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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Strange Weird Noises And Houses Shaking Reported In Wisconsin, Oklahoma USA and Vancouver, Canada

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In past we had documented :

2012 - Strange Rumblings Sound Heard In Costa Rica

Strange Humming - Rumblings Sound Heard In Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, Czech Republic : Jan 9 - Jan 12, 2012

Strange Humming Rumblings Sound Heard In Samarahan, Malaysia 

2012 Strange Humming Sound Heard Nelson, BC, Canada : Feb. 4, 2012

Strange Booms Sound Reported In North Carolina, USA

UFO Sighting and Strange Sound Reported In Primrose Hill, London, UK

Strange Noises 2012: Google Trends for "STRANGE SOUNDS" Way Up In Past One Week

Yet Again Strange Sounds Heard, This Time In Chile, Canada, Finland, India, U.S : Jan. 12 - Jan. 17

Solar Storm Cause Spacequake, Which Could Trigger 6+ Magnitude Earthquake And Rumble Sound

In latest development, beyond 'strange sounds' - widespread Rumbling & houses Shaking in reported in Wisconsin, Oklahoma USA and Vancouver, Canada.People in multiple states and countries are reporting the ground and their houses shaking and a barn collapsed in association with the rumbles, so obviously this is not just 'strange sounds' phenomena anymore.
Mysterious Noises Baffle Residents in Clintonville - Wisconsin March 21, 2012

Strange Rumblings in Oklahoma Sky March 20, 2012

Mysterious Rumblings and Sound in Vancouver Island, BC March 15,2012

*Update* Montello, WI More Strange Sounds heard SOUTH of Clintonville, WI - March 22, 2012

View the original article here