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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How deep the �rabbit hole� goes; what is the truth?

This text presents a controversial perspective on the UFO phenomenon and is based on the findings of the widely unknown Polish scientist. The effects of his 30 years of work, despite the disbelief and ridicule, are worth popularizing.

You can accept or reject it - it's up to You.

So, let?s begin;

It is said that there are so many truths as the people in the world, and where there are two Poles, there are three political parties (well known joke in Poland) ... I am not a child anymore, I personally think that truth, this objective truth is the only one. It is independent from our views and beliefs, feelings and dreams ... It exists, whether we like it or not ... The achievement of this knowledge is possible in many ways ... it may be dry, scientific analysis, laboriously collecting and circumstantial evidence, or the adoption by "the faith" or religious enlightenment ....

The topic that I would like to pick is very touchy and controversial - but I also believe - You do not reject what I would like to say only because it "generally" feels that this does not happen and that it is not true ... Your presence on this site shows -I hope - that You think not like the most of society, and - I suppose - you will learn some scientific work to which I refer ....

So get to the point .

Something is wrong with our world - we all know it. Climate change, a growing number of earthquakes, natural disasters, accidents, acts of terror, chemtrails .... The list goes on ...
We all know the conspiracy theories, the Freemasons, Zionists, hidden links of the ruling elites and their relationship, secret wars and depopulation plans, secret brotherhoods and associations, concealing the truth about UFOs, falsifying history, the rule of the bankers - the mighty of this world.....
What's going on here? Is it possible that humanity wants to destroy humanity?
Life has taught me one thing: everything is possible in the universe, every idea that we can imagine exists or will be implemented somewhere ... I do believe that all it comes down to probability .... Applies even for spiritual growth ... (which I will write later).
So we could fear that a stray meteor falls to us at the house - after all, it is possible, but the likelihood of this event is so faint that we should not worry about it ....
The answer to question: "Does the humanity want to destroy humanity" should therefore be: yes, it is possible and this eventuality must be taken into account. On this subject, there have rose to many theories, so far as a certain percentage of them may (but may not) be based on false premises and therefore lead to erroneous conclusions, but the number of these theories is so large that - even without knowing the facts, can be evaluated - something must be in this ....

So what I consider to be the truth? I do not know whether all, but many of these theories of "conspiracy" present the facts. Indeed, it is widely known that people in senior positions in different countries know each other and - very likely - they form a community of views, have similar goals and methods of operation .... (As in the community). It?s real and it is also likely that they form an informal group which is linked by their interests?
It could be postulated that this was forever, it is worth to note that most of us want to feel better than others - and so are the people who rule us. Belonging to a secret, unique organization gives a sense of superiority over the other members of society, peers, competitors .... It is possible that the ideas of the depopulation, chemtrails, and other evils were born in the minds of some psychopathic individuals who are influential members of such groups ... It is possible, and the more likely that in the many societies belonging to the "elite" is still, and has long been inherited.

However, there is still a possibility that - I bet ? only a few of You - take into account.

There are 3 factors that affect our world and are extremely well hidden. So well that virtually no one has any idea what is really wrong with our civilization (even though almost everyone knows that "something" must be true).
There are no such information on most of the ?conspiracy? sites, it confirms my assumption that only few of us questions the following hypothesis ...
If you want to hide a tree just plant a forest around it - the first two factors are very present in our culture; Aliens (below I explain why I have in mind two factors, not one.)
Ever since Kenneth Arnold in the 40s of the last century made the sightings of unidentified crafts, by the press called "flying saucers?, the ufology has not made any progress!
The "serious" ufo press is still asking the same question; "Does UFO exist?"
It continues to submit photographs, videos and testimony of witnesses who confirm that it does exist after all.
In addition, each of us is ambitious, wants to be famous (I personally do not intend to join the Masons) and to become better than others, ufologists are people too, hence arises many theories, who are Aliens, on what basis are moving their vessels , etc. (in other words, every "scientist" has its own version).
It is worth noting that each of these "serious researchers" generally does not agree with his colleagues, so in this field of knowledge there is a big jumble. Exploiting the situation, "skeptics," often with academic titles, showing up this mess adding : ?nonsense?, saying it public and signing their names (after all, they also want to be important and recognizable).
Summarize: from about 70 years of "research" for this phenomenon we still foolishly ask, ?do they exist?? That question makes impossible to carry out further analysis: what are they doing here, what is their technology, what are their interests and motives, where they come from, what do they have attitude toward us?

Most of humanity (after all, everyone has heard about UFO) if is interested in the subject are located exactly at the stage of this stupid question ....
We also have a "pictograms", balls of energy (what a scientific term), spirits, ghosts, curses and a wealth of "unknown."
On the other hand we have a lock on the media, Internet trolls ruthlessly destroying anyone who posts an extraordinary commentary and the whole "sea" of disbelief and derision that surrounds the "forbidden" theme ....
What's going on?

Society, after all, believes in UFO, it is confirmed by surveys, below I present the opinions circulating about "Aliens";
1. They look completely different from us - if UFO landed, we would recognize the Aliens at once - after all, they evolved on another planet, are very different from us.
2. They have better technology. If they visit us it is obvious - we are not able to visit them.
3. They are no hostiles-according to the technological advantage they would have destroyed us long ago, if they only wanted.
4. Their actions are limited to observation or quietly helping us (it?s the obvious conclusion - see above)
5. People are a bunch of fellows desiring money - if they only met those poor, innocent UFOnauts then how would they have been used!
6. These beings are more advanced than us, also in terms of morality - because with age we also grow up - they are certainly good, and always tell the truth (and we have never been officially attacked.)
7. The government hides the truth about ufo - those little creatures help us, after all, the government is bad or protects "the public" before the big culture shock - the "disclosure" on humanity is not yet prepared ....
8. Governments signed a "pact" with Aliens and diligently guard their secrets; sold us to bad people and the blockade is placed on UFO related topics ....

The list was created from my example - a large part of life I believed in this way ...
As practice showed, most of this "reasoning" is our wishful thinking ...

How is this possible and why the "aliens" are two factors for me? (Well, after all "Alien" is alien, isn?t he?).

UFO phenomenon remained with me since birth, I am extremely interested and have considerable knowledge on these subjects. More than half of the life, the assumptions above were for me an iron solid, logical, consistent and accurate truths. I was ready to put much efforts to the defense of these "truths".
I didn?t stop in the acquisition of knowledge - I was looking for answers to various questions, repeatedly seen a UFO so long ago crossed the first " breakthrough point - whether UFOs exist."
I asked completely different questions.
It happened. In 1999 I came across some strange work of the Polish scientist ... Unfortunately, I had trouble with the downloading of his files and his main website was shut down ... (quoted from web host company "page removed due to the controversial views" - we know that, right?) .

I decided not to give up and to read what this unknown man had to say.

And it happened ... ..

This mysterious individual is now fairly well known. He has a loyal readerships and the crowd of "critics", who did not lose time to get acquainted with his work, but heard that it is a big crap from people who did not like the table of contents (or maybe even a cursory looked through 2 chapters) .

This is the second civilian (which is worth remembering), who calls for careful observation of facts and the only person on Earth who independently worked out this whole thing ..
Many of You would not agree with me, but practically the UFO mystery has already been discovered: by the Polish scientist?

Below I could deny to myself, but after all I wrote that the truth (this one, objective), is reachable in lots of ways, and that I'm sure.

So how can it happen?

1. Being a religious person and reading the Bible. I had the pleasure to meet Jehovah's Witness with an open mind, who described the same things as my countryman. This witness that knowledge gained from the Bible and religious teachings ... He knew the situation, he used different terminology (religious).
2. I have a friend who came to identical conclusions alone, he met an amazing experience (which I envy him), being on the psychoactive specimen. His knowledge is identical with that which presents my compatriot.
3. Another case was a mentally ill person ... - claimed the same thing, what the researcher said, well aware of the situation (for some of you it will probably be the reason for the attack on this works?)
4. Religious revelation. Once I met Klimuszko?s assistant (and also his pupil.) Father Klimuszko and the student were fully aware of the situation. Apparently, it was a big secret ... (father Klimuszko was a great monk ? prophet from Poland)
5. You can also explore the world alone and come to some conclusions (my compatriot did it, anyone can follow his footsteps)
6. This can taken by "faith" and watching the trilogy "The Matrix." In my opinion the Wachowski brothers have demonstrated an incredible knowledge about our world, also a persons from previous points of the list confirm that....
7. You can also read old books and analyze religious beliefs, myths and parables. When I was little I saw a TV program, which showed that proper knowledge of the world was possessed by a professor of archeology ... (!)
8. You can listen to "leaks" from various government organizations to look for conspiracy theories, for example - most recently in CNN; the U.S. government organized a conference devoted to the UFO, you can watch documentaries and read books about UFO ... (but here you need a key to decode it, or you need .. very precise, analytical thinking based on an analysis of the facts)
9. You can also experience the religious enlightenment and gain knowledge about the meaning of life on Earth, let me cite what Buddhism says (quote from memory): The objective is enlightenment, and leave the circle of reincarnation and our lives ... I couldn?t say it better ....

I mentioned only that I?m familiar with , perhaps this list can be much longer ....

So what is the truth?

Before I will write it and many of You would not agree with that, I will present the reasoning of my fellow countryman (which, I hope will encourage You more to reading his work).
It all began with one of the polytechnics, where, long ago, my compatriot taught ... As a result of the confluence of circumstances he made a table that had to present to students. The finding was very interesting and has been called; ?Periodic Table of Propulsion Systems?. In a nutshell, when added to the timeline of groundbreaking inventions in the field of propulsion systems and dividing them by the diesel factor, he found time trends of making next inventions! After our: predicted that in 2036 will be invented propulsor, which will be the heart of a new - unknown to us - spacecraft ... .. (I assure You that reading this gives a lot of excitement and this is the prologue (!) For further discoveries.)

As I remember the table was discovered around 1980.

From that moment my countryman was working on that propulsor. Developed a theoretical model of a spacecraft that would exploit this invention, the vessel was named ?magnocraft? because it moves using the powerful, pulsating magnetic field as the lighting force....
He expounded his theory in some German science technical magazine.
From that moment he began to receive a letters from people, who claimed: "We have already seen your magnocrafts, they are called UFOs."

And so, our researcher began his adventure with the unknown, it seems strange, because he denied the UFO phenomenon, believed only in science and laughed from such stupidity. These letters were a big shock for him ... ..
It happened that in the next years Professor (in the meantime, the researcher get such title) worked out the UFO phenomenon almost entirely ...
The first civilian scientist - researcher who preached the need to analyze the case of "Aliens", rather than listening to what they say, was a psychologist, Karla Turner. Currently, she is no longer alive. She was attacked by the cancer ....
I remember about 13-14 years ago, in the middle of the night, at a 2 TV channel (the day before yesterday was not much choice in Poland) aired a program about a hidden world in Russia, treating about secret projects (Russian equivalent of MK ULTRA), and - among others ? about UFO.
I clearly remember a question asked a high rank retired KGB officer - "what do you think about UFOs?" The answer, which I heard, meant that I almost did fell from the chair ....
It was impossible! What this man said? What was that? I've never heard of this and I know a lot about UFO ...

So we are approaching to what, by any evidence and circumstantial evidence, I call objective truth.
I am writing this because, the same argument ... I met later in the studies of my fellow countryman!

The truth hurts and is cruel, I followed this researcher?s monographs from the beginning of their publication on the Internet. I witnessed his great internal struggle - he discovered something he was terrified and had no idea what to do about ... The struggle was evident in his early studies - had a choice of two options: either to conceal (You know the strategy?) Or to decide to publish it...
He chose option No. 2

The man discovered that humanity is under occupation, it is strictly farming on a cosmic scale. Colony, created only for the exploitation of biological resources, one of many in the cosmos and "cultivated" by extremely advanced technically parasites from other worlds ....

For the purposes of the readers, Professor Jan Pajak created a model that describes the complex relationship occurring in our world. He called it very eloquently: a model of occupation. This set of discovered strategies and guidelines fully explains the complexities of our world. At the end of reading this article, I encourage readers to read any book containing the facts about UFO or descriptions of Abduction... With disbelief You discover that the presented facts are saying something completely different than says the author of this book (probably the "professional explorer")!

Studies of Mr. John?s works took me about a year, after that I became a completely different person ... The first book, I took after this, was the work about so-called; "Star Children ', or' wanderers' - telling the story of people who claimed that in previous incarnations were aliens ... It is interesting - the author described the meeting with one of U.S. Army soldiers, involved in a UFO. It was only a curiosity, as described in a few sentences, showing that officer as "eccentric" because he said something very reminiscent to the conclusions of Professor .... The truth, of course, is different - everyone knows - "argued" the author ....

I briefly describe what my countryman discovered:
1. UFOnauts are people born on other planets and in other societies, we are so similar that they successfully pretend to be our politicians, journalists, officers, scientists, magicians, saints, and virtually everyone in our society who has the potential to harm others.
2. Despite the similarity, there are several attributes that allow the identification (vertically growing hair, "cat" eyes - you've seen "Reptilian" on youtube, chin splitting.)
3. They are degenerate parasites, living in a society with identical views - You cannot negotiate with them or to believe them - the abyss of their collapse is practically endless (later I will explain why.)
4. They have such amazing technology that our futurists did not even know how to imagine the existence of devices that these monsters use every day. For example: their Magnocrafts are virtually indestructible for our weapons, they can become invisible and intangible on every wish (and thus can penetrate into someone's apartment), they travel in time, implants, who wear their pilots, enable them to read our thoughts, to control of individual people and their groups, to communicate with their peers via the telepathic waves, Personal magnetic belts enable them to fly, give superhuman strength, allow to pass through solid objects, and to be invisible, also allow them to time travel and teleportation.... Should be mentioned also technical immortality (!)
5. Implants, beyond the benefits, make UFOnauts a "community minded" - each of them thinks the same way, these chips also are the tool of indoctrination .... So I can risk the thesis that UFOs are also being exploited ...
6. They rob from us various types of biological resources, to our misfortune: these materials are not produced by animals, so we are reared (as opposed to animals). Each of us is abducted to UFOs regularly every 3 months .. Then, on the powerful ships - factories, which are likely orbiting the Earth, alien parasites steal our biological materials .. surely you remember the columns of dazed, naked people which are often seen by the "abductees", whom, for some reason, the UFOnauts not erased the memory ....
7. The abduction followed by about 3.00 am and lasts an hour, after a visit on the ship - factory, we are placed in our beds, it is worth noting that all takes time, but we (usually) also land in the bed in 3.00 am, this is the result of time travel(shocking, and "impossible", is not it?). The memory of these events is carefully erased, after the departure of hidden UFO, we wake up at night very often, because when the abduction is over we are entered into an artificial, hypnotic dream from which we wake up.. These occur within a few days (so it is the "echo" of those bandit visits).
8. Civilization of parasites is dependent on modern forms of slavery - from the biological materials obtained from us on-board of processing UFOs, they breed our children - the so-called biorobots (actual name is the legitimacy of slavery.) They carry all possible works on the planets of the parasites.
9. "Natural" disasters, accidents, acts of terrorism (including 911!) are ideas of our parasites - they are mainly cause them, or are their organizers (eg, after the attacks on the WTC by American special services have taken over the correspondence of terrorists, in one of the letters was a text "in all things obey sons of Allah"). Very often UFOnauts pretend to be angels, the mother of God or Jesus and show off to the fundamentalists (mostly) Muslim demonstrating them some "divine powers" (using the above mentioned equipment.) Thus making these fanatics to take some terrorist acts ....
10. Their spies and saboteurs pretend to be humans in order to harm our civilization - such "scientist" directs humanity to a false clues and theories, ?politicians? call for racial division, intolerance and hatred ...
11. This could seem little "unscientific," but concluded that thugs from UFO very afraid of God (!), As -this is the fact - that they know more about the universe and are fully aware that this Entity actually exists. Consciously rejected Him (or Her); please note that - if nothing changes - we also go into this direction, 90% of Poles are afraid of God, while the study says that 90% of employees rob their companies - it can be concluded that these people have something to conscience, but continue to dealings - if we will develop telepathic chips it could be that we collectively renounce God, like parasites from UFOs (such a possibility is real).
12. Jan Pajak theories clearly prove the existence of God (!). It is the administrator of the great, universal computer ....
13. Free energy, telepathy, telekinesis, healing can be called technically (Ufonauts do this).
14. The occupation model accurately describes of our society today, all analogies are supported by the world around us, so they are true: the occupant patrols, imposition of foreign culture, collaborators, traitors, and its occupant agency propaganda and the gradual takeover of power (that are various brotherhoods, societies and the NWO)
15. millions of occupants are present on our planet, their patrols are more frequent than our police patrols, supervisors are in invisible mode and observe every large gathering of men, a huge number of ufo vehicles circulating the sky. They are clearly visible in the infrared and are captured by cameras filming quickly (for example, may be so-called "rods")
16. Around us there is a very large number of miniature spy devices , and sometimes they can be seen even during the video call through skype ? on the photographs they are known as "orbs"
17. We are not alone, there are at least two blocks of civilizations in the universe: those who obey God's laws (this is the second factor I mentioned), and those who reject it (ie our UFOnauts). Our misfortune is that warships of ufonauts have blocked our system from visits of our allies ...
18. In space and on the planet lasts game of good and evil - these are the opposing camps. As one of the aliens of unknown nationality said; "here takes a war for your souls"
19. Channeling is the telepathic messages from the good ones, but the counterintelligence of UFOnauts often intercepts these communications and - for the misinformation - preparies another "messages" coming from the supposedly "good" but containing false information (or a bunch of lies) The mess and conflicting channeling reports are the result of this game (the truth is among those transfers, but most of us do not realize all this, and take all of this information as "real").
20. God introduced tough laws of the universe, that every creature should (but need not) obey. For lack of another name, Professor refers to them as "moral laws". The simplest of them says; whatever feelings we invoke in others it will come back to us (this does not happen right now, it is only after about 8 years). Totalizm?s rules (below explain what it is) are very close to the commandments of the Christian ... It is worth noting that the block of "good" civilizations respects and fulfills these laws, while the "bad guys" do not break them, because they know about penalty but cleverly circumvent the laws (or to manipulate the slaves that they would break them on behalf of their masters)

I?ve written only the most important facts ? there are much more discoveries of the professor and this is the so-called subject - river .... It is difficult to summarize in one short text, scientific achievements, which the development took more than 30 years...

I wanted to do it (because I want to make a difference)and to promote these studies anonymously. This text is just a consequence of these plans ... I would like to describe the things that professor does not write - He cannot deal everything at the same time ... ..

Well, if you think so; " I don?t care about this occupation, I die, all die, and it ends" then You are in great error. Personally I am convinced that human culture is carried out even after our death (!).
Professor discovered that reincarnation is a reality (not only the Professor but most of You already know that), with a certain, strange for me cause, we consciously don?t remember our past lives. I could be wrong, but the findings suggest that the memory of our previous stays are deliberately erased. ...

To confirm this, it is sufficient (see, for example, "Life After Life" R. Moody) to divide people into two groups: those who consciously remember a past life, and those remaining. Group No. 1 has one common factor; in previous incarnations of these people, they died in accidents. This may mean that sudden death is not planned by UFOs and the memory is not blocked, everybody else die (also in the cases) as "planned," hence the keeper calmly remove the memories of past lives ....
This theory may be true even more so. That at the time of our death often come for us our relatives and .. UFOnauts, pretending to be "angels" or "helpers from God." It is their decision whether we were good, and whether or not be born again in another body ....
It is also worth noting that the "star children" or "wanderers" are simply a part of invaders propaganda . I do not deny that these people were indeed aliens in previous incarnations, but by analyzing their memories can be concluded that this is true, but they were members of alien societies that are in the same situation like ours - that they are also grown.

The Earth is not the only colony which is an industrial farm ... "Star Children" crowing with delight, what kind of UFOnauts are great .... A Buddhist monks intend to leave the circle by enlightenment (as you recall, I mentioned it). I personally believe that this is our goal - then integrate with these good civilizations push out of our cosmic parasite, while becoming a true, free inhabitants of the universe...

How to start a fight with the occupiers? What can we do?
Professor writes a lot about this, learn from his point of view, here I present my private opinion;
I always believed that the way of our development is technological progress, then I estimated that the only way to get rid of the occupiers is Magnocraft, it would open up people's eyes ...

Today I do not know ... probably we are not grown up yet to magnocrafts ... if this invention has been completed by irresponsible state probably it would lead us to a global catastrophe ....

This is, of course, my subjective, personal feeling ....
Now I'm convinced (but this may change - all the time I learn new things) that the right way is the development of moral (that stopped us at the level of pre-2000 years) and the accompanying technology development ...
On the basis of discoveries in physics of the Professor, lies a philosophical system called "totalizm." In a nutshell, is a set of principles based on respect and obedience of the universe?s laws - especially those undiscovered by our official science ... This concept recognizes the existence of a God who enforces these laws with an iron hand, but we do not need to comply them - we are free, we can break them, although for such actions, we face penalties .. (This is why life is so hard and difficult).
So personally believe, our chance is the understanding and knowledge of these truths also about ourselves, our place in the universe, God, the nature of the universe ....
In my opinion after reading the work of Jan Pajak, we should strive to implement the proposed life of his philosophy.

Professor calls small part of humanity as "intuitive totalizts" - they are people new to this philosophy, however, have acted in accord with what it recommends, as a "totalizt" listens to his own conscience. In extreme cases, Jan Pajak proposes to do what conscience tells us (because it is the sense of justice distinguishes us from animals ? not intellect). As can be seen; Totalizm can practice anyone even does not know of it ....

I think that I met with "the recommendations in the form of intuitive totalizm" - such knowledge in a nutshell can be found at: It is classic polish version of old poem called ?desiderata?, the origin of this poem is obscure, and its authorship is attributed to Mark Ehrmann who wrote it (supposedly) in 1927, but rumor arose that this song was found in St. Paul in Baltimore in 1692 ....
The English text is here:

The work of Jan Pajak, except giving us a terrifying truth about our world, it does not scare us, proves the existence of the Universal Intellect (a more appropriate name of God) and its impact on our world ...

This is the third factor that influences our civilization. Apparently His/Her impact is obvious (an atheist would say that there?s none), but it's not so simple...

Thus, at the end, I would like to dedicate this issue a few sentences, the discovery of professor shows us the three the so-called canons of the operation of being called by us God. Well, His/Her actions should fill the following three rules:

1. Raise the freedom of choice of the person, expressed in our body by the presence of a special type of biological energy, called by the author; ?zwow? (for descriptions of this form of biological resources, however, refer directly to the work of Mr. Jan).
2. Do not favor anyone, affecting many people who only wish to
3. Can be freely interpreted (anyone can explain that actions in many ways, and each of these methods will be valid)

God, by the professor, cannot just show Himself before the humanity and give it something, because then the freedom of choice of people drops (instead of increase), after all, mankind should clearly acknowledge that this Entity does exist - then the freedom of choice of non-believers would decrease...
It is the principal reason for which this Entity works as practicable unnoticed by the vast majority of people.
I agree with this reasoning: I am aware that the occupiers have a time machines, so for example, may eliminate the inconvenient people, when they are still children ("the good die young") and almost all of the shares of these creatures end up successful ... almost ... From time to time, there are cases which strongly interfere with our farmers, for example, during the "miracle of the sun 'at Fatima, a sudden wind blew and before eyes of thousands of people Magnocraft came out (to confirm what I wrote here, I propose to read some books with opinions of the witnesses of this "miracle").
I have to write, what really is a God - I've mentioned the movie "The Matrix" - the story showed in these movies only little differs from the reality described by Professor while being what I call the truth. Well, the universe has two distinct realities: our world and its perfect copy connected together by the dipole of gravity field. This copy, called the counter-world is made of smart materials called counter-matter (this is not the same as classic antimatter), it has the properties of the collection and analysis of information ? it means; it thinks. So each of us has own copy, such copies have every item from our world (remember, what shamans say? ? ?Everything has a soul?). However, there are third world - is a virtual world containing information and algorithms for their hardware receiving the counter-world. This means that the universe is a big computer, which is supported by the algorithms - programs that control every aspect of it. God is the primary algorithm of this computer .... It has its own awareness, the purposes and principles of operation.

It's borderline of science fiction, further proposals are even more interesting, but I refer You directly to Professor?s work. I would like also add that the views and researches of Jan Pajak continually discover some unknown aspects of our reality and are just adjustments ....
So with stopped breath I'm reading the latest versions of these works. I urge you also, regardless of faith and religion-that knowledge does not negate the benefits of Your life experience - it will confirm and complement them.

So let's try to live by adopting the philosophy of Mr. Jan, to try to improve ourselves and live so as not to interfere and impose opinions to others. I personally believe that the latter is the so-called "spiritual development".
The basic question that - according to some people - needs to be asked is: "Who am I?". Equally important questions are "what are we living?", "Who is God?", "What is my place on earth?".
Science has been trying for a long time to give answers to these questions, I know that much of their answers lies in the works of Mr. Jan. Professor, however, as I mentioned, all the time is learning new things and hone his studies, recommends restraint in the induction of feelings.
Well, it is incomprehensible to me; prophecies say that one must feel selfless and unconditional love to become someone I call "free."

I see that Jan is working on this topic, so probably will see the explanation for these contradictions, knowing the scientific approach to the Professor, for me it is almost certain.

In conclusion, I would like to quote another "piece" of music, which had a great impression on me. I do not mean melody but lyrics.
Music comes from third part of the trilogy "matrix" and is called Navras. It is a cluster of two Sanskrit words:
Nav - meaning nine and ras - that is the emotional state

On youtube there is a plethora of videos for this song.

This, as You probably do not know is that in the text are excerpts from Sanskrit mantras taken from the book, which is equivalent to our Bible ....
This is a very old knowledge.

Music you can listen here: Text and its translation into English is here: JUNO REACTOR VS. DAVIS, DON NAVRAS LYRICS

I will copy it here:
From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality.

He who knows both knowledge and action,
with action overcomes death and with
knowledge reaches immortality.

In him are woven the sky and the earth
and all the regions of the air, and in him
rest the mind and all the powers of life.
Know him as the ONE and leave aside all
other words. He is the bridge of

Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond
the mind is reason, its essence. Beyond
reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this
is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of

When the five senses and the mind are still,
and reason itself rests in silence, then
begins the Path supreme.

And when he is seen in his immanence and
transcendence, then the ties that have
bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts
of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma
works no more

This text, in my view, tells just about freedom ... The practical use of knowledge in life (for example, the implementation of totalizm or - for those who do not agree - about the life according to conscience or God). It also indicates we have to work on ourselves and that a way forward lies in the silent (maybe it is about meditation.) But it is essential to know the cause (which is what in this article I describe as the truth) but as far as development it is no longer important ....
If we are free from the breeder, we will be able to reincarnate it anywhere in the universe .. Karma will not bind us already ...

Of course, this is my personal feeling, surely You have other ...

Let me add too, that for me, "spiritual development" is an independent attempt to answer the above "existential" questions, and - very importantly - "preparing" for any eventuality.

This means that we are swimming through the ocean of possibilities and probabilities. The essence of this development is the ability to self-examine these possibilities. So stories about the "transition to some n-density " annoy me (Sorry to those who are sure that, however.)
The point is that nothing comes for nothing, spiritual transformation takes years and it is not as spectacular and immediate as such shown in the movie "The Matrix" .... If anyone says otherwise, he may have impure motives ...
I have a similar feeling when it comes to the coming of the Messiah (if) - he would not do all the work instead of us- as is commonly believed. Therefore, we simply try to be a better men, than changes to come to us, "the same" - we will slowly become a different society ....

Maybe this is fiction, maybe not - only time will tell.

My thoughts (as opposed to the work of Mr. Jan) may, but need not, be true ... The last thing I accept "on faith", despite the fact that UFOs are familiar with the future and totally control us, I think that in the decisive moments of life, The Universe Intellect enters - then gives us a choice ... .. And the occupiers are unable to predict the consequences of these choices ...

Finally I would like to present three of Truths existing in the army (I believe in any army) ...
Old, wise soldier said to me once;
?Remember, young man, the most important in life there are three truths:
First; not to pay
Second; not to pay
And third; not to pay "

Sorry if offended anyone, I had no such intention.

Regards and thanks for reading this.

The work of John Pajak are available at:
A new, moral, peaceful, and progressive philosophy of totalizm (in English)
I recommend reading 1/5 monograph?


PS KGB officer in the TV program I mentioned said the following sentence: "We have to prevent beings from UFOs to continue occupation of the Earth."

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