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Monday, November 7, 2011

Alien Filmed In Manaus Brazil Rainforest a major fake?

[Image]Numerous emails in about this one over the last few days. Please note i am posting this for discussion purposes only.Apparently this ET was filmed in manaus Brazil.The area is in the amazon, a common stop over are between brazil and miami.
I will let you decide on this one. Im always highly wary now Of allNewsWeb (source of the video). If this website ever wanted publicity they sure got it with this story however as its gone viral. To me it looks highly suspicious, even quite a joke with an alien stopping outside its ship for a pee!. If it was really an ET you'd think all the kids would be freaking out and all staring at it?Its also strange that all these ET videos always come in from South America.
I would like your take on the video - obvious fake right?

The image comes from a video obtained by noted paranormal writer Michael Cohen and is claimed to have been filmed by two British tourists visiting the Mamaus region of the Amazon Read more:

posted by realufos at 11:46 AM on Oct 22, 2011

View the original article here