Thursday, July 25, 2013

UFO Sighting in Rancho Cucamonga, California on July 12th 2013 - Glowing orange orb traveling upwards and then disapears in the cloudless night.

My family had just finished eating dinner at Bass Pro shop restuarant in Rancho Cucmonga. We were walking to our cars in the busy parking lot and I observed a weird orange orb. I thought it was a meteor traveling but it lasted to long about a minute for it to be a shooting star or meteor. It was traveling fast. Faster than an airplane but slower than a meteor. It was really high up in the cloudless sky. I said look whats that and my mom observed it also. We just stood there and looked at it for about a minute. Then it just dispeared into the sky. It was traveling upwards at an angle it seemed to dispear into the atmosphere in a second.

View the original article here