Thursday, January 10, 2013

Black Triangle Sighting in Carlsbad, California on December 25th 2012 - Tirangular Amber looking lights ascending from the Pacific ocean aroung 5:45pm.

I was on the I-5 freeway heading South. I stopped at the View Point to rest, after a long drive. I sae an amber looking bright light on the sky over the Pacific Ocean near Encinitas/Cardif. Ithought it was a planet because it stood still for over minutes. The light began to move South towards Tijuana. As soon as the light disappeared, a set of lights were ascending from the Pacific Ocean. They were the same color in a triangular shape. There was another light under the triangle. The lights stood still, for abuout 3 minutes. It slowly started moving towards the sky and disappeared. There was another man with me and we were discussing the event. I was very facinated and happy to see something so unusual. I didn't think of recording it with my cell phone because I was afraid it would disappear as soon as I leaned down to check my phone.

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