Tuesday, May 21, 2013

UFO Sighting in Seal Beach, California on June 17th 1977 - cylinder object hovering over "special weapons" area.

having got off work at 2;00pm, iwent back to base to "bunker 33", a cafe & bar. civilian guard was blocking entrance looking toward object & on a long extention cord (on phone). he told me to get out of my mazda pick-up & look at the direction he was pointing. then i saw object. the sgt. of the guard(u.s.m.c) drove up in his yellow vw bug to observe. i proceded on to club to tell others; object had "taken off" at high speed toward long beach area. for 3 days after strange lights were noted in the media. i was told when i wrote my statement on june 20 that " this information will not leave this base".(u.s. naval weapons station seal beach).& yes, i would pass any "lie detector" test.

View the original article here