Wednesday, July 24, 2013

UFO Sighting in Monroe, Ohio on July 12th 2013 - "shooting star" turns into four white "orbs"

My wife and I were fishing in Monroe, Ohio and saw what looked like a "shooting star". I told my wife too look up and we both saw it split into 4 separate pieces ... after splitting into 4 separate "fire balls" they looked as if they were headed downward. After a few seconds of falling they disappeared and four white circles of light appeared. These lights were circular and there were never more than four of them, but one would disappear and another would appear in a different spot instantaneously (in the same area). My wife tried to take a picture of the white lights and all we saw was a black picture but after looking at picture the next day she actually picked up a few of the lights. After a few minutes we lost sight of the four lights in the tree line. For a few minutes we would catch a glimpse of light thru the trees.

View the original article here