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Friday, August 5, 2011

Did Ronald Reagan Believe in Aliens?

At first, this concept may seem outlandish. To think that as US President could believe in extraterrestrials, and more importantly, that he could consider them as a viable issue during his presidency. However, several remarks made by President Reagan actually shed some insight into his views.

June 1982:

Following a private screening of the Film E.T. by Steven Spielberg, Reagan supposedly leaned over and whispered to the Director: "You know, there aren't six people in this Room, who actually know how true this is." Certainly, we can regard an account from Steven Spielberg as reliable, in at least that he wouldn't falsify it coming from the President. The real question is, what did Reagan claim to know?

December 4th 1985:

While addressing a group of High School Students in Maryland, President Reagan makes some ominous allusions to how easily it might come to pass that the US and USSR become allies again against an extraterrestrial threat. Supposedly, this is a theme that is repeated a few times in private conversations, but at least one more time publicly.

September 21st 1987:

President Reagan addresses the UN, and mentions how easily it might come to pass that an alliance be made to fend off an Alien invasion. You can find this clip on YouTube. What is really strange, is that there was no snickering or laughter, or even negative tabloid comments about what was said. Almost as if World Leadership knows something we don't.

Whatever his politics, you must agree that President Reagan was either a madman, or he knew something we didn't.

Chris Patrick is an aspiring author, with an interest in unexplainable phenomenon. Tired of seeing only the same old UFO accounts on various websites, he started this site, so that anonymous people could post their accounts without fear of any reprisal or ridicule. If you would like to submit your own alien encounter account (or critique), you can do so here. If you do decide to post, he asks that you format and spell check, and you probably want to submit anonymously.