Sunday, March 9, 2014

UFO Sighting in Mexicali, Baja California on May 18th 2012 - Checked not a witness, I was not aware of sighting, until a photo album was looked at 03.01.14

The pictures were within eye sight of Cabo San Lucas harbor Friday, May 18, 2012, 18:49 pm, (believed MST - times were not changed from PDT on arrival in Baja). There were approximately 25 people in our businss group, I am not aware of anyone that viewed the sighting directly. I was the only one taking photos at this time of our outing, and took roughly 125 pictures during the entire trip. While returning to port, I took a number of shots at sunset as we passed "Lands End". Those with date in lower corner are from a HTC cell phone, the last was taken with a Canon SLR. The photos show glowing, disc/cigar shaped object/s to the left of our vessel. There are grey spots in cell phone shots; those are birds going to roost in the rocks. Picture 5 from SLR shows 2 glowig objects, and one looks to be right in front of the rock formation. This makes it hard to determine how far away the object is in the "dated" photos. Had I been looking up, instead of the rocks and the ocean views, I most definately would have made sure to get more details and pictures. I welcome reviews, and psibly be advised what I captured.

View the original article here