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Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 Ancient Aliens : Mega Disasters - 9 Magnitude Japan Earthquake Was Not A Natural Event

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In History Channel last episode "Aliens and Mega Disasters", Ancient Aliens staff managed to recover the credibility they completely lost in the other episode "The Greys".This time they had the guts to say that the US military have environmental warfare technology. And which had actually caused the 2010 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. Ancient Aliens also implied that the 2011 9.9 in Japan was not a natural event.The whole episode discussed if the biblical flood and other remarkable disasters in ancient history, were not scheduled events triggered by extraterrestrial weaponry.And for the record: Two employees of NASA did participate of this last episode. One of them is David Morrison, the same old guy who made a video dismissing Nibiru, Mayan Calendar, galactic alignment and everything else related to doomsday.When a NASA shill is participating of a show like Ancient Aliens, either NASA is contradicting itself or History Channel Ancient Aliens is a tool of TPTB.

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