Thursday, January 17, 2013

UFO Sighting in Eldersburg, Maryland on December 10th 2012 - Object Hovering Just Below Clouds

It was Monday, 10 December, approx. 4:20 PM and my oldest granddaughter and I were coming home from the gym, which is about 1.5 miles from my house. As we weaved through the neighborhood my granddaughter noticed what she described as a parachute in the sky to the south of us. At first glance, I thought that it was one too but after getting a better look I saw that it was not. We lost sight of it for about 30 seconds while we winded down the last few streets toward my house. Once on my street we could see it again. It appeared to be a bright white spherical shaped object just below the clouds. It was not a cloud as the clouds were moving toward the east. This object seemed stationary. We had had rain that day and what was left of the storm system of blowing out. It was windy, from the west gusting to about 15 mph. After I parked my truck, I got out and took several photos with my cell phone. Because of the color of the object against the clouds, the zoom had a hard time locking on it. They are the first 3 photos and were taken from the street in front of my house. We went inside and went out on the deck to see if we could get a better view of it. As I observed it, it seemed to be floating. It reminded me of how a balloon tethered to something would act in a breeze. Only I could not see any tether line and it seemed to be hovering against the wind (a balloon would hover in the direction of the wind). I really couldn't hear any noise from it, again it was windy, nor were there any flashing lights. It was just like a white gossamer blob in the sky. I took another picture with my cell phone from the deck (the last picture). Then I went inside and downloaded the pictures to my computer to see if I could enlarge them and get a better idea of what the object might be but I couldn't make anything out of them. After about 5 minutes of looking at the pictures, I went back outside to see if it was still there but it was gone. I could still kick myself for not staying to watch it some more to see how it moved, in what direction and speed, etc. What we saw seems very similar to what someone reported over Ijamsville, MD (in Fredrick County) on 12 December. I have no idea what this thing was. My only feeling/reaction to this was (and still is) curiosity.

View the original article here