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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Apollo Astronaut Believes in Aliens

In February 1971, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell walked for 9.5 hours on the moon. Recently, in an interview on UK-based Kerrang Radio, he spoke about UFOs, aliens and a 60-year old US government cover-up conspiracy.

Edgar Mitchell surprised both his interviewer and his audience by admitting his belief in extra-terrestrials. He believes aliens have been visiting us for years. Their intention is peaceful since we might not be here if it were otherwise.

Mitchell thinks the 1947 Roswell incident involving an alleged UFO crash was covered up by the US government. However, he did not provide any evidence.

A reporter at Kerrang Radio asked NASA to comment on Mitchell's views. NASA's response was rather succinct: "Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue."

Gary Bates, the author of Alien Intrusion (2004), believes there is a strong connection between UFOs and evolution. People who believe life evolved on earth tend to think that it had to evolve elsewhere in space also since we cannot be that special. Indeed, a belief in UFOs seems to fit in well with a believe in a new age type of deity. But both real science and biblical theology bring serious problems for a belief in UFOs and extra-terrestrials. ETs seem to have more to do with parapsychological phenomena than physical phenomena.

Kenneth Arnold reported seeing flying saucer-shaped flying objects over Mount Rainier in Washington on June 24, 1947. With this incident fresh in mind, the media was quick to come up with a conspiracy theory just two weeks later when they wrote about Roswell.

Bates suggests that the Roswell incident was an inflated account of a US spy balloon that crashed. In the early cold war years the US government was reluctant to disclose what kind of equipment its air force used to spy on their erstwhile allies the Russians.

So it was a cover up, after all. But not the kind that Edgar Mitchell believes.

Joel Kontinen is a translator and novelist currently living in Finland. His background includes an MA in translation studies and a BA in Bible and Theology. He likes to keep up-to-date on science news and often comments on creation/evolution and origins issues.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick UFO, Alien Theories

UFO's (unidentified flying objects) are seen in the skies all over the world and millions have witnessed this phenomenon. Lights that seem stationary in the sky, and then out of nowhere move with incredible speed or zipping lights that move to and fro and form formations. What could these objects be? Shooting stars? The usual response the government gives out is that these lights are satellites that orbit earth or just plain aeroplanes. Many people believe that these UFO's are flying saucers from another world and transport alien races to and from different worlds and galaxies. After all there are more planets in our galaxy then grains of sand on the beaches the world over. Even the pope acknowledged that there was a big possibility of other life in space. Supposedly since the Roswell crash of 1950, aliens have been visiting earth and are in constant communication with our governments. Offering new free energy technology to help clean up our planet. But the government wont share these wonders with the public because economies will crash if oil and gas stop being traded, and a lot of powerful people will lose a lot of cash. Just a theory?

Another theory to the UFO phenomenon, which is a bit more down to earth, is the nazi theory. During World War 2 the nazi scientists were working on free energy flying ships/saucers. The US found out about this and when the war came to an end they brought the nazi scientists back home. In America they were given resources and funding to keep researching this free energy wonder. Those flying saucers and triangles that you might see flying about are the result of the scientist's years of research. The US refuses to share this technology with the public because they don't want it falling into enemy hands and also they don't want a hole in their pocket. The roswell crash was actually one of there test saucers in action, they thought the game was up when it got out that a UFO crashed in the desert, but the public but 2 and 2 together and got aliens form a different plant. Needless to say the US government was more then happy to fuel this lie and so they fanned the flames by giving dumb excuses and acting guilty as hell when it came to UFO's.

So we have reached the final theory. Humans coming back from the future in time machines. Sounds a bit far fetched but it is very possible that these little grey men are actually us in another thousand years or so. We learned to survive without the human wants like food and sex. That's right no sex because we are neither male nor female and we can't reproduce. The only reproduction we will be doing is in a test tube. We have prolonged our life span and death is curable. Since we have no human wants our body has withered to a frail shadow of what it once was, but our brains and intelligence have developed beyond belief. I guess you might be asking, why would we bother visiting different times in our past? Well I have two reasons for you, either we are collecting history on our selves or just experiencing history first hand OR we have come back looking for that important ingredient that makes us human. Every test tube baby that is born gains more intelligence but loses a percentage of what makes us human. Feelings, free thinking...


UFO Forum

Friday, August 26, 2011

UFO and Alien Presence in Human History

Unusual objects being spotted in the sky and drawings of strange-looking little men have formed long before the existence of modern man. The first depiction of cylindrical objects shaped like UFOs is shown in a 47,000 year old, Neanderthal-age drawing that was found on the rocks and mountains in Hunan Province, China.

UFO skeptics suggest that many people have seen objects in the sky that they cannot identify, but to any astronomer, these perceptions may just be a weather balloon, a star, or a meteor. Some people have even mistaken lenticular clouds for UFOs. Yet, true believers bring up the lengthy history of alleged UFOs and their alien passengers as proof that these sightings are phenomena that go far beyond science.

According to UFO researchers and enthusiasts, the history of alien creatures and spacecraft is found all over the world in the forms of art work, oral legends, tablets, monuments, and petroglyphs. A recorded account of a UFO sighting goes back to the 1504-1450 B.C. writing of an Egyptian papyrus, who describes the object as a "fire circle." After a few days, he noticed that more of them appeared in the sky until they reached the limits of heaven, then after some time, ascended higher into the sky and disappeared.

A report recorded in the Bible by Exekiel describes a stranger sighting of four living creatures in the form of men. Each had four faces and four wings and darted back and forth like a lightning flash.

Roman author Julius Obsequens compiled the book Prodigorium liber to highlight preternatural sights with one account tracing back to 90 B.C. In 216 B.C., a person describes a fire in the sky with "things like ships were seen in the sky over Italy," also described as a "round shield."

There are numerous other reports of strange lights, objects, and creatures that continued throughout the early periods of A.D. with similarities to modern reports. In 13th century England, a pile of fire was reported to have rose from the south, crossed the sky to the north, then increased speed and flew into the sky.

In Japan in 1232, the first official investigation into UFOs took place after members of an army saw strange lights that swerved around in the sky for many hours. It was finally concluded to be just "wind making the stars sway," which itself may not have scientific backing.

Astronomers have also reported similar UFO sightings. In 1762 in Switzerland, amateur astronomer Monsieur de Rostan captured the first UFO photograph. He tracked a spindle-shaped object crossing the sun, which is supported by a couple of other astronomers. Later in 1799, the English Gentleman's Magazine featured an article that detailed a mass viewing of a pillar of fire (the same account of fire) passing from the north to the south.

Unlike pre-modern men, modern men have been able to track inexplicable appearances using radar from the ground and in the sky. They even have the technology to create deceptive UFO phenomena using special effects or falsified documents. Yet, since the Neanderthal era, reports of UFO and alien sightings which strongly resemble modern ones have appeared. These reports remain largely inexplicable and hold bases for further investigations.

We have worked with the paranormal almost her entire life researching incidents such as Area 51 and other UFO Sightings.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

UFO Sighting Is For Real?

UFO sightings shouldn't be new to a lot of us because there have been so many UFO pictures

and photos made available by so many individuals who have direct or indirect experiences

with them, some of which are real and yet some others, made-up.

As a matter of fact, it'd be quite a tall order to distinguish between the genuine UFO

footages and pictures from the hoaxes, and determining which claim is for real has been the

tasks of many a UFO expert who looks at tons of UFO pictures and sighting footages all day

long. Not only is it necessary to carefully analyse the first hand experiences as described

by the subject, but also it is of great benefits to employ high tech devices such as radar

and spectrometer data as well.

According to the summarized conclusions from these UFO experts, here are the main points

that can help determine the genuineness of UFO sightings:

1. UFOs fly fast

UFOs fly at lightning (or faster) speed, and do so without breaking the sound barrier. They

would either be making a high-pitched sound, or very soft one. Their flight carries the

characteristic of the deep bass of the sonic boom, which is unlike human-made missiles or


2. UFOs can change direction fast

UFO flight is often erratic and fast, which makes the UFO look as if it were weightless.

3. UFOs can appear any time anywhere

When UFO appears during day time, they would still be seen with their own lights and heard

with their distinctive high pitched sound. Coupled with eyewitness experiences and picked up

by radar, those sightings are more than likely to be real.

4. UFOs interferes with electronic devices

Almost all footages and eyewitnesses would share one common observation - cars breaking

down, power fluctuating or completely blacking out, radios and TVs crackling, and magnetic

compasses malfunctioning. When sighting claims have these included, it'd be safe to assume

they are real.

5. UFOs leave damage trails

For some unknown reasons, UFO visits often end up with cattle mutilated, or humans suffering

from apparent radioactive poisoning.

As with all things in life, especially those things that can't be explained by normal

senses, we ought to proceed with intelligence coupled with our zest to ensure that we don't

fall victim to some man-made hoaxes that are set up to pull our legs.

Besides being a board-certified naturopathic physican, Dr. Kang-pang Chan was appointed Licensed Interfaith Minister by the International Council of Community Churches in 1997 and therefore has extensive experiences with all things related to spiritual psychology as well as parapsychology. Please see here for more information.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Have You Had a UFO Or Alien Encounter

Have you ever had a UFO encounter?

That is something many people often ponder, but discard it as soon as the thought enters their mind.

Most people either think it is too absurd or they don't want to spend the time and energy researching to see if there is some validity to their thoughts. Often times their assumption of what others might think of them should an encounter become known, or even their own misconceptions of reality keeps one from researching further.

Many times it takes a series of encounters over several years before one realizes that the situation isn't going away and regardless of the outcome, further investigation becomes necessary.

These instances normally begin in childhood and continue into adulthood. Normally one begins to realize that "something" happened during life changing events in our lives when we start to question the "meaning" of life, or why so-called negative situations are happening to us, such as divorce or a loss of a loved one, or financial ruin.

One of the more common events is meeting someone or doing something that has a profound effect on our life in ways that we can't explain. This will often remind us of previous experiences that were just as dramatic, and will start bringing into play other souls and why they are with us.

The encounters are often buried in the mind because the ego has a really hard time comprehending something equal or greater than itself, therefore the memory can only be jogged by hypnosis or some other form of recall.

My own theory is that we have all had encounters with "other worlds". I believe it is a natural occurrence, and our encounters are created by us to help one through certain difficult situations or to expand our awareness of other dimensions of life.

I feel these different dimensions of existence are like tuning a radio, on a radio, every time the dial is moved a new station comes on , with the human consciousness, every time we shift our thinking, a new dimension enters our reality. The realities are always there, it is up to us to determine which one we need to focus on.

We all have a certain "blue print" that provides us with a rough guide as to what we should do with our life. At certain points in life, changes in our path need to be made. As Yogi Berra once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, you gotta take it".

It is at these times we need guidance from other souls, either worldly or unworldly to guide us through the rough spots, and get us back on the "path". We soon discover that one life experience leads to another, one which would not have been possible without having experienced the previous one, one that gave us the knowledge and understanding to go on to our next mission in life.

This guidance can come in many forms, from a word spoken by an associate, even though the associate is unaware he said anything significant or it would have any impact upon anything. There are various other ways we can receive enlightenment, including an actual encounter with some spirit or alien life form. All of which leads from one event to another until the final outcome is finally determined.

Due to the fact the United States just launched a space probe to explore the possibility of life on other planets,it would be hard in this day and age to not believe that life exists on some other planet or dimension. With the billions of star systems in our universe, it would be hard to imagine that we wouldn't have cousins out there some where.

There are probably many, some would be more advanced than us , and some would probably be more primitive.

Taking all of this into account, one has to believe that contact with life forms from other planetary systems is not only possible but highly likely. We are trying to make contact, wouldn't they be doing the same? To think otherwise, one would have to be two fries short of a Happy Meal.

We can only guess as to what events will take place in the next several years, it will certainly be interesting!

In my mind,the question isn't if you've had contact, but with who and why!

Gary has traveled to many parts of the world, see more articles and photos at:

Gary has developed a line of novelty gifts featuring some of his photos taken around the world.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Question of Alien Life

Aliens are everywhere in pop culture. You see them in movies, books, television and just about every other form of media. With our modern special effects we can make them look however we want and believable enough to scare anyone if they managed to be sent back in time to a few decades ago. But the question of whether or not there are other life forms out in the universe is still a mystery.

Some of the most famous alien sightings in history were actually written off as inexplicable events for many years before being revisited by UFO conspiracy theorists. For example, though there may have been some people expressing a belief that the crash at Roswell involved an alien spacecraft, it wasn't until many years later that the event actually blew up with the help of some published interviews. For a long time people just wrote it off as a type of craft that could not be identified, which if we remember is actually the definition of a UFO. All it took were a few accounts linking the incident with extraterrestrials and it was able to take off.

A similar thing happened with an event labeled the Battle of Los Angeles. This event that happened over Los Angeles soon after the United States entered World War II involved an object objects that appeared in the sky and were fired at by anti-aircraft weaponry. It did not seem to affect the objects in the sky and various theories sprouted up after the incident claiming things ranging from Japanese aircraft, to balloons, to aliens. However, the event didn't really manage to take off until ufologists began claiming that classified documentation pointed to the incident covering up discovered alien UFOs.

All of these events are still mysteries and the real question of whether or not alien life is out there in the world goes unanswered as well. Aliens manage to captivate people ranging from the movie going public to scientists with extensive training; so regardless of whether or not these events in the past century prove to be true, it is hard to imagine giving up on a search that has intrigued us for so long.

Find out more about aliens and UFOs at Alien Sightings Chronicle []

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher My Homework Was Confiscated - A Story About A UFO Cover-Up

I'm going to pass along a story that a friend told me. This actually happened to her as a young teenager. This story has been verified by other family members. Although there are certain details which I can't tell you because nobody knows, I can give you an overall idea of just how far they'll go in order to keep the secrets that even a kid can access.

Her mother was, at the time, remarried to a man serving in the U.S. Air Force. They had recently moved to Arizona, and the school that she went to gave her a homework assignment, which was, simply enough, to write a report on any subject. So she decided to do a report on The Validity of Aliens and UFO's.

She went home with her assignment, and began to do her research, first on a computer that she had access to, then at the library. She had been working on it for a couple of days when a man in uniform came to talk to her step-father.

After a short while, her step-father came into her bedroom, took her notes, her floppy disk and a book that she had checked out of the library and gave them all to the visitor. He then told her to find something else to do a report on, and to never speak of it again.

Nobody knows what was actually said between the two, as her step-father had passed away a short time later. And nobody knows who this man actually was, just someone from the base a little higher up in the ranks. The major consensus was that she had apparently accessed something that she shouldn't have, what it was exactly, nobody knows. They don't tell us things like that.

All I can tell you is that she believes strongly in the existence of UFO's and Aliens. Oh, and her report was late. She got into trouble for that.

Patrick Rafferty is otherwise known as the Blogmaster of The site of Wacky Weirdness, Mischievous Magical Mayhem, and Modern Madness. Visit the new blog at

Saturday, August 20, 2011

UFO History On Planet Earth

Let's take a quick look at UFO history. These days unidentified flying objects are becoming increasingly popular. We can see this clearly in the many recent movies featuring aliens and spacecraft. This wasn't always a popular subject and, in fact, people who spoke out about what they had witnessed were often subjected to ridicule.

We must keep open minds and consider all evidence objectively. One thing I consider is that in our modern world it is easy for us to dream up visions of UFOs and aliens. We have seen them in movies time and again.

Here are some questions I'd like you to consider. What prompted ancient man to draw rocket ships and saucers on the cave walls? Why would a person living in the middle ages include flying spacecraft in their paintings? Where would that idea even come from?

In my mind, the answer to these questions are the same. They were drawing and painting objects and events they had witnessed or others of their time had witnessed and shared.

The skeptics around the world have said that these UFOs can be explained in other, perhaps less frightening, ways. Explanations range from weather balloons to light from Venus reflecting off swamp gas and illuminating a meteorite. Others say that in fact these sightings are visitors from another world.

The first sightings in UFO history were documented on rock faces in ancient Hunan, China. The carvings depict figures coming out of floating cylindrical objects resembling space craft. Scientists state these drawings date back to the time of Neanderthals, around 45,000 BC. The earliest UFO sightings in what we would consider recorded history can be found in 4th century Chinese texts. These texts state that a "moon boat" hovers above China every 12 years.

In addition to the drawings, stories of the encounters have been told for thousands of years. A Roman author, Julius Obsequens, believed to have lived in the fourth century A.D., compiled a book Prodigorium liber claiming that people had seen a fire in the sky.

Although there were many people who had seen unknown objects in the skies, the first investigation did not happen until 1232. This investigation took place in Japan after members of the army reported that they had seen odd lights, which were in the sky for several minutes.

Recent interest in the subject began around 1947. A sighting of several ships was reported and put down to German technology. Soon afterwards, the popular Roswell Daily Record announced that there was in fact a capture of an alien ship and its passengers.

The military issued a retraction shortly afterward. There are many people who believe it is simply not possible for all of the military personnel to have mistakenly identified a weather balloon as an alien ship... including alien beings as was originally stated by the military officer in charge.

In 2009 and 2010 there have been many sightings around the world and particularly in China. Indeed today it seems that China is one of the hot spots to find activity. There have been over 15 sightings all over the country in a very short space of time.

Another area that is seeing increased recent UFO activity is the United Kingdom. Particularly around the Huddersfield area.

Regardless of your own personal belief of UFOs, they are very much a part of our lives. Few subjects have such a rich background going back as far in time as UFO history. The amazing drawings that have been discovered provide some basis for the belief that life exists outside of our world and that life has visited us here on Earth.

If you found this article interesting I encourage you to learn more about the latest UFO news and UFO history.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

UFO, Alien Invasion and Channeling

UFO is simply defined by it's name: unidentified flying object. Hence if a strange bird flies across your house, it can fall into the category of U.F.O. If at the same time a clairvoyant sees an astral or even an ethereal object that he or she cannot identify, it can also be called U.F.O. And some of these sightings may be photographed whether they are physical or ethereal depending on the spiritual radiations of the observer, and if at the same time the observer is also the photographer. For the imprint on the photographic plate depends on what the photographer can see - the person whose aura surrounds the camera and whose radiations and thoughts therefore envelopes the photographer. That is why some people who can see the little elemental beings - gnomes, flower elves, nixies - are also able to photograph them as long as they can see them, while others who cannot see them may not be able to, even if they focused on the object unless they have some inherent sighting abilities they are not aware of.

So if Edward Billy Meier, the one armed Swiss prophet and UFO contactee sees, talks to and photographs ''aliens'' it should not be taken as physical contact. In fact, one of his contactee explained that we earthlings think they come from the constellation Pleiedes, but they came from Plajera in a different time continuum. This is to say: we are not physical, we are from the beyond.

This absolutely excludes the physical tests and maneuvers of new military gadgets by the Pentagon that, because of the novelty of such machines, are classified as UFO by those who sight them. Or even some children flying their paper kites!

True UFOs, therefore, are never sighted physically. But they could be from other planets that inhabits our universe. The earth is not the only place with life within our universe or creation cycle. There are others whose inhabitants are either spiritually more mature (and therefore scientifically more advanced) and others that are below the earth in that respect. Most of those who visit and show anxiety over our penchant or pretended knowledge and tendency to self-destruct are coming to help to induce us, through some clairvoyants who are pure enough to listen to them, to warn us about the danger of the path we are threading. But they have no power to physically intervene in our affairs.

The earth, as the last planet whose inhabitants can be saved (at least a few of them) from the natural cycle of dissolution and a new birth, becomes then the last anchor of light radiations from the point of creating, where the fiat was given: Let there be light. (scientists correctly interpret this dictum as the Big Bang).

So there are no fears of alien invasion, but the changes will be wrought by the insurmountable WILL OF GOD the Father which brings about the purification in the tribulation. The changes will also affect the planes where the ascended masters are, who constantly are in contact with those who belong to their "congregation", and hence are subject to their whims, caprices and part knowledge. For these masters are masters not even in the ethereal realm, in fact in the lowest ethereal for the most of them if at all; otherwise they are masters only in the astral realm. None has actually ascended further than this and their numerous gradations. Hence they all had to be close enough to the people they are communicating with - the channels - to reach them. Some may be high spirits trapped in these lower regions, they are able to transmit their perceptions and impressions, which are part truths and part distortions to their adherents.

Their lives and the possibility of further ascent depends entirely upon the attachments of their beliefs to their teachings. They themselves cannot ascend further until they are able to make amends in the errors they themselves have spread. Their teachings stem from their total belief in themselves ( at least for many of them) as God-men. This brought out the conceited impression that "the master is always right". Hence the greatest hindrance to their own ascent is their own ego and vanity.

Another group that effect people on earth are great scientists and artists who are in the beyond and has so much scientific discoveries and artistic work that they are looking for earthly outlets. Musicians already have masterpieces composed waiting for those on earth who are open to receive them so that these people will be "inspired" to "compose" those works of genius. At the same time there are also those in the nether regions who also want their inspired works aired on earth. These people always have their target audience that they influence.

But time is coming, after the time of purification, where anything base cannot be allowed to penetrate the earth because the earth must have been enabled enough. This is the time of the promised Millenieum that "In the Light of Truth, the Grail Message" emphasizes so much.

Aliens, UFOs, Close Encounters - Chance Or No-Chance?

I've been a sci-fi fan since before Star Trek's Captain Kirk split his first infinitive ("To boldly go ..") - but I have to doubt if we'll ever encounter any of his intelligent alien friends or even any unintelligent alien microbes.

Some will assert that UFOs are a fact - but this only seems to mean that objects have been seen flying that were not identified - hence, by definition, they are 'unidentified flying objects' - but that does not make them alien spacecraft - just unexplained observations. Unfortunately, UFO data is not very convincing of an alien connection - and if aliens are amongst us, they are keeping a very low profile.

One hears statements such as: "Given the billions of stars in the universe it is beyond reasonable doubt that some sort of life exists in outer space"...and..."There's no question but that we live in an inhabited universe, that has life all over it"

Unfortunately, the above type of statements tell us nothing - and until such time as genuinely solid evidence arises regarding UFOs, aliens, close encounters and/or alien abductions, we can really only weigh up the likelihood of extra terrestrial life based on the data that is available to us.

It's certainly possible to make a plausible-sounding case for extra terrestrial life. For a start, we know that life exists on earth and we infer that it once did not exist. So at some point in the 4 billion year history of the earth, life arose. If it arose via a natural mechanism, then we may infer that the same mechanism might occur on any earth-like planet anywhere in the universe. Thus, alien life may seem plausible, even probable.

The 'Drake Equation' (Frank Drake 1961) goes beyond this - it seeks to makes an estimate of actual number of potential planets in the universe with life. The calculation is based on various assumptions, the key one surely being that life is highly likely to exist on any given earth-like planet - and the equation then implies that that there could be millions of planets throughout the universe with life - many life forms would be intelligent - and many would be more technologically advanced than ourselves.

However, a problem with the key Drake assumption arises as a direct consequence of Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This theory asserts that the earth's organic complexity was produced gradually, over a period of several billion years, by the action of natural selection, causing gradual changes over many successive generations of self-replicating organisms.

However, consider this - the number of generations along any sequence of evolution must be finite - one cannot fit an infinite number of successive generations of self-replicators into the finite history of the earth, no matter how short each one may be. Hence, if traced backwards, every evolutionary sequence must lead to a very first member - a self-replicating molecular entity that arose spontaneously (without the aid of natural selection, since there were no generations prior to its existence) some 3000+ million years ago. Indeed, every evolutionary sequence would lead back to the very same first self-replicating molecular entity, the common ancestor to all subsequent life forms - unless more than one self-replicator arose independently.

So, for life to exist on any planet, anywhere in the universe, a self-replicating molecular entity would have to arise spontaneously, for Darwin-like evolution to then follow. There is no "mechanism" involved, that we may envisage having once operated on the earth, and being equally likely to operate on any earth-like planet elsewhere in the universe - since the occurrence of a fist self-replicator is an entirely random event.

My own estimates indicate that, even if we assume every single star in the universe has an earth-like planet in orbit, and even if the first self-replicator was far simpler than the simplest known cells, the probability of its spontaneous origin on any earth-like planet is mind-bogglingly small.

Given our lack of knowledge about a potential first self-replicator, my assumptions about it for the purpose of my calculation are, of necessity, arbitrary - but I suggest that no reasonably realistic alternatives would justify the Drake-like assumption that life is highly likely to exist on any earth-like planet.

Indeed, there may well be millions of planets throughout the universe possessing the essentials for life (water & even organic molecules) and yet which are totally dead - because the self-replicating molecular entity, essential for subsequent evolution, did not spontaneously arise on any of them. The number of planets supporting life may well be just one - this one.

However, on the plus side (!) - all those millions of planets will be unoccupied, unpolluted Edens, ideal for 'seeding' and for our future colonisation, allowing us to spread throughout the universe unopposed by aliens. Future interplanetary wars envisaged in alien movies such as "War of the Worlds", may well be between those who remain on the earth and the descendants of those who've made their home on other planets, subsequently seeking their independence from the 'home world' - not a bad story line for a sci-fi film!

(C) Copyright 2009 Andy Chains (

Andy Chains - Born 19 Mar 1952, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England. BSc Physics (1st class) 1976. PGCE. MSc Scientific Computing. Longest continuous job - FE Teacher - Physics/Maths for 12 years.

My homepage ( [] ) has lots of quality ebooks to read for free.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Triangular UFO's

Triangular UFO's have been seen since the 1940's but have increased rapidly since 1990's. Many skeptics of UFO's go to possible government files of them working on flying disk technology. There are also records of triangular UFO's but, in August 2004 the organization (NIDS) found that sightings did not conform to previous deployment of black project aircraft and that the objects' origins and agendas were unknown. So it's hard to explain the triangular UFO's. Are the triangular UFO's really from other planets?

One of the most famous UFO sightings was the Phoenix Lights incident. There was multiple UFO sightings some as low as 1,000 feet and moved far too slowly and silently for a airplane or helicopter. Also there was a V shape to the objects. Another thing was the speed. Just like in other UFO's, they accelerated too fast and slowly to be man made. The big lights pointing down on the city could be seen from as far away as Las Vegas some reported, but seen much better in the city. An official report made by the Air Force about the incident concluded that the military had been testing flares launched from conventional aircraft during that time. The Air Force even tried to recreate the event, going in their V shape formation but the noise was far to loud and didn't recreate the event. Also the object was reported to be a mile long, longer than our aircrafts.

Since it can't be explained, they need to be studied more.

UFO website:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

UFO - Alien Spacecraft Trapped in Triton Orbit

I was sitting at my computer choosing my next three (3)Netflix® movies when Xrytspet appeared. She was sitting on top of our television cabinet eating a banana she had pilfered from the kitchen.

Hack Writer: Scram, Xrytspet!

Xrytspet: I see you spoofed the Times-News. I don't see why they did a biography on you. You are such a dullard. How could the Times-News think that you were serious about seeing Big Foot on the Snake River and looking for that ad you said you put in their paper looking for new members to join that fake exploration society of your to help you watch for Big Foot. I saw Phontos at a garage sale in Miami the other day and told him about it. He thought that was very funny.

Hack Writer: My organization is not fake. We keep our eye on Phontos, the Last Chican. So, I didn't place the ad. That is poetic license.

Xrytspet: Some poem you wrote for Christmas. What does it mean?

Hack Writer: It means that the military has women with children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan that should be home with their children. The kid's letter to Santa wants him to bring her mother home. It also means for you to keep your nose out of my computer.

Xrytspet: I can go get her!

Hack Writer: There is no specific her. It's just a poem. Let me read it to you:

A Child's Prayer

Santa, Please Bring Mommy Home


Taylor Jones

Dear, Santa, please hear my words this day,

At Christmas our mother is far away.

She is off to war with the National Guard-

I play alone in my back yard

With little Bill and Mary Jane;

They cry at night as if in pain

For they want our mommy

And I do too.

Please Santa see what you can do

To bring our mommy home.

We pray at night with our daddy

That Mommy will be protected-

That she will come home-

That she will be safe and no longer roam

To far off lands across the sea.

Please Santa, will you help me

And bring our mommy home?

I see a tear in Daddy's eye.

I hear our grandma give a sigh

Because of grief,

Because of us-.

We three kids are such a fuss-

Adding more silver to Grandma's hair

Because are mommy is not here.

Santa, can you bring our mommy home?

Daddy says you are magical.

My wish is more practical:

Just bring our mommy home in your big sleigh

And tell her never to go away

To fight a war in foreign lands.

Please, Santa, bring our mommy home.

Xrytspet: I get it! Bad poetry, but I get it.

Hack Writer: When you steal a banana, don't take the old brown ones. Take a green one. Give me that peel. Oh, I should have known. You are saving it for dessert.

Xrytspet: Whoops! I hurt your feelings again. You've got to get rid of your humanoid feelings. I like my bananas ripe, as ripe as I can get them.

Hack Writer: That is the problem. Pat is going to wonder what happened to her ripe banana. She knows I won't eat them that way. If I say, "Xrytspet ate it! She is going to say I'm nuts.

Xrytspet: True!

Hack Writer: Go away!

Xrytspet: "I've got some great news for you."

The next thing I knew I was in the FnL7 Time Craft shooting pass Jupiter.

Hack Writer: That must be the new red spot.

Xrytspet: Right. Almost as big as your puny Earth.

Hack Writer: So?

Xrytspet: Here we are. Triton.

Hack Writer: And?

Xrytspet: Can't you see it?

Hack Writer: See what? Isn't that just some of NASA's orbiting space junk?

Xrytspet: Here's a closer look.

Hack Writer: Wow! A space ship. What in the?

Xrytspet: It's from Seeablee in G19000299992999. It's trapped!

Hack Writer: What do you mean, trapped? If we get any closer it will blast out of here.

Xrytspet: Want to look inside?

Hack Writer: Is it safe?

In a flash we were inside.

Xrytspet: It's been here since the dinosaurs roamed the earth. They studied the dinosaurs but got trapped in orbit when they were leaving the solar system. They wanted to take a look at Triton but they had a problem with the spaceship and could not leave Neptune's orbit. They had no choice but to beam down to Triton. That's where they live.

Hack Writer: What's that?

Xrytspet: It is a record of the voyage. See, here are what the dinosaurs looked like before the Fuppftenoians from G2888994444 destroyed them?

Hack Writer: My goodness! That is a lot of poop just like in Jurassic Park. I thought a big rock from space killed them.

Xrytspet: True. But that object was knocked out of the asteroid belt when the Fuppftenoians nudged another asteroid into it.

Hack Writer: So you have been reading

Xrytspet: Not really.

Hack Writer: Writing it? Can't you help the folks from Seeablee get this ship running again?

Xrytspet: It is running. It was repaired eons ago. That is why I'm here.

Hack Writer: What?

Xrytspet: I'm going to send it into the sun.

Hack Writer: Why? Don't you know that NASA would love to have this baby?

Xrytspet: Yes! But the military would grab it and use it to kill everything in site. It has to be destroyed. I've been ordered to destroy it and that is exactly what I will do.

Hack Writer: Are you going to strand the folks from Seeablee in G19000299992999?

Xrytspet: What folks? They have evolved into sea monsters. They could care less. Besides, there is no longer life in G19000299992999. You can't imagine what happens when galaxies collide.

Hack Writer: I thought they just sort of meshed together.

Xrytspet sent the spaceship reeling into the sun. When its fuel went off, it left a sunspot the size of Texas which was duly noted by the United States Navy:

"We have an anomaly, Sir."

The End

copyright©2007 John T. Jones, Ph.D. (Taylor Jones the Hack Writer)

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jinns - Plasma Aliens From a Parallel Earth

The purpose of this article is to gain a historical perspective into how certain categories of plasma life forms were viewed by Muslims through their sacred literature.


Genie is an English translation of the Arabic term "jinn". The English word comes from the French "génie", which meant a spirit of any kind, which in turn came from the Latin "genius", which meant a sort of personal guardian spirit assigned to each person at birth. The word "jinxed" may very well be related to "jinn".

Islam teaches that there are 3 main intelligent life forms: angels, jinns and humans. Angels are made of light. The fifty-fifth chapter "Ar-Rahman" of the Qur'an states that jinns are made of "smokeless fire" and humans are made of clay (like that used in pottery). In modern terms, we may say that humans are carbon-based or water-based, jinns plasma-based (this will become apparent after reading the text below) and angels are photonic life forms. Jinns are believed to have been created before humans and appear to have undergone some form of evolution. In Islam the existence of jinns is taken very seriously and is fully accepted, even legally and even to this day, in Islamic jurisprudence.

UFOs and Aerial Jinns

The famous Islamic cosmographer and Persian physician who lived in the thirteenth century, Zakariya ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud Abu Yahya al-Qazwini, states that jinns "are aerial animals, with transparent bodies which can assume various forms." This is recognized as one category of jinns which permeate the atmosphere and is reminiscent of Trevor Constable's plasma-based "sky creatures".

Gordon Creighton and Chris Line, as far back as 1989, have argued that UFOs are in reality jinns in different issues of the "Flying Saucer Review". The idea that Earth's atmosphere could be the habitat of living aerial creatures which manifested as UFOs is not a new one. Charles Fort seemed to believe that too and Kenneth Arnold, who kick-started modern Ufology in 1947, also believed UFOs were living creatures. His belief that UFOs were space animals with the ability to change their density has bothered other Ufologists. Nevertheless, aerial jinns comprise only one category. Jinns are also believed to pervade the solid body of the Earth and its surface.

Plasma Jinns

Muslims believe that jinns have the power to fly and size-shift by fitting into any space. It is interesting to note that the popular depictions of a "genie" often show a large giant whose body tapers into a vortex and who, despite his size, is able to squeeze into Aladdin's lamp or a small bottle. This piece of fiction actually illustrates quite nicely the ability of jinns to size-shift. The depiction of a flame in a lamp is also reminiscent of plasma. Neon signs and fluorescent lamps have plasmas in them. Any type of fire with a very high temperature can generate a plasma.

Jinns are also believed to be able to shape-shift and therefore can appear to humans as snakes, scorpions, cattle, donkeys, birds, and other animals. They exist at a different "vibratory rate" or "energy level" and therefore are not normally visible or detectable by us. In other words, they can be said to be living in a parallel world which interpenetrates our own.

The Dictionary of Islam by Thomas Patrick Hughes states: "They become invisible at please (by a rapid extension or rarefaction of the particles which compose them), or suddenly disappear in the earth or air, or through a solid wall." Particles in plasma, through magnetic and electric forces, can increase their inter-particle distance to decrease the density of the plasma. The inter-particle distance in collisionless plasma is so large that objects of collisionless plasma can easily pass through each other.

All of these characteristics are consistent with plasma life forms as described by this author. Some writers have already argued that jinns are in fact plasma life forms, for example, Dr Ibrahim B Syed, a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Louisville, School of Medicine.

We should note that the concept of plasma is a relatively modern one. The term "plasma" was coined by Irving Langmuir around 1929 and modern plasma physics only began in the twentieth century. A thousand years ago the concept of plasma did not exist. But the term "smokeless fire" captures rather nicely the image of a plasma. If we had fluorescent lamps and neon signs (which are composed of plasma) a thousand years ago, they would probably be described as "smokeless fire" or "fire without smoke".

Jinns cannot see human beings clearly but only as blurred images. However, just like humans, the perceptual ranges of some jinns may be wider giving them intermittent access to the human world (just as some humans have intermittent access to the jinn world). It will not be surprising if these jinns are considered "psychic" in their own world - being the few who are able to communicate with a strange species called "humans". The majority of jinns would probably consider humans as ghosts living in a parallel Earth.

Jinns in Societies

Like human beings, jinns are entrusted with responsibilities (careers, family life, etc.). We are told that many jinns accepted the mission and message of the Holy Prophet when they heard the Holy Qur'an read by the Prophet while performing "Fajr salaah" in Ukaz. It is therefore believed that jinns, just like humans, congregate into different religions and come together in different groups, sects and cults such as Muslims, Christians, Jews and even presumably atheists. They would have their own mosques, churches and temples - as reported by some persons who have had near-death experiences. In other words, jinns operate in societies, communities and within political systems and are startlingly similar to humans. Their plasma-based civilization has probably a longer history than ours.

"Good" and "Evil" Jinns

It is believed that every person is assigned a personal jinn called a "qareen". We are told that the Prophet Muhammad's qareen converted into a "good" Muslim jinn on listening to a recitation of the Qur'an because, among other things, it was "beautiful". This shows that jinns can be persuaded by arguments to change their behavior and that they are intelligent life forms with a sense of morality and even aesthetics.

Muslims believe that jinns will be rewarded for their righteousness and be punished for their wickedness just like humans. Jinns, like humans, will be judged on judgment day and be sent to heaven or hell according to the moral quality of the life they completed. They are therefore obviously thinking beings with free choice. Hence, they would also have a conscience.

In certain texts, jinns have been portrayed as "demons" or "evil" in contrast with humans. As explained in plasma metaphysics, the density of the bioplasma body is correlated to the strength of the being's self-concept - the denser the bioplasma body the more "egoistical" the being. When density increases the frequency decreases. We live in a lower energy universe than the jinns. Egoistical and malevolent jinns, with denser lower frequency bioplasma bodies, are therefore more likely to fall into and infiltrate our space more often. This sample of jinns that humans would most often encounter is both biased and tiny compared to the total population of jinns. We should therefore not judge all jinns by the few that we most often meet.

Furthermore, with all the wars, genocides, atrocities, murders, tortures, forced extinctions of other life-forms, irreparable damage to Earth's environment and simply despicable behavior of humans in recorded history it is quite difficult to defend a thesis which argues that humans are in some way more virtuous than jinns.

Some may argue that jinns influenced humans to do evil. But do not humans have free choice? The responsibility for evil acts must therefore lie squarely on the shoulders of humans that commit those acts. Jinns may have therefore become convenient scapegoats for humans. The logical conclusion based on all the most reliable facts is that just as there are good and evil humans there are good and evil jinns. This is in fact the general belief of Islam. (Here "good" and "evil" are used as subjective terms relative to some identifiable moral frame of reference.)

Can there be Plasma Life?

One critic is of the view that jinns, which are composed of "smokeless fire" cannot be life forms since the twenty-first chapter of the Qur'an says "We made from water every living thing." The argument is that since jinns are not composed of water they cannot be living things.

Logically before anyone can come to this conclusion she or he will have to define what life is. They have not done so. Perhaps they already know that there is still no consensus on the definition of life in the scientific community, though many leading scientists have tried to do so and have failed in one aspect or another. The definition of what life is, clearly, is far from settled. Just ask any biologist!

Secondly, in terms of sentence logic, it can be argued that "we made from water every living thing" does not go as far as "we made every living thing from water". The latter means the set of all living things is a subset of things made from water. The former simply means that everything that was made from water, within the context of the twenty-first chapter, was living. In other words, it means that the set of living things (not all) is a subset of things made of water. This more restricted interpretation is clearly more consistent with the rest of the Qur'an.

Anyone who states that jinns are not life forms must also explain how entities which live in societies, have free choice, are persuaded by verses from the Qur'an to change their behavior, have a sense of morality and an appreciation for aesthetics, move and communicate and ultimately to be subjected to judgement based on their actions and thoughts are not life forms or living things. Will it make sense to say that God will "judge" a non-life form on whether it had acted morally or not? How can a non-life form have free choice? How can a non-life form have a sense of morality?

Scientists are currently seriously considering other forms of life including silicon and gaseous life forms; and other substrates besides water, for example, liquid methane and ammonia. "Whether water is necessary for life is, I think, very dubious," says Christopher McKay, a planetary scientist at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. Astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch at Washington State University in Pullman believes that the reliance on water by life forms on Earth is purely coincidental. "Life on Earth learned to work with water because it's the only liquid that is really abundant. I don't think there's anything magic about it," he says.

There are serious scientific reasons that have been put forward to argue that oceans of sulphuric acid might well do the job on a warmer planet; and oceans of methanol, ammonia, or even methane might suffice on a cooler planet. Some scientists have pointed out that not all of water's properties are unique. Hydrogen fluoride, sulphuric acid, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide share water's ability to carry around hydrogen ions which catalyse chemical reactions that are crucial for cells to digest nutrients - making life possible.

This author has already argued in the article "Dark Panspermia" (2008) that liquid water is essential for biochemical life as an agent for transport and protein folding. Its high heat capacity, ability to remain a liquid over a wide temperature range and properties as a solvent ensures a stable and useful substrate for biochemical activities. However, its importance is relative to biochemical life - not electromagnetic plasma-based life.

Bioplasma life forms are electromagnetic life forms which use magnetic fields to form structures and electric fields as agents of transport. Water is not necessary. Complex plasma (which is what bioplasma bodies are composed of, according to plasma metaphysics) can exist in a liquid-crystal state - similar to biological cells in the human body. Particles in a liquid-crystal phase are free to move about in much the same way as in a liquid, but as they do so they remain oriented in a certain direction. This feature may make it superior to water in its ability to support life in a higher energy location or universe.

Clay or Water?

Furthermore, as quoted above, in the fifty-fifth chapter of the Qur'an, it is stated that humans were made from clay. I think if you went into a restaurant and ordered a glass of water and you got a glass of clay - you will be able to tell the difference. So are humans made from water or clay? According to one category of scientific theories that deals with the origin of life, fine-grained crystals of clay might have very well been the first life forms on Earth.

According to these theories, self-replicating layered clay crystals evolved the ability to manufacture complex biomolecules, such as RNA, over millions of year which eventually became the dominant form of life on the planet. This gave rise to all types of life forms that we know today (not only human beings). A team at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston have shown that materials in clay were key to some of the initial processes in forming life. But Science also tells us that that the most common molecule in the human body is water. So is there a contradiction? The answer is "No" because we are describing the composition of life forms at two different points of time in their evolutionary history. The concept of evolution has to be taken into account in studying not only humans but also the jinns.

The eleventh chapter of the Qur'an states, "I will fill Hell with jinns and men all together". In this connection, there is also another criticism in the literature that if jinns were made from fire then they could not possibly suffer in hell fire since they are composed of the same substance. Notwithstanding that this implies a contradiction in the Qur'an, it is as absurd as saying that humans will not feel pain if pelted by clay pellets.

Again the concept of evolution is applicable. Even if humans evolved from the distant past from clay life, today we are of different composition. Similarly, jinns have also evolved from the elementary substrate "smokeless fire" to sophisticated plasma-based life forms. This includes (based on the author's study) a protective plasma membrane, which if destroyed, could subject a plasma life form to harmful radiation and unpleasantness. There are also as many types of plasma as there are types of hells. It is possible to imagine hot overcrowded hells as well as cold isolated hells.

(Note that in plasma metaphysics theory, the concept of hell is somewhat more complex. While there are natural regions in Earth's parallel plasmasphere that can be considered pleasant and unpleasant relative to a particular life form, there are also culturally conditioned landscapes which are superimposed over these regions. Plasma, particularly "super plasma", is highly responsive to thoughts. Hence, the collective psychological forces emanating from a particular belief system in any particular community can generate a shared reality that can seem as real as the underlying natural region to the inhabitants of that belief system. The degree of reality experienced by the inhabitants existing in the shared reality is proportionate to the number of persons in the community and the duration of the beliefs.)


Jinns are believed to be more numerous than humans on Earth. The author of Lawaami al-Anwaar al-Bahiya mentions a hadith as follows: "The jinn have children in the same way that the sons of Adam have children, but theirs are more in number." Hughes' Dictionary of Islam states that the jinn "propagate their species, sometimes in conjunction with human beings; in which latter case, the offspring partakes of the nature of both parents." This suggests the existence of jinn-human hybrids. A jinn-human hybrid can effectively live in two different "universes" and prevent the extermination of personal identity through the death of any one body.

For example, it is conceivable that the jinn component could separate itself from the human carbon and water-based body on the death of the latter and then propagate itself and its identity (which has now been enriched by the human experiences) through another human in a type of reincarnation. The jinn component could also separate itself when the human component is sleeping to visit other entities at its own energy level. In a sense, therefore, the genie leaves the bottle every time the hybrid sleeps and permanently on death.

Just like humans, individual jinns also die and are therefore not immortal. However, the personal identity of a human-jinn hybrid can conceivably be sustained for a long time by transferring the information relating to the personal identity or the "autobiographical memory" of the hybrid back and forth between the human and jinn components whose life spans are slightly out-of-phase. This is analogous to transferring a computer file from the hard drive in your computer to an external hard drive and vice-versa. But there is a missing piece - the receiving human being must have a way to generate a new bioplasma body for the older jinn to transfer the autobiographical memory of the deceased human-jinn hybrid. The new human-jinn hybrid can then pass on the memories to the next hybrid, and the cycles of existence repeat.

The human's carbon-based body has a brain that is composed of billions of neurons and even larger number of neural networks that can encode vast amounts of information. On the other hand, in the jinn's bioplasma body, we can imagine sophisticated holographic memory systems using plasma liquid crystal. A digital holographic system has been built by scientists at Stanford University and sophisticated real-time liquid crystal holographic memory systems have been created by Penn State engineers. (The holographic memory systems of plasma life forms are discussed in more detail in Jay Alfred's book Our Invisible Bodies, 2006.)

A pertinent question to ask is "How far back did this hybridization occur?" The further back in time it occurred the more extensive the hybridization. What are the implications of this on the human species?

Jinns make up only one category of life forms composed of "smokeless fire" according to Islam. The other categories include the Janns, Shaitans, Ifrits and Marids. It is believed that the Jinn evolved from the more primitive Jann. The process of (Darwinian) evolution therefore presumably also occurs among the Jinn.

Conclusion - Darwinian Evolution in Parallel Universes

If we strip away the folklore and superstitions that have mired the study of the jinns through more than a millennium we will see that there is probably a kernel of truth that can be extracted from the literature to establish jinns as one category of plasma life forms. The history and evolution of jinns and humans have become intertwined - a symbiosis which is likely to continue into the future. To understand the origins and evolution of human beings, we will therefore have to study jinns and other plasma-based life forms within a scientific framework, using the latest scientific research to extend the initial understanding gleaned from religious sources. We may inevitably find that the Darwinian tree of life, identified in our universe only recently, both originates and extends into parallel universes.

Copyright Jay Alfred 2008

Jay Alfred is the author of the Dark Plasma Theory (formerly described as "plasma metaphysics"). This Theory holds that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic (non-baryonic) particles. Jay has been researching on terrestrial dark plasma (TDP) life forms, including their evolution in the dark biosphere and their habitats since 2001, in the context of Dark Plasma Theory. He is the author of three books on Dark Plasma Theory which include Our Invisible Bodies, Brains and Realities and Between the Moon and Earth which are available on Amazon online bookstores.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

UFO's Fact Or Fiction Are We Closer To Full Disclosure?

UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object and they have been seen since the beginning of recorded history. When most people hear the word they think of little green men or an object under intelligent control. Under that definition over 50% of Americans believe in them and 12% have reported to have seen a UFO!

It is said that 80-95% of all sightings can be debunked as airplanes, helicopters, birds, planets, meteors, weather balloons, distant lights or disintegrating satellites reentering earths atmosphere.

Modern day UFO history did not occur until June 1947 when Kenneth Arnold spotted several "flying saucers" flying by Mt. Rainer he estimated the speed to be in excess of 1000mph. Officially there was nothing that could fly that fast but it has been suggested that recovered wartime German technology was responsible or the often seen foo fighters buzzing allied aircraft.

Then a month later the famous Roswell Dailey Record announced the capture or a flying saucer on a ranch near Roswell with aliens. This story was soon changed to a weather balloon and 50 years later it was disclosed that what had occurred was the testing of manikins dropped by Para shoot. The Roswell New Mexico UFO is probably the most noted of all reports and people who were involved in the sighting and the recovery near their later years in life or upon death bed confessions have stated that what was recovered was not of this world or planet.

Even with many of the credible witnesses with the Bentwaters Case in England in 1980 and the hundreds of witnesses on the Phoenix lights in 1997 that were written off as military flares there still seems to be a lack of support from our own government to give full disclosure or any disclosure.

Even with the public at large witnessing these unidentified aircraft we seem to be no closer to full disclosure than we were 10 or 50 years ago.

Former President Jimmy Carter had admitted to seeing a UFO. Former President Ronald Reagan was said to have a fascination with extraterrestrial craft and in a 1987 speech to the United Nations asked what does it take for people to unite and stop fighting among them selves and other nations, a threat that is extra terrestrial and not from this earth! Was he pushing for a Star Wars missile defense system to defend from the Soviets or some other threat that was not from this world?

Many astronauts who flew on the Apollo missions in the late 60's early 70's have reported seeing unidentified flying objects. The O'Hare airport UFO was seen by pilots, passengers and ground observers.

With all these reports it can be easy to debunk the public at large but when you have public figures and professionals seeing the same type of phenomenon it gets hard to write off all these sighting a hallucinations or reports from crazy people especially if they are seeing them in different environments like, water, low earth in the sky and even space and the moon!

Were Project Blue Book and the Condon Report an attempt to debunk UFO's and witnesses? Things have not seemed to improve much in the last 40 years when it comes to full disclosure.

Many a skeptic can say that science can not prove that extraterrestrial craft exists. Well at one time current science thought the world was flat and the sun circled the earth. Maybe it is time we change at how we look at things.

To find out info and watch some fascinating videos visit UFO's - Unidentified Flying Objects

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reverse Racism in the UFO Community

If you believe in Alien Inhabitation theory, then you believe that Earth has been visited by some 50 or more alien races through the course of its history. A few of these races are still here on Earth, to include the semi-robotic 'Grays'. However, one of these races are the proverbial 'bad guys' and live among us (if able), or live in secret underground facilities. These are the Reptilians.

Reptilians are said to hail from Alpha Draconis, or somewhere in the Draco constellation. As a point of circumstantial evidence, this is probably the most telling that the myth isn't real. The originators of the Myth obviously put their home in the same constellation named after a Dragon. These reptile like creatures, obviously, inspired this name via their presence.

However, Draco, as a constellation name, only came about in the modern era; previously, the constellation was known for various other things, from an Egyptian goddess of fertility, to the mythological home of the Chinese Emperors. For example, the goddess of fertility, for whatever reason, was closely related to the hippopotamus. If the Egyptian basis for astronomy had been used for the modern-day, it would likely be that another constellation was related to dragons or to reptiles, and our reptilian overlords would hail from there.

Before I go any further, one must understand the full meaning of the Reptilian mythos. These creatures, now living among us, seek out nothing but power, and are motivated by it in entirety. Supposedly, they control vast amounts of our wealth and productive capability.

However, among these Reptilians, there are a sect known as the 'Albino Reptilians'. These albinos live underground, are incredibly evil, and stop at nothing to increase their own power. However, very important, is the fact that these albino reptilians have no means for reproducing. They must abduct, rape, and impregnate Earth women in order to carry on their line (which begs the question how did such a genetic flaw survive to the age of spaceflight, but I digress).

The idea and concept of Albino Reptilians seems to find the most support among African American and African Nationalist communities. Simply put, the Albino is a representation of the evil of the White Man, and his continued form of sedentary evil in this day and age. However, with how closely related that the mythology can be to the true nature of another form of racism, one starts to see parallels. If the mythology is based on fairly obvious lies, why not the racism?

Kevin is a prolific author, and writes as an associate for a blog about alien encounters. However, he is a huge fan of Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.

The Tunguska Incident: UFO Crash or Meteor?

On June 30, 1908, a large explosion in a remote area of Siberia leveled over 2,000 km2 of the surrounding forest, yet there was no impact crater to be found. One of the leading theories at the time was that an alien spacecraft has exploded, fueled by science fiction stories of the time and several eyewitness accounts that claimed that the object that exploded looked like a "large pipe."

One would expect that if an exploding spacecraft was involved, there would certainly have been some wreckage found at the site, yet none has been found to date. Also, if some sort of nuclear reactor exploded, then the surrounding area would have been covered in radioactive fallout, yet no abnormal radiation was detected in the area. However one also needs to consider: a civilization advanced enough to send a craft light-years through space has probably also developed forms of energy that don't leave behind radiation.

As the years progressed and scientific knowledge improved, the leading theory of the cause of the explosion is that a chuck of asteroid or comet vaporized when it struck the atmosphere, sending a blast wave down to the ground. When an asteroid traveling thousands of miles per hour suddenly strikes the dense atmosphere, it can create an intense amount of heat and large shockwave in the object, vaporizing it instantly. In the 1990's, advanced testing identified spherules of nickel-iron silicates in the downed trees and soil - exactly the type of minerals found in the most common meteorites.

Also pointing to the evidence of an exploded asteroid theory is Lake Cheko some 7km away. The shape of the lakebed is conical, like an impact crater, and the axis of this cone lines up with the center of the explosion site. Testing of the lake indicates it was formed around 1908. Radar and magnetic testing also indicate a large chuck of rock in the very center - most likely a chuck of the original asteroid that exploded.

Chris Patrick is an aspiring author, with an interest in unexplainable phenomenon. Tired of seeing only the same old UFO accounts on various websites, he started this site, so that anonymous people could post their accounts without fear of any reprisal or ridicule. If you would like to submit your own alien encounter account (or critique), you can do so here. If you do decide to post, he asks that you format and spell check, and you probably want to submit anonymously.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

UFO - The Truth

The range of cases and 'sightings' of UFO's throughout the history of our world is staggering and yet people continue to belief that nothing exists in our skies, that is not a part of our own world. It's true that while there is a vast amount of cases, studies and research to the phenomenon, not one piece of refutable evidence exists that can prove we are being visited by extra terrestrial beings. Sceptics themselves would say then that is a conclusion to the debate itself, but what exactly has caused such worldwide belief to form in the minds of people and not just the disillusioned or attention seekers among us, but honest and very much sane and even high ranking military individuals.

There have been such widely and publicly made cases throughout the years, but none more so than the Roswell incident. The case itself sparked mass hysteria, with stories of alien bodies being recovered from different crash sites in the area and a theory of a huge scale government cover up being circulated. The 'incident' itself was reported that personnel from the Roswell army air field (RAAF) had recovered what was described as a "flying disc" in Roswell, New Mexico. This obviously sparked the media's interest, but a day later a commander from the RAAF told a press conference, that what had been recovered was actually a radar tracking balloon. It was only later on that it was made known that debris from a secret and highly sensitive project called Mogul was the crashed 'aircraft'. The whole story melted away and was forgotten for over 30 years.

What sparked the renewed interest and the pop culture around the whole incident was the fascinating account from Major Jesse Marcel of the debris he described and the cover up that he himself said the military had orchestrated. This was the spark that ignited the whole Roswell incident and was the platform for the accounts of other key people in the whole story. Jesse Marcel was the beginning of the renewed interest and the start of the pop culture that surrounds Roswell.

The problems that surfaced after the accounts of Jesse Marcel have caused the validity of his claims to be ridiculed. His claims of his military career and some of the reports he made about the incident at Roswell where later reported to be not true, such as the piloting career he said he had since 1928 and the FAA had no records of Jesse Marcel ever flying at the time he said. As time passed, other loopholes in his claims, to do with his military career, appeared.

It's unfair and extremely bias to use one person's story and dispute it out of claims of other misinformation that he provided, but it happened. It was used as a focus to bring down some of the hysteria that surrounds the incident. While even UFO researchers now feel that what was recovered from Roswell was a crashed balloon, there is still a wide belief that a government cover up existed.

We may never really know what was recovered from the crash site, but the Roswell incident will forever be the spark that ignited the theories and gave way to the phenomenon that continues to grow throughout the world. It will forever go down in the folklore of UFO history, not because it gave us real evidence or because it is the most controversial, but because it is the birth place of the UFO phenomenon. The start of what is now a religion, you will either believe or you won't. That is the truth.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Did Ronald Reagan Believe in Aliens?

At first, this concept may seem outlandish. To think that as US President could believe in extraterrestrials, and more importantly, that he could consider them as a viable issue during his presidency. However, several remarks made by President Reagan actually shed some insight into his views.

June 1982:

Following a private screening of the Film E.T. by Steven Spielberg, Reagan supposedly leaned over and whispered to the Director: "You know, there aren't six people in this Room, who actually know how true this is." Certainly, we can regard an account from Steven Spielberg as reliable, in at least that he wouldn't falsify it coming from the President. The real question is, what did Reagan claim to know?

December 4th 1985:

While addressing a group of High School Students in Maryland, President Reagan makes some ominous allusions to how easily it might come to pass that the US and USSR become allies again against an extraterrestrial threat. Supposedly, this is a theme that is repeated a few times in private conversations, but at least one more time publicly.

September 21st 1987:

President Reagan addresses the UN, and mentions how easily it might come to pass that an alliance be made to fend off an Alien invasion. You can find this clip on YouTube. What is really strange, is that there was no snickering or laughter, or even negative tabloid comments about what was said. Almost as if World Leadership knows something we don't.

Whatever his politics, you must agree that President Reagan was either a madman, or he knew something we didn't.

Chris Patrick is an aspiring author, with an interest in unexplainable phenomenon. Tired of seeing only the same old UFO accounts on various websites, he started this site, so that anonymous people could post their accounts without fear of any reprisal or ridicule. If you would like to submit your own alien encounter account (or critique), you can do so here. If you do decide to post, he asks that you format and spell check, and you probably want to submit anonymously.

Read this if You Believe in Aliens and UFOs

Would you be excited somewhat if you found there were aliens all around? Would you wonder where they came from? Well you might be surprised to find out that in the future there maybe, but they will not be real aliens you see, they will have been created by us and be like us and even part of us. In the future we will make human like beings out of our own DNA, which will not require as much food, oxygen and sleep for space travel.

They will be us and like us, but more adapted to the potential issues needed to deal with the conditions on other worlds. They will live longer, be smarter and have changes made in their mitochondria DNA to be able to walk on the Surface of Mars for instance or handle the cold on other planets. We are at the point now where we can almost do this and probably within a few decades it will be so. Many Science Fiction authors have thought here and now NASA agrees that it maybe necessary for logistic reasons on long Space Flights to do this.

Some people due to religious connotations and beliefs are bothered by this, however it maybe our only chance to move beyond this little oasis and blue marble spinning around to get to another world, which is currently beyond our technological realm. We should be thinking here, as this could be a very good thing.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Cat Moe and the Aliens

One day out of the blue a cat walked into my life. I never found out where he came from and he left much the same way he came. I lived in a house located in Owl's Head, Maine. It was while living at this house that I saw my first and only UFO. I have an article posted about the event on e-zine, but I will provide a short description here.

While living at this location I was out on my deck one night when I saw something strange in the sky. Keep in mind that I grew up next to an airport so I know what a plane in the night sky looks like. That is to say that I am familiar with the normal and therefor if anything looks abnormal I was sure to pick up on it. I know this could be construed as false logic, but when you hear what I actually saw than you will get what mean. The object I saw that night was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I do not believe it had little green men on board. What I believe I saw was merely a satellite or probe. Much the same way that we send satellites to explore the planets in our solar system, so to was this one sent to study earth. The object was diamond or pyramid shaped, meaning I am unclear as to whether it had three or four sides. What was clear were the single red lights at each point of the object. As it moved across the sky it moved in a regular flipping pattern. It would rotate, flip, turn, rotate, and flip again. All of this as it moved from east to west across the sky. To this day it remains the most bizarre and unexplainable event I have witnessed in my life. It aslo remains the only time I have ever seen a UFO, as far as i know. So, what then does this event have to do with my cat Moe? Maybe nothing, maybe something; I will never know for sure.

What I do know is that something happened to my cat that is equally unexplainable to me. Moe was a big gray cat, very muscular, with a big head and big round yellow eyes. He was the coolest cat I ever owned...if I could say I owned him. The truth is he came and went as he pleased. Sometimes I would not see him for days at a time. On the day he showed up to my home it was out of the blue. He walked up to my door, sat outside and meowed. I petted him, decided he was friendly and so I left the door open and in he came. From the first day he acted like I had him since he was a kitten. Would lay on my lap or shoulder while I watched television or read a book. Even if he wasn't on me he was always near by. Then, when he decided he needed some out door time he would go to the door or window, meow and I would let him out. He would be gone for a few hours, sometimes, days or even a week and then he would show up again. This went on for two or three years. And then he was gone, one of those times I let him out, he just never came back. He left my life exactly the same way he entered it.

During this time he spent living with me a very strange thing happened. One I am sure there is a logical explanation for, but one I have not been able to explain well enough to myself. On one of those occasions that I let him out, his return brought something strange with him. I remember that evening well enough. I opened the door to let him in. In he came, ate some food and then took his place in my lap. I noticed the injury right away. A perfect scoop of flesh, about the size of a small gum ball was missing above his right eye. There was no blood coming from this wound. I was dumbfounded. I looked the wound over and immediately my brain began seeking a rational explanation. No matter how hard I tried I could not come up with one. What had happened to Moe during this particular trip away from my home? This is no joke or exaggeration either. The wound above his eye was so perfectly round. It literally looked like some one took a small ice cream scooper and scooped out the flesh above his eye on the right side of his head. If that fact was not strange enough, try wrapping your mind around the fact that there was no blood. The fur around the wound was not matted with dried blood, there was nothing. One could assume the wound was a day or so old, and perhaps the bleeding had stopped. It may have rained and washed away any dried blood in his fur. Those things could explain the lack of blood, but what of the shape of the wound? I could not think of a single thing that could happen on accident to account for such an injury. Believe me, I tried. The wound eventually scabbed over until there was nothing left but a scar which eventually became hidden by the fur that began to grow back there. The mysterious wound was gone, and I still had no clue as to how it happened.

It was inevitable that I would entertain the notion that perhaps something other worldly had happened. Especially when one considers the number of events that have occurred across the globe involving animals. There are people out there that believe in alien experimentations that are taking place on earth. For whatever reason, aliens are experimenting on animals as well as humans. I wouldn't have given any of this a second thought if it were not for the similarity to some of the wounds described by people that were found on their animals. I am referring of course to cattle mutilations and horse mutilations and the such. They talk of perfectly round wounds, surgical incisions, and the such being found on their animals. People have tried to explain these wounds in a logical frame work. In many instances the animal has died due to natural causes. Insects then come along cause the odd injuries to the carcass. Never mind the fact that many of the people involved have dealt with animals their whole lives. They have seen dead animals before, and yet are amazed at what they have found. Their experience, allowing them to distinguish between a normal looking injury and something out of place. This fact still does not exclude logical circumstances that they may not recognize. So, it remains a possibility that some of these people are mistaken, but not in every case. There is a limit, at which point the question has to be asked; "What is going on here"?

I can sympathize with some of those people. Granted some may be mistaken, I know that there are some who are not. In those cases something unexplainable did happen. Whether aliens were involved or not I do not know. All I know is that I can not explain what happened to Moe. I can not explain how he came to have such a perfectly shaped wound on his head. A wound that did not seem to bother him, he didn't seem to pay any more attention to that area than any other. This lead me to believe that he was not in any kind of pain. It was the strangest thing. Until I receive a more logical explanation I am going to have to assume that somebody scooped out that flesh from his head. Why they would want to is beyond me. Especially if it is an earth based being. Why would any human want to inflict such an injury on a cat? How did they do it? How did they keep it from bleeding? was an open wound. Finally, how did they dull the pain? Sadly, this scenario does not seem as logical as another that I have considered. A scenario that involves Moe wondering through the woods and catching the attention of visitors from another world. A scientifically curious race of beings that found Moe in the right place at the right time. They studied him for a bit, extracted a sample from his head and then let him go. We do this from time to time as humans when we study lower life forms. We take blood and tissue samples.

I know this is a way out there hypothesis, but it is all I have to go on. Until a more plausible explanation is given I have to assume it as a possibility. That beings from another planet may have took blood and tissue samples from Moe. They could have done this for all sorts of plants and animals on that day. Moe just happened to be a part of it, a subject of opportunity. I have been trying to wrap my mind around that event for a long time, and I have not come up with anything better. I could assume there is a logical explanation that is not as exotic, but it still does not bring me any closer to the truth. I guess I will never know. In the mean time I am going to stick with the aliens hypothesis. I leave your version of the truth up to you.

Dennis James Huff

Flying Saucer and UFO Encounters

The UFO story originated not long after June 24, 1947, when many newspapers in the USA published the first sighting of the "flying saucer".

The story told how nine very bright, disk-shaped objects were seen by Kenneth Arnold, a Boise, Idaho, businessman, while he was flying his private plane near Mount Rainier, in the state of Washington. Now supported by a journalistic license, reporters took Arnold's original description of the individual motion of each object, "like a saucer skipping across water," and rephrased it to: "flying saucer," referring to the objects themselves.

Many years have passed since Arnold's memorable sighting, and the phrase has become so common that an entry was made in Webster's Dictionary, and it is recognized today in most languages throughout the world.

For a while after the Arnold sighting, the term "flying saucer" was used to describe all disk-shaped objects that were seen flashing through the sky at fantastic speeds. Before long, reports were made of objects other than disks, and these were also called flying saucers. Today the words are popularly applied to anything seen in the sky that cannot be identified as a common, everyday object.

In other words, a flying saucer can be a formation of bright lights, a single light, a sphere, or some other shape; and it can be any color. Performance wise, flying saucers can hover, go fast or slow, go high or low, turn 90-degree corners, or even, apparently, disappear almost instantaneously.

Clearly the term "flying saucer" is open to interpretation when objects of every imaginable shape and performance are labeled as such. This is why the military preference is the more general, although less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo-foe) for short.

Officially the military uses the term "flying saucer" on only two occasions. First in an explanatory sense, as when briefing people who are unacquainted with the term "UFO": "UFO, you know, flying saucers." And second in a derogatory sense, for purposes of ridicule, as when it is observed, "He says he saw a flying saucer."

This second form of usage is the exclusive property of those persons who positively know that all UFOs are nonsense. Fortunately, if only as a matter of courtesy, those in this category are reducing in number. One by one these people drop out, starting with the instant they see their first UFO!

Some weeks after the first UFO was seen on June 24, 1947, the Air Force established a project to investigate and analyze all UFO reports. When the project first began, opinions ranged from near panic, to total derision for anyone who dared to even mentioned the words "flying saucer."

This contemptuous attitude toward "flying saucer nuts" prevailed from mid-1949 to mid-1950. During that interval many of the people who were, or had been, associated with the project believed that the public was suffering from "war nerves."

Early in 1950 the project, for all practical purposes, was closed out; at least it rated only minimum effort. Those in power now reasoned that if you didn't mention the words "flying saucers" the people would forget them and the saucers would go away. But this reasoning was false, for instead of vanishing, the quality of the UFO reports improved.

From airline pilots, to military pilots, generals, scientists, and dozens of other people, reports continued of UFO sightings, now in more detail than previously. Radars, which were being built for air defense, began to pick up some very unusual targets, thus lending technical corroboration to the unsubstantiated claims of human observers.

As a result of the continuing accumulation of more impressive UFO reports, official interest stirred. Early in 1951 verbal orders came down from Major General Charles P. Cabell, then Director of Intelligence for Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, to make a study reviewing the UFO situation for Air Force Headquarters.

The study was headed up by "EJR", who possessed impeccable credentials, and supervised until late in 1953. EJR served as a B-29 bombardier and radar operator, during the Second World War. He restarted college after the war, and before long, gained his aeronautical engineering degree. To keep his reserve status while in school, he flew as a navigator in an Air Force Reserve Troop Carrier Wing.

While compiling the report, EJR and members of his staff traveled close to half a million miles. They investigated in depth dozens of UFO reports, and read and analyzed several thousand more. These included every report the Air Force had ever received.

There were ten regular staff on the investigation plus many paid consultants representing every field of science. All had Top Secret security clearances so that security was no block in our investigations. This organization was made up of a reporting network consisting of every Air Force base intelligence officer and every Air Force radar station in the world, together with the Ground Observer Corps of the Air Defense Command. Reports were collected on every conceivable type of UFO, by every conceivable type of person. What did these people actually see when they reported a UFO? Putting aside truly unidentifiable flying objects, for the present, this question has several answers.

Often it has been positively proved that people have reported balloons, airplanes, stars, and many other common objects as UFOs. The people who make such reports don't recognize these common objects because something in their surroundings temporarily assumes an unfamiliar appearance.

Unusual lighting conditions are a common cause of such illusions. A balloon will glow like a "ball of fire" just at sunset. Or an airplane that is not visible to the naked eye suddenly starts to reflect the sun's rays and appears to be a "silver ball". Pilots in F-94 jet interceptors chase Venus in the daytime and fight with balloons at night, and people in Los Angeles see weird lights.

So did the investigation prove that UFOs exist? The hassle over the word "proof" boils down to one question: What constitutes proof? Is a UFO required to land at the River Entrance to the Pentagon, in front of the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Or is it proof when a ground radar station detects a UFO, sends a jet to intercept it, the jet pilot sees it, and locks on with his radar, only to have the UFO streak away at a phenomenal speed? Is it proof when a jet pilot fires at a UFO and sticks to his story even under the threat of court-martial? Does this constitute proof?

You must decide for yourself.

How real are UFOs? What actually is a UFO? How credible is the evidence? "Project Blue Book" a fascinating and authoritative e-book about unidentified flying objects. (UFOs). Not merely an e-book; it is a report, and is the first time ever that anyone, either military or civilian, has assembled into one document the complete facts about this fascinating subject. Learn more at Secret UFO Reports

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aliens From Zeta Reticuli or Something Fowl From the Farm - The UFO Enigma Solved

For hundreds, or thousands of years there have been sightings and reports of UFO's from almost every corner of the planet. Of course a lot of these sightings and reports could just be stories or even myths handed down from generation to generation, but with so many cases maybe there is a great deal of truth to the reports. In fact if the ancient caveman was the only ones to have recorded incidents of UFO encounters, we may easily pass off the reports as myths. Every year there are more reports of UFOs then the previous years, in fact in the year 2010 there were more reports of UFO's then previous years, and 2011 looks to be the same. Not only are there thousands of reports made by normal citizens, but many of the reports come in from what is regarded as people who have a generally high IQ and or higher position in society, such as military personnel, commercial pilots, government personnel, doctors and others.

Clearly something is going on, and I believe I have stumbled upon a mystery most fowl indeed. Growing up on a large dairy farm I was exposed to seeing numerous cattle, pigs, chickens and roosters. One summer my brother and I were constantly terrorized by a rooster, a Rhode Island Red, named Bubby. Bubby was a menace, in fact he was a real bully, whenever my brother and I ventured outside, he would attack us. Bubby, could be 100 feet away, and if he spotted one or both of us he would suddenly, run, flap his wings and head towards whichever one of us was the closest to him. Bubby would attack with flapping wings, pecking his sharp beat, and poking us in the shins with his sharp spurs.

My brother and I would run, screaming into the house, bleeding profusely from our wounds, while Bubby, would casually walk back towards the barn with his head held high in victory. Bubby, the rooster, ruined many summer vacations for my brother and I, due to the fact that we had to spend almost all of our time away from School, being a prisoner inside the house. One day a neighbor friend of my Brothers, a boy named Berak, came down to visit us, he came inside and said; "You guys are not going to believe this but I just saw a UFO flying over your house!" Berak, said the UFO was large, and it was shaped like a disk or saucer. Berak, talked so much about the UFO, that despite being terrorized by Bubby, the rooster, my brother and I decided to go outside to see if we could spot the UFO ourselves.

The three of us had been outside for roughly 10 minutes when our friend Berak, shouted "There it is!", we looked up in the direction Berak, was looking, and we both saw a large UFO just as Berak, had described earlier. We stood there for a few seconds and watched as the large UFO hovered over the barn, then it started heading in our direction, strangely the closer it got, the smaller it became in size, like it had some advanced technology to morph or change it's shape. Suddenly the UFO, changed completely into a shape my brother and I had seen many times, it was Bubby, the rooster. Strangely all of the times Bubby, had attacked us, he did so by running, and flapping his wings, now he had discovered the ability to fly. We all ran into the house screaming, and we told our Dad about the UFO that had changed into a rooster.

Dad, laughed and said; "Heck I have seen that many times on the farm, a Rhode Island Red Rooster has a special chemical in their feathers that makes them look distorted in daylight when they fly, in fact the brighter the sun is shining, the more they distort, they even do it during the night time when they fly, giving off a sort of Rooster Bio-Luminousness or 'RBL' as scientists call it". Amazingly a small normal Rhode Island Red Rooster can appear to be a large saucer shaped UFO when flying. It sounded unbelievable but we had seen it with our very eyes.

Over the next year I decided to do some experiments, so I saved my money that I earned by selling issues of 'Red Herring magazine', and I purchased a Barred Rock species of Rooster. The Barred Rock is colored black or (dark brown) and white, I got a very healthy one that could fly high, and let it loose. The Barred Rock Rooster took off and flew a short but high journey into the air, as the sun light shined off it, it quickly took the shape of a large cigar or cylinder shaped UFO, again as with the Rhode Island Red flew, its appearance changed back into that of a rooster as it neared the ground. Next I purchased a white species of Rooster, called a White Leghorn, and repeated the experiment, not only did the rooster's appearance change once it flew into the sunlight, but it appeared to change into a large, silent, black triangle craft, and when flying at night it appeared to have lights underneath it.

I believe I had stumbled upon solving one of the greatest mysteries of mankind, the UFO enigma. I know that many folks that read this article will find the evidence hard to believe, but I have the test notes and the proof to back it up. This also explains why after thousands and thousands of UFO's reports, there is no concrete proof of one, even as they land, but if you observe one some bright sunlit day or during a starry night, look closely as it nears the ground, and you may discover that in reality it is a rooster that has escaped from some farmers coop.

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business since the early 1980's on the VIC 20, C64, AMIGA, and WINDOWS Computer Systems. He has won magazine awards for the 'Game of the Month', and more, in several European computer magazines.

The Great Deception