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Thursday, August 23, 2012

UFO Sighting in Hickory, North Carolina on July 31st 2012 - Two sightings on two consecutive mornings

1st Object: On the morning of Tuesday of July 31st at 05:30am I was leaving the garage and walking to my truck facing eastern sky to get ready for work when I noticed some different in the sky. I face this skyline every morning, if there is something out of the ordinary out of place I will surely know about it. This morning was an exception there was something out of the ordinary. The craft was approximately 5000 feet up and maybe a 1 mile away oval shaped as best as I could see and metallic chrome bright, it was the brightest object in the sky that morning it was very distinct against the skyline compared the Venus, Jupiter or any of the stars that were out. I stared at this object for what seemed to be about 5 min, the initial sighting thought it was an airplane, just brushed this aside this object was just hovering there. I waited for a while to see what was going to happen nothing much after 5 min, and then I decide to g to work and see if it will follow me. 2nd Object On Wednesday of August 1st at 05:45am, approximately the same time walking to the truck just like the previous morning but this time with great expectations in seeing the same craft again but nothing. Disappointed I decided to go to work as usual, but this morning was unusual, approx 10 min from home driving west on I-40 going to work when I saw what appeared to be the same craft or one like I saw yesterday morning, the craft was to my left above the tree lines and appeared to be keeping pace with car. This time the craft appeared to be closer than yesterday maybe 3000 feet up, this lasted for approximately 2 min when it slowly descended behind the tree line to my left. Two sightings on two consecutive mornings, one always asks ???oneself Why, Why me???

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