Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Former UFO Skeptic and Astronomer Now UFO Skywatcher!

On January 21, 2013, UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News caught up with videographer Charles Lamoureux for an exclusive interview that explores his personal journey from skeptic to UFO skywatcher, dream premonitions and connections to mid-twentieth century local UFO history.

A Jan. 14, 2013 television news report from CTV News had featured a mysterious entity flying past a twenty-first story Yaletown balcony as captured in night vision by this seasoned local amateur astronomer.

“I have a great hobby. I love it. It’s astronomy. I have many telescopes. I’ve been doing this for about 20-25 years,” Charles Lamoureux told UFOAM.

Both a registered nurse and a medical industry consultant, the YouTube contributor stated that a diamond-shaped object crossing the sky in front of the moon (as seen through his telescope) was an early sign that pursuing his interest in 11:11-related studies had led him into the realm of something “really strange.”

“One day about three years ago I took my telescope outside to look at the moon. There was a big full moon and I wanted to take some great photos of it.”

“All of a sudden I see this object go right across the moon. It was really, really beautiful. It was diamond-shaped.”

“I’m just stunned. I’m looking at this and I’ve got my camera connected to my telescope and I didn’t even take a picture.”

Live UFO News

Click here to watch “Charles Lamoureux on UFOAM: Today's Top UFO News,” in an exclusive interview where the experienced amateur astronomer, registered nurse and medical industry consultant joins host Jon Kelly for a wide-ranging discussion covering the significance of 11:11, night vision UFO skywatching, establishing baselines for visual observation, intuitive dimensions of contact and much more.

UFOAM is an online public UFO news forum providing access to informed discussions, opportunities to receive feedback and answers to questions concerning one of the world's most intriguing subjects: the mystery of UFO phenomena. Host and moderator Jon Kelly is joined by special guests including veteran experiencers, authors and videographers who drop by to share their latest insights in a lively half hour online broadcast.

Link to Past: 1937 Photo

It was a 21-year old Leonard Lamoureux who photographed a UFO near Vancouver City Hall in 1937. The UFO*BC website explains:

“Leonard Lamoureux, age 21 was on leave from the Army when he visited Vancouver City Hall to view and photograph the Christmas light display. Along with him was his brother Wilfred.

“The two were suddenly astounded to see a "bright bright blue light" drop straight down from the sky. It became larger as it did so and they were able to observe the source of the light as an object that Leonard described as "two saucers" open ends facing each other, glowing bright blue. The object then moved "dead straight" horizontally across the sky. When it just appeared to clear the flagpole on the roof of the City Hall it came to an almost dead stop and Leonard clicked the shutter on the camera. The object then shot straight back up into the sky. "They never seen anything fly so fast!" This scared them to death and they ran from the scene. The object made no sound.”

Debra DeCamillis, the daughter of Leonard Lamoureux, reportedly told UFO*BC how at the time of the sighting, her father had reported how “he could actually see the bubble or tail as he called it that the object was encapsulated in."

Potential direct family ties between the two local figures whose lives span two sequential centuries remain unknown at the time of this writing.

Seeing the Future: Premonitions

Charles Lamoureux’s testimony as stated on UFOAM is consistent with remarks from other contactees who describe precognitive dreams that assist them in producing video recordings of UFOs the following day. “I started seeing picture-frames of objects and certain scenarios in my mind before going to sleep. The next day, that certain scene or object I would see [while in the waking state].” has reported how local Vancouver UFO videographer Les Murzsa sent the following communications on the day in which he recorded what he described as a UFO fleet near Vancouver City Hall.

Yahoo Email dated Sunday, July 24, 2011, 10:28:30 a.m. PST:”I had a few dreams about watching UFOs from my deck last night. Now I am going to have skywatch all day long.”

Telus Voicemail dated Sunday, July 24, 2011, 6:26:00 p.m. PST: “I just filmed the sighting of my life. I lost count at 18 UFO’s in one go. I had a massive fleet sighting and I filmed the entire thing … A huge sighting – biggest in my life.”

Based upon multiple on-site investigations of this and other related city hall UFO incidents, this reporter concluded how “Claims by contactees submitting date and time stamped written testimony of UFO dreams before videotaping such incidents the following day invoke the role of precognition in human experience as a probable mechanism of non-physical human contact with extraterrestrials.”

Story continues in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

View the original article here