Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Psychrophiles Are Coming!

Marshall Karlfeldt explores the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin from The Earth Chronicles (Sitchin’s merticulous translations of thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets concerning the history of the earliest human civilization). The tablets contain The Epic of Enuma Elish (The Story of Creation) and The Epic of Gilgamesh, as explained through the works of Sitchen’s deciphers, a civilization some 450,000 years ago from a far distant world called Nibiru.  

(Adam, The Missing Link: The New History of Mankind’s Creation. Marshall Karlfeld. 2009. Sixty-six pages, $38.95). If you would like more information or to purchase this book from simply click on its title: ADAM the Missing Link


The book contains extremely handsome and elaborate photographs, professionally exquisite graphic charts, illustrations that are well worth the cost: outlining the arrival and rise of an alleged civilization called the Anunnaki; Gilgamesh, the king of Urek; Ekidu, a cloned humanoid of the Anunnaki; Lord Enki, the chief genetic engineer; and Gilgamesh’s mother as an Anunnaki Divine Princess; Gilgamesh’s father was human.

The 6th tablet tells about Princess Ishtar who lusts after Gilgamesh, but is rejected by him. Furious, Ishtar travels from an orbiting mother ship to Urek, stealing the “Bull of Heaven” from Leader Anu, and uses the laser-device to blast the streets of Uruk killing hundreds of people.  Gilgamesh and Enkidu destroy “The Bull” as Ishtar retreats.


Cylinder seal VA/243 is about 4,500 years old.  The story on the cylinder tells of Anunnaki leaders: the Commander Enlil and Genetic Engineer Enki are shown experimenting with animals, says Klarfeld.

The same diagrams show the alleged solar system with 10 planets; Nibiru is supposedly the 10th planet.


Klarfeld, as also so many other people, believe that a double entendre’ existed in the beliefs and statements of scientist Carl Sagan; Sagan always intended his words provoke additional thoughts on controversial topics, says Klarfeld.  In Sagan’s 1985 book Contact, his photograph holds behind him a “sentient belief” in Samarian stories of the Anunnaki.  Sagan once named a spaceship as Gilgamish.  It was Sagan that says: ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”  Klarfield adds: “I suspect that Dr. Sagan was a believer who wanted to signal his beliefs, without overtly confronting the scientific community.” 


Klarfeld summarizes that The Enuma Elish Epic predates the Hebrew Book of Genesis, and is the bases for the Genesis creation account. It is the original creation story that was transmitted orally from the Anunnaki. The Epic comes to rest eventually in the form of seven cuneiform tablets.

(Why the Anunnaki didn’t use their advanced knowledge and technology to transmit history, as such, in a superior and very solidified means other than ‘oral’ and primitive ‘tablets’ is a curiously tantalizing question.)


Genesis speaks of seven days of creation. There are “seven” tablets relaying the Sumerian tale, says Sitchen. In Genesis, God sees on the 7th day that creation is good, and then He rests; in the Sumerian accounts, the ‘god’ creates in the length of ‘six tablets’, but on the last and 7th tablet, ‘god’ heralds and examines his creation. In the Sumerian seven tablets, creation is portrayed.  In Genesis, God creates and praises His creation in ‘seven’ days.


The Enuma Elish tale, according to the late Zacheria Sitchen, names the planets of the solar system in the form of ‘gods’: Sun, Moon, nine planets, and Nibiru as the 10th planet. Starting from the Sun, they are Apsu (which is the Sun), Mummu, Lahamu, Tiamat (the Earth), Kishar, Arislar, Anu, Ea (Neptune). Apparently, Pluto is disowned and disenfranchised by Anunnaki and present-day scientists. Translating the personified conversations in the tale, the solar system was very mobile, causing all kinds of havoc and destruction until the sun stabilized their movements.

Earth’s moon is called Kingu, and the moon of Nibiru is called “Northwind”.  When Nibiru came close to Earth in its 3,600 year orbit around the sun, ‘Northwind’ careened into the Earth about 225-million-years ago, fragmenting Pangea into continents, causing new orbits for Tiamat (Earth) and Nibiru.  The asteroid belt is referred to as the Hammered Bracelet.


If Sitchen is correct, the inhabitants of Nibiru evolved on a planet that had no ‘goldilocks’ zone from a central sun precisely at the adequate distance for life as we know it. That means that Nibiruites must have had a very peculiar evolution.

Has there ever been precedence in the UFO lore of beings evolving on a “cold planet”? Yes, there have been a few, one in particular: the stories of the late Richard Sharpe Shaver and the late Raymond Arthur Palmer. 


Through a period of about 1943 to 1977 the publisher of Amazing Stories Magazine, Ray A. Palmer (affectionately referred to as RAP), promulgated accounts of Richard Shaver’s journey into a Hidden World. Shaver, somewhat of a bohemian character who grew up with science-fiction and a dabbling of science, had also, for the most part, been an adventurer from occupation to occupation, talent to talent, territory to territory. Shaver also had an enlarged imagination as he discovered one day while working as a welder in a Detroit auto factory: voices were coming from his welding equipment; the voices were describing obscene depictions, and generally detailing outlandish events of another reality.

Right away, many would be to say that Shaver was probably schizophrenic or somehow mentally ill, but Palmer was swift to point out to Shaver’s detractors that much more were happening to Shaver. Palmer based that opinion on scientific verification of Shaver’s claims. There also existed modern theories on exactly what the brain perceives amidst the latest traditions of quantum physics. 

(One is reminded of the movie scene in A Beautiful Mind where schizophrenic John Nash, played by Richard Crowe, is observing the reflections of glass and crystal and seeing great mathematical possibilities: to quote the Halexandria Foundation: “On the one hand, there is the supposition that all of reality is an illusion. As discussed in Mass, the universe is nothing more than a figment of our prolific imaginations, a phantasm. That may be, but on a more, still-in-the-midst-of-this-life’s-drama level, we can ask about the degree to which we may be imagining -- and/or creating -- our own reality.” [Creating Your Perfect Reality]) 


David Darling, an astronomer and graduate of Sheffield and Manchester Universities in England, speaks of ancient and current practitioners to ‘brain tapping’, as one example, that by-passes the brain as a modulator to confronting cosmic consciousness. Darling also speaks of CLive Wearing’s Korsakoff Disease (Korsakoff had to reconstruct reality and memory every few seconds): “Cases such as these speak of more than just the fragile and constructed nature of self. They raise serious questions about the nature of time,” says Darling, “and the delicate connection between psychological time and physical reality. Could it be that time, likewise, is nothing more than a product of the way we think.”  (Soul Search, Villard Books, Random House, New York, 1995, page 117).


Darling and other scientists point to altered states of consciousness where perception exceeded normal restraints. The sanctimonious judgments of such people, others would say, were probably premature if not also suspect and neurotic.


Palmer received a rather sketchy manuscript at his office at Amazing Stories Magazine telling of a vast underground civilization of demented creatures left on earth thousands of years ago by an Elder Race; this race possesses super-technology from their fore-fathers, who escaped earthly contamination by heading back into space. 


The beings that were left behind on earth are a composite of ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’, to use a movie metaphor: abandero or dero, and the not-so-bad, sometimes good, tero. Dero keep themselves “Dosed-up”, so-to-speak, through their machines which allow them to continue long but torturous lives of radiation poisoning from the sun. 

The Tero are a little more fortunate, know the danger of the destructive “de” from the Sun, as well as the mechanics of surviving in such a surrealistic world.  Some Tero actually wage war against the Dero who have the advantage of combat with their Ben-ray, Stim-ray, Telesolidography, and Telepathic-Augmentor.

And then, there are the “surface dwellers”: we humans, who have to deal with apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists, surface-type diseases and other mysterious calamities.


Out of such a rich but chaotic history grows the legends of other legends; tales of other tales; Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, The Oahspe Bible, Hades (Hell), and hundreds of other sagas.

Palmer reconstructed Shaver’s story-line for Amazing Stories and presented the manuscripts in a serious vain and found himself avalanched by responses from thousands of readers with a chorus of “Real! This is really happening!”; most were certifiably sane. Carl Sagan said and (quoted by Elz Cuya) “….renamed the scientific method, ‘the baloney detection kit’. He admitted that science at times had been wrong.”


If Shaver was insane, he also appeared correct, exampled by one such claim that the Elder Race lives on “dark, cold worlds”, away from deadly effects of space and sun radiation (exd) which carries “de, der, dir or d” ash, as compared to good matter – integrative energy – te, ter or t.

Like Zarcharia Sitchen (1976), Emanuel Velikousky (1950), Harold Jeffreys (1924), Shaver’s stories also told of cosmic catastrophe: Planets were dislodged, oribts realigned, and crash events occurred. The Elder Race feared none of this on their ‘dark planet’ of the Nortean Race. 


Princess Vanic and other “Elder Gods”, as recorded in Shaver’s I Remember Lemuria (1948), lived on the ‘sunless Nor’: they were “Nortons”  who could thrive in ‘dark space’; they were ‘Titans’. ‘Atlans’, and ‘Nor-tons’. They do avoid the “black death” from the “masses of (the) poisonous particles” from any sun or star (also called ‘dis’ or ‘de’). Such poison eventually causes ‘radioactive disease’ known as ‘‘age’’.  

Nortons were protected by a “carbon shell” canopy. Unfortunately, our sun, Sol, captured Nor and over many eons, the “shell” burned away about 30,000 years ago, allowing the destructive “de, der, dir or d” to enter the surface and cause havoc, disease and aging. A residual “exd”, or ash, pushed back causing ‘gravity’ (A lot of Shaver’s ‘formulas’, said Palmer, have been found to be eventually true).

Not only was the capture of the “cold planet” a major epiphany-event but there were cataclysmic events and collisions of celestial bodies through the solar system.

This resulted in various legends. 


As mentioned, some legends appear to be copies or remnant stories of other legends: issue tales of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and Shaver’s strange “Mantong” language and alphabet where each letter denoted meaning: one word could seemingly be a complete sentence or more.

When the “gods” left earth, they also abandoned superior machinery and diseased monsters that took “surface dwellers” into their Realm as “shanghaied slaves”.

Shaver died in November, 1975 (same month I was confronted with the Kafkaesque world of the multibillion dollar Divorce Industry, Scam and Racket). Ray Palmer died in August, 1977, just two years after his dear friend Richard Shaver.


Donald Wesley Patten refers to such a mysterious celestial body moving tremulously through our solar system as “the Visitor” (The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, Pacific Meridan Publishing Company, 1966, page 139). As a professional Geographer, M.A., Patten came to believe that a number of cosmic and planetary events disturbed the evolution of earth and its inhabitants.  Rather than a “carbon shell”, Patten believed Earth had a “water canopy” (evidenced by a residual Van Allen Belt around the planet). The “canopy” was destroyed by a combination of events in the solar system. This “canopy” protected the earth from radiation and space debris (referred to in the Book of Genesis in the Scriptures as “the waters above”), allowing a rather deterioration-free world. The intimate details are in Patten’s book and related works of Imanuel Velikovsky and Jim Wentworth’s Giants in the Earth; but all theories and legends hold questionable “gaps” and beg multiple queries as yet unanswered or challenged.


Klarfeld answers numerous questions; I cannot say he will answer questions to everyone’s satisfaction. He examines Samarian and ancient archeology through four categories: S.I.T – or – Stored Information Text (cuneiform tablets), S.I.Ts – or – Stored Information Tablets (cuneiform tablets), S.I.D - or - Stored Information Device (cylinder seals), S.I.Sc – or – Stored Information Sculpture (Ishtar statue, etc.), and S.I.ST – or - Stored Information Structure (pyramids).


The pyramids certainly seem mysterious enough to be classified as possibly an actual alien “structure”: 2.3 million bricks in the Giza pyramid with a satellite view of being only two inches off at the apex.  This is a tolerance of 1/1,000,000 of an inch.

But the question seems affordable to ask: why did the Sumerians, who consorted with the Anunnaki beings and leaders, not “demand”, or, at least, query their Creators about obtaining or inventing their super-technology? They could have insisted or campaigned as so that the Anunnaki put their laser, radio, and other advanced machinery at their disposal. Conversely, the Anunnaki could have circumnavigated cuneiform tablets and cylinder-seals and ‘give’ the Eridue superior machines.


Why is there only history of the Anunnaki in the Mesopotamian civilization? Or, does the “Nephilim” do a very good job of keeping their existence of technology completely out of the hands of the Enkidu?  Why allow ‘any’ technological transfer?

(Tantalizing questions are further posed in Part II of the curiosities of the Elder Gods and the reality of the planet Niberu.) 

View the original article here