Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Emergence of a New Reality

We are on a mission on Earth.

That is what the Pleiadians and some other aliens of gods of ancient times have told us over years.  We humans, as multi dimensional beings, decided to come to earth to learn and develop and to bring about change that injects a new way of living in our consumerist culture  and is somehow  related to 2012. New patterns of thought are being created, every thought and action counts to creating the global community. New ways of consciousness, recognizing a bigger inner self that is multidimensional,able to expand over many dimensions and universes.

Is this really happening? Is the global consciousness changing to a new beginning without frontiers? Are we becoming a global community without boundaries? The financial  collapses, the bankruptcy of  the big automanufacturers, the loss of homes and jobs; it is all "designed" to bring us together through the commonalities of suffering so that we can feel like the "other ones". We were not able to feel the sensation of being one with all there from within so it is brought to our reality form the outside. Earth is taking matters into her hands.

We see people going from riches to rags in weeks, people taking their lives because they cannot cope with the implications, desperate people without a job hit the streets and live in homeless communities. Together, sharing what they have. Something is changing and changing big.

Our home is changing and we are at risk of losing it and be thrown into extinction. Earth is protesting like a boy that has been bullied for too long and cannot take it any longer. She shrugs and we have to listen. Global warming, glaciers melting, species leaving. It is change from every place, cornering us face to face to each other forcing us to find solutions together.

One of the things that is to "commune" with each other and will continue to do so is the alien presence. We have already seen how people have united to ask and request alien disclosure from their governments. Several governments have started to produce declassified documents about UFOs.  People from all ranks and social stature have come forward in the last 10 or more  years with their stories of alien contact, abductions and sightings. Even presidential candidates and ex-presidents have said they have seen a UFO. Some high ranking members of foreign countries and our own astronauts have acknowledged  the alien presence. 

What is this movement? We are expanding our contract of reality to be inclusive of  other forms of life that we would not have accepted in the past. There is a new culture emerging and those that do not  see the new reality will be let in the periphery, will not be part of the new world.

Talking to abductees and lost time encounter people you find similar threads that seem to run along the stories.We know that abductions and lost time events tend to occur in family lines. You will often find that several members of one family have experienced unknown events, from children to elders.  Generations of us have been subjected to alien contact who sometimes are experienced as strange phenomena and weird dreams depicting "beings"  from outer space.  A family I know has had experiences with the paranormal or many years. They trace the paranormal events to their grandfather and his immediate family and who knows how far that goes. Prior family history may have been lost by ceasing to tell the stories because many would not believe them.

What are they looking for? This family trend probably indicates a physical connection that could  be traced in an interest in our DNA and how it has been developing. We could ask ourselves if they have been inoculating new factors and/or eliminating some into our DNA for some reason.  We can see how much this mimics what we do with animals to study health problems  and genetic diseases.

Let us see what these reasons could be.

- Intercepting band genes

- replacing those genes with better ones

- eliminating some diseases

- introducing new diseases

- introducing genetic changes to make us either resilient to conditions or more sensible to them. As our climate changes, we need new body qualities.

- purifying the family DNA, in that way,they take the best from each generation and  transfer that to their people

- investigate the causes of some unknown disease in the future (assuming they are here to avoid our extinction)

- provoke that extinction (we are too many)  so they can inherit earth. A case of induced mass destruction without conventional weapons

- create new humans or hybrids to populate other planet(s) if we become extinct.

These are a few questions of a new reality that has been surfacing for the last sixty years. If we are here to learn, what is the major them of this learning?  As the aliens  become more visible, they expand our ideas  about us, the universe, or fellow humans.  Concepts like "god" , "family", "friends", "home" , "beauty" are all changing at this very moment  to expand our vocabulary  commensurate with our sense of identity in an expanded world.
