Monday, May 13, 2013

UFO Sighting in Rotherham, on October 10th 2007 - UFO broke through atmosphere and took off from cloaked oval shape afterwards 2007

It was the tenth of October 2007, I was sitting at the taxi control desk facing South on my own on late nights in the office. I was reading. Work had been busy earlier and then had quietened down. The control desk is in the North of the building and in the room to the South is a large window. The office is upstairs in the building. I heard a heavy large aircraft go from North to South. It sounded very heavy and so I went to look out of the South window. I could see nothing, there was some high clouds and no stars visible, but visibility was good and there was no wind. Also there was no moon and the Islamic fasting time of Ramadan was almost due to end with the New Moon a couple of days later, and this was a Wednesday morning. I could see no lights as there would be from a plane even with some high cloud. Then silently an area of sky lit up bright white and yellow directly ahead of where I was looking to the South. I can only make a rough estimate of the size but I think it was at least 500 meters long and 100 meters from top to bottom, it was the same apparent size from where I was looking as the housing estate which is also visible from the window. The initial flash was bright pale yellow/white which faded to orange then red and crimson and then to nothing. There was no reflection on the ground and no sound. It was as if the clouds were on fire, rolling away from the central point. My first thought was that it was an explosion and my second was that if it had then it was already too late to try and hide from it. There was no wind and as I stood and watched it, it faded very quickly to orange, red and then after about 2 seconds to a deep crimson well defined lenticular shape. It was laid horizontally above the industrial buildings and the scrap yard to the South. It was massive. The flash didn't spread across the sky but was contained in the one area and the clouds rolled away from the centre. It was larger when it first appeared and decreased slightly and proportionately in size, as the sky calmed extremely quickly, and the colour faded to red. It had had clearly defined edges and a definite oval shape with even colour and no cloud-boiling before it disappeared without actually moving away. It just disappeared into nothing as I looked at it. I was standing at the window. A car came up the road travelling away from town. Two street-lights were out. The car was small and the driver was wearing a yellow jacket like a worker going home. He looked straight up at me as I stood in the upstairs window and that's when I realised my mouth was open in surprise. I looked at the clock, it was 02:21. Then I saw someone I know walking along the street towards the town going home to his apartment and he waved to me. It was as if nothing had happened. I walked away from the window and I had a thought that it doesn't matter what I see and no-one would listen to me if I told them about it. It was a quiet night, the phones weren't ringing and the drivers were all scattered away from town on jobs. I asked a driver over the radio who was at the far side of where I had seen it and asked if he had seen anything like an explosion or bright light in the sky but he hadn't. I went back to the window after a few minutes and was beginning to doubt myself. Then I saw a flickering light to the east above the hill. It was white and small like a small helicopter. It travelled along the top of the hill behind the big house then came back into view. It turned in a curve and was travelling quite fast and went towards the place ahead where I had just seen the huge explosion of light. As it began to curve towards that place, there was a repeat of the massive flash I had already seen, with clouds rolling. Brilliant white/yellow/orange then fading to a dull red definite shape. In addition, this time I saw a large roughly rectangular object that shone silver and yellow with appendages like cylinders leaving a brilliant streak of pale white/yellow/orange shoot out upwards at about 60 degrees from the centre and to the West. This time the large crimson lenticular shape was slightly SE and a couple of degrees lower than the first. When I saw this second disturbance I bit right through my fingernail and snapped it. It was as if I'd heard a loud noise and my ears hurt but I had heard nothing. My head and ears hurt all the next day. I saw one small helicopter - flickering thing go to it then circled around and went out of sight as if it had either gone behind or inside. The second one of these did the same but then flew right into it. The first one had stopped beside it, circling, then flew back the way it had come but slower. I looked at the time, it was 02:38. I was transfixed but saw nothing else and I went back to my desk. I wrote down immediately what had happened. I also drew a diagram, rough sketch to show the size etc. of it. At 03:10 I saw a helicopter appear in the sky directly South of the control desk and closer. It didn't seem to travel to this point and just appeared there suddenly. I thought it was the one that had gone inside that was coming out again. It was fairly close. About a week later I arrived at work to begin my night shift and one of the two staff there told me that a gas man was in the building. He was a tall and well built elderly man with light grey hair and glasses. He wasn't wearing a uniform, he had on a chequed brown and red shirt and plain light brown trousers.He said he was looking for gas. The hand held device he had had a needle that swung. He went upstairs to the office room that was locked and he came back down again. Then he looked in all the cupboards and tried a few other locked doors. Normally this would have set off the alarms but it didn't. I began to follow him around. I was certain he wasn't who he said he was. He said the next door neighbours had reported gas and pointed towards the West side of the building. Even though this has the appearance of belonging to someone else it all belonged to our company. I found myself standing next to him at the South window. He told me that from time to time a large gas cloud appears over the town and nobody knows what causes it. The other two staff had seen and heard all this and they both picked up on the fact that we have no neighbours who could have reported it, they were quite shaken. I was told by someone at a utilities company I worked for a few years afterwards that a gas cloud would only ignite from the ground and they hadn't heard of any over the town. I am recording this because I heard of another sighting the day afterwards in Europe somewhere.

View the original article here