuella was the primary representative of the Ashtar Command.
The tone or attitude of Tuella’s voice did not change when she was in contact with Ashtar, as if she was in an altered “channeling” state of being; she seemed to be speaking normally. Her sessions with Ashtar were recorded and transcribed and eventually became part of a series of books published originally by Guardian Actions Publications. Beckley’s publishing company, Global Communications/Inner Light Books, bought the rights to Tuella’s books just before she passed away. The titles include “Ashtar, A Tribute, Revealing His Secret Identity,” “Project World Evacuation,” “On Earth Assignment,” “Master Symbol of the Solar Cross,” and most recently, “A New Book of Revelation.”
“She had people who came from all over the United States,” Beckley said, “to see her and talk to her and to receive these channeled messages. She’s very, very popular and highly respected even today for being the primary channel for the Ashtar Command. She got into some political things, but her message was always about peace, love and harmony.”
Ashtar, the inspiration for much of that peace, love and harmony, of course remains a rather enigmatic figure about who little is known. In one of the reprints reissued by Beckley and Inner Light Books, called “Ashtar, A Tribute, Revealing His Secret Identity,” a chapter called “Who Is Ashtar?” grapples with this problem. It is said that Ashtar is the Christian Commander From Venus, and that he ranks just below an entity called Jesus-Sananda in overseeing the Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light.
“His messages are beamed from a colossal Starship or Space Station,” the chapter continues, “beyond our atmosphere. He is loved for his deeply philosophical approach to our global problems and his efforts to raise planetary vibrations. Ashtar speaks of twenty million extraterrestrial persons involved with his Command in the Program For Planet Earth, and of another four million on our physical plane, consciously or unconsciously cooperating in the Program of Light.”
Ashtar is a devoted Christian who declares the “Christ Teacher of this Galaxy” to be his beloved Commander-In-Chief, saying that Christ’s Word is the law Ashtar himself obeys to fulfill the Program of Light on Earth.
The book also includes a Q. and A. with Ashtar conducted by a believer named Trevor James in 1958 in which Ashtar says that his body is etheric and that he possesses no physical “casing” of the dense type that humans are limited to. He is also called a Herald Angel by other trance mediums who claim contact with him.
Further along in the “Ashtar” book, Tuella receives “A Message of Encouragement From Ashtar.”
“We come to you in the vibration of Love and Light,” Ashtar begins, “sent forth from the Upper Heavens to penetrate the atmosphere of Earth and reach the hearts of all Mankind. We enfold the Planet with the power of Love and blend into its very layers an anointing of peace and goodwill. We carry away the off cast thoughts of darkness that would destroy your world if left unchecked. We intervene with our own magnetic rays and beams of Greater Light to keep the balance for further decades. White light is enfolded around and around your world in an essence of purification that will bring the blessings of God upon all Nations.
“Wherever there is a hostile approach to the solution of world problems, our Greater Light will assist to dissolve that hostility and maintain peace. Factions of baser intent are gradually deteriorating and being replaced by understanding and goodwill. Peace will come, and the lesser infiltrations of the Dark Ones will be overcome. Yield not to weariness of spirit, but continue to watch for our coming, and the fulfillment of all the dreams and hopes of Humanity for a better world. It will come. The waters of Life shall flow upon every barren place, and every thirst shall be quenched.”
Sounds encouraging indeed. Which of course is the whole point, says Beckley.
“We think of alien abductions as very negative things,” Beckley said. “People like Travis Walton and Whitley Strieber being taken onboard UFOs and being physically harassed and examined and perhaps even raped. While the channeled messages are just the opposite. They deal with bliss and euphoria and they talk about a better world and how we can live a better life.
“They take a higher spiritual tone,” he went on, “than a lot of the other contacts and experiences. People always ridicule this and say it’s a lot of New Age fluff. And they’re right. A lot of the things the channelers say cannot really be verified. But it’s a very positive message that they bring, although of course it’s hard for many people to follow or believe in in this chaotic world that we live in.”
While Beckley is of course correct that the inspiring messages from Ashtar to Tuella and the other channelers cannot be documented or proven, one cannot help but wish it is true somehow that someone out there really cares about us and is watching over us. Perhaps the Ashtar Command is really the modern day version of our planet’s ancient guardian angels beliefs given a more technological spin? We can only hope.
Ashtar: Revealing the Secret Identity of the Forces of Light and Their Spiritual Program for Earth:
http://www.amazon.com/Ashtar-Revealing-Spiritual-Channeled- Brotherhood/dp/0938294296/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366942933&sr=1-1&keywords=ASHTAR+COMMAND
A New Book of Revelations - A Harvesting Of Souls At Earth's Final Moment
Project World Evacuation: Ufos to Assist in the "Great Exodus" of Human Souls Off This Planet
Master Symbol Of The Solar Cross
[To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his “UFO Journalist” website at www.seancasteel.com]
Saturday, May 11, 2013
The Cloverdale, Alabama Spooklight Phenomenon
A Spooklight is a type of rare luminous phenomena frequently reported as a brilliant yellowish-orange ball of pulsating or flickering light about 1-3 feet in diameter and floating across open fields or above the forests in sparsely populated areas. The distance from the observer varies greatly. While some are seen at close proximity, others may be as far as a mile away. Some move about at a slow and steady pace and others “jump” and “dart” about very quickly. A few will stop and hover for several minutes. For reasons unknown a high percentage of Spooklights have been seen in the vicinity of r railroad tracks . These orbs are not reported as being solid objects. Rather, they seem to be some type of low temperature plasma.
Photo info: A thirty second time exposure of a large Spooklight seen a east of Cloverdale. The photograph was made by a Pentax 35 mm camera mounted on a tripod.
Click here to enlarge top photo!
Spooklights have been seen in numerous locations in the US for many years and some of the more publicized areas include Marfa, Texas, Brown Mountain, North Carolina, Surrency, Georgia and Guordon, Arkansas. A search on the internet for these Spooklight areas will result in dozens of websites offering information, eye witness accounts, photographs, etc.
What they really are has been debated for years. But the growing body of scientific evidence continues to perplex many scientists. And it is clear; what ever they are, conventional wisdom has yet to adequately explain what produces them and why.
One thing is certain; most people who observe one of these wondrous orbs will consider it to be a truly remarkable experience. An experience they will want to have repeated.
A growing number of researchers suggest that Spooklights seem to be the result of complex interactions of multiple electrical and electromagnetic energy fields which apparently are produced below the earth’s surface when the correct geological and hydrological conditions exist. These orbs possess certain electrical and magnetic qualities and by means unknown a spherical shaped luminous plasmodial phenomena is produced above its source of energy and are sustained up to several minutes.
Either they have the means of propelling themselves or they are “pulled” by some invisible unidentified force. They are normally seen during the nighttime hours. They are generally described as “a bright ball of light” about 1-3 feet in diameter glowing in the night for the most part, are seen floating slowly across a field or above a forest.
One location where there is a very active Spooklight area is in northwestern Alabama (Lauderdale County) near the small town of Cloverdale. Based on historical data as well as contemporary sightings the over all size of this area where this phenomenon has been seen appears to be about fifteen miles long and three miles wide. This area begins outside of Lexington and extends to a short distance west of Cloverdale. Inside this area appears to be a few very specific “paths” or corridors where the vast majority of the Spooklights are seen. The “path” that appears to be the most active extends from St. Florian to Cloverdale which is less than ten miles long and one mile wide. And the part of the “path” near Cloverdale is very active. It is rare (but has happened) for a CLS to be seen other than on its “path.”
The available evidence seems to suggest this is one of the “best” places in the US to observe these wondrous balls of bright yellowish-orange pulsating light. One reason this area may be unique is that these luminous orbs are seen with much frequency. While an observer may spend an evening in one of these pockets” and not witness a Spooklight, on another night at the same place the observer may view three or four of these bright orbs.
In one case, two men observed eight Spooklights in one night. Some were in sight for just a few seconds and three of them were in plain sight for a total of about ten minutes.
Another reason this is an excellent place is the size of the Spooklights. Hundreds of witnesses who have reported observing these large of yellowish-orange balls of pulsating light typically describe them to be very bright and about eight feet in diameter. Most Spooklights reported in different locations are of lesser diameter. This is one reason why they were years ago called “Lantern Lights” because they were about the size and brightness of a lit oil lamp seen outside in the dark.
The first documented report of one of these CSLs occurred in early 1973 when northern Alabama was experiencing a major UFO flap . On the night of February 16, Raleigh and Phil Nix with several friends reported observing a very bright and large ball of orange light at 110:30 p.m. sitting on the ground in a large grassy field near his house while they were outside in his front yard. The ball of light which was less than a thousand feet away had suddenly appeared “as if a light had been turned on” and began moving very slowly across the field. Just a few seconds before it suddenly “went out” the mysterious orb began to move about in a “jerky” fashion. The Spooklight was in view for about four minutes. According to the Nixes, this was their fourth time to have observed one of these large balls of light. Since then, various witnesses have reported observing these large mysterious orbs in an areas extending from Lexington westward to Cloverdale.
In September of 1978 two young men were in a large field east of Cloverdale and within view of some local railroad tracks at 10:30 p.m. when they spotted a large and very bright Spooklight hovering about thirty feet directly above the railroad tracks. The witnesses could see the CSL very clearly and could discern that it was not near the tracks but directly above them. The very bright orb was not seen to float to this position from another location; it just suddenly appeared. One moment there was but darkness surrounding the tracks and then suddenly “there it was.”
The CSL was completely silent and unaffected by a slight breeze which came from the south. Both witnesses had an excellent view of the area including the tracks because they were situated at a higher elevation in a large grassy field adjacent to the railroad tracks. On the other side of the tracks was a parcel of land that was fenced in and at one time years ago was used as a minimum security prison facility.
The large orb was very bright, about eight feet in diameter and about 1500 feet from the witnesses. As they studied the ball of light hovering directly above the tracks, they were amazed of its brightness. After about a full two minutes, they became aware that a train was approaching in the distance for they heard the distant sound of its air horn. After a few moments, the train came into view as its powerful headlight pierced the darkness and was seen moving down the tracks toward the CLS. The train’s engine was pulling several cars and was traveling at an estimated speed of 25-25 MPH. As the train’s engine went directly beneath the motionless Spooklight, the large ball of pulsating light immediately began to move at the same speed and direction of the train. The speed of the orb was instantly in perfect synchronization to that of the train. Yet its distance above the ground never changed. Also, its brightness and color remained the same. The Spooklight and train began to move toward the southwest and the orb was in sight for a total of eight minutes for it eventually traveled too far away for the two men to observe.
The two witnesses also reported that the train continued on its way in a normal fashion (no change in speed) which could mean that no one on the train was aware of the Spooklight’s presence and that these phenomena had no noticeable affect on the trains’ electrical system. After reflecting on this amazing experience, both witnesses came to the conclusion that this CSL did not appear where (and when) it did by coincidence. They felt it had been there hovering in position and then became visible a few moments before the train arrived.
An other excellent sighting occurred on the night of 16 February, 2006 when a very bright CSL was seen crossing the Cloverdale Highway. The orb appeared at 10:00 p.m. and was typical in size and color and moved slowly in an east to west direction at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. Fortunately one of the two witnesses had a video camera and was able to video the orb for about two minutes before it moved too far away.
This video revealed new and important information about these Spooklights. Even though the video was not made using a professional type camera, what was seen on the video clearly revealed there was a smaller and much dimmer orb connected to the main body by what may have been some kind of “umbilical cord.” There was definitely a faint yet discernable “connection” between the two bodies. The smaller Spooklight appeared to be about 2-3 feet in diameter.
While this is the first time this much detail about a secondary light being present it is not the first time a smaller secondary orb has been observed associated with a Spooklight. In one case it was reported that a small reddish colored orb broke off and fell from a yellowish-orange Spooklight. Very little is known about this amazing aspect even though it may occur frequently but without using adequate visual aids, it can not be verified. But these two sightings do not appear to be unique to the Cloverdale Spooklight phenomena.
For instance, there was a report of a large and bright ball of orange light seen with two smaller red lights in July, 1888 near St. Petersburg, Russia. A website with an artist’s version of this sighting can be found at http://inamidst.com/lights/.
A thirty second time exposure of a large Spooklight seen a east of Cloverdale. The photograph was made by a Pentax 35 mm camera mounted on a tripod.
Description of the CLS
The general description of a CSL has remained consistent since the first documented sighting. Over the years, especially since 1973 hundreds of witnesses in the Cloverdale to Lexington area have reported observing large “balls of light” which are usually described as being from 6-10 eight feet in diameter and are usually a bright orange or yellowish-orange color. The eight foot diameter description appears to be fairly accurate because many witnesses have been close enough to the luminous phenomena to accurately estimate their diameter. They suddenly appear and disappear and are in sight from a few seconds to several minutes. Their movement is normally in east to west or west to east direction. Very few have been reported to fly in a north to south or south to north direction.
They are completely silent and their movement (speed and direction) is independent of any wind currents. Several have been observed moving opposite of a brisk breeze. Some CSLs have been observed moving across large fields 2-3 feet from the ground. Others are seen at an estimated altitude of up to or possibly more than 500 feet. Their movement is not always “smooth” but at times erratic. Several have been seen to move in a spiraling fashion (there have been some good time-exposure photos taken which shows this very clearly).
Using various optical aids (binoculars, telephoto camera lenses, video cameras, etc.) several observers have noticed the CLS actually pulsates and is not a steady ball of light. There have been on one occasion, a ‘piece” of the CSL fell away from the main body and quickly disappeared.

A time exposure photograph of a Spooklight moving toward the east just north of Cloverdale.
The camera was using 400 speed film and was mounted on a tripod.
Basic Analysis of the CSLs
Hundreds of CSLs have been seen by credible witnesses. Many photos have been taken as well. They are not misidentified manmade aircraft and they are always described as a “ball of light.”
Upon closer examination it would appear they may be some type of “cold” luminous plasma type phenomena. There has never been any report or evidence suggesting these Spooklights produced any significant amounts of thermal energy. As with the Raleigh Nix sighting where the Spooklight was according him “landed on the ground” when it was first sighted there was no damaged grass found in the field. And since they are “balls of light” it would appear to be plasmodial in nature.
Witnesses who have been either physically close enough to CSL or have used binoculars, reports the Spooklights emit its light using slow pulses and were not a steady light. With many sightings the observers are from 1,000 to 4,500 feet from the CSL. If witnesses have experienced “close encounters” with these phenomena they have gone unreported. Some parts of this large orb would briefly glow more intense than other parts. Some times the Spooklight would disappear and then a few seconds later would reappear. What has been determined that is when a Spooklight “disappears” it may be that it is for a few moments not producing visible light yet is actually still “there” for it may reappear a short time later, either in the same place of a short distance away.
The speed of the CSL is usually estimated to be from 20-30 MPH. This has also been one their consistent characteristics. The duration of a sighting varies with the length being from a few seconds up to nine minutes. Some are seen near the ground while the altitude of some may be as much as 500 feet or more. In one case while four adults observed a typical CSL moving slowly at an estimated altitude of about 500 feet in a west to east direction near the edge of a large field near some railroad tracks. After viewing the bright orb for about two minutes, it suddenly and without obvious reason began to increase speed and quickly decreased altitude and after a few moments the bright light (two of the witnesses claimed the Spooklight’s color took on a slight reddish tint as it lost altitude) had descended to tree top level and then appeared to have “crashed” in a nearby wooded area.
When the light “crashed” the four witnesses armed only with excitement and flashlights quickly entered the pitch dark woods to locate the mysterious orb. After a limited investigation no evidence was located which indicated anything had impacted the area. There was no sign of the Spooklight. There were no broken tree limbs, smell of smoke, etc. Two days later two of the witnesses returned to the “crash site” and examined the area in the day time and found nothing suspicious or unusual.
Above left photo: Is an area near St. Florian where Several Spooklights have been seen the late 1970s.
Above right photo :A time exposure photo of a bright Spooklight moving west towards the Cloverdale area.
The Spooklight’s Paths
These Spooklights are not seen floating or hovering randomly in a large undefined area. A hopeful observer does not need to be uncertain as to where they will be seen. There are certain areas where they may be seen and certain areas where they will not be seen. Rather they appear to be seen floating in very specific “paths” which do not relocate. It is rare for one to be seen traveling outside of its path. Even the way they ambulate is unique. They do not always float in a slow steady movement. Some will begin to transverse in a spiraling manner and this is reported by the witnesses and has been verified by photographs. In one case a Spooklight was observed and photographed moving in a “step” motion – moving vertically a short distance then horizontally and repeating the sequence several times before it began moving in a more typical fashion.
One of the more “high yield” places to observe a Spooklight is an area just south of Cloverdale where road 272 intersects Cloverdale road which it extends from Florence to the Tennessee State line. These Spooklights normally will be seen traveling in an east to west direction regardless of altitude. This sighting area is at least three miles long and about one half mile wide.
While very few have been seen during daylight hours, several have been seen at dusk. It is curious that most of the CSL sightings that occur at dusk are seen during October through February. Most CSL are seen from an hour after sunset to about midnight. Of all the known Spooklight sightings reported in the area, none have been seen after 1:00 a.m.
It is as thought this magnetic path only exists intermittently and predicting when it will exist has proven difficult.
Time exposure of a Spooklight behind some trees. Notice the smaller blinking lights below made by a distant airplane.
Article continues on May 1, 2013!
Friday, May 10, 2013
UFO displays Saturday night suggest evidence for a unified free consciousness!
On April 27, 2013, independent skywatchers in Vancouver, British Columbia provided further insight into the nature of UFO encounters where members of the public are successfully bypassing disinformation agendas to conduct their own direct observations of the truth.
“Maybe it is just a satellite,” said astronomer Charles Lamoureux as the object he witnessed began to emit a dramatic burst of light into the late evening sky. Using a Yukon Ranger digital night vision monocular, the Yaletown resident was able to track a slowly-pulsating object as it travelled directly north-northwest at 10:26 p.m. PST.
This sequence of events captured on video by the former skeptic suggests how a unified consciousness-based shared telepathy exists between humans and ETs. It may even appear to the most open-minded of viewers as if the UFO emitted a signal in response to the astronomer’s inner dialogue spoken aloud into the microphone.
The role of higher consciousness and precognition has been explored in a series of earlier news articles concerning videographer Les Murzsa, whose extensive documentation of UFOs near Vancouver City Hall was evidently enabled in part by what appear to be inner-dimensional communications from the ETs themselves.
Click here to watch “Satellite or UFO over Vancouver” on YouTube. “Likely a satellite but … might be UFO because of the usual inconsistencies, flashing and speed..?? It sure is interesting anyways! Update: checked satellite tracker and nothing in the skies at that time and direction so might indeed be a UFO!!!”
Click here to watch “UFO Over Live YouTube Feed: Best of Night Vision Skywatching” on YouTube. Recorded shortly after midnight on the morning of April 28, 2013, the Vancouver news video presents an “In-house recording of a UFO incident during a live YouTube broadcast from April 28, 2013,” that “offers slow motion and motion-stabilized views of this remarkable event” depicting a UFO flying south to north.
Yaletown Satellite Candidates
The following terrestrial satellites were predicted by tracking website Heavens Above to appear over Vancouver, British Columbia near the time of the Charles Lamoureux UFO video:
ARGOS Delta rocket
Cosmos 2333 Rocket
While these objects were expected appear during the window of time when the UFO was recorded, it remains unclear how the table above anticipates any of these objects travelling directly north-northwest at 10:26 p.m. PST.
And with that understanding in mind, it is even more difficult to explain the documented call-and-response nature of the observer/UFO interactions as recorded on the Charles Lamoureux UFO video in terms of material sciences alone.
YouTube Satellite Candidates
The following terrestrial satellites were predicted by tracking website Heavens Above to appear over Vancouver, British Columbia near the time of the live YouTube UFO video feed:
Okean 3 Rocket
Cosmos 2315 Rocket
Meteor 1-23 Rocket
The narrative for the live YouTube UFO describes how “Video of at least one candidate terrestrial satellite for this time and location does not exhibit the remarkable strobing behavior shown in this recording.“
To clarify, that candidate would actually be the Russian Okean 3 rocket, whose predecessor, (Okean 1) was imaged in a video by YouTube community member Rondoman. The Okean 3 is cited in the table above as visible during the window of time when the live YouTube UFO was observed.
The Okean 1 video shows no pulsating, flashing or strobing behavior that equates with the display presented in the live YouTube UFO video.
Global Contact Initiatives
These two weekend Vancouver skywatching UFO incidents occurred within a larger social context as exemplified by (but not limited to) the global community of authors who contributed to the book “Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground.” The 428-page volume relates through the words of each experiencer how ordinary people are engaging in extraordinary experiences of UFO and ET contact.
Contributing authors include CeRPER’s Martyn Ellis and JCETI’s Gregory Sullivan, both of whom participated in the 2013 “Critical Issues in UFO Education” panel on YouTube held earlier this year.
According to editor Jeff Becker, the contacts described in "Paths to Contact" occurred without the interventions of for-profit middlemen.
The computer programmer has stated online how “The relationship is between each individual and the ETs - no middleman is required. I know people who have made contact with no training at all, just sincere intent.”
From the website: ““Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground” is a collection of true stories by and about normal people who have had contact with extraterrestrials and how that contact has affected their lives. We hope that by sharing our stories:
Awareness of the non-threatening nature of the extraterrestrial presence will increase.More people will become motivated to seek contact and the certain knowledge that we are not alone.The culture of ridicule surrounding all things ET will diminish so that others who have had contact experiences will feel free to talk.”Boston Exclusive Report
Jon Kelly’s electrifying report revealing unconscious secrets of the Boston Bombing will air on Truth Connections radio this Tuesday, April 30, 2013, starting at 7 p.m. EST.
Continue reading this story and more in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for Examiner.com.
Political Priorities and UFOs
I really do not enjoy writing or talking about political concerns I have, but am becoming more concerned that the only objective our leaders in Washington have are interests that benefit themselves. I won’t lay blame on any individual party either, as I feel they all fall into the same trap once they get to Washington.
Over the past 65 years much has been written and reported in reference to the UFO situation world wide, while our leaders have for the most part ignored it, or have shown no interest in looking in to it, so the public might at least know truthfully what all these reports are about.
Nearly every President since Truman has indicated they would investigate the reports and have not succeeded in doing so. I think I do understand that since the President is a “temporary employee”, serving a maximum of 8 years as President, he most likely doesn’t have the security clearance, or “need to know” to follow through on his desire to obtain the information. In my opinion the President can’t be trusted with such information. Nearly all have tried while in office to no avail, which I’ll explain later.
Many of those that are in Congress are active on various committees that could easily look into the UFO situation, but have not done so to any satisfactory degree. Excuses for not doing so are evident in some of the reports I have read. This is not a matter of serving only their constituents they represent from each state, but a national concern that should be looked at by many or all of those that are elected to serve the people they represent. The Constitution states plainly in it’s opening statement, “We the People”, and for me that’s been lost by those we elect to represent us in Washington.
When legislation needs to be passed prior to being read by those voting on it, as Nancy Pelosi recently alluded to regarding passage of the “Obama Care bill,” we have a major problem with those we elected to represent us. I suppose I shouldn’t expect them to take UFO reports under consideration, based on their current records, of not being able to agree on any legislation that currently affects all of us.
Two Presidents, Reagan and Carter reported sightings of UFOs prior to becoming presidents, while governors of their states in California and Georgia. Reagan even addressed the UFO topic at the United Nations in a speech given there in 1987 while President. President Clinton had an interest in UFOs and asked an aide to look into the topic, who reported back to the President that he could not find any information. I’ve heard rumors about Eisenhower having some involvement with extraterrestrials, but have never seen any confirmation on that. George Bush, Senior was head of the CIA prior to becoming president, and may well have been the only president with any prior knowledge of UFOs, although he has never publicly mentioned anything, that I’m aware of.
Barry Goldwater was a United States Senator from Arizona who ran for President in the 1960’s and lost to Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 Presidential election. He was also a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, and promoted to Brigadier General in the Air Force Reserve. His interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial beings visiting earth has been recorded several times in interviews he did, particularly during an interview with Larry King on CNN in 1988. He had asked General Curtis LeMay about going in to the Blue Room at Hangar 18 at Wright Field in Dayton Ohio, and was told by General LeMay “to go to Hell”, and “don’t ever ask me that question again.”
In 1995, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff requested an investigation into the Roswell Incident through the General Accounting Office. The report he received back after the GAO had interviewed several agencies in Washington stated that the documents related to Roswell were “missing” and destroyed without proper authority. Those were permanent records that should have never been destroyed. The GAO further stated they could not identify who destroyed the messages, or why. Those messages would have involved the 509th Bomb Group, (the only atomic bomb group in the world in 1947), who ended the war with Japan 2 years earlier. This, of course, raises the question of accountability among our leaders in Washington then and now.
Many times when I submit a Freedom of Information Request Form for military records to the National Personnel Records Center in St Louis, Missouri, I will get a response in a form letter stating those records may have been destroyed in a fire at the center July 12, 1973.
Since the Roswell Incident occurred in 1947 there have been a few congressional hearings on the subject of UFOs, with no substantial information coming forward from those hearings to resolve the question. Meetings have been held at the United Nations, again, with no results. Astronauts, law enforcement officers, airline pilots and such have brought up the subject of UFOs existing, again, with no follow up by any legislators or people in the know.
The Phoenix lights, Stephenville Texas near President Bush’s ranch, the O’Hara airport incident and many others have all been reported by credible individuals, but no one follows through on these well documented occurrences. Lame, unsatisfactory excuses are sometimes given by those in authority to pacify the public, and then the incident is filed away, never to be mentioned again, such as was the case with the Condon Report, Blue Book, the Roswell Reports and several other reports made public over the years.
Many of us believe the 4 excuses given for Roswell during the past 60 some years do not satisfactorily explain what happened on the ranch near Roswell. For me that raises the question of who in our government is willing to admit that they have been lying to us for all those years? I don’t see that happening, and would open the question to a lot of other things our Government and certain military leaders have been covering up, and still do today, if you watch the national news almost on a daily basis. Cover up has become a way of life and doing business by our leaders in Washington and at some local levels, and it appears that “we the people” are accepting that. At my age, the concern I have for our younger generation is that although there is information we probably don’t need to know for our nation’s security, lying to us about many of these cases is not what our elected officials are elected to do in representing us.
Dennis G. Balthaser
Website: www.truthseekeratroswell.com
Email: truthseeker@dfn.com
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Are UFO Occupants Part of the Mass Alien Mind?
So let’s travel beyond our 1950s aversion to communism and our human bigotry regarding our intelligence being superior, and consider the idea that some UFO occupants might be part of a mass mind which/who has developed beyond our human intelligence.
I was drawn to the recent Roger Marsh MUFON report on “15 dark and gray entities, 3 to 4 feet tall, standing beside this person’s bedside. All of them just stood there except one who “was doing a one-handed hand stand and looked malevolent.” All the entities looked alike with flat faces, prominent eyes, and bushy eyebrows.
How weird! However, something in this report rings true or at least fascinates us. It really does not seem to be a creation of the imagination of the reporting person or an attempt to fool us with a hoax. Why oh why was one member of the unit doing a handstand (or trying to)? Was a mass mind trying to communicate with the human observer that it comprehends the individual perception each human has? Thus one member stood on its hand? This makes as much sense as any explanation for this bizarre encounter.

Looking back through close encounters of the third kind which involve interacting with UFO occupants, there are experiences which have entities who were functioning “mindlessly” or at least without the focus and intensity with which a single mind operates. We might say, the entities seemed more like a single ant carrying forth a larger mission than an individual astronaut sitting down to become acquainted with an alien. Perhaps they were seeking simple human contact but they could not stop acting like one unit in a mass mind any more than a human can stop acting like an individual mind.
These are two famous encounter/abduction cases but the number of cases which fit the “mass alien mind” theory with individual aliens acting like part of The Whole, are too plentiful to list.
Yes, these entities could be robots or androids simply carrying out their computer programming. However, the impression many UFO occupants give us, is, “I am an individual cell of a larger intelligence, carrying forth my particular job.” They are not our idea of “just robots.” Yes, perhaps our idea of robot actions is primitive, perhaps advanced races have developed robots who act less robot-like.
Still, some of those who have experienced close encounters seem to feel a more organic if disturbing truth: There seems to be a beinghood to these entities but this beinghood makes our alarm bells go off: “This is an alien intelligence with something lurking behind it, these beings are part of something larger and utterly baffling to our rugged individual perception.”
This morning I watched the swallows swooping and zooming around in the sky over my old barn. They use this barn as their nursery each year. These are dynamic little birds who migrate to Central and South American for the majority of the year. They come to northern regions to give birth, and to train/teach the next generation each year.
The swallows have built 15 nests in the barn but they only use three of them. The other nests are decoys to frustrate predators. Here before my eyes, is an intelligence alien to my human way of thinking; I do not have 15 homes to throw off human burglars.
Two swallows often dive and swoop in perfect unison in wing-to-wing proximity at high speed. They never collide. Is this telepathy? But, there really is not time to receive and process telepathy; the two swallows are instead two brain cells functioning in absolute harmony as one bird.
Starlings, of course, are famous for their “murmuration” wherein huge flocks fly as one entity, dipping, swerving, changing direction as one bird.
What makes humans think this mass mind type of intelligence could not have evolved into advanced intelligence which travels the universe?
In other words, humans evolved from ape-like animals. Some aliens might have developed from the swallow, starling, bee, or ant-like mass mind. This mass mind could have become more intelligent than our present level of human intelligence.
In fact, we do not need to go to a distant planet; this could have happened on Earth. The mass mind is an invisible mind, whereas our ape-human minds are housed in our heads.
Is this the answer to the sky and space critters which/who seem to be “critters” and yet might be a part of the advanced intelligence we recognize as existing in UFOs and/or their occupants?
There is indeed a mass human consciousness as Carl Jung postulated. Rupert Sheldrake writes of the morphic quantum field which connects our individual human mind to the greater Human Consciousness and to the Universal Mind itself. Jacques Vallee feels that human subconscious is a world of its own, a creative place which might manifest fairies, elves, demons, angels and aliens.
And so, we humans do have a mass mind as well, but we still function individually too. We would feel that it is wrong for the individual to give up his or her uniqueness and the right to choose his or her own path. Yet, young men and women go off to war for the good of the whole and first responders head into danger for the good of the victims of whatever disaster we have just experienced.
A reoccurring theme in Star Trek is “The good of the many outweighs the needs of the few.” This was first spoken by Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. However, philosopher Jeremy Bentham had a similar quote: "It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong."
In the Star Trek film Into Darkness premiering on May 17th, 2013, Spock again intones these words to Kirk who is desperately trying to get Spock out of an erupting volcano, “The good of the many outweighs the needs of the few.” Spock insists Kirk should let him die in the volcano so as not to break the Prime Directive of Non-Interference, because the planet natives would then see the rescue and know that aliens exist (“aliens” in this case being the Enterprise crew).
Yes, I know it is science fiction but it also explores so many concepts and phenomena which we ufologists run into as we try to figure out the alien enigma.
UFO occupants obviously have a non-interference philosophy or they would be in all our yards, knocking at our doors. On the other hand, their craft are seen every day and every night around the world. Have they been trying since, say, 1947, to gently, slowly, accustom humans to their existence and presence here?
If this is so, they must figure it is time we humans know.
Who are they who keep letting us know about themselves? Might they share an invisible mass mind which over-shadows our human evolution? Might this dynamic mass mind have developed faster than many individual minds belonging to a diverse species?
They could be humans of the future who became One Great Mind thanks to joining in the Singularity with computer intelligence.
They could be humans of the future who finally evolved organically into One Mind which does adhere to “the needs of the many…”
They could be a natural Mass Mind, developed on Earth and in Earth skies from starlings instead of apes (to put it too simply). Birds are what is left of the dinosaurs who survived so well for so long.
They could be the Great Mind of Earth herself, sending out individual components to let humans know they need to be less greedy individuals and more concerned about others. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” “I am my brother’s keeper.”
Or there might be a mass mind visiting us from far distant space or dimension, a mass mind among many extraterrestrials in our skies; some aliens might be rugged individuals while others are visible components of one invisible mind!
Whatever the answers, it is time we considered Mass Mind as possibly having evolved beyond starlings, bees, ants, and swallows into something advanced beyond present human understanding. But have we ever really understood the Mass Minds of Earth who are all around us?
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The Psychrophiles Are Coming!
Marshall Karlfeldt explores the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin from The Earth Chronicles (Sitchin’s merticulous translations of thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets concerning the history of the earliest human civilization). The tablets contain The Epic of Enuma Elish (The Story of Creation) and The Epic of Gilgamesh, as explained through the works of Sitchen’s deciphers, a civilization some 450,000 years ago from a far distant world called Nibiru.
(Adam, The Missing Link: The New History of Mankind’s Creation. Marshall Karlfeld. 2009. www.trafford.com. Sixty-six pages, $38.95). If you would like more information or to purchase this book from amazon.com simply click on its title: ADAM the Missing Link
The book contains extremely handsome and elaborate photographs, professionally exquisite graphic charts, illustrations that are well worth the cost: outlining the arrival and rise of an alleged civilization called the Anunnaki; Gilgamesh, the king of Urek; Ekidu, a cloned humanoid of the Anunnaki; Lord Enki, the chief genetic engineer; and Gilgamesh’s mother as an Anunnaki Divine Princess; Gilgamesh’s father was human.
The 6th tablet tells about Princess Ishtar who lusts after Gilgamesh, but is rejected by him. Furious, Ishtar travels from an orbiting mother ship to Urek, stealing the “Bull of Heaven” from Leader Anu, and uses the laser-device to blast the streets of Uruk killing hundreds of people. Gilgamesh and Enkidu destroy “The Bull” as Ishtar retreats.
Cylinder seal VA/243 is about 4,500 years old. The story on the cylinder tells of Anunnaki leaders: the Commander Enlil and Genetic Engineer Enki are shown experimenting with animals, says Klarfeld.
The same diagrams show the alleged solar system with 10 planets; Nibiru is supposedly the 10th planet.
Klarfeld, as also so many other people, believe that a double entendre’ existed in the beliefs and statements of scientist Carl Sagan; Sagan always intended his words provoke additional thoughts on controversial topics, says Klarfeld. In Sagan’s 1985 book Contact, his photograph holds behind him a “sentient belief” in Samarian stories of the Anunnaki. Sagan once named a spaceship as Gilgamish. It was Sagan that says: ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Klarfield adds: “I suspect that Dr. Sagan was a believer who wanted to signal his beliefs, without overtly confronting the scientific community.”
Klarfeld summarizes that The Enuma Elish Epic predates the Hebrew Book of Genesis, and is the bases for the Genesis creation account. It is the original creation story that was transmitted orally from the Anunnaki. The Epic comes to rest eventually in the form of seven cuneiform tablets.
(Why the Anunnaki didn’t use their advanced knowledge and technology to transmit history, as such, in a superior and very solidified means other than ‘oral’ and primitive ‘tablets’ is a curiously tantalizing question.)
Genesis speaks of seven days of creation. There are “seven” tablets relaying the Sumerian tale, says Sitchen. In Genesis, God sees on the 7th day that creation is good, and then He rests; in the Sumerian accounts, the ‘god’ creates in the length of ‘six tablets’, but on the last and 7th tablet, ‘god’ heralds and examines his creation. In the Sumerian seven tablets, creation is portrayed. In Genesis, God creates and praises His creation in ‘seven’ days.
The Enuma Elish tale, according to the late Zacheria Sitchen, names the planets of the solar system in the form of ‘gods’: Sun, Moon, nine planets, and Nibiru as the 10th planet. Starting from the Sun, they are Apsu (which is the Sun), Mummu, Lahamu, Tiamat (the Earth), Kishar, Arislar, Anu, Ea (Neptune). Apparently, Pluto is disowned and disenfranchised by Anunnaki and present-day scientists. Translating the personified conversations in the tale, the solar system was very mobile, causing all kinds of havoc and destruction until the sun stabilized their movements.
Earth’s moon is called Kingu, and the moon of Nibiru is called “Northwind”. When Nibiru came close to Earth in its 3,600 year orbit around the sun, ‘Northwind’ careened into the Earth about 225-million-years ago, fragmenting Pangea into continents, causing new orbits for Tiamat (Earth) and Nibiru. The asteroid belt is referred to as the Hammered Bracelet.
If Sitchen is correct, the inhabitants of Nibiru evolved on a planet that had no ‘goldilocks’ zone from a central sun precisely at the adequate distance for life as we know it. That means that Nibiruites must have had a very peculiar evolution.
Has there ever been precedence in the UFO lore of beings evolving on a “cold planet”? Yes, there have been a few, one in particular: the stories of the late Richard Sharpe Shaver and the late Raymond Arthur Palmer.
Through a period of about 1943 to 1977 the publisher of Amazing Stories Magazine, Ray A. Palmer (affectionately referred to as RAP), promulgated accounts of Richard Shaver’s journey into a Hidden World. Shaver, somewhat of a bohemian character who grew up with science-fiction and a dabbling of science, had also, for the most part, been an adventurer from occupation to occupation, talent to talent, territory to territory. Shaver also had an enlarged imagination as he discovered one day while working as a welder in a Detroit auto factory: voices were coming from his welding equipment; the voices were describing obscene depictions, and generally detailing outlandish events of another reality.
Right away, many would be to say that Shaver was probably schizophrenic or somehow mentally ill, but Palmer was swift to point out to Shaver’s detractors that much more were happening to Shaver. Palmer based that opinion on scientific verification of Shaver’s claims. There also existed modern theories on exactly what the brain perceives amidst the latest traditions of quantum physics.
(One is reminded of the movie scene in A Beautiful Mind where schizophrenic John Nash, played by Richard Crowe, is observing the reflections of glass and crystal and seeing great mathematical possibilities: to quote the Halexandria Foundation: “On the one hand, there is the supposition that all of reality is an illusion. As discussed in Mass, the universe is nothing more than a figment of our prolific imaginations, a phantasm. That may be, but on a more, still-in-the-midst-of-this-life’s-drama level, we can ask about the degree to which we may be imagining -- and/or creating -- our own reality.” [Creating Your Perfect Reality])
David Darling, an astronomer and graduate of Sheffield and Manchester Universities in England, speaks of ancient and current practitioners to ‘brain tapping’, as one example, that by-passes the brain as a modulator to confronting cosmic consciousness. Darling also speaks of CLive Wearing’s Korsakoff Disease (Korsakoff had to reconstruct reality and memory every few seconds): “Cases such as these speak of more than just the fragile and constructed nature of self. They raise serious questions about the nature of time,” says Darling, “and the delicate connection between psychological time and physical reality. Could it be that time, likewise, is nothing more than a product of the way we think.” (Soul Search, Villard Books, Random House, New York, 1995, page 117).
Darling and other scientists point to altered states of consciousness where perception exceeded normal restraints. The sanctimonious judgments of such people, others would say, were probably premature if not also suspect and neurotic.
Palmer received a rather sketchy manuscript at his office at Amazing Stories Magazine telling of a vast underground civilization of demented creatures left on earth thousands of years ago by an Elder Race; this race possesses super-technology from their fore-fathers, who escaped earthly contamination by heading back into space.
The beings that were left behind on earth are a composite of ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’, to use a movie metaphor: abandero or dero, and the not-so-bad, sometimes good, tero. Dero keep themselves “Dosed-up”, so-to-speak, through their machines which allow them to continue long but torturous lives of radiation poisoning from the sun.
The Tero are a little more fortunate, know the danger of the destructive “de” from the Sun, as well as the mechanics of surviving in such a surrealistic world. Some Tero actually wage war against the Dero who have the advantage of combat with their Ben-ray, Stim-ray, Telesolidography, and Telepathic-Augmentor.
And then, there are the “surface dwellers”: we humans, who have to deal with apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists, surface-type diseases and other mysterious calamities.
Out of such a rich but chaotic history grows the legends of other legends; tales of other tales; Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, The Oahspe Bible, Hades (Hell), and hundreds of other sagas.
Palmer reconstructed Shaver’s story-line for Amazing Stories and presented the manuscripts in a serious vain and found himself avalanched by responses from thousands of readers with a chorus of “Real! This is really happening!”; most were certifiably sane. Carl Sagan said and (quoted by Elz Cuya) “….renamed the scientific method, ‘the baloney detection kit’. He admitted that science at times had been wrong.”
If Shaver was insane, he also appeared correct, exampled by one such claim that the Elder Race lives on “dark, cold worlds”, away from deadly effects of space and sun radiation (exd) which carries “de, der, dir or d” ash, as compared to good matter – integrative energy – te, ter or t.
Like Zarcharia Sitchen (1976), Emanuel Velikousky (1950), Harold Jeffreys (1924), Shaver’s stories also told of cosmic catastrophe: Planets were dislodged, oribts realigned, and crash events occurred. The Elder Race feared none of this on their ‘dark planet’ of the Nortean Race.
Princess Vanic and other “Elder Gods”, as recorded in Shaver’s I Remember Lemuria (1948), lived on the ‘sunless Nor’: they were “Nortons” who could thrive in ‘dark space’; they were ‘Titans’. ‘Atlans’, and ‘Nor-tons’. They do avoid the “black death” from the “masses of (the) poisonous particles” from any sun or star (also called ‘dis’ or ‘de’). Such poison eventually causes ‘radioactive disease’ known as ‘‘age’’.
Nortons were protected by a “carbon shell” canopy. Unfortunately, our sun, Sol, captured Nor and over many eons, the “shell” burned away about 30,000 years ago, allowing the destructive “de, der, dir or d” to enter the surface and cause havoc, disease and aging. A residual “exd”, or ash, pushed back causing ‘gravity’ (A lot of Shaver’s ‘formulas’, said Palmer, have been found to be eventually true).
Not only was the capture of the “cold planet” a major epiphany-event but there were cataclysmic events and collisions of celestial bodies through the solar system.
This resulted in various legends.
As mentioned, some legends appear to be copies or remnant stories of other legends: issue tales of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and Shaver’s strange “Mantong” language and alphabet where each letter denoted meaning: one word could seemingly be a complete sentence or more.
When the “gods” left earth, they also abandoned superior machinery and diseased monsters that took “surface dwellers” into their Realm as “shanghaied slaves”.
Shaver died in November, 1975 (same month I was confronted with the Kafkaesque world of the multibillion dollar Divorce Industry, Scam and Racket). Ray Palmer died in August, 1977, just two years after his dear friend Richard Shaver.
Donald Wesley Patten refers to such a mysterious celestial body moving tremulously through our solar system as “the Visitor” (The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, Pacific Meridan Publishing Company, 1966, page 139). As a professional Geographer, M.A., Patten came to believe that a number of cosmic and planetary events disturbed the evolution of earth and its inhabitants. Rather than a “carbon shell”, Patten believed Earth had a “water canopy” (evidenced by a residual Van Allen Belt around the planet). The “canopy” was destroyed by a combination of events in the solar system. This “canopy” protected the earth from radiation and space debris (referred to in the Book of Genesis in the Scriptures as “the waters above”), allowing a rather deterioration-free world. The intimate details are in Patten’s book and related works of Imanuel Velikovsky and Jim Wentworth’s Giants in the Earth; but all theories and legends hold questionable “gaps” and beg multiple queries as yet unanswered or challenged.
Klarfeld answers numerous questions; I cannot say he will answer questions to everyone’s satisfaction. He examines Samarian and ancient archeology through four categories: S.I.T – or – Stored Information Text (cuneiform tablets), S.I.Ts – or – Stored Information Tablets (cuneiform tablets), S.I.D - or - Stored Information Device (cylinder seals), S.I.Sc – or – Stored Information Sculpture (Ishtar statue, etc.), and S.I.ST – or - Stored Information Structure (pyramids).
The pyramids certainly seem mysterious enough to be classified as possibly an actual alien “structure”: 2.3 million bricks in the Giza pyramid with a satellite view of being only two inches off at the apex. This is a tolerance of 1/1,000,000 of an inch.
But the question seems affordable to ask: why did the Sumerians, who consorted with the Anunnaki beings and leaders, not “demand”, or, at least, query their Creators about obtaining or inventing their super-technology? They could have insisted or campaigned as so that the Anunnaki put their laser, radio, and other advanced machinery at their disposal. Conversely, the Anunnaki could have circumnavigated cuneiform tablets and cylinder-seals and ‘give’ the Eridue superior machines.
Why is there only history of the Anunnaki in the Mesopotamian civilization? Or, does the “Nephilim” do a very good job of keeping their existence of technology completely out of the hands of the Enkidu? Why allow ‘any’ technological transfer?
(Tantalizing questions are further posed in Part II of the curiosities of the Elder Gods and the reality of the planet Niberu.)