Monday, November 18, 2013

UFO Sighting in Lacey, Washington on November 2nd 2013 - {kt}Very bright light shooting down looped or spiraled along the way

MY husband and I were heading south on Sleeter Kinney Road in our Ford Edge. I saw a light that looked exactly like a shooting star except it was going straight down like a streak but it looped or curved to the left then down, in the far distance, disappeared in seconds, was not a flare or lantern, I think it was a meteor, but it didnt fall in an arc. I turned off the radio and exclaimed" A Shooting star! No a meteor! I dont know!" This was at 6:50 in the evening and looked like a shooting star but heading straight down and looping to the left before disappearing in the distance. It was very fast but shooting stars dont go down.

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