Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Black Triangle Sighting in Everett, Washington on August 11th 2012 - Three lights in a triangle, turning in a circle, shooting off in different directions

Saturday evening August 11, 2012 at about 10:45 PM, my wife and I decided to go out in our front yard to see the Perseid meteor shower. Standing on our sidewalk with our porch lights out, we were watching the sky directly East, glancing North and South, scanning the entire visible sky for meteors. We saw a couple of shooting stars. While I was looking in a different part of the sky, my wife noticed 3 medium to bright white lights in a triangle moving across the sky. She told me to look, pointing to the sky above us. I looked up at about an 85 degree angle and saw 3 steady medium to bright (compared to the stars) white lights in a perfect triangle directly over us traveling in a perfectly straight line from North to South. I couldn???t judge its size or distance from us, there was no reference. Looking up at it in the night sky the triangle was about the size of the full moon when it???s at its azimuth in the night sky. The lights did not change their positions in the triangle, maintaining the same precise distance between each of them as they traveled, in a perfect triangle, appearing as though they were a solid object. We couldn???t see anything in the middle of the triangle; it was the same color as the rest of the night sky. There were no other lights. There was no sound, it was completely quiet. It was like watching the International Space Station cross the sky. We continued to watch them as they traveled South, not changing speed or direction. At about 45-50 degrees above the ground (above the tree line) they all began turning simultaneously in a clockwise circle, as though they were rotating on a fixed point in the center of the triangle. They all maintained the perfect triangle shape during the turn, appearing as though it was a single solid object. They made a 180 degree turn and the 3 lights moved into a single straight line parallel to the ground, maintaining the same distance between them as when in the triangle shape. Once they were parallel with the ground the left light shot off to the East, the middle light shot off South, and the right light shot off to the West. They shot off so fast it appeared they as though they just blinked out. They were gone. I looked at my watch; it was 10:49 PM. We continued to watch for them for some time after, but didn???t see anything further. We???ve never seen anything like this before. We have lived about six miles as the crow flies, to the East of the Boeing Aircraft Plant, and Paine Field in Everett, Washington, for 19 years. We know what different private planes; private and commercial jets, helicopters, and old WWII planes look like and how they sound at different altitudes both day and night. We also know there flight paths. This was not a plane or helicopter. It was dumbfounding when we first realized what we were seeing and while we watched it. The silence was scary. When they started turning in a circle while maintaining the perfect triangle shape, it amazed and confused us. We couldn???t comprehend what we were seeing. When they shot off, it scared us. We???re frightened and confused. This was absolutely astounding! I must find out what it was that we saw.

View the original article here