Sunday, January 13, 2013

UFO Sighting in Chattanooga, Tennessee on December 19th 2012 - Hovering light

Driving on I-75 north from I-24 east through the mountain pass twenty minutes before the five pecent grade warning signs the light appeared above the mountains off of the highway approximately twenty degrees above from the driver's side left view. There was no sign of a tower for air traffic or anything holding up the light itself, nor was there any flashing to warn any oncoming air traffic. There was no red or blue flashing lights that would indicate that it was a helicoptor or passing plane. It mearly stayed there in a stationary orbit for at least twenty minutes. It was there long enough for several attempts at cell phone pictures being taken by the passenger with me. After seeing the object we thought that it may be a satelite of some kind, but it's elevation to the ground seemed extreamly low. We could not think of what else it could be, hence unknown flying object. We just thought it was odd. we only lost sight of it as we were driving away from it. I have traveled that area many times and that was the first time I had seen anything like this.

View the original article here