Friday, March 14, 2014

UFO Sighting in Middleburg, Florida on August 10th 2004 - {kt}3 crafts flying silently in formation during lunar eclipse

My sighting happened during a Lunar eclipse several years ago, at approximately 10pm. I was outside on my porch, viewing the eclipse. The three crafts were shaped like a housefly and were white and translucent. They were quite large in comparison to a regular airplane or jet. They were very easy to see. The night was clear, no rain, clouds, or fog. The crafts were flying in formation, very close together, side by side. All of a sudden, the craft in the middle did a zig-zag sort of move and then it returned to formation. There was absolutely no sound. They came over from the north, flew straight by the moon, and disappeared over the trees heading south. I was alone, so no one else saw the crafts but me. I could hardly believe it! Very cool. I stated above that my viewing happened in August, but it might have been October. The year probably isn't correct either, but I know for sure there was a full lunar eclipse that night. I had written it down at the time of the sighting, but I can no longer find the information.

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