Saturday, November 16, 2013

UFO Sighting in Rotonda West, Florida on November 2nd 2013 - Bar of soft light jumped from bush to bush

Watching the sky when I observed a meteorite streak across the sky north of my position heading in a easterly direction. A few seconds after this, I watched a bar of soft light (2-3 feet long and approx. 5 inches wide) descend in to the large Brazilian Pepper bushes directly across from me. This light moved from bush to bush starting from my position directly across the street and moving to the north. The light was bright enough to illuminate an area in the bush for a second or two before moving to the next bush. It did this to about 7-10 bushes, hopping from bush to bush. It did not appear to be fire flies because the initial light was a "bar" of light which did not appear to illuminate the bush. The illumination appeared just before the bar of light winked out. No sound was made. There was no wind. There was no aircraft. I saw no fireflies external to the bushes. Several minutes later, I returned to the front of my house and looked due north of my position and saw one more bar of light about 300-400 feet from my position.

View the original article here