Saturday, June 25, 2011

UFO Fakery and Frisbee Hoaxes

Any Joe Blow can take an ordinary Frisbee, spray paint it sliver, hurl it into the air, snap a picture of it, and you got yourself a bona fide UFO! Nowadays you can Photoshop your way into UFO success too. Except most people will frown at your fancy-dancy handiwork. And why, you ask?

Because you can't fake UFO pics in this techno-geek day-and-age without everybody (and their skeptical third cousin twice removed from your butt via surgery) pointing the finger of accusation at you. All you can do is sit on your porch drinking beer late at night and hope to Zeus you get lucky enough to have your very own UFO sighting, and then hope to Odin everybody believes you when you tell them the wonderful news - except they wont. They'll laugh spittingly in your space. Especially if you confess you downed a 12 pack of Corona. Buuurrrp! Which I did last night when I saw the silvery disc zinging by overhead. I failed to bring my digital camera. Drat!

There's the udder end of the spectrum. If your looking for your lost Frisbee at the park you usually toss it around at with your third cousin (who still suffers from the big scar on his head left from surgery where they recently removed him from your butt) and you inadvertently spot it zinging through the air overhead, you might wonder which fools stole it from you - then you realize you just witnessed a Frisbee hoax! It wasn't a real Frisbee at all, not even your missing Frisbee! It was just another idiotic UFO zinging across the sky several thousand feet up, the sunlight glinting off it the way it does off your Frisbee when it zings by. Drat! How diabolical can things get around here? Who cares about those creepy aliens zipping around in their uber-high-tech flying contraptions when your Frisbee is still missing?

Not since the blatant barrage of UFO hoaxes, forgeries, frauds, and fakery, the latest craze of Frisbee fiascos is dumbfoundingly disgruntling humanity as a whole, or sending it down a dark hole. Everyone claims to be witnessing their missing, misplaced, or stolen Frisbees, or other aerodynamically-correct flying toys, only to realize silly UFOs are the real culprits. I'm not saying the alien spacecrafts are responsible for causing the flinging disc toys to disappear, although it is one likely explanation, but when people accidentally see these aeronautical alien craft, or vague unidentifiable flinging objects, flinging about overhead, instead of their missing disc toys, they know they've been irreparably bamboozled, hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and royally duped! They want to know who is responsible!

Hey, folks, I got an idea. I think the aliens are switching gears with their abductions. Instead of kidnapping humans, they're hijacking zipping along Frisbees and doing scientific experiments on them. They're probably reverse-engineering these sophisticated innovative aerodynamic toys because they're giving the aliens ideas on how to improve their own outdated crafts. So we actually got one up on them, eh?

Still, the UFO eyewitnesses may be only seeing flying toy discs, while the Frisbee sighters may be angrily gawking at alien spacecraft, but where the real deception is taking place may be a matter of perspective.

So, where are the real hoaxes? In the UFOs... or the Frisbees?

YOU decide!

Copyright 2006 -2010 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual.

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown can be found at:

Other writings of R. R. Stark can be found at: