Sunday, June 26, 2011

In Case of Contact

It is accepted almost as a corollary that several persons of the same family experience visitations; it is rarely just one person in the house. In the case of my nephew's encounter, suppose the target were both him and his smaller brother. All data point to the fact that they start visiting people while we they are very young, the problem been, most of them do not recall these visits and abductions.

Of the many things contactees can do, the least has been reacting in a more orderly manner to these sightings. Specially if they are floating, are small and fluoresce! There should be a protocol to make first contact. Please someone, write it! I propose that such protocol be written by people with experience like real UFO and alien abduction investigators and a pool of abductees with interest in a non controversial contact. A smoother process should be in place. A method of communication that we want to use and which is not alarming to them and preserves human safety -- in case of danger and as much as we can control it from our side-- should be devised.

On the personal level, I propose people start first imagining been in close proximity of the animal or thing that could be the most threatening to them and reacting without fear. If in Florida, that could be an alligator; If in California, that would be a mountain lion or a bear. We all know that advisories have been issued for these probable events by authorities and animal experts in order to preserve human safety. We should be prepared for an alien encounter as well. Apply that imagined experience to an alien contact, imagine it. Who knows when we will need it?

If I were an alien, given their experience with us, I would expect humans to scream, run, attack and finally flee the area. That is their safety comfort zone, the expectancy that we will fear them. If we are not armed, they know by now that we fear them. Fear is our enemy and in my opinion we should stay put. Abrupt movements should be minimized. They apparently communicate by telepathy. Why not try sending messages "telepathically"?

Of course, we don't communicate at that level; but on the other hand, since they communicate telepathically with abductees, they must be able to receive our broadcasts with clarity although we don't hear our own. Not knowing our language does not poses a problem to them since they have communicated with people of all countries in the world. Contactees hear a voice in their minds, or receive images that convey a message. Not long ago I read about an abduction case where the person was sent several images of world destruction. That IS their language, forget asking vocally. They communicate with images and telepathic waves.

With this personal family experience shows us is that we are not save in our homes, so we better attempt to learn to navigate through such situation in a more rational manner, or at least with a plan. The worst we can do is have no plan. The second happens when the plan does not work., but I haven't thought about that yet. I am working on it.

They can activate our telepathic abilities at will since many abductees report a "conversation" with them. So, it is possible that we can send and receive images and thoughts when in their presence. That is a good start. Our brain is capable of transmitting thoughts that can be heard by them; isn't this a great discovery? Why is it that we are not trying to develop this capability consciously in laboratories, home based trainings, etc... if we know it works? The consistent rejection of the fact that we do communicate with aliens in this way is throwing us back in technology hat could be in use right now.

I envision a time when this type of communication can be achieved through technology instead of developing our brain if that feels like to slow or impossible at this time, given the general reluctance to look into what is considered paranormal as "unknown normals". It is in our best interest that we learn this, money should be put in this kind of research. It remains for us to try to develop telepathic power -either naturally or though electromagnetic devices. I don't know this can be done and when but this is imperative. We know we do, we just don't know how to activate it and control it. I wish I could say telepathically to my boyfriend; "Hey, take your feet out of the table! In the case of aliens, I would say: "Please leave the premises; I command you."

I don't think we should be afraid. All my research indicates that they fear something from or about us. We are definitely physically more sturdily built than them, so the fear most be physical,because they are obviously mentally more powerful. Note that they paralyze people for abductions or drug them unconscious to do their physical probing thing. They avoid daylight, they run away from our crafts and some of theirs have crashed-leaving some alien victims. They must fear our prominent physique among other things and our guns -and the effects of gravity can definitely hurt them. We are not faster than them with our planes, but when in close contact I think we have the advantage.

This is a proposal in process, an attempt to step into the future for the moment we don't want to accept now when we will be in front of alien, completely at his mercy, unable to move and communicate.
