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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Huge UFO Bounces Off The Sun

In past we had documented:

Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein

Sun UFO : NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed !

NASA Spotted Another Near Sun UFO, This Time Its A Huge Sphere

NASA Spotted Gigantic Triangle Shaped Coronal Hole In The Sun

Sun Pyramid UFO - NASA Removed, Sun SOHO Picture Browser Webpage  

Giant UFO Mothership Near The Sun Photographed By NASA SOHO 

Sun UFO - Jupiter Size Doughnut-shape Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - STEREO  

NASA Spotted Gigantic Sphere UFO Near Sun, While Deflecting Solar Eruption

In latest development according to down below video poster, I had discovered incredible object near sun using SOHO, which seems to show a double ringed shaped object phase into view at the top of the screen, then darting across the Sun before shooting off out of view. Is it an Extraterrestrial craft? or something else, as always you decide. Will post all relevant data in a few days, so even if NASA remove the raw footage, I have the raw SOHO files available to download. Data Detail : Date : 2012:06:05 Time 12:10:00

View the original article here