Thursday, November 7, 2013

UFO Sighting in Cincinnati, Ohio on November 1st 2013 - witnessed 3 glowing orbs, floating and dancing in the sky, blinking intermittently

I was turning left onto Anderson ferry rd from briarhill, to take my daughter to her friend's house. As I was checking both directions to turn, a triangular shaped light formation consisting of 3 yellow/orange orbs caught my attention off in the distance to my right (north). I initially thought it was a plane but quickly realized it was not, based on the fact it was more hovering and floating, than flying quickly in a straight path. I immediately felt drawn to it, compelled to go towards it to see what it was. Instead of turning left onto Anderson ferry as I had planned, I turned right, towards the object, in an effort to somehow track it down or follow it.I also thought that in doing so, I could prove there was a reasonable explanation for them. In my mind, I was thinking that perhaps they could have been light up paper lanterns or balloons of some type, released for a celebration. As we drove north on Anderson ferry, we could easily see them in front of us, to the N NE, and observed that they were slowing moving in a seemingly random pattern, more like hovering and floating but changing formation, all the while, one orb at a time would randomly flicker off then on. I pulled into a Walgreens parking lot so I could sit and view them for a bit from the good vantage point. We stayed for about 1 minute, witnessing the floating behavior, before I pulled out, again trying to travel north in an effort to get closer. As we traveled north on Anderson ferry, the rd dipped down a bit, and I lost sight of them, as we could no longer see above the tree line. We turned right onto Foley rd and pulled into the church lot there on the corner, so I could take advantage of the clear area to look into the sky and find it once again, but I could no longer spot it. It appeared to either have disappeared, or traveled outside of my view. I did a drive around the church, nearby middle School, and through the local park, checking for any events, celebrations, or sporting events for which they could have released some type of lanterns, balloons, or remote controlled objects, but didn't find anything. That doesn't mean much, as I really couldn't tell how far away or big the objects were.

View the original article here