Friday, August 24, 2012

Black Triangle Sighting in Odessa, Florida on August 11th 2012 - Unkown lights observed flying into thunderstorm

I was outside with my dog. As I was scrolling through my phone, I realized my dog had been barking for sometime. I looked to see what he was barking at and he was looking up at the sky. As I followed his gaze up, I saw 4 unknow lights hovering slowly. There was a light humming noise, but no engine was heard. I grabbed my phone and took some video. The object/s started moving a bit faster in my father's general area, so I stopped recording to call him as I was losing visuals. He is located in Lutz and never saw anything in his area. The other odd thing I noticed was that the object/s were flying directly into a thunderstorm.

View the original article here