Friday, March 7, 2014

UFO Sighting in Lanton , Missouri on February 7th 2010 - I saw and herd objects in the sky will hunting one night

I was in the woods raccoon hunting, I herd a hum that turned into a roar. Then I saw a light flying Erratically out of the Out of the south it would ascend and then descend Zigzagging across the sky. Then to two more lights coming out of the north met up with the first light They hovered around 500 feet in the sky for around 20 to 25 minutes making a roaring humming sound then in a step pattern began shoot off to the north/northwest while gaining great Altitude. Afterwords the battery on my headlamp was drained and my cell phone will not work. After the sighting I felt confused I've seen helicopters flight paths at night and there's no way a Helicopter could fly like that. When I left the woods that night I put the experience in the back of my mine and tried to forget it, I've tried to convince my self that what I saw had some Plausible explanation behind it but I realize after four years that keeping myself in Denial was Na???ve of me.

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