Sunday, June 26, 2011

Do Extraterrestrials Really Fly Our Skies

Please note that this article is not a blog entry or a blogpost or journal entry that does not contain informative content beyond a personal story or experience and it is not correspondence to a blog comment or email that I have received.

I think that when we see headlines saying "Abducted by Aliens" and regular stories telling of all sorts of reputable people having seen UFO's in the sky, we really begin to wonder about the sanity of some of them. However, not to be completely put off by what many may consider to be the ramblings of attention seekers, I certainly have my own opinions on the subject but there was this one guy I spent some time with recently, and I was quick to find out that even with his PhD and a couple of other degrees, he was anything but a geek or for that matter a cynic. Over one or two pints of cool Rickard's Red, he told me that he had been studying the so called phenomenon of UFO's for many years. With me being neither a believer nor disbeliever, he went on to tell me that his research was now providing him with factual evidence that these aptly named UFO's do in fact exist, but they were not extraterrestrial in nature! Well, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and I certainly have my own here.

Initially, once he realized he had caught my interest, he started telling me some of the many stories of people claiming how Aliens had abducted them and why, in his opinion they had actually been abducted and taken into a strange craft. He emphasized that in his opinion it was most certainly not by Aliens. He went on to tell me of one particular abduction case he had follow up in detail with the claimant, and even to his surprise, his findings were not only astonishing but almost conclusive in their results. To be truthful, I was beginning to wonder slightly. He did seem genuine and authentic to me, but I have heard so many stories on the subject of UFO's that I had already formed an opinion that it was all comic book material. However, from this story he continued with yet another. This one was about a young Woman who also claimed to have been abducted for almost a full week. Again, he had studied the case at close hand and had interviewed the woman over five visits, with carefully planned and detailed questions. He confirmed to me that the answers he recorded only served to convince him more of what was really happening with regard to many UFO sightings and why he was now so close to publishing factual proof of their non-extraterrestrial existence. I thought that his factual proof might not necessarily be representative of fact to myself.

Obviously by the end of my second pint, and this continual and highly detailed one-sided conversation pounding me endlessly, I was beginning to wonder if perhaps I was the one about to be abducted by a potential madman. I decided to buy one last round for us and hear the rest of his story and now you my dear reader, will know that my writing of this article is the proof that I stayed there much longer than initially planned, and that I did hear the rest of his amazing story and more. By now I had reached an opinion that this guy was really serious about what he was telling me and he obviously had strong beliefs in the evidence he had researched too. I watched him with his eyebrows slightly raised and a penetrating look back across the table at me, the guy continued to tell me how he could now prove in at least two alleged abduction cases, the people abducted had actually been taken into a strange craft, and then flown at seemingly very high speed into the darkness of space and back again. However, the story became even more interesting when I was informed that the craft they were taken in, actually originated here on Earth and was being flown by humans and not Aliens.

This is where things became complicated for me. He then tells me that these strange craft do come from Earth, but not from Earth, as we know it. More confusing explanation was thrown in amidst my interjected questions and then the surprise came. He now started speaking slowly and distinctly as he explained that his evidence pointed towards the year 2140 and to the North American continent in particular. The results gained from all his interviews had shown him that people living in the year 2140, in particular people from what he called the Federated Government, had managed to create a form of what we would call time travel, but only time travel to the past he was quick to add. He explained that similar to our present day University system, the Federated Government in the year 2140 were taking what we would call Students back in time to our present day, I suppose on a field trip of sorts. They were coming back in time to study human life in different time periods, and this is why the strange 'UFO's' have been seen in skies all over our World throughout history and even back in biblical times. Details were given of how they could simply abduct people, take them away for days on end and then return them to what seemed like maybe one hour after they had been abducted. He also explained how the UFO's appeared to move so strangely in the sky, shifting their positions dramatically and appearing to travel across the whole sky in a matter of seconds. Rest assured, now I was really listening intently.

Amidst much of the proof he was detailing to me, he told me how these two particular people interviewed in depth by him had provided very specific details of where they had been taken in the craft. Also how his studies had provided him with proof that these geographic locations were real and did actually exist, here on Earth today. The buildings described were totally different but the topography and landscapes described gave sufficient detail to make them locatable today. He had visited both of the described locations personally, taking measurements and photographs to provide comparison to what his interviewees had described. Now wondering if the Rickard's Red had taken over my head, I questioned him about how people had described their supposed Alien abductors as having long thin arms and large black almond shaped eyes. To which I was quickly interrupted and told that these "Visitors" as he preferred to call them, all dress in a type of uniform highly reflective all in one suit, complete with facial and head cover with black visor eye shapes. This is why they look like Aliens to people who have been slightly disorientated by the application of a nasal sprayed drug. He even explained that these visitors appeared to have long arms because in the years up towards 2140, natural evolution had in fact made people shorter in height with slightly longer arms and as there was no obesity in the future, everyone would naturally look thin. Boy, this guy was sure convincing and certainly highly intelligent too. He went on to give more examples of the mysterious UFO's and the sightings that had been catalogued in previous years.

His descriptions and explanations were both vivid and intriguing, making me wonder just how much of his personal time this guy was spending on these studies. The explained why the visitors could only travel back in time and the relevance of matter and anti matter. How their technology depended on the bending of light and how it used Earth's natural gravity and the magnetic field as an endless resource in part of the propulsion system. Captain James T Kirk had nothing on these guys, who regularly seemed to appear in our skies without any advanced warning from our Earth bound radar scanners. In summary of our lengthy and detailed discussion on the aspects of UFO sightings, I can say that convincing he was. Convinced I was not. In reality, if what this guy was telling me turned out to be true, then it would certainly give a wholesome one off explanation to cover and satisfy almost ever sighting and encounter ever recorded on file.

The proof? Well, I suppose it's out there somewhere or maybe it's already here. Perhaps known only to certain government officials. It could even be that the infamous Area 51 really does have something to do with it all as it is a popular location for UFO sightings. The conversation that evening certainly inspired me in some ways and as such, I am now writing a book, which I have based on the subject. I am calling it 'The Clouds Of Time'. As for us Earth bound people of the present day, my opinion is that the real truth is certainly out there somewhere, and for us to discover it with conclusive proof, it looks like it will be just a matter of time! From the lengthy and detailed conversation that evening, I have to admit that my personal opinions of the subject of extraterrestrials tended to vary somewhat from their original status. I have since researched numerous sightings and even abductions on the internet and after endless note taking, making comparisons and drawing conclusions, I really am no further forward. Suffice to say, if my anonymous friend turns out to be correct is his assumptions, then it is likely to be years before anyone can provide conclusive proof. One thing's for sure; People still continue to report seeing strange things flying in our sky's at night and sometimes, even during the day. Are they flown by extraterrestrials? Who really knows for sure, expect perhaps the ones flying them? Until conclusive proof is established, we shall all have to continue to wait and wonder, or be lucky enough to be on of the future abductions and find out first hand.

Bob Littlejohn MBA BSc