Friday, May 10, 2013

UFO displays Saturday night suggest evidence for a unified free consciousness!

On April 27, 2013, independent skywatchers in Vancouver, British Columbia provided further insight into the nature of UFO encounters where members of the public are successfully bypassing disinformation agendas to conduct their own direct observations of the truth.

“Maybe it is just a satellite,” said astronomer Charles Lamoureux as the object he witnessed began to emit a dramatic burst of light into the late evening sky. Using a Yukon Ranger digital night vision monocular, the Yaletown resident was able to track a slowly-pulsating object as it travelled directly north-northwest at 10:26 p.m. PST.

This sequence of events captured on video by the former skeptic suggests how a unified consciousness-based shared telepathy exists between humans and ETs. It may even appear to the most open-minded of viewers as if the UFO emitted a signal in response to the astronomer’s inner dialogue spoken aloud into the microphone.

The role of higher consciousness and precognition has been explored in a series of earlier news articles concerning videographer Les Murzsa, whose extensive documentation of UFOs near Vancouver City Hall was evidently enabled in part by what appear to be inner-dimensional communications from the ETs themselves.

Click here to watch “Satellite or UFO over Vancouver” on YouTube. “Likely a satellite but … might be UFO because of the usual inconsistencies, flashing and speed..?? It sure is interesting anyways! Update: checked satellite tracker and nothing in the skies at that time and direction so might indeed be a UFO!!!”

Click here to watch “UFO Over Live YouTube Feed: Best of Night Vision Skywatching” on YouTube. Recorded shortly after midnight on the morning of April 28, 2013, the Vancouver news video presents an “In-house recording of a UFO incident during a live YouTube broadcast from April 28, 2013,” that “offers slow motion and motion-stabilized views of this remarkable event” depicting a UFO flying south to north.

Yaletown Satellite Candidates

The following terrestrial satellites were predicted by tracking website Heavens Above to appear over Vancouver, British Columbia near the time of the Charles Lamoureux UFO video:

ARGOS Delta rocket


Cosmos 2333 Rocket

While these objects were expected appear during the window of time when the UFO was recorded, it remains unclear how the table above anticipates any of these objects travelling directly north-northwest at 10:26 p.m. PST.

And with that understanding in mind, it is even more difficult to explain the documented call-and-response nature of the observer/UFO interactions as recorded on the Charles Lamoureux UFO video in terms of material sciences alone.

YouTube Satellite Candidates

The following terrestrial satellites were predicted by tracking website Heavens Above to appear over Vancouver, British Columbia near the time of the live YouTube UFO video feed:

Okean 3 Rocket

Cosmos 2315 Rocket

Meteor 1-23 Rocket

The narrative for the live YouTube UFO describes how “Video of at least one candidate terrestrial satellite for this time and location does not exhibit the remarkable strobing behavior shown in this recording.“

To clarify, that candidate would actually be the Russian Okean 3 rocket, whose predecessor, (Okean 1) was imaged in a video by YouTube community member Rondoman. The Okean 3 is cited in the table above as visible during the window of time when the live YouTube UFO was observed.

The Okean 1 video shows no pulsating, flashing or strobing behavior that equates with the display presented in the live YouTube UFO video.

Global Contact Initiatives

These two weekend Vancouver skywatching UFO incidents occurred within a larger social context as exemplified by (but not limited to) the global community of authors who contributed to the book “Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground.” The 428-page volume relates through the words of each experiencer how ordinary people are engaging in extraordinary experiences of UFO and ET contact.

Contributing authors include CeRPER’s Martyn Ellis and JCETI’s Gregory Sullivan, both of whom participated in the 2013 “Critical Issues in UFO Education” panel on YouTube held earlier this year.

According to editor Jeff Becker, the contacts described in "Paths to Contact" occurred without the interventions of for-profit middlemen.

The computer programmer has stated online how “The relationship is between each individual and the ETs - no middleman is required. I know people who have made contact with no training at all, just sincere intent.”

From the website: ““Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground” is a collection of true stories by and about normal people who have had contact with extraterrestrials and how that contact has affected their lives. We hope that by sharing our stories:

Awareness of the non-threatening nature of the extraterrestrial presence will increase.More people will become motivated to seek contact and the certain knowledge that we are not alone.The culture of ridicule surrounding all things ET will diminish so that others who have had contact experiences will feel free to talk.”

Boston Exclusive Report

Jon Kelly’s electrifying report revealing unconscious secrets of the Boston Bombing will air on Truth Connections radio this Tuesday, April 30, 2013, starting at 7 p.m. EST.

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