Saturday, June 25, 2011

Life on Other Worlds Vs Only Life on Earth

Does life abundantly exist on other worlds, or does this precious commodity called life only reside on Earth?

The whole universe is so enormous no human being can actually wrap his tiny mind around the concept. If you can conceive of any measurement of uncountable gazillions of light-years across the expanse of this whole universe, or even infinity for that matter, then you must be a god, or at least a pretty smart person.

So, if life - that vibrant sentient slimy thing that oozes about - only thrives on this insignificant third stone from the bright gaseous ball we see in the sky every day, then all of existence is a very sad place. But there are actually people that believe this. Not just atheists, who claim life is a fluke of evolution, but there are certain fundamentalist Christians who think the existence of aliens would put a hole in the plan of salvation by Jesus Christ. This is a greater controversial subject than most people think. Because some people just don't think at all, but those that do think, or think things through, will either decide to be in one camp or the other. There's the No Life Out There At All Camp, then there's the Life Everywhere Camp. It's kind of like Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Should we let the aliens throughout the universe live, or should we abort them all?

If we let them all live, then they can continue to secretly visit us, to spy on us, or eavesdrop on our business so they can report back to the mother ship, explaining that we brainless humans are on a nonsensical path of self-annihilation. To which they'll shrug their shoulders and move on. But if we abort the lot of them, then we'll be all alone in the whole universe.

John Michael Greer is a distinguished authority on UFO activities and research. In his book The UFO Phenomenon, he makes a clear case for life on other worlds. Let's see what he has to say about the matter at hand: "The idea that intelligent beings might inhabit other worlds, in fact, has been in circulation in the Western world for more than two-thousand years. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus of Abdera (c.460-370 BCE) and Epicurus (341-270 BCE) argued that inhabited worlds existed all through an infinite cosmos." He says a little later, "and Etienne Templer, Bishop of Paris, ruled in 1277 that it counted as an article of Christian faith that God could make as many inhabited worlds as he wanted to."

So the possibility of alien life beyond Earth is not a new idea at all. Sadly, just because we believe something is so, doesn't make it so, contrary to the popular belief of certain churches that have millions of followers that might believe certain things, such as life only existing on Earth. They all believe it because their whole church believes it; therefore, it must be true. Even though certain members of the scientific community adhere to their own belief that aliens do exit on other worlds. Will we ever know who is right?

John Michael Greer goes on to say, "It became something close to an article of faith among educated people that so immense a universe could not have been created for the benefit of human beings alone. Though some writers, notably William Whewell (1794-1866), argued against the existence of extraterrestrial life on religious grounds, the consensus of the times stood against them."

Unfortunately, just because this group or that group or certain individuals proclaim a certain stand, doesn't make it true. It's merely an opinion. So we have to look to those who have actually sighted UFOs, or experienced abduction by aliens, or witnessed aliens in one way or the other. Sadly, the government gives such cases no credibility, and even Air Force pilots who have witnesses UFOs are silenced. But these instances give more credence then mere opinions. Although many UFO cases haven't been thoroughly reliable or credible, it's still obvious something extraordinary has been occurring on and around the Earth - or to be specific, something extraterrestrial.

It's true, we have had countless eyewitnesses, but likewise there have been mistaken and misidentified cases, fabricated cases, planted misinformation, hoaxes, tall tales, and essentially numerous undetermined cases. And the government is still endeavoring to keep us in the dark about the truth. The percentage of unreliable and uncertain cases is larger, this is true. The smaller percentage of reliable cases is still there, but the government still declares them as unreliable. But this percentage is still enough to suggest the UFO phenomenon is real.

Stanton Friedman, author of Flying Saucers and Science, puts it this way: "The evidence that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft is overwhelming. In other words, some UFOs are ET spacecraft. Most are not -- I don't care about them."

The UFO debunkers depend on the higher percentages against UFOs, and they presume that the smaller percentage means that there's nothing going on. When we're looking for one single needle in a whole haystack, it only took that one needle to get us looking, not a million of them. Fortunately, there have been several thousands of needles in the haystack, even though millions of them have been false alarms. Not to mention the debunkers are looking in all the wrong places, because they don't want to know the truth. They would rather fabricate evidence and create disinformation for the public, only to confuse everyone and plant doubt in their minds.

We haven't solidly proven that UFOs or ETs exist - not to the whole public, at any rate. The numerous eyewitnesses scattered about the world know the truth, but they're given no credibility by the authorities. They're accused of being frauds in most cases. What we do have is millions of miscellaneous puzzle pieces, and many of them are missing, because they're being suppressed. So the puzzle can't be complete without all the pieces. But they're slowly coming together, and I believe that someday the truth will be obvious and will be shoved in our collective faces. I believe the truth is that life does thrive on countless other worlds besides Earth. The universe would be a very lonely place if this weren't so.

Copyright 2006 -2010 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:


R. R. Stark at the Outer Edge of Reality: