Friday, December 27, 2013

UFO Sighting in Hamilton, Ontario on December 7th 2013 - Numerous orbs in sky got my attention then I lost about 11 mins of time

Walking home from my shift at work when a tingly sensation came over me. I looked up and saw numerous balls or orb like lights in the sky. I then felt sick and faint but kept focus on them. I tried to move but could not. There approx 10 orbs hovering above then slightly away from me, before the moved off quietly to the SE. I have seen many orbs or spheres out over the lake over the years, but most of these were not UFOs but were lanterns. I take medication for OCD and thought this may be making me see things as my mind gets full of silly ideas and thoughts. But this was real and I think it was aliens trying to communicate with me as I seem to have missed about eleven mins of time. I think there is an alien base under the lake and I have swam in it many times looking for it. But the aliens won't come and see me yet.

View the original article here