Monday, July 30, 2012

A Hollywood UFO Conspiracy

Down below video lecture, highlights the seriousness with which Washington has long regarded the potential of entertainment media to shape popular perceptions of the UFO phenomenon, this talk will bring together six-decades-worth of concrete cases in which the US government and military have attempted - often successfully - to shape the content of UFO-themed film and television products. In the majority of these cases, the government has sought to downplay the significance of UFOs and to massage its own public image in relation to the phenomenon.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, the talk will challenge as simplistic the popular notion that there exists an overarching "Hollywood UFO conspiracy" designed to acclimate the populous to UFO reality, and will provide an objective assessment of the evidence both for and against the idea that the ever-elusive "They" are using Hollywood to prepare us for Disclosure.

View the original article here