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Sunday, June 3, 2012

UFO Filmed Over Blue Springs, Missouri, USA

BLUE SPRINGS, MO May 24, 2012 - People in the area say in the past two weeks they have seen multi-colored lights in the sky, and the Missouri UFO Network is now conducting its own investigation. The video of these orbs hovering is causing quite the debate in Blue Springs and is the topic of discussion in the quiet suburb. Robert Kover first noticed it two weeks ago and went down to get a closer look. He was confronted by a neighbor who thought he was spying on women, until he handed her his binoculars. "I showed her the star that [was] in the sky, just to get somebody else's perspective on it, and they said they had never seen anything like it before," Kover said. Becky Neely said it was vibrating red, green and blue lights. "It was like nothing I've ever seen before, but with binoculars we could see it fairly well, and it was off in the distance," Neely said. Teresa Price saw it twice. The first time was the same night Kover and Neely did, and she noticed it again when she was walking her dogs the following week. However, the second time things were even more bizarre. "It was up in the sky and then it just dropped and stayed stationary in that lower position," Price said.

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