Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Clear and Present Danger

The Midnight Observer was first started back I 2008, a few months before our abductions. The intent of the site was not to log the weird, dimensional, UFO or extraterrestrial information that it has been inundated with. Our main goal was to track cultic, criminal and possible dangerous situations in our rural county and to alert the citizens, neighbors, family and friends as to areas to be aware in. Before we were done building the site, we were abducted.

For three years, searching for who and what happened to us became our life. The physical, financial and emotional toll it took on us can never be fully understandable to most. We would take our last few pennies to put gas in the “Old Grey Ghost, our jeep, to make one more nightly run. We always found something. It was almost like we were drawn to it, but we never found the answers we were seeking, but we believe we have shown that there is a clear and present danger, always around us, always around everywhere.

The pictures and articles on the Midnight Observer speak for themselves. Our lives have been in danger several times. We were stalked, threated and several times Richard was injured with no indication of whom or what did it and no memory.

We have secured our home and are always wary and observant of what is around us day and night. We never leave the house without a camera, but as Richard has said “we are tired, we are done”

We are not taking the Midnight Observer down. No, instead it will transition into the sight it was meant to be from the start. All the pictures and articles will remain, but new articles about the day to day problems, dangers and precautions of normal life will be posted. There will be commentaries, suggestions, instructions and informative articles posted as we see fit.

An article of the weird, supernatural or UFO type may creep in at some point, but from our research. They will only be posted when we are contacted by someone or hear about it from our friends.

Source: http://themidnightobserver.wordpress.com/

View the original article here